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  1. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Well the load times are horrible. So very slow. I decided to take an hour out of my time and just do the data install. That is how bad it is. I will say one thing after actually being able to see this on something other than youtube I have to say that the FMVs are a lot more shiny. Also I...
  2. kyrt

    Final Fantasy XII: Fortress

    The news and the tech demo of final fantasy fortress have been out for quite some time. Last I heard this potential sequel to XII was given to Eidos to work on. Here's the link: anyone hear anything new on this or if this is even still being made?
  3. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    I'm pretty sure there is some sort of fan made creation where things like that do happen. game is out. Also each of the dlc codes is unique to each person (from what I hear)...however if you know someone else who has the game I don't see why sharing would be impossible. I wonder if it would be...
  4. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    The story is full of plot holes I'm sure. It wouldn't be Dissidia without a problematic story. I liked Lightning's character in the game although she was a bit more of a bitch (and I stand by bitch) in the demo. She only had a few lines mind you but definitely a bitch. I'm sure this is her...
  5. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    I did the same thing with credit from amazon and managed to pick it up for free. In regards to the new characters though I really like the character/voice actor of Kain (Liam O'brian ?) however I cannot stand his play style. I hate it. This may just be an inability to figure his moves out...
  6. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    well I bought the demo...unless you want extra accessories and the aerith/aeris dlc I would say skip on it.
  7. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    You can't trust the scores of any of these people they are all biased either against or for. Or the other issue that arises is the lack of people who actually bother to play the full game before writing a review.
  8. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    They are done with prequels. They barely pulled duodecim out of their ass. They won't be able to pull it again. Also some possibly good news for anyone buying the NA version of 3rd Birthday. The website has a special section on the website. It says coming soon. The game is released at the end...
  9. kyrt

    A Compilation of Complaints

    Vaan was the narrator and we saw everything through his character for the most part. I don't think he ever left the party...did he? It was an interesting way of going about it but it is my belief that Vaan and Penelo were completely useless as far as the story goes. I can sort of understand the...
  10. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Fuck Cloud. I highly highly doubt that anyone in this thread (even if they liked the games and the story) would ever say that this is a masterpiece of any value. Most people probably think it as a decent fighter. Which it is. Not good, not great. you get the drift. Also sucks about no added...
  11. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Well this game is a buy for me...if only because I never paid for the first game. I won it in a contest. I don't mind putting my support towards the game in hoping they actually bother to do better with the next type of game like this...I'm sure they are already at work on one for the NGP. I'm...
  12. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    You know I don't really care about the problems with the game. I'm buying it for the fighting and fan service (seeing old characters again fighting other characters) not the story. It would have been nice if the story was well done but hell we are getting some interesting and fun little scenes...
  13. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    I'm not going to lie but Duodecim looks like it has a better story than the original Dissidia. Is that right? I also need to ask a vital question to understanding the lore behind these games. So Chaos was originally a good God? Was it Garland that manipulated and changed him? What is the whole...
  14. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Well we will know soon enough all the questions we Prologus is probably (hopefully) going to be released the week after the Japanese release I guess that can tied me over for a bit. can't wait for more info...anyone know where to get the full soundtrack for the game?
  15. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Vaan...he is more like a useless side character but was given the role of telling the story if XII. I believe Balthier, Basch, and Ashe were all more main character-ish than Vaan. I don't mind him being in the game but come on Vaan over Balthier or Ashe or even Basch? I can understand it but it...
  16. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    I was going to say that they looked "play-ish". I wonder if they are based off the play constantly mentioned in IX (the Canary one). I just get that feeling from them. So does this mean VI will also have 4 costumes each? I'm assuming they were given an extra outfit because they do not have an...
  17. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Well why should we be any surprised that Square-Enix would screw over the fans hoping for a VI and IX character (which have a larger fan following than both 11, 12, and 13.)? I will however admit if that one song of desperado chaos (awesome character but I fear he will be over powerful and...
  18. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    Both NA and UK have been confirmed by Sony (on the european playstation blog) to be receiving the demo of prologues before the game is to be released in march (specifically that europe will be getting it at the same time as the one in the US)...
  19. kyrt

    Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy

    So we get a useless 11 character rather than the rightfully needed VI and IX characters? way to go SE...brilliant marketing strategy...unless you have VI and IX in which I will complain about the lack of 2 ffxIII character and the lack of any tactics love. Despite my complaints I am still...
  20. kyrt

    Dissidia 012[duodecim] Prologus - Ripped Content & Videos [SPOILERS]

    I actually think I have a solution to the reason why only Cloud can kill Sephiroth. Sephiroth is Cloud's memory and thus he is the only one that can kill him as it is "Cloud's memory". Not that good plot wise but a hell of a lot better than the crappy lines from Kingdom Hearts. It's close to the...
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