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  1. cheeriolord

    If you could who would you give more screen-time to?

    had to vote Cid just for the fact that he has only ever had a support role and his character rocks, they could do a whole segment on him but then again what would the plot be ??? any ideas people ? Would also love to see Red XIII's story given a bit more screen time. But i just couldn't bring...
  2. cheeriolord

    Things that piss you off

    thank you someone else who hates this pish i swear to god my news feed on facebook currently looks like its been taken over by drooling spastics with those daft images. i had half a mind to go out and smack my cousin round the head and put his bruised face up as a profile pic just to piss...
  3. cheeriolord

    What games are you currently playing?

    right bored of fable gonna have to play halo odst again
  4. cheeriolord

    Do you leave Midgar too soon?

    me too i'd kind of hoped crisis core would be more free roaming and just assumed you'd be able to run about midgar being cool
  5. cheeriolord

    What games are you currently playing?

    dead space rocks on hard mode. it requires you to actually think then :)
  6. cheeriolord

    Things that piss you off

    hangovers... in the middle of one right now and suffering. also absinthe sucks :(
  7. cheeriolord

    What are you listening to?

    rolling stones - get off of my cloud
  8. cheeriolord

    Would FFVII make a good novel?

    slightly off topic here but hey for me it's friday night and i'm half tanked on red wine before i go out :lol: so there :P anyways me and a fellow fanactic wrote a spoof version of a soap opera including kefka living in a bus shelter, sephiroth running for mayor, the blue men from earthbound...
  9. cheeriolord

    Things that piss you off

    ummm pretty much everything i am a confirmed cynic who gets riled at the slightest thing. including david cameron (arnold rimmer shagged a ken doll and that was the offspring) most rap music, people who cannot spell or use the words "like" and "innit" in every other sentence ......... i really...
  10. cheeriolord

    Which FF boss is your nemesis?

    600hrs + of game time and i'm both proud and horrifed of that fact
  11. cheeriolord

    What games are you currently playing?

    just got hold of fable 3. it seems alright but i've decided i'm goona be a bastard for my first playthrough :)
  12. cheeriolord

    anyone got friends who dont like Final Fantasy?

    lol last time i spoke to someone about final fantasy was at a mates engagement party he was trying to take the piss out of me and some random dude turned round and started defending me and the games. lol needless to say i got drunk and we went on to have quite possibly the most in-depth stupid...
  13. cheeriolord

    Basically just shit I didn't get about FF8 in general *LIGHT SPOILERS*

    the lunar cry is fairly well documented in the game and i like ryu's answer to the centra civilization but the one thing that always bothered me was ...... tears point ......just why ??? ....... if the centra continent was wiped out by a lunar cry (odd but believable within the game) why is...
  14. cheeriolord

    FFVIII did it end well?

    i don't reckon you could do a decent sequel whether it be game, film or anime to ff8 the story can stand by itself i think it was wrapped up pretty well to the end. or at least from the characters points of view. i mean squall and rinoa get some on the balcony, seifer is out from sorceress...
  15. cheeriolord

    Question re the 'trail of blood/dead Pres' section

    damn it's shocking to think that i was just 10 when i first played and finished this game. reading anything you guys are saying i remember that when i first played it through i just assumed jenova bosses spawned from sephiroth and that the dude you chase for the better part of half the game was...
  16. cheeriolord

    Which FF boss is your nemesis?

    i actually paid a friend to button bash through the cloud/kalm flashback for me as after the third playthrough of this game it was the only thing i ever hated about it ..... still do .... so i guess here i mean to say VIVA MEMORY CARDS !!!
  17. cheeriolord

    Which FF boss is your nemesis?

    also on my first play through of ff7 emerald weapon prtty much raped my party as i was using vincent and stupidly turned him into chaos and he was set up as my main healer ...... well you guess the rest .......:(
  18. cheeriolord

    Which FF boss is your nemesis?

    got to say in ff8 i beat diablos straight out of garden when cid gives you the lamp :lol:.... my compulsiveness stopped me from going anywhere till i owned his ass ..... damn just thinking of that memory is making me tired my young school going self staying up till about 5 in the morning and...
  19. cheeriolord

    Locked Heart // Tifa Lockhart

    hurray i found a group of people who think like me and want tifa to be their lady and mistress. she just rocks thats all their is to it
  20. cheeriolord

    Which FF boss is your nemesis?

    have to say reading these posts just from ff7 i got through it fairly unscathed ........ except for that FUCKING DEMON WALL !!!!!!!! truly hated that sod when i first played through as aeris was totaly useless and underleveledfor me. but reading up on some folk who had a lot of trouble with...
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