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  1. Kain Strife

    What was the last game you finished?

    Ducktales Remasterd... Although I did Head shot some Cobra's today if you catch my cold.
  2. Kain Strife

    Trainer Red! I choose you!

    happy Shit'n Birthday.
  3. Kain Strife


    This movie is gonna be amazing. I love how it looks like the original content will remain unaffected.
  4. Kain Strife

    Any MegaMan X fans

    Oh Yeah, Zero was great,played the heck outta them. I loved the art style too. Also the first Metal Gear Awesome was made more than five years ago... A guy's humor and artistic abilities can really change in that time.
  5. Kain Strife

    Any MegaMan X fans

    Everything after PSOne I thought. MMXI 4 life.
  6. Kain Strife

    Mighty No. 9 - Totally not Mega Man except it's Mega Man

    This game is going to revolutionize my naughty bits.
  7. Kain Strife

    Metal Gear Solid 5 (+ General Series Thread)

    Dammit Satsu, I was about to post this? I guess this happens when we like same stuff, :mon:
  8. Kain Strife

    New TLS Chat Client?

    Nah, he went by Switzerland in chat.
  9. Kain Strife

    Unlucky's Sketch Hoard

    Final Fantasy Pointer perhaps?
  10. Kain Strife

    What happened after Genesis took Weiss?

    I don't get it... was this idea posted in the past by someone else? How was it a bump? Oh no wait, I get it. I didn't realize this topic was dead
  11. Kain Strife

    Done lurking.

    hiya again.
  12. Kain Strife

    What happened after Genesis took Weiss?

    Yeah lol. New assumption: FFXV got made, then KH3 Got made then 5 more years and then we found out.
  13. Kain Strife

    Replacement "White Mage"

    Honestly I dump Aerith somewhere else since I know she's gone. and actually I try to have all characters set up with Restore all. I usually just go Attack attack attack cure all.... and win most fights with sheer force... I mean, that is what Cloud was made for amirite?
  14. Kain Strife

    New TLS Chat Client?

    So one more suggestion, Say we go through with KiWiIRC... I think the Chat link in the drop menu should >NewWindow>Fullclient. So, a page is just the chat. The Chat already displays the server and channel. And if thats not evough, you can add that detail at an about page or faq page you may...
  15. Kain Strife

    New TLS Chat Client?

    lol I like how the description on Hex Chat is "We're Basically XChat but free. They were open source, not our fault. "
  16. Kain Strife

    New TLS Chat Client?

    Hey, Hi, hoe, Hiya, How you doin? Today, I was able to spot a lurker on a different site due to her :mon:ology and her FFVII interest by being a creepy stalker. She's not exactly fond of joining forums and getting their feet wet around strangers and honestly neither was I really (No wait, I...
  17. Kain Strife

    Final Fantasy V arrives on Vita

    Looks like FFV Was specifically unavailable on Vita PSN, maybe there was a bug or something. Source
  18. Kain Strife

    What happened after Genesis took Weiss?

    Oh and Shelke will probably be in the team from DoC. The obligatory "I don't have to feel like a pedophile (but you totally are)" Character. Like how people who like Vincent are totally into senior citizens, same thing basically.
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