Aerith's star and Cloud's star are perfect for each other...
Second hand embarrassment on their behalf, seriously, Q.
It's not the word "star" that makes the association here.
It's the longstanding idea of a wish connected to the stars. That, for Cloud, is his desire to be a hero. I'm not talking LTD. This is Cloud's dream.
I'm pretty sure that line wasn't inserted with the intention of going 'HA! LOVE TRIANGLE REFERENCE!" Tifa just happens to be inextricably tied to Cloud's dream.
"Yeah. He says he has a dream. And that he'll
keep fighting until he can make it come true."
"Maybe he wished it on a star."
It has a clear tie in to this scene as well:
Yeah... At that time I heard you calling me.
You were calling me back from the stream of consciousness in the Lifestream.
After all, I promised. That if anything were to ever happen to you, I would come to help.
Cloud...? Do you think the stars can hear us?
Do you think they see how hard we're fighting for them?
I dunno... But...
Whether they are or not, we still have to do what we can. And believe in ourselves...
I'll find the answer someday. Right, Tifa?
We have only one crucial scene which harkens to this longstanding desire and that scene is the promise scene with Tifa. It is a moment that is engraved in Cloud's mind for all time and it comes up multiple times in teh game. Obvious reference is obvious