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  1. Drax

    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper

    The thumbnails in the videos and the game's title + microtransactions led me to believe this would be a mad quest to collect all Final Fantasy cutscenes :wacky:
  2. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    But you don't need high-level cards thanks to the power of Same, Plus, and Combos (for now) :monster: utdc9x3R_F0 Also the Reverse games make it ridiculously easy. The guy with the glasses who introduces you to Uldah (he's parked at the base of Ruby Road Exchange) is one such guy that plays...
  3. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    I just found out they do have character cards for triad, just cloud strife for now. It's 1,000,000 MGP, so not sure what it looks like yet (AC Cloud or OG VII Cloud.) I hope they look like they did in VIII with the stat avatars, those looked classy. EDIT: Helps if I use the Internet, it's all...
  4. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    I won 760 MGP my first time with the lotto tickets using the power of maths I'm trying to find the place where you receive the prizes--all I can find is 10,000 MGP trade-ins for lv 50 weapons. There must be a catch to that, do they upgrade or something?
  5. Drax

    Strange thing that happened

  6. Drax

    What games are you currently playing?

    inFamous Second Son--I wasted so much time collecting things with smoke powers. Don't do that, the neon powers are much easier.
  7. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    Complete with Xenomorph Propagators? :ultros: I am currently leveling a Gladiator/Paladin, rather quickly (yay tanks 1st priority in duty finders, why did I stay dps so long--the wait was ridiculous) I like the flashbang aggros.
  8. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    Have you been to Guiding Star/Talan in Mor Dhona? That's where all the iL 70+ tools are (they've set up shop right beside the prism shop and summon bells). You have to complete Guiding Star's quest to unlock Talan's shop. AFAIK, this is where you have to do fetchquests for stuff that's only...
  9. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    The crafting guide I posted before was more for money-saving, but if you have a couple 100K to 1M gil, it's really easy to crank out 5-10 levels daily: -Under the levemete menu, go for the levequest that is out of the way (ex., a Gridania quest that has a drop-off in Mor Dhona, instead of being...
  10. Drax

    Final Fantasy VII G Bike Announced For Smartphones - S-E + CC2!

    At least Cid may be in Dissidia, since Square has been arsed to make a model of him. :monster:
  11. Drax

    What are you listening to?

  12. Drax

    Favorite FFVII Fanart

    It's from a fan-mod of Tales of Abyss' intro GEO-uUVIOPw
  13. Drax

    Spider-Man (616) [Marvel]

  14. Drax

    What games are you currently playing?

    Ground Zeros Accidentally reset from the beginning because the PS4 select button sticks. The stealth's like any other metal gear, just with more labels on enemies.
  15. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    Lvl 50 triple-star items taught me that yesterday. I'm still trying to unlock the Mor Dhona tools in order to get anywhere. Honestly maxing crafting out to 50 is only good for market board sales. Fighting Garuda Extreme today, I'm sure it will go swimmingly.
  16. Drax

    The Velvet Room, a Persona fanclub

  17. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    On ps4/3, it is L1+select to turn off the hubs. Not sure what it is on PC.
  18. Drax

    Fantastic Four movie (2015)

    Fox has no room to have funny superhero movies? But then again, I think this version is supposed to have Doom be an angry blogger on the Internet.
  19. Drax

    What games are you currently playing?

    Grim Fandango Remastered (finally)
  20. Drax

    The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

    I try to hook up when I can, but I've had schedule changes too. I have been working through Atmas, but I think there's a cap after getting 2 a day, because it takes way too much time after that. 6/12 so far.
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