The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Cherry Garcia.
I'm going to bold that part because you continue to bash her in the same post. You sort of missed my point so I'm going to try again.

There are a few people here who dislike Aerith's character for a number of reasons. But there are also many people here who like her, including myself. Those few people refrain from bashing her and providing their opinions as justifiable reasons to why they dislike her. Why? Because they have respect for the people who do like her and see it as pointless to discuss their dislike in regards to a character when it is simply not necessary. Especially in a debate regarding canon, not opinion.

I think Splintered said this very accurately, so I'm going to quote her on it:

The thing is I do not hate on Tifa to try to Illegitimate CloudXTifa…I’m sorry but I don’t understand why you see it that way.
I hate on Tifa just because I DON’T like her…however, me not liking here doesn’t disprove or prove anything. It’s just my personal opinion.

I have a major disliking on Celes and I’ll never like LockeXCeles as a pairing. I’m so much more of a Terra fan, however I do admit that the closest thing to canon in FFVI is LockeXCeles for many obvious reasons and I never had a doubt about it.

Just an example.

If you'd like to retract that comment or clear it up, I will gladly let it go. But you did generalize and seeing as how I fall under the 'other side' notion, you were discussing me as well.

Also, I never said all Clotis were saints; I believe I said it was even on both sides, meaning cray crays everywhere, including cloti. But you have a point; I shouldn't have brought that up and I can admit that it was wrong. I was trying to prove a point the only way I knew how, but it still doesn't make it correct. I apologize.

It might have been a generalization this one time, you’re right but most of the time I’m pretty careful of what I say when it comes to fandom and I always use indefinite pronouns when referring to both specifically to not generalize because I think I’m conscious of this.

It is not always what the other says but where one puts themselves.

Not if their argument is actually stupid, you won't. I gave you an example of what a stupid argument is. I have called it out on people. The argument is rarely ever seen these days because it's generally conceded that Aerith nor Tifa are like 'mothers' to Cloud. So if the argument is actually stupid, you have every valid reason to point it out and, as a matter of fact, I would like to think you would in a debate.

It is hard to point it out when people will fith ‘till the end to prove a point that’s just stupid.
I’m definitely not saying you’re the case, but I’ve seen a few that will not back down without making a big deal about it.

I can read fine. Being a fourth year university student and riding through scholarships sort of requires highly regarded reading skills, I can assure you. And I'll quote it again so that you can see why I saw it the way I did. Now, if that's not how you meant it, then I'll gladly await you clearing it up but as it stands, it is still a generalization and an insult.

I think I cleared it up just above and I do not intend to degrade your knowledge and intelligence so I apologize if you ever thought I did.

So saying that both sides have batshit insane rabids is an extreme? I'm sure you've met many cray cray clotis and I can attest to the fact that I've met many cray cray cleriths AND clotis. I've also had the pleasure to meet fantastic people on BOTH sides. Many of them come to this forum.

Yeah, I’ve met both and so I have met fantastic people on both sides.

That's fine and dandy, but being aggressive towards Tifa's character in an LTD thread is rather pointless seeing as how it proves next to nothing but the fact that you genuinely dislike her.

That's all I'm saying on this drama because if this keeps up, the Mods will ban me and this is so not worth being banned for.

Feel free to PM or VM me, Rena, if you still have a problem.

As I said above, that was the Ony thing I was trying to prove.
My hate/love for her has nothing to do with whether CloudXTifa or CloudXAerith is official.

And no! I do not have a problem with you at all and I’ve never had.


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
That still doesn't justify it happening. I'm disappointed that you think it does. :\ I, for one, don't bash Aerith. I also don't bash Snow and I don't even like him. Am I asking for too much when I say others should do the same? It's a matter of respect and common courtesy, not something inevitable.

Oh honey. I don't mean it that way. I wasn't justifying it. I was just saying that both of our sides do it.
I know you don't bash her. Never said you did. And I don't want to wash my hands by saying I don't bash Tifa, but I hope I haven't done that yet here.

Have I? :'(


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
What do you mean, "you people"? :awesome:

What do YOU mean, you people?

I think after FFVII, that's what SE made her out to be. Never mind that she managed herself fine in the slums and threatened to rip off something special from Don Corneo. :lol:
The whole angelic thing is a bit of crap.

Aerith taking on a greater responsibility post- death or not being quite so savvy as a kidling aren't the same as making her other than the snarky slum savvy gal she was in the OG.
OTOH, Benny Matsuyama called Aerith 'innocent' in Dismantled, so, there's that, but he's not SE.

That's true. I've always been kind of confused as to what "great burden" he meant about Aerith though. Maybe because she's a Cetra?

Among other things, definitely.

For now, I plan on only responding to some parts of Anastar's response, but if Tres wishes to wash his hands of the crazy, I'll sub in.

But anybody who's played the game knows that he's talking about his feelings for her as a kid when he says that line. There's nothing saying that those are his feelings for her now, except on an optional basis.

What part of past progressive do you not understand?
Oh, right, the part where it might favor C/T.

Exactly my point. If it's not shown in the HA version, what makes you think it's shown in the LA version?

If you don't require it to be shown in the HA version, and you're relying on the description which says they communicated mutual feelings without words, then why do you require that it be shown in the LA version? Why isn't it enough that we are told that their conversation is apathetic?

I hope you realize that having recognized and admitted the -conversation- is apathetic directly undercuts your argument that the quote says the people are apathetic.

If it's enough for the HA version that SE tells us what they said (or demonstrated without words), then it should be enough for the LA version that SE tells us what they said.

But the quote about the LA version does not say what you insist it says.

Then why does SE say it exists?

Before the Final Battle (divergence):
After stopping Hojo from going amuck, the conversation with Tifa before they rush into the Northern Crater diverges into two conditions, according to Tifa's affection rating with Cloud. When it gets low, the conversation in the scene that they spend the night will be apathetic and ends short. Next morning in the cockpit, Tifa says “Were you listening?” and stamps on tiptoe. On the other hand, when degree gets higher, the conversation of the scene that they spend the night will have strong emotions. Next morning in the cockpit, Tifa will say “Were you watching?” and feels terribly shy. ~page198, FFVII Ultimania Omega[/FONT]

If the conversation is apathetic, then the two of them are indifferent to one another.

This is a non-sequitor of the highest order.
If the conversation is apathetic, the conversation is either A: Lacking in feelings, or B: 'Disinterested'. But this refers to the conversation itself. It is not a descriptor of the entities involved in the conversation.
And SE SAYS that the option to let Shadow die exists to. But it did not happen in the official story.

Don't ask me to show where this happens in the LA version when SE says it happens. If you don't have to show where it happens in the HA version because SE says it happens, then the same standards should apply to the LA version.

But SE does not SAY what you say they are saying. You are taking what they are saying, and insisting upon additional factors which are not present.

Well, if you don't have to pay any attention to our quotes, why should I have to pay any attention to your quotes? :P

Because you should act with decency and honesty even when you feel your opponent is not. I see you are not willing to act in such a fashion.

First, I heard from you that Shadow was seen after the optional death scene. I thought you meant that he was seen in the game after the optional death scene. I accepted that as proof that his survival was canon. Then someone here (I think it was Ryu, but I'm not sure) said that no - Shadow is only seen in the story summary after the optional death scene, not in the game. That's when I switched my mind.

No one said anything of the sort, especially noy me. In fact, MULTIPLE TIMES I have told you point blank, and in very simple terms, that Shadow can either live OR die, as I did in the post I will now quote;

You are flatly misunderstanding this then.
We have a divergent path. Shadow can A: DIE or B: LIVE.
If B: Shadow appears later in the game.
Story summary shows us events, with screenshots, of Shadow being recruited and fighting the final boss. Likewise the FF7 summary shows us, with screenshots, which version of the HW scene's divergent path actually happened.

Which still does not change that there can- and is- an official, IF/THEN irrelevant outcome.
IF I leave early, THEN Shadow dies.
IF I stay, THEN he lives.
Shadow lives.
We know the outcome. IF/THEN is sort of beside the point.

Shadow ONLY vanishes from the game IN THE BRANCHING PATH WHERE HE DIES. In the branching path WHERE HE LIVES, he can be seen again, in game. Without telling us which path was selected, we are shown a scene that can ONLY arise in the path branching from the selection resulting in his being alive.
Likewise, The Memorial Album and the U10 (And the important scenes pages of the U20) show us the path that branches to what we call the 'high highwind' scene in the story summary.

Have I tried to look into on my own? No. I have played FFVI, but that was back in about 1998 and I only played it once. I frankly do not remember the optional death scene. I also do not have the FFVI Ultimania, nor do I want to get the FFVI Ultimania. I also do not read Japanese, and I believe the FFVI Ultimania is only available in Japanese. Therefore, I have to rely on translations from other people.

Interesting that you flatly refuse refuse to consider the words of three Japanese speakers in this forum, simply because they tell you things you don't want to hear.
Why, that reminds me of someone else who was treated in such a manner.

Third, I frankly don't think this is nearly as big a deal as you're making out of it. Something should have to happen in a game before it is confirmed. As far as how SE is able to validate something in text, I'll have to see it before I say whether I think it qualifies as confirmation.

As has been mentioned SEVERAL times now, these things DO happen in a game. Unless you mean 'the confirmation must happen in a game' in which case your double standard is once again showing.

And Anastar, calling you on your flimflammery isn't bullying. It's calling a spade a spade. Like we told Aerbear, it's really hypocritical to get in arms about being insulted and then do the same yourself.

And Anastar, can you PLEASE give me a page number for the "Seems to be something between them" quote? I want to find it but I swear it's not in Aerith's profile, are you sure it's not in Cloud's? Maybe I'll just pass along the pages to someone with better Japanese knowledge.

Tres, Ryu, Sesc? Do you know of this quote in the UO?

Nein. It rings no bells.

Okay this post is for Anastar, ClerithRaven, Rena and any other Cleriths out there. Please could you guys just answer yes or no for me?

I want to talk to you about this.

Just answer me these two questions.

Quex, are you familiar with the Monty Python Cheese shop sketch? If not, go watch it. You're John Cleese asking for Cheese right now.

1. I simply don't see it as romantic: them being dramatic over not having anyone or anywhere to go home to; them talking about what transpired in the Lifestream event; if the "sex logic" was to be followed, Tifa practically initiated the thought; if we don't follow the "sex logic", then what did they do to reveal mutual feelings? They talked from dusk to dawn. About what? Who in here knows?

As dusk AND dawn, actually.
And about romantic things, one would presume.
Because even if you don't SEE it as romantic, that's what we're told the feelings are about. Romantic ones. Ones of desire, etc.

2. Uhm. He was a kid who thought that the only way he could get a girl to notice him was to be famous. Said girl actually paid more attention to him AFTER he said that, and even strong-armed him into a promise of acting like a 'knight-in-shining-armor". That is nowhere near romantic for me. Cloud could've initiated the promise himself, but he didn't.

But he did- and does- hold it to be of vital importance. He even references it in ACC and DoC, apologizing for his lateness in coming to the rescue.

Keep in mind that this is my OPINION, MY OWN REASONS for thinking so.

What's the purpose of asking us this btw?

Kind of to establish if you would take SE at their word or not. Which it appears you aren't.

And as you can see, none of it seems to suffice for you. None seems to satisfy your standards. :)

Here's the trick- they aren't our standards. They are your standards applied back at you.

Wait... So you get to ask us for inarguable evidence, but we can't do the same?
Frankly, I've been VERY honest with you here. And since I've been reading that people think Anastar has been dishonest, could I please bother you to point out one which was COMPLETELY dishonest in your opinion?

She's provided you with evidence, from SE, that says Cloud loved Tifa, and can confirm mutual romantic feelings with her. That's what she means by inarguable.
I will note, that intentionally or not, CR, you changed the standard of evidence. Quex was asking for a clear statement. You turned around and demanded action. This standard bites you in the butt as well, I just want you to realize you did change the standard.

The latter.

Even when we think for ourselves, we cannot deny the established facts.
To discount those quotes, especially the ones refering to confirmation, is denying facts.

Yes, I’ve read them, but I should’ve thought some people here can’t see past before their nose.

And there's that charming personality that'll win you friends and influence people again.

Why can’t I say she’s clingy? That’s seriously, honestly how I see her…

Congratulations, then, you see her incorrectly. Glad we got that out of the way.

oh! And pretty much of a martyr too.

Definition of MARTYR

1: a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion
2: a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle
3: victim; especially : a great or constant sufferer

So, which of those describes Tifa again, exactly? And why's it bad to be BE a martyr?

But ok, I get it…you love her and your asking me to respect her character and not say rude comments about her. Ok, I can do that.

No, we're asking you to work within the actual framework of the narrative and the actual examples established therein.

Did I EVER say you do?!

OMG! Venting people in another forum?! Now you’re gonna tell me Cloti’s are saints and never ever say anything wrong about random Cleriths…once again I never said YOU.

Ah, but here's the trick- we never pretended we don't insult people or said we don't- I, for the record, try and direct my insults at specific people. Works better for me- we said that it is hypocritical to COMPLAIN that people are being insulting here, while engaging in insulting these people elsewhere.

I don’t want to expose stupid arguments…it will offend the people who post them .

In other words, you are full of noise and bluster but little else.

I wasn’t being passive-aggressive. I was blantly aggressive towards Tifa character.

And the English Language.
But this isn't a defense against the point. Being aggressive towards a character does not invalidate the pairing or validate the one you'd like to invalidate.

Thanks for pointing it out! You must be one serious case of supreme intelligence.

Y'know, I totally am, thanks for recognizing that.
But putting your sarcastic compliment aside, you have no response to the comment on the strawmen arguments? Duly noted, then.

When did I do that exactly?

Calling Tifa clingy, counter to the evidence and the words of the Creators.

Read the above.

There's a lot of the above. If you mean 'when did I do that exactly,' the problem is you did not hate a character for the things they have done.

Your whole explanation about the “WE” and not “I” is an example.

Except that the explanation is entirely true. The original Japanese version of the text contains zero identifying pronouns, and the Ultimania Omega says that Cloud and Tifa are discussing meeting someone. It must therefore be a two way conversation, with Cloud informing and then Tifa suggesting. In this context, the personal pronoun being 'we' would fit better over 'I', the translation used in the same translation of the game game where 'attack while it's tail is up! It'll counterattack' 'this guy are sick' 'so that how you'll fool them'/ 'so that's how you fooled them', off course, Tseng being 'done in' and several others are found.

Why bother with someone so twisted, quote minded and dishonest?

While I'm not aware that anyone I've argued with has THEMSELVES been quote mined, I engage in those who twist, quote mine, and treat the evidence and my arguments with dishonesty for the same reason skeptics bother with homeopathists who twist, quote mine, and dishonestly use scientific studies- to highlight those actions and hold up truth and honesty as an example.

If it’s like you say and you’re absolutely sure of your perspective why let it get to you.

For the same reason that someone absolutely convinced that homeopathists are full of it would argue against homeopathy- to highlight the truth and prevent others from being hoodwinked by the lies.
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Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
Bah. Not Ryu again.
Kidding! :p
How've ya been? You did not reply to my VM. :'(

As dusk AND dawn, actually.
And about romantic things, one would presume.
Because even if you don't SEE it as romantic, that's what we're told the feelings are about. Romantic ones. Ones of desire, etc.

That's why I say it is my opinion. People can see romance in things where others don't. It's kind of sbjective.

Isthar said:
But he did- and does- hold it to be of vital importance. He even references it in ACC and DoC, apologizing for his lateness in coming to the rescue.

I kinda get that. :D

Ishtar said:
Kind of to establish if you would take SE at their word or not. Which it appears you aren't.

Take SE's word that Cloud and Tifa are in love even if they don't appear as lovers anywhere? I don't really think so.. :D

Ishtar said:
Here's the trick- they aren't our standards. They are your standards applied back at you.

How did that work out? What, pray tell, are my standards?

Ishtar said:
She's provided you with evidence, from SE, that says Cloud loved Tifa, and can confirm mutual romantic feelings with her. That's what she means by inarguable.

This being the HA HW scene, which can be optional. Yet, you believe that the HA scene is canon because it supports the narrative, as you say.

Ishtar said:
I will note, that intentionally or not, CR, you changed the standard of evidence. Quex was asking for a clear statement. You turned around and demanded action. This standard bites you in the butt as well, I just want you to realize you did change the standard.

If Cloud and Tifa really did confirm their feelings match without using words, they'd be doing it again and again over the compilation. Which I did not see.
I don't want to just rely on quotes. That's just about it.

Ishtar said:
Even when we think for ourselves, we cannot deny the established facts.
To discount those quotes, especially the ones refering to confirmation, is denying facts.

I am not denying those facts. They're official statements. What I can deny is the meaning which was only interpreted from said statements. :D


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
You must be one serious case of supreme intelligence.

You are aware you're just jerking him off at this point, right? Literally, I bet you gave him a hard on. Ryu's smarter than you, it's okay, he's smarter than a lot of people. Just don't tell him that or he'll be humping your posts forever.

Back to the LTD, it's what Cloud x Tifa a few hundred points and Clerith in the negative?

If actions are what Cleriths are after, can I just ask if beating the fuck out of someone is romantic? Because yeah... :monster:

Edit: CR...uhm, read your post. Really read it, and insert any other topic into that logic. Seriously. Just...wut?


Cherry Garcia.
And there's that charming personality that'll win you friends and influence people again.

Wdo have things in common after all :P

Congratulations, then, you see her incorrectly. Glad we got that out of the way.

Definition of MARTYR

1: a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion
2: a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle
3: victim; especially : a great or constant sufferer

So, which of those describes Tifa again, exactly? And why's it bad to be BE a martyr?

The thing that bothers me so much about Tifa is that she can’t be seen as an individual detached from Cloud.
Everything about her character revolves around her masochistic love for Cloud to the point of feeling sorry for herself constantly putting up with Cloud’s Passive-Aggressive ways.

Because you know? A father/husband that just turns away from his family for not being able to communicate and runs off without further explanation is bullshit whatever the reason might be.

Love is not about closing up. It is about SHARING and Tifa and Cloud are always closing themselves up, hiding their feelings.

I would’ve been deeply hurt if my partner just leaves the way Cloud did on COT. He never considered his “family” or their feelings…for being a masochist too wallowing on it’s oh so heavy burden and guilt

That’s why I say she’s a martyr. Instead of getting offended, she keeps quiet with all her unsettling emotions just waiting for the day Cloud will actually look at his “family” when he actually barely does.

Ah, but here's the trick- we never pretended we don't insult people or said we don't- I, for the record, try and direct my insults at specific people. Works better for me- we said that it is hypocritical to COMPLAIN that people are being insulting here, while engaging in insulting these people elsewhere.

Both sides are hypocritical.

And the English Language.
But this isn't a defense against the point. Being aggressive towards a character does not invalidate the pairing or validate the one you'd like toinvalidate.

Oh! English is not my native language.
I bet you can hurt any other language as well as I do.

Calling Tifa clingy, counter to the evidence and the words of the Creators.

I’ve always found it funny when the creators go on and specifically say Tifa’s not clingy. I don’t understand why the need to clarify something that’s just not there.

Except that the explanation is entirely true. The original Japanese version of the text contains zero identifying pronouns, and the Ultimania Omega says that Cloud and Tifa are discussing meeting someone. It must therefore be a two way conversation, with Cloud informing and then Tifa suggesting. In this context, the personal pronoun being 'we' would fit better over 'I', the translation used in the same translation of the game game where 'attack while it's tail is up! It'll counterattack' 'this guy are sick' 'so that how you'll fool them'/ 'so that's how you fooled them', off course, Tseng being 'done in' and several others are found.

It was not a mistranslation. That’s just how you wanna look at it and your argument has actually no evidence at all, it’s only you deducing and reasoning over a minimum detail.

However, I find it funny that if he did actually meant “WE” instead of “I”, in COT, Tifa still has to invite herself over to Cloud’s trips to the church.

Saying all that in one breath, Cloud looked away.
"I went to the church."
"I wasn't planning to hide there."
"You were hiding."
"I'm sorry."
"I didn't say you couldn't go. But next time, go together with me."

I wonder why…

For the same reason that someone absolutely convinced that homeopathists are full of it would argue against homeopathy- to highlight the truth and prevent others from being hoodwinked by the lies.
Funny enough, I’m here for the same reason.

Elisa Maza

Topic of the thread: Discuss the love triangle of Final Fantasy VII.

Answer: I don't like Tifa/Aerith.

Am I the only one who's going WTF here?


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Topic of the thread: Discuss the love triangle of Final Fantasy VII.

Answer: I don't like Tifa/Aerith.
Am I the only one who's going WTF here?

Meh, I'm too busy shaking my head and laughing to be WTFing at the moment. Give me time, I'll get to it. In the meantime, I'm just gonna chill and watch the arguments circle the drain.

Here's the current play by play

Clerith: :no:
Cloti: :ego:
Clerith: :catfight:
Cloti: :loopy:
Clerith: :no::(:huh:
Cloti: :hohum:
Clerith: :shifty:
Cloti: :loopy::joy::catfight::ego:
Clerith: :loopy::catfight:

Me: :awesome:


unsavory tart
I’ve always found it funny when the creators go on and specifically say Tifa’s not clingy. I don’t understand why the need to clarify something that’s just not there.
Actually, I thought the quote was more about how she was portrayed in AC/C in general, that she was more independent, didn't need to rely on a man, but who was at the same time not emotionally hurt- and the discussion on whether or not she was clingy was an afterthought.

I never thought AC/C or Case of Tifa portrayed her as clingly, just worried, supportive, and stern. FFVII you might have a better chance arguing that, but Cloud was much more clingy on her than vice versa, it might have something to do with her entire town and almost everyone she loves dying. Twice. And the mental fuckery of Sephiroth.
It is about SHARING and Tifa and Cloud are always closing themselves up, hiding their feelings.
That's true but not completely. Tifa and Cloud do have issues communicating, but in the end, they always do. They take a roundabout way of it, but they will always have a moment where they open up to each other. Every significant Cloud/Tifa moment is about them communicating to each other. The childhood promise, the Lifestream event, and the Highwind scene, all have undertones of them discussing their feelings either of or to each other. This happens in CoT and finally AC/C.

I think the issues with martyr is that it carries a connotation that she was willing to give up or let herself burden everything. But she wasn't, Tifa did shoulder a lot of the problems, but she actively tried to make things better. She tried to understand Cloud, tried to get Cloud to understand her, and tried to make things a better place. She didn't just let him lay the emotional baggage everywhere, she gave him space to be himself and when things looked bad, she went to confront him about it.

Tifa's doing a balancing trick to be sure. But one that seems to have produced results.

I'm not saying it isn't a hurdle, but it's a hurdle they always surpass.
However, I find it funny that if he did actually meant “WE” instead of “I”, in COT, Tifa still has to invite herself over to Cloud’s trips to the church.
Because Clouds trips were less about Aerith and their relationship to her, than him trying to relive the guilt he keeps pouring on himself. It wasn't healthy, and I seriously doubt Aerith would have wanted it. His memories of Aerith were tinged with negative thoughts.

This ends by the end of AC/C when he places the Zack's sword in the church. It shows that rather having negative connotations of their death's, instead it's a fond memory of their lives and what they accomplished. Hence the sword is now being upkept and we see clear signs of water, which washed away all the taint in the world, and in Cloud.


What do you mean, "you people"? :awesome:
What do YOU mean, you people?
I am so glad I was here to see this.

The pinnacle of the LTD. Truly a moment worth waiting for.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
I won't comment on the Tifa hating anymore, and instead will shift to the on topic discussion of Cloud and Tifa's relationship. :)

Because you know? A father/husband that just turns away from his family for not being able to communicate and runs off without further explanation is bullshit whatever the reason might be.

AGREED. Cloud made a douche move in AC/C and I was so happy when Tifa finally ragged him out for it. The fact that she waited for him was both admirable and also annoying because I might still feel that he just doesn't deserve her after everything. :awesome: But point is, he does realize he screwed up and by the end of the movie, he atones for it and will most likely never do that again. especially because tifa will so leave his ass the next time he tries it

Love is not about closing up. It is about SHARING and Tifa and Cloud are always closing themselves up, hiding their feelings.

I would’ve been deeply hurt if my partner just leaves the way Cloud did on COT. He never considered his “family” or their feelings…for being a masochist too wallowing on it’s oh so heavy burden and guilt

Agreed, again. You're right. Cloud and Tifa don't have that perfectly happy and open relationship that many couples strive for. Cloud abandoned his family thinking he was protecting them when in reality, he failed to realize that he was hurting them instead, until the events in AC/C.

That’s why I say she’s a martyr. Instead of getting offended, she keeps quiet with all her unsettling emotions just waiting for the day Cloud will actually look at his “family” when he actually barely does.

I still don't feel martyr is a correct term to use. :T Tifa does get offended. You can tell she is when she snaps at him in AC/C, It's just that she had kept it bottled up, putting up with it because she has faith in Cloud, despite her doubts. Also, because it wasn't just herself to consider; it was the kids she was thinking about, too. If it's one thing about Tifa I love, it's her selflessness when it comes to those dear to her. Tifa can't abandon the kids, she can't give up hope because she doesn't want them to feel like all hope is lost, especially in the time with geostigma and hardships of AC/C.

Without the kids there, I think it's very possible Tifa would have left. She does express this desire in CoT at the beginning before Cloud tells her he wants to stay with her. But do correct me if I'm wrong; my CoT memory is fuzzy. :P

However, I find it funny that if he did actually meant “WE” instead of “I”, in COT, Tifa still has to invite herself over to Cloud’s trips to the church.

Saying all that in one breath, Cloud looked away.
"I went to the church."
"I wasn't planning to hide there."
"You were hiding."
"I'm sorry."
"I didn't say you couldn't go. But next time, go together with me."

I wonder why…

I don't think she's trying to force him into letting her come. I think it was just her way of letting him know he has to stop thinking he's all alone. But that's just an opinion. :P


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Bah. Not Ryu again.
Kidding! :p
How've ya been? You did not reply to my VM. :'(

Sorry, didn't realize you wanted a response for it.

That's why I say it is my opinion. People can see romance in things where others don't. It's kind of sbjective.

But it's not, though. That's the point. We're rather explicitly dealing with an objective declaration.

I kinda get that. :D

And that's not romantic?

Take SE's word that Cloud and Tifa are in love even if they don't appear as lovers anywhere? I don't really think so.. :D

Why not, then? They've actually been explicit on the subject. And if Cloud and Tifa haven't 'appeared as lovers,' then that leaves C/A higher and drier, for they've got no explicit declaration and also no appearance as lovers.

How did that work out? What, pray tell, are my standards?

Not yours, specifically, but they are the standards that are demanded of C/T most often, and have been since way back in the days before AC. And which Anastar demands here in this thread.

This being the HA HW scene, which can be optional. Yet, you believe that the HA scene is canon because it supports the narrative, as you say.

No. Not because it supports the narrative. But because the evidence supports it AS the narrative.
But Quex isn't asking about that. She doesn't care if it's determined or optional. She just wants something on the same level as point blank declaring 'Cloud can or does have romantic feelings for Aerith' since you'd expect that if the two positions are of equal weight, it would be easy to find such a declaration for the C/A pair discussing Cloud's feelings.

If Cloud and Tifa really did confirm their feelings match without using words, they'd be doing it again and again over the compilation. Which I did not see.

If they were doing it without words and without clothes, you'll never see it because of standards and practices.

I don't want to just rely on quotes. That's just about it.

The thing is, we aren't simply relying on creator commentary. But the creator commentary DOES add extra information to the analysis. So knowing that they confirm romantic feelings here carries forward to Cloud wanting to start a new life with Tifa, moving in with her, being happy with her and the kids, etc. etc. etc.

I am not denying those facts. They're official statements. What I can deny is the meaning which was only interpreted from said statements. :D

'Cloud and Tifa confirmed mutual feelings without words' and 'confirm feelings of desire for each other' is not an interpretation. It's what they actually say. The closest you can get to 'interpretation' is that the mutual feelings are romantic ones, and that's not an interpretation any more than it's an interpretation that every other entry- EVEN including the date entry where Cloud is canonicall oblivious to the romantic intentions of the women who can go on a date with him- is talking about people telling other people about their romantic feelings.

You are aware you're just jerking him off at this point, right? Literally, I bet you gave him a hard on. Ryu's smarter than you, it's okay, he's smarter than a lot of people. Just don't tell him that or he'll be humping your posts forever.

:hump hump:

Back to the LTD, it's what Cloud x Tifa a few hundred points and Clerith in the negative?

If actions are what Cleriths are after, can I just ask if beating the fuck out of someone is romantic? Because yeah... :monster:

If it does, Sephypoo loves the bejeesus out of Chocobutt.

Wdo have things in common after all :P

I do have a charming and witty personality.
But you see, at least I admit I'm an asshole. Like I said earlier, I'm the honest asshole.

The thing that bothers me so much about Tifa is that she can’t be seen as an individual detached from Cloud.

5 Years of monetarily supporting and being part of an exoterrorist plot is not detached from Cloud?

Everything about her character revolves around her masochistic love for Cloud to the point of feeling sorry for herself constantly putting up with Cloud’s Passive-Aggressive ways.

You seem to have mixed two sentences here, but splitting out the cogent points
Where is Tifa 'feeling sorry for herself' and where is she putting up with Cloud's 'passive aggressive ways'
Additionally, what passive aggressive ways of Cloud do you refer to here?

Because you know? A father/husband that just turns away from his family for not being able to communicate and runs off without further explanation is bullshit whatever the reason might be.

Yes, Cloud's an absolute fucktard, but he didn't leave because he could not communicate. He left because he got a fatal incurable disease.

Love is not about closing up. It is about SHARING and Tifa and Cloud are always closing themselves up, hiding their feelings.

Which would in your argument prevent either person from finding up since it's a personality trait of both, not merely how they act towards each other.

I would’ve been deeply hurt if my partner just leaves the way Cloud did on COT. He never considered his “family” or their feelings…for being a masochist too wallowing on it’s oh so heavy burden and guilt

Cloud left at the end of Case of Tifa because he had contracted a fatal incurable disease. He mistakenly believed to be doing his family a favor by leaving and not burdening them with his troubles. He did the dumbest thing he could with the best of intentions the entire time.

That’s why I say she’s a martyr. Instead of getting offended, she keeps quiet with all her unsettling emotions just waiting for the day Cloud will actually look at his “family” when he actually barely does.

Um, did you read COT and the bit where Cloud specifically makes time for the family? Or the U10 quote that rather explicitly says his family is what makes him happy? That he flashes several times on the family while he thinks of those things that are precious to him when Sephypoo asks to take his most precious thing Away? Cloud IS looking at his family. Cloud, fucktard though he may be, LOVES his fucking family. And Tifa does call him out on his present defeatism, spurs him into action.

Both sides are hypocritical.

Please explain how both sides are hypocritical regarding the specific subject of insults, then.

Oh! English is not my native language.
I bet you can hurt any other language as well as I do.

Regardless, it does hurt to see such major errors in the language.
I note you chose not to respond to "But this isn't a defense against the point. Being aggressive towards a character does not invalidate the pairing or validate the one you'd like to validate."

I’ve always found it funny when the creators go on and specifically say Tifa’s not clingy. I don’t understand why the need to clarify something that’s just not there.

They said they were careful not to make her clingy, even though she had been emotionally hurt by a man. There's a bit of a difference.

It was not a mistranslation.

I didn't say it was a mistranslation. It's an interpolation, specifically. I bring up the less than stellar translation to note that, well, the translation is far from perfect, and could be improved in many cases, even where the information is not wrong, merely not accurate enough. Can I ask on what grounds you so authoritatively declare it not a mistranslation?

That’s just how you wanna look at it and your argument has actually no evidence at all, it’s only you deducing and reasoning over a minimum detail.

Um, my evidence is that the Japanese has no explicit personal pronount and that officially, Cloud AND Tifa are having a discussion there about meeting people, that he is saying the words not just to hear himself talk or to dig at Tifa, but to inform her.

However, I find it funny that if he did actually meant “WE” instead of “I”, in COT, Tifa still has to invite herself over to Cloud’s trips to the church.

Saying all that in one breath, Cloud looked away.
"I went to the church."
"I wasn't planning to hide there."
"You were hiding."
"I'm sorry."
"I didn't say you couldn't go. But next time, go together with me."

I wonder why…

Because Tifa wishes to pay her respects to Aerith as well. They liked each other, remember?
And, as splinter says, those trips were about Cloud seeking his atonement- having found that, the church and the sword are taken better care of, used as monuments of respect towards the fallen, not Cloud's failure.

Funny enough, I’m here for the same reason.

Then why are you not fighting FOR the truth? Why are you neglecting support of that position?


I am so glad I was here to see this.

The pinnacle of the LTD. Truly a moment worth waiting for.

: bows :

ADDENDUM TO RESPOND TO THE BELOW: That was Rena whom I asked, and no, she did not respond to that question.
As such, I repeat, Rena: do you consider Snow and Serah to be an unrealistic couple as your previous response indicated?
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
The thing that bothers me so much about Tifa is that she can’t be seen as an individual detached from Cloud.
Everything about her character revolves around her masochistic love for Cloud to the point of feeling sorry for herself constantly putting up with Cloud’s Passive-Aggressive ways.

Because you know? A father/husband that just turns away from his family for not being able to communicate and runs off without further explanation is bullshit whatever the reason might be.

Love is not about closing up. It is about SHARING and Tifa and Cloud are always closing themselves up, hiding their feelings.

I would’ve been deeply hurt if my partner just leaves the way Cloud did on COT. He never considered his “family” or their feelings…for being a masochist too wallowing on it’s oh so heavy burden and guilt

That’s why I say she’s a martyr. Instead of getting offended, she keeps quiet with all her unsettling emotions just waiting for the day Cloud will actually look at his “family” when he actually barely does.

You hate Cloud as well?

CR said:
This being the HA HW scene, which can be optional. Yet, you believe that the HA scene is canon because it supports the narrative, as you say.

SE used the scene to support the narrative. Ryu and others are merely observing the fact that they've done that.

Hey Ryu. I can't remember, but there was a question to someone about whether they viewed Serah & Snow as a realistic couple. Who was that toward and did you get an answer?


Cherry Garcia.
I do have a charming and witty personality.
But you see, at least I admit I'm an asshole. Like I said earlier, I'm the honest asshole.

When did I say I was cute as a button?

I am though.

5 Years of monetarily supporting and being part of an exoterrorist plot is not detached from Cloud?

What about her personality?

You seem to have mixed two sentences here, but splitting out the cogent points
Where is Tifa 'feeling sorry for herself' and where is she putting up with Cloud's 'passive aggressive ways'
Additionally, what passive aggressive ways of Cloud do you refer to here?

Read again, it’s all explained in what I said before.

Yes, Cloud's an absolute fucktard, but he didn't leave because he could not communicate. He left because he got a fatal incurable disease.

Oh, so if you have cancer you just turn away from all your family without further comments?

Cloud left at the end of Case of Tifa because he had contracted a fatal incurable disease. He mistakenly believed to be doing his family a favor by leaving and not burdening them with his troubles. He did the dumbest thing he could with the best of intentions the entire time.

And that’s exactly what I call a masochist, passive-aggressive.
Justifying stupid actions that hurt people because you don’t want to be a burden or hurt them…when in the end you end up hurting them more.

Um, did you read COT and the bit where Cloud specifically makes time for the family? Or the U10 quote that rather explicitly says his family is what makes him happy? That he flashes several times on the family while he thinks of those things that are precious to him when Sephypoo asks to take his most precious thing Away? Cloud IS looking at his family. Cloud, fucktard though he may be, LOVES his fucking family. And Tifa does call him out on his present defeatism, spurs him into action.

He tries way too hard and in the end, it’s so easy for him to just walk away.

I didn’t say he doesn’t love them, he does…but it’s always been about him before anyone else. He can’t connect with them when he’s got too much shit going on inside of him and if he’s only focused on his inner shit, for sure he can’t listen to what Tifa and the kids might be needing from him, worse…he fails at providing them.

Regardless, it does hurt to see such major errors in the language.
I note you chose not to respond to "But this isn't a defense against the point. Being aggressive towards a character does not invalidate the pairing or validate the one you'd like to validate."

I answered this above to someone else.

Here’s what I said:

The thing is I do not hate on Tifa to try to Illegitimate CloudXTifa…I’m sorry but I don’t understand why you see it that way.
I hate on Tifa just because I DON’T like her…however, me not liking here doesn’t disprove or prove anything. It’s just my personal opinion.

I have a major disliking on Celes and I’ll never like LockeXCeles as a pairing. I’m so much more of a Terra fan, however I do admit that the closest thing to canon in FFVI is LockeXCeles for many obvious reasons and I never had a doubt about it.

Just an example.

Regardless, it does hurt to see such major errors in the language.
I note you chose not to respond to "But this isn't a defense against the point. Being aggressive towards a character does not invalidate the pairing or validate the one you'd like to validate."

Yes, I hate spelling/grammar mistakes and the fact that there seems to be no “Edit” option available.

They said they were careful not to make her clingy, even though she had been emotionally hurt by a man. There's a bit of a difference.

Why automatically assume (Either you or SE) that a woman who’s been emotionally hurt has to be clingy?

And emotionally hurt by whom?!! If according to you Cloud’s so reciprocal?!

Because Tifa wishes to pay her respects to Aerith as well. They liked each other, remember?
And, as splinter says, those trips were about Cloud seeking his atonement- having found that, the church and the sword are taken better care of, used as monuments of respect towards the fallen, not Cloud's failure.

Ok, why didn’t Cloud say “Hey Tifa! Maybe WE should go together to the church so you can pay respect to your friend while I seek for my atonement?!”

Then why are you not fighting FOR the truth? Why are you neglecting support of that position?


You hate Cloud as well?

He’s definitely not my favorite person either.

Celes Chere

Why can’t I say she’s clingy? That’s seriously, honestly how I see her…oh! And pretty much of a martyr too.

Hahaha rofl. All my creys.

OMG! Venting people in another forum?!

Well, you know. It may put other people off when someone goes "TLS LIKES TIFA WHAT DISPICABLE HUMAN BEINGS THAT LOVE PORN AND BOOBS LOL" and then come to a debate with a halo around their head claiming TLS is full of playground bullies.
*dies laughing*
not saying YOU do that. x'DD

Idk wouldn't people be kinda upset about joining TLS if we bashed another Forum all the time? That's why we don't talk about them. I think my post is borderline rule breaking in fact... :awesome:

Not everything on life is Black or white and there’s wrong and good everywhere. Not only one side or the other.

Now that, I agree with. I just don't believe people would rather get frustrated over pixels than report insulting posts, or ask nicely for it to stop. Some of us don't even realize that sarcasm is taken so seriously. Just point out what's wrong if something's wrong. I just don't understand... have some of you never been on a lot of Forums or...

I have a major disliking on Celes and I’ll never like LockeXCeles as a pairing.


Also I lol when others say "you people". It's like we're different races or something... Time to grow up. xD


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Oh, so if you have cancer you just turn away from all your family without further comments?

Actually there have been irl cases of such. And of people who have had cancer or other serious illness and died from it without ever telling their loved ones.

That doesn't justify the stupidity of it. But it's not unheard of.

And that’s exactly what I call a masochist, passive-aggressive.
Justifying stupid actions that hurt people because you don’t want to be a burden or hurt them…when in the end you end up hurting them more.

He tries way too hard and in the end, it’s so easy for him to just walk away.

I didn’t say he doesn’t love them, he does…but it’s always been about him before anyone else. He can’t connect with them when he’s got too much shit going on inside of him and if he’s only focused on his inner shit, for sure he can’t listen to what Tifa and the kids might be needing from him, worse…he fails at providing them.

You hate Tifa based on Cloud's actions though. idgi. Even if you think Cloud's an asshole for ditching his family (which is also an incorrect assessment btw), I don't see why this reflects poorly on Tifa. Because she doesn't leave his ass?

I have a major disliking on Celes and I’ll never like LockeXCeles as a pairing. I’m so much more of a Terra fan, however I do admit that the closest thing to canon in FFVI is LockeXCeles for many obvious reasons and I never had a doubt about it.

Just an example.

guuuuurl. :catfight:

Yes, I hate spelling/grammar mistakes and the fact that there seems to be no “Edit” option available.

You can edit your posts. There's an Edit button at the bottom of your post :huh:

Why automatically assume (Either you or SE) that a woman who’s been emotionally hurt has to be clingy?

When you create a character, you explore things that they are not as much as things that they are. You pinpoint character traits that you want to highlight and those you want to avoid. I really don't see it as a big deal for them to say it, tbh.

He’s definitely not my favorite person either.

Based on AC/C?

How do you feel about Aerith?


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Well, boys and girls, it appears my emote posting was against LTD rules... even though it included no macros and no malicious intent, aside from the overall teasing about the thread as a WHOLE... but whatever. I'm gonna toss in the towel and say fuck it. Have fun. :wave:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
You can edit your posts. There's an Edit button at the bottom of your post :huh:
I haven't read most of this thread, but you need a certain amount of posts before you can edit them. It's an anti-spambot feature.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
You can edit your posts. There's an Edit button at the bottom of your post :huh:
I thiiiiiiiiink this might be more of an issue with her newness as a member. maybe an anti-spam measurement? idk


Random Nobody

local roach
Rena said:
Yes, I’ve read them, but I should’ve thought some people here can’t see past before their nose.
Are you calling me a Jew?

But this bears mention, though:
And that’s exactly what I call a masochist, passive-aggressive.
You keep using that word, but I don't think you know what it means. Cloud may be masochistic and self-flagellating, but "passive-aggressive" is hardly accurate.

1945 Nomencl. & Method of Recording Diagnoses (War Dept. Tech. Bull.) TB MED203 15/2 said:
Passive-aggressive reaction: The aggressiveness is expressed in such reactions by passive measures, such as pouting, stubbornness, procrastination, inefficiency, and passive obstructionism.
1964 Jrnl. Marriage & Family 26 81/1 said:
The psychologist felt that this was a passive-aggressive personality, passive-aggressive type, with underlying paranoid features.
1983 D. STAFFORD-CLARK & A. C. SMITH Psychiatry for Students 167 said:
The patients show childlike, submissive and apparently defeated attitudes in positions imposing stress and requiring responsibility. They attempt at times to gain control of people by emotional manipulation rather than entering into adult negotiations and relationships.
Now even if you go with the less severe definition of "obstruction by learnt helplessness," it doesn't apply to Cloud. There was nothing he could do for either his or Denzel's Geostigma, and even if there were, try as he might, he wasn't given the means to do it. His leaving his family (albeit from feelings of helplessness) was what he thought was proactive action. He legitimately thought this was a good idea.

Which doesn't say much for his brains but, well.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Alright, guys, sorry I exploded the other day. I mean I can only take so much as well. I have a lot of patience usually, and I give people the benefit of the doubt, but even I snapped. I do apologize. One of the things that was pissing me off so bad is, look at the quote that Fairheartstrife posted... I figured that one would come up but I didn't want to be the one to post it. I wanted Rena, Anastar, Clerithraven or LL to post it. I didn't want to do their work for them.

The simple fact that I could find a quote filling the criteria and no one else could just made me feel like people were toying with me or something.

Anyways, I'm going to sit on the sidelines and watch for now on unless something is specifically directed at me. That way we don't need to see any more Quex asplosions :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
When did I say I was cute as a button?

I am though.

A complete non sequitor. Unless by 'button' you mean asshole, which is strange, I don't mind saying.

What about her personality?

5 years of ecoterrorism doesn't say enough about her personality?

Read again, it’s all explained in what I said before.

It is not.

Oh, so if you have cancer you just turn away from all your family without further comments?

Me? No. Someone else under the belief that they are being a burden to their family with this disease and their family is better off without them, they might.

And that’s exactly what I call a masochist, passive-aggressive.

Then you are using those terms incredibly incorrectly.

Justifying stupid actions that hurt people because you don’t want to be a burden or hurt them…when in the end you end up hurting them more.

Yeah, That's not passive aggressive OR masochistic.

He tries way too hard and in the end, it’s so easy for him to just walk away.

He walks away not because it's easy but because he feels it is for the best. The man WANTS to be cured and be forgiven so he can go home, but he feels he must be away from them.

I didn’t say he doesn’t love them, he does…but it’s always been about him before anyone else. He can’t connect with them when he’s got too much shit going on inside of him and if he’s only focused on his inner shit, for sure he can’t listen to what Tifa and the kids might be needing from him, worse…he fails at providing them.

Cloud is myopic, not self centered. He's thinking of other when he does what he does- he just fails to realize he's doing the wrong thing for those people.

I answered this above to someone else.

Here’s what I said:

The thing is I do not hate on Tifa to try to Illegitimate CloudXTifa…I’m sorry but I don’t understand why you see it that way.
I hate on Tifa just because I DON’T like her…however, me not liking here doesn’t disprove or prove anything. It’s just my personal opinion.

I have a major disliking on Celes and I’ll never like LockeXCeles as a pairing. I’m so much more of a Terra fan, however I do admit that the closest thing to canon in FFVI is LockeXCeles for many obvious reasons and I never had a doubt about it.

Just an example.

Fair enough. It's worth noting you accept L/C as canon (or close to it) in 6 with significantly less evidence than exists for C/T.

Yes, I hate spelling/grammar mistakes and the fact that there seems to be no “Edit” option available.

As mentioned, this is a function of the site. You should have one now.

Why automatically assume (Either you or SE) that a woman who’s been emotionally hurt has to be clingy?

We don't. But we do recognize that one can make anyone who's been emotionally hurt by someone seem clingy, and that a conscious decision to make sure that was not the case

And emotionally hurt by whom?!! If according to you Cloud’s so reciprocal?!

By Cloud. When he left, doing the dumbest thing he could thinking it was the only good option.

Ok, why didn’t Cloud say “Hey Tifa! Maybe WE should go together to the church so you can pay respect to your friend while I seek for my atonement?!”

A number of reasons suggest themselves, including the idea that Cloud did not want to ruin her respectful moment with his search for forgiveness, that he simply thought he should seek atonement on his own and not worry his family with the burden. Another is that that sentence is so out of character for Cloud it's just plain silly.

A complete non-answer.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
What I'm looking for is inarguable evidence that Cloud had/has/or CAN have romantic feelings toward Aerith.
This is all that I can give you:

Kitase: When I first read Nojima’s scenario, I felt strongly that his image of a heroine was fresh. The hero didn’t have a typical personality, single-minded or righteous, and Aerith lived in the slums. Those things were really fresh. And having two heroines, Aerith and Tifa, and having the hero waver between them, at the time that was something new. ~Interview with the creators, pg. 8-13, 10th Anniversary Ultimania

Cali reminded us of this. (I'm not sure if this has been brought up, I skimmed the last few pages)

So, I think when Nomura's talking about interpretations and links that to the relationships in FFVII, he's also saying that you can choose which one Cloud picks, between the two heroines he's wavering between. I know this isn't much, but I hope it's enough.

I know I said I'd stop but... fuck I'm not ready yet.
Speak yo mind, gurrrrl. ;)

"Besides, I have Tifa at my side, I'm not fighting alone-- this is what Tifa taught me." -Cloud's inner monologue in Dismantled

These are Cloud's thoughts towards the end of the game, after the Highwind scenes. Feeling like you've got someone by your side and like you have a friend sounds like good feelings to me. This is really what we (well, I think most of us) think of when we see that Cloud and Tifa confirmed their feelings to match. He feels like he isn't alone because he has Tifa, and vice versa. If she's at his side as a friend or something more... As Spongebob would say, "Use your imaaaaagination." :lol:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
This is all that I can give you:

Kitase: When I first read Nojima’s scenario, I felt strongly that his image of a heroine was fresh. The hero didn’t have a typical personality, single-minded or righteous, and Aerith lived in the slums. Those things were really fresh. And having two heroines, Aerith and Tifa, and having the hero waver between them, at the time that was something new. ~Interview with the creators, pg. 8-13, 10th Anniversary Ultimania

Cali reminded us of this. (I'm not sure if this has been brought up, I skimmed the last few pages)

So, I think when Nomura's talking about interpretations and links that to the relationships in FFVII, he's also saying that you can choose which one Cloud picks, between the two heroines he's wavering between. I know this isn't much, but I hope it's enough.

That's an extremely indirect argument.
And saying Cloud wavers between them is materially different than saying Cloud can confirm mutual romantic feelings or has them. Yes, it could be that he's interested, and that's why he wavers, or he could waver in hesitating for not having clue what either one is on about.

As for Cali, her account here is still open. Why does she not come and debate herself?

"Besides, I have Tifa at my side, I'm not fighting alone-- this is what Tifa taught me." -Cloud's inner monologue in Dismantled

These are Cloud's thoughts towards the end of the game, after the Highwind scenes. Feeling like you've got someone by your side and like you have a friend sounds like good feelings to me. This is really what we (well, I think most of us) think of when we see that Cloud and Tifa confirmed their feelings to match. He feels like he isn't alone because he has Tifa, and vice versa. If she's at his side as a friend or something more... As Spongebob would say, "Use your imaaaaagination." :lol:

So, you're officially ignoring the FTOIL page, then?
And the 'feelings of desire' quote?

BTW, Can I ask why all the color formatting?


Lv. 25 Adventurer
That's an extremely indirect argument.
And saying Cloud wavers between them is materially different than saying Cloud can confirm mutual romantic feelings or has them. Yes, it could be that he's interested, and that's why he wavers, or he could waver in hesitating for not having clue what either one is on about.
She asked for a quote saying if Aerith CAN be a romantic interest to Cloud. I think that said it.

As for Cali, her account here is still open. Why does she not come and debate herself?
That was mostly for Quex. And Cali's had her time debating, I'm sure we all need a break.
No one hate on Cali! :)

So, you're officially ignoring the FTOIL page, then?
And the 'feelings of desire' quote?
No, but the "Tifa's at my side" thing seems to be his reaction to the Highwind scenes in its entirety. It didn't make it exclusive to just one version, so I'd say maybe he felt that way after both. Since the HA version is on the FTOIL page, I'd also say he could mean she's at his side in a more than friendly way.

BTW, Can I ask why all the color formatting?
Oh, the pink crap? Just to distinguish what part is an actual quote of importance and what part is me blah blah-ing.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
She asked for a quote saying if Aerith CAN be a romantic interest to Cloud. I think that said it.

Actually, she asked for an unambiguous quote stating Cloud romantically loved Aerith or the equivalent. I'll let her judge if it meets her criteria, but from where I sit, it says neither that she can be a romantic interest or that he can love Aerith without ambiguity.

That was mostly for Quex. And Cali's had her time debating, I'm sure we all need a break.
No one hate on Cali! :)

Even for the things she has said and done to our faces and on this very forum?

No, but the "Tifa's at my side" thing seems to be his reaction to the Highwind scenes in its entirety. It didn't make it exclusive to just one version, so I'd say maybe he felt that way after both. Since the HA version is on the FTOIL page, I'd also say he could mean she's at his side in a more than friendly way.

The high affection scene is not on the FTOIL page. The FTOIL page is version unspecific.

Oh, the pink crap? Just to distinguish what part is an actual quote of importance and what part is me blah blah-ing.

And Bolding doesn't work?
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