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  1. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Because your “Reality” is a speculation itself given the fact that 14 years later, neither Cloti or Clerith has been officially declared canon. He was there physically. Emotionally the boy’s a mess and a messed up person willl HARDLY compromise. Yes, life’s a...
  2. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    I think she did, when everything she does seem to be with the intention of retaining a man who just doesn’t seem to be there. This pairing is about 80% struggles and 20% anything else. If that’s just every pairing then I think I’ve just lost faith in love. He comes as...
  3. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Oh! Somehow her Fantasy world seems closer to the Fantasy world of FF7 than your "reality" :lol:
  4. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    To be completely honest, I don’t think he would’ve had the same reaction. Tifa just doesn’t seem to have the impact Aerith had on Cloud when they met. I do think it would’ve been a sad event but not to a melancholic degree. I just don’t feel Tifa ever makes him...
  5. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Fair point, until Cloud came into the picture and she forgot big part of herself. And I bet you’ve got thousands of “facts” to prove it incorrect. :huh: Yes, I agree we all make mistakes and most of us have done things like that. But don’t say Cloud and Tifa rock the world of communication...
  6. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    What about badass? What about her inner motivations? Just because you say it's incorrect, does not make it incorrect. Then what is it? Being so over-considerate that you end up neglecting other people's feelings? How in heaven those that justify the fact that in reality, he's still...
  7. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    You know what? I actually like your posts ‘cause instead of automatically trying to disprove my point of view, you let me have a pick on yours and so far, you’re probably the one that’s gotten me thinking more about other possibilities. Not saying I love Cloti, I think I...
  8. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    When did I say I was cute as a button? I am though. What about her personality? Read again, it’s all explained in what I said before. Oh, so if you have cancer you just turn away from all your family without further comments? And that’s exactly what I call a masochist...
  9. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Wdo have things in common after all :P The thing that bothers me so much about Tifa is that she can’t be seen as an individual detached from Cloud. Everything about her character revolves around her masochistic love for Cloud to the point of feeling sorry for herself constantly putting up with...
  10. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    The thing is I do not hate on Tifa to try to Illegitimate CloudXTifa…I’m sorry but I don’t understand why you see it that way. I hate on Tifa just because I DON’T like her…however, me not liking here doesn’t disprove or prove anything. It’s just my personal opinion. I have a major disliking on...
  11. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    Yes, I’ve read them, but I should’ve thought some people here can’t see past before their nose. Why can’t I say she’s clingy? That’s seriously, honestly how I see her…oh! And pretty much of a martyr too. But ok, I get it…you love her and your asking me to respect her character and not say rude...
  12. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    So because it was a conversation between the two it automatically means cloud meant “WE” even when he blantly says “I”…wow. I’m not pissed the debate isn’t going my way; I came here by free will knowing 80% of the people here are Cloti and it would be pathetic to expect the discussion to favor...
  13. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    It was pointed by Tres, not SE themselves. Exactly!! That's just to put an example. Are you serious?? Did you played FFVII all the way through the end? Or are you gonna bring some twisted mistranslation that explains why Cloud didn’t really meant he wanted to meet her when he clearly states...
  14. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    I've read it, thanx and you still didn't give me the quotes I asked for. It's funny how you claim Cloti is a Realistic couple when Cloud's been schizophrenic since day one, hearing voices and seeing dead people. As far as I know, Psychotics have the thoughest time dealing and coping with...
  15. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    From the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega: Until they reunite with friends in the airship, the conversation in the scene that Cloud and Tifa spend the night in the meadow can be different, according to the rating of Tifa's affection to Cloud. (p. 201) ...when degree [of affection] gets...
  16. R

    The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

    I don’t understand what’s all the fuzz about the HW High Affection version being canon. I DO believe it’s canon, however, having wild loving sex with my man in a rocky scenario where we've just confessed our feelings of mutual affection for each other just to further listen to him talk about how...
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