Search results

  1. R

    What games are you currently playing?

    Final Fantasy XIII. Damn you and your colour coded aliens.
  2. R

    How many of you finished ff7

    It took me like two weeks top because at the time when I got (seven) I didn't care about anything else and I remember actually staying up till' 4 a day until I finished it trying to get passed Bahamut.
  3. R

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    Hmm, I don't really know.
  4. R

    Prince of Persia -TEH MOVIE?!

    Enjoyed :monster:
  5. R

    LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

    :cloti: Long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, LOOOOOOOOONG story short
  6. R

    How many of you have the ps1 or pc ff7?

    My PC copy is still good. I just can't use my old computer anymore. PS1 version is just fine.
  7. R


    Welcome new person. I'm just getting back to the forums but hi anyway.
  8. R

    Final Fantasy XIII Non-Spoiler Thread

    I don't have the data on me but I bet it's pretty freaking big.
  9. R

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    Alcohol makes you pee :-|
  10. R

    What makes your day

    Being able to successfully kill two guys with a quick no scope in Oddball for the defence.
  11. R

    Things that piss you off

    Got my ass handed to me by some fuck of a newbie on ODST yesterday.
  12. R

    What game(s) are you anticipating?

    I'm mainly looking forward to Birth by Sleep.
  13. R

    Your friends and Twilight

    I have absolutely no problem whatsoever when it comes to someone being a fan of Twilight, it's what they enjoy whether it's a book or a movie. I even considered reading the books because I guess I wanted to join in a convo about it when I'm out with them but then when I was forced to see the...
  14. R

    Batman Villians Thread

    I don't know much about the whole "verse" thingy, but I do love my fair share of Bain breaking a 32 year-old in half :-D
  15. R

    What games are you currently playing?

    Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma, Ayame cuts your balls off an' shit :monster:
  16. R

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    Mother said I'll get one for Christmas. Good thing I'm a bloody 4.0 GPA student.
  17. R

    Last Film You've Seen

    Twilight: New Moon. I hate myself.
  18. R

    Harry Potter and the Chitter of Chatting

    I'm going to break my fucking Vista the next time it tells me (Not Responding) :rage:
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