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  1. Nanaki2

    Final Fantasy IV: The After Years

    I downloaded the game. Some people refused to download it, due to it wasn't in 3D or the monsters didn't "move".
  2. Nanaki2


    It was pretty much up in smoke afterwards. The Mechs on their site talk about it. I kept all my copies.
  3. Nanaki2


    I have all five. They say the 5th installment with the Stardoids was rare. It's a decent Megaman Classic GB game, taking a differnt direction.
  4. Nanaki2

    Return to the Canyon - Red XIII/Nanaki fan club

    Mind if I join? He's one of my favourite characters.
  5. Nanaki2

    Last Film You've Seen

    The Watchmen on DVD. Threater wise? Ice Age 3.
  6. Nanaki2

    Does FFVII have the most insane enemy names ever?

    The Touch Me frogs. Yes, them.
  7. Nanaki2


    Classic and X are my favourites. BN is okay, but I always been a classic fan. Has anyone played the Gameboy Megaman games? The ones like Dr. Wily's Revenge and the one with the Stardroids.
  8. Nanaki2

    Well, I'm here.

    I can! And this better? Plus, thanks for the font codes!
  9. Nanaki2

    Well, I'm here.

    Nah, just an Indy from some Transformers Forum called "All Spark" and the Megaman Community. Hwoever, Thanks for the welcome! I do like Nanaki/Red as a character, though.
  10. Nanaki2

    Memories of playing FFVII

    I first played Final Fantasy VII back in 1997. I got it at my local Game Shop in the Midwest called "Video Games ETC". My first WTF moment was Cloud cross dressing Mind you, I got up at 5 AM to play that game and ot giggle at that part. I also remembering liking Cid and Nanaki alot as well.
  11. Nanaki2

    FFVII download on PS3

    I recently downloaded it on my PS3 and uploaded on my PSP as well for my nephew's. I still own the PS1 version, though. It give sme something to do while I am on break at work or coming home.
  12. Nanaki2

    Well, I'm here.

    I'd say my Universal Greeting, but I didn't feel like it. I stumbled upon this place. Glad I could join.
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