It was pointed by Tres, not SE themselves.
SE was the one who put the HA scene into the story summary.
Exactly!! That's just to put an example.
So, you are arguing that Snow and Serah are an unrealistic couple, then?
Are you serious?? Did you played FFVII all the way through the end?
Or are you gonna bring some twisted mistranslation that explains why Cloud didn’t really meant he wanted to meet her when he clearly states:
“I think I can meet her there”
Do YOU see the word want? Do you see a statement of intent? I see a statement of realization, that such a thing is possible, it CAN be done.
I see from Tifa the statement 'Let's go meet her,' which IS a statement of intent.
Further, I know from the UO that Cloud and Tifa were discussing meeting people, so he's not muttering this to himself, he's informing Tifa of the possibility.
Please provide me with a statement that clearly says it is not optional anymore.
I did. So did Quex. Here, let me repaste them.
"Tifa's Crisis Core profile says 'She and Cloud came to realize their feelings for each other in the end of the story, and live together in AC and DC.'"
"And when Cloud and Tifa remain behind alone, in their final hours, they disclose that their feelings for each other match."
That's what happens. QED.
It is still there, and why bother.
This attempt at flippancy does not address what it responds to, nor is it a good zinger at all.
Romance. Desire. Love.
I’d bet the same undying feeling he’s got for Aerith.
Even if this were the case, your side is arguing that those undying feelings are love. This would be a validation for the C/T conclusion.
For the record, though, the undying feelings are almost certainly guilt, and not the same as those expressed under the highwind.
You’re just assuming they do sleep together.
But I guess Tifa just loves to take turns between Cloud and Marlene.
Marlene slept with Tifa while they built the house and for a week after. She has her own bed in a room she shares with Denzel. She and Tifa don't sleep together regularly, nor would her sleeping with Tifa preclude Cloud also sleeping with Tifa any more than my baby brother wanting to sleep with my mom for security when he was a small child meant my dad slept elsewhere.
And Tifa not creepy and clingy?
Maybe not creepy but she’s always been clingy as hell.
It always comes out.
And no, the creators would not willingly portray her as such. They do not want her to appear a clingy woman.
In addition, I thank you to agree she's not creepy, and thus would not have snuck into Cloud's room after he slept to ask him a question. Thus, parsimoniously, the scene depicts two people sharing a room and also possibly bed.
That’s exactly what I’m trying to say! Cloud can get stabbed by a dead Sephiroth and get into fights with him, see him, talk to him and have every kind of personal contact Aerith or Tifa would envy and yet any kind of contact he has with Aerith up until now just doesn’t count ‘cause you keep claiming she’s dead. Well, breaking news: Sephiroth’s dead too.
What contact? Aerith can't have any contact with Cloud. She's recognized she couldn't because he was in the world of the living and she was in the lifestream. Likewise Sephiroth could not interact with Cloud until HE managed to cheat the system and create a living form to inhabit.
Aerith, meanwhile, is literally said to return to the lifestream around the planet at the end of ACC, where she belongs. So when would she be contacting Cloudybutt outside the very special circumstances of AC/C, given that she immediately and willingly returns to the place where she is prevented from being able to normally communicate with the living?
Thanks for clearing it up.
What it clears up, kiddo, is that you're latching onto anything you think can help you, with no consistency at all.
It’s Final Fantasy, not Final Real-Cloti-love.
No Final Fantasy to date has had a relationship where one of the partners was dead at the time of the relationship. A few have even gone out of their way to specifically state such things as impossible, stupid, etc.
Read the above, thank you.
Even a fantasy story has a 'reality' to which the story adheres. Your position is aligned against that fictional reality.
They live together...along with Barret.
Case in point. Barret does not live with them. He rather explicitly does not live with them.