New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

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8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
i honestly think it looks just like the white materia and it isn't a stretch to say it's a callback to cloud's homeworld

but don't mind me i'll just be over here with my CRAZY THEORIES and INSANE UNBELIEVABLE BULLSHIT


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
but don't mind me i'll just be over here with my CRAZY THEORIES and INSANE UNBELIEVABLE BULLSHIT

Actually this is the right thread for that :monster:

And I can certainly see the resemblance to White Materia where as I couldn't before. Still doesn't mean Cloud and Aerith to me though. You'd have to tie everyone else's to someone they loved. :monster:

Actually the design in the White Matera kinda looks like this:

Doesn't it?
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
No, I don't think they're having sex.

Fucking crystals don't have sex. They enhance it.

and whose work am I doing exactly? O_o

I was looking at the crystals in Dissidia, you know how the Cleriths always say Cloud's crystal is holy the White Materia
For one. This is their claim. They are expected to support it. You are not expected to prove or disprove it. You've shifted the burden onto yourself for no reason.

and other than a color difference I think they DO look like the swirls in the White Materia. I mean it's probably not going to be exact. The same person probably didn't render them.

The stripes in the white materia are large, distinct, and run parallel to each other through the entire diameter of the sphere. These stripes are opaque, and lighter in color than the main body.
Cloud's crystal does not have any distinct striping. The closest you have to it the slightly darker circle on one side. This doesn't appear in other scenes.
The mottled color more resembles the blended look of AC as opposed to the Stripy look of the White Materia.

i honestly think it looks just like the white materia and it isn't a stretch to say it's a callback to cloud's homeworld

It's a callback, but it really doesn't look like the white materia, just a materia. Just like all the other warrior's crystals are just callbacks to their world and not intended as any singular reference (Which of the four crystals is OK holding? Which of the 8 does Cecil get? Whose corpse is Terra clutching? What in the name of fuck is Squall holding?).

but don't mind me i'll just be over here with my CRAZY THEORIES and INSANE UNBELIEVABLE BULLSHIT

Well, since you're getting pre-emptively offended, why not go whole hog and give us something to actually insult you over.

And no, Quex, the WM pattern and the energy around Meteor do not match. the WM pattern runs parallel. The energy tapers to and from a point, more or less.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
tl;dr: all materia looks the same except probably black materia which is the size of cloud's fucking head


Fire and Blood
Honestly, Cloud's crystal just looks like normal materia to me. You cannot compare it with AC/C materia 'cause it was a damn CG movie, so the quality was much better; on the other hand, it looks nothing like white materia - it just shows some reflection/glint cause the quality ius better than FFVII's, but if it was meant to be white materia, it'd be much whiter, with a LOT of swirls. Which, it's not.

So, you're overthinking, basically. It's meant to be crystal/materia, which is, let's be honest, the thing that players will remember the most - I didn't even remember the white materia, because you basically see it once while you play a lot with materia.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I didn't even remember the white materia, because you basically see it once while you play a lot with materia.

I'm calling bullshit. The white materia got it's own mention several times and slo-mo tumble down the stairs. You played VII, you know what the damn White Materia looks like.

General question: Why the fuck can't it be the White Materia that Cloud's holding? If for no other reason than it's the materia that MOST fans will recall. The whole: "well, yeah it's materia, but it's just some generic circle-jerk materia" isn't really that much better of a claim. Being the White Materia is symbolic to the fans, and really, has fuckall to do with Cloud.

Now, keep in mind I'm not saying it IS the white materia, because I don't care. However, the absolute staunch dismissal of it as such is even more ludicrous given the fact that 'it could be cure or bahumut or ice or not a materia at all.' Well, yeah. And if it COULD be all those things, it damn well COULD be the white materia.

/random posting

now, before I go off to bed: Cloud x Tifa is canon and is the sexiest Yuri ever. <3


Fire and Blood
Honey, I played VII only once, a long time ago. XD As I said many times, a lot of details are very blurry to me, as I never was into fandom before getting in here XD

I didn't remember what it looked like at all. Before being here, I maybe vaguely remember about it, but probably not XD Did you see it in AC/C? No. So only players of VII would remember it, and I must remind you that a lot of fans who play Dissidia have never played VII.

And I said that I think it's normal materia just by looking at the pictures, and I'm calling bullshit on the white materia, that is all. How could that be white materia when it's green with just one reflection? oO"


When I see a green materia the first thing I think is standard green magic materia, and to me it makes sense for the VII crystal in Dissidia to be in its image. But if it is supposed to look like the White materia, okay. I don't see the big deal.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I was looking at the crystals in Dissidia, you know how the Cleriths always say Cloud's crystal is holy the White Materia
For one. This is their claim. They are expected to support it. You are not expected to prove or disprove it. You've shifted the burden onto yourself for no reason.

Lol, okay fine what really happened here was a Clerith brought this to my attention. I didn't want to say that because I figured you'd be all "Which Clerith? Why can't she come here to make her claims?" so I figured it'd be better to just say I did it myself. Apparently it wasn't :awesome:

So yeah, not doing anyone's work, they did it really. I just posted the pic when I saw it because, I had to admit, yeah it did have swirls in it.

I think maybe my bias was getting in the way before. Maybe that's why I really couldn't see it. I mean, look really closely Ryu, can you honestly say this looks nothing like White Materia? What's so different, or is it different at all?



I'm sure this has been stated in this thread recently. But does anyone else get a special specific crystal? If so is it mentioned? And if not why is the FFVII crystal specifically the white materia? Why is FFVII always the exception?

Oh wait now I remembers. Shipper fan wank.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'm sure this has been stated in this thread recently. But does anyone else get a special specific crystal? If so is it mentioned? And if not why if the FFVII crystal specifically the white materia? Why is FFVII always the exception?
No it hasn't and Ryu addressed this :monster:

And FYI I never said "It could be cure or bahamut" I always said it was just a crystal that represented Materia :monster:
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves


I didn't have a response to Vendel I just wanted to post that.

But SRSLY, Vendel, look at the image I posted. ARe you saying that can't in any way be the White Materia? If so, why?
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Because it always is. Didn't you hear about this "For the one I love" page where Cloud and Tifa shared mutual feelings of wanting to defeat Sephiroth? :awesome:

But how does this make it the exception anyway? The Materia can be represented by the White Materia I think.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Ill take you avoiding the question as your way of saying "Yep looks just like it" so thanks :monster:


Okay Q we will come back to the "why" of it later. But please explain to me how saying it is not a materia but is specifically the white materia, of which there is only one, is not making it the exception?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
You skipped a post D:

and it is saying it's a specific materia, but one that represents the FFVII world and other materia... or something. I dunno I'm bored with this...


and it is saying it's a specific materia, but one that represents the FFVII world and other materia... or something. I dunno I'm bored with this...

I'm sorry if my asking a few basic questions about this crystal BS bores you so much. But I wont sit here and play the "what fucking color is it" game until you give me a good reason why.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
It bores me cause I don't have an answer :P

see I always think it's okay to say "I don't know." for a question if you really don't have an answer. But I guess that doesn't work so well in debates when you're trying to prove something.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Someone PLEASE tell me why the white materia IS an exception?? White Materia =/= Aerith. White Materia = Holy, which is the spell that was intended to save the PLANET because the white materia is the ONLY materia that can canonically speak to the planet. When it does, it glows...what color again? Oh, right, green... It's only one of two 'singular' materias. Now, assuming that Dissidia is canon and takes place sometime between VII and ACC (after Aerith bites it, obviously) then I find it even LESS likely that it could be some generic random materia (if it's materia at all). I also find it alarmingly hilarious that people are literally using 'it only has such and such number of swirls and only has X number of pixels' as a determinate of whether or not Dissidia's crystal could be the white materia. Same company turned RED summon materia GREEN and it's not at all possible they tweaked Holy? Really? Anyone seen what Cloud looks like in Dissidia? I'm sorry, but if the crystals represent their home world, and the general consensus is that Cloud's crystal is materia as a result, then logically, it would make sense for it to be the most important materia of that home world. Is this logic really hard to follow? Remove the fucking shipper goggles ALL OF YOU. You're starting to sound like some rabids I know and it's depressing as hell.

Syn, "I said that I think it's normal materia just by looking at the pictures"... are you looking at different pictures? Because the one's Q posted all look pretty damn similar. Including the white materia. I was never a believer in the 'it's the white materia' but now that I'm thinking about it, it really doesn't make any sense for it to be any other materia (if it's materia at all). But hey, if someone wants to explain how the symbol of the home world is materia, but NOT the most important materia of that world, I'm all ears.


Pro Adventurer
Vega, Kyle Hyde
White Materia =/= Aerith.

That's exactly what I came here to say. It may be the white materia, so what? It doesn't represent Aerith, it represents The Planet. You know, Cloud's world. :monster:

Now, the flower field may represent her... But that isn't any indication of Cloud x Aerith.
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