The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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The Black Swordsman
Aithex, Atom
Not only is this an overreaction to a legitimate post, but you've now entirely gone off topic regarding the LTD here.

Either discuss said LTD or please move on. Melodramatic responses towards entirely different topics are not necessary here.
Debate? What kind of debate is it when there's practically no evidence that Aeris and Cloud have had any tangible, irrefutable romantic interaction.

They even stated in development of VIII that Squall's inner monologues were designed to contrast with Cloud's writing wildly, meaning - the lack of insight into Cloud's mind is a stylistic direction for player immersion and freeform interpretation.

It doesn't matter if that's what it is. Because, what it isn't... Is a way for us to ever know they had feelings of a romantic nature, since Cloud never says it. Any basis behind Clerith, in PURE canon is tediously reduced to "she's a girl and he's a guy."

And there's absolutely. No way. We could. It feels as though the conclusion had been drawn since this began and Aeris delusionals come riding in on dead horses every so on. Fans of a dead character attempting necromancy, brilliant.

I don't even like Tifa/Cloud, but if we're debating strict canon there's absolutely nothing of it in favour of anything else. It's like a declaration of war between the US and a mudshack in Africa. With no one in it! One side has absolutely nothing.

So what is the point of this thread, sans sarcastic reversals, erm sorry 'melodrama?' I feel totally in line with... All you can really do with a one sided debate that's drawn out 'just because.'

Two ain't a freakin' love triangle.


undercover Clerith evangelist

Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
Oh, and look at the beds in Marlene and Denzel's room!


Once again, only a single mattress with no boxspring. Just like Cloud's bed. Only difference is that they have a bedspread, but I really don't think Cloud would care about that.

And look, they only have ONE cabinet for the two of them. Not much bigger than the one in Cloud's room. Of course, he also has the trunk and boxes to keep stuff in. Oh, and look! They don't have a nightstand either - just like Cloud.
There's a nightstand right there between the two kids' beds. And that actual cabinet is way bigger than the thing in the office you're calling a cabinet.
So what is this? If I say it, it must be wrong - but if you say it, it must be right? Is that the way this game is scored?

You're discussing absolutely nothing, Tres. All of your responses are basically saying no more than, "No, it's not!!!!!" to everything I say. Either that, or you accuse me of lying or manipulating or undermining credibility. If you ask me, it's pretty damned obvious that you're just trying to avoid answering any of my questions by calling me or my questions stupid.

Well, this is nothing but a waste of my time. I think Quex actually has some worthwhile questions for me to answer.


Quexinos said:
Anastar said:
You're looking at unrevised copies of my website. I've changed my mind since then, but neglected to change the website.


Once again, SE says that Tifa's affection for Cloud can get low. So my website is obviously wrong about that. I should've changed it by now. My bad.


Sorry - just shows how I've been neglecting my website recently. *blush*
Thank you for addressing these. I wanted to bring those up for a couple reasons and one was to show everyone that you no longer use those arguments.

So anyway a lot of these things were written a long time ago, and since then you've changed or revised a few things here and there. It seems to me that a lot of these arguments changed once FTOIL came out. At least I never heard you say "oh the feelings in the LA are mutual because of the affection rating." before and it's not on your website, so it's relatively new.

You no longer stand by what you stood by before, correct? That's fine, people change their minds all the time. I used to be in the camp that Aerith only loved Zack and not Cloud, and I changed my mind since then. You feel you shouldn't have to stand by what you said a while ago, I assume. Am I right?

So then may I ask:

According to Cloti's before the publication of CoLWhite, "koibito" always meant lover, sweetheart, boy/girlfriend - mutual attraction. Even your translator Vilaeth said so. Funny how the meaning has conveniently changed once CoLWhite got published.

Why are Clotis who said "koibito only has one meaning" being held to what they said pre CoLW? Should we hold them to different standards we hold you or should we hold everyone to the same standard? Would it be okay if I say "funny how your argument on how the LA scene went down conveniently changed once FTOIL came out."
Well, there's a major difference between me changing my interpretation and you changing the meaning of a word. Interpretations can change because interpretations are basically opinions.

The meaning of a word, however, is fact. The meaning of a word does not change. The meaning of "koibito" has always been 1) lover, sweetheart, boyfriend/girlfriend; 2) beloved. That has not changed.

Therefore, the meaning of the sentence in CoLWhite could easily be, "Cloud is the woman's friend, lover", which would indicate a mutual relationship between the two. I've checked this with multiple sources, and they all disagree with you and Tres.

I'm saying this in response to you, however - it's meant to be directed toward other people I've been responding to. Quex has been much more considerate to me than other people here, but I see you're doing the same thing in what you said last.

Just because you think something happened a certain way doesn't mean it did happen that way. You and others are throwing quotes around that you think support your claims - not everybody sees it that way. Please stop taking the attitude of "If I said it, it's right!!!!! Whatever you say is wrong, bitch!!!!!!" Very honestly, that's no better than kids on a playground tossing insults at one another. Just because you think something doesn't mean it's right. So get off your high horse and start discussing things instead of just assuming that your perspective is the only possible perspective. <_<

Quexinos said:
Anastar said:
The second paragraph says THAT'S NOT ALWAYS THE CASE, which means that sometimes it means a mutual attraction and other times it means a one-sided attraction. Which is what I've been saying all along.
So has Tres. Read what Tres said again:

Tres said:
"Koibito" has a specific meaning in that it identifies someone who is desired by another. That is its meaning. It can be translated (which is to say interpreted, depending on the context) as "beloved," "lover," "girlfriend"/"boyfriend" or "sweetheart," yes -- but its actual meaning remains "one who is desired by another" and any of those other words are a translator's choice for best conveying their understanding of the context.
He's telling you the meaning of the word means "person who is loved." And that you can't just automatically assume it's mutual. You have to look at the context. IMO it's pretty clear what he's saying. Please try to read his posts more carefully.
Please read what I've highlighted in red instead of what you put in bold. What he's saying is that it can mean "boyfriend/girlfriend", "sweetheart", or "lover" as well as "beloved". HOWEVER, the choice of which translation you use is made depending on context.

Now, let's look at why Tres translates "koibito" in CoLWhite as "beloved" instead of "sweetheart". He doesn't think there's any possibility that Cloud loves Aerith. That's purely his opinion. Yet, his translation of "koibito" in CoLWhite is based purely on his opinion and his interpretation. Why? Because he can't accept that anyone else MAY be right.

What I've been objecting to is that TLS and its translators won't even acknowledge the possibility that "koibito" in CoLWhite MAY be translated as "sweetheart", "lover", "boyfriend". There is no official translation from SE, so the translation of "beloved" that you insist on is nothing but your opinion.

TLS calls itself a neutral site by saying that it's for all fans of FFVII and the Compilation. Yet, all of the info you guys provide is Cloti-biased. This article:

is nothing but opinion. TLS made an interpretation about what the FTOIL page says about Cloud and Tifa. Now, you're refusing to consider that the FTOIL page might mean anything else.

Meanwhile, TLS has an "Analysis of the LTD" that is clearly Cloti-biased. TLS presents absolutely no perspective on the LTD from the Clerith point of view. Yet, TLS calls itself a neutral site for all fans.

Quexinos said:
You then quoted a post from Tres saying, "It can mean sweetheart/lover but it depends on context." then said "Hito disagrees" and quote mined a post of his, leaving out the very next paragraph where he said exactly what Tres said.

Can you see how that doesn't make sense?
And you've completely ignored what I said in return - that the paragraph I left out didn't contradict what the first paragraph said. In order to "quote mine" as you accuse me of, you have to conceal text that actually contradicts what was quoted. I did no such thing.

The second paragraph went on to say that the word could also mean "beloved" (which I never disputed) in addition to the meanings of "lover, sweetheart, boy/girlfriend". That's not quote mining - that's an attempt to get you to focus on something other than your narrow minded point of view.

Quexinos said:
Anastar said:
And how dare you say I was ragging on Hito? How can I be ragging on Hito when I'm agreeing with him?!?
Okay so

According to Cloti's before the publication of CoLWhite, "koibito" always meant lover, sweetheart, boy/girlfriend - mutual attraction. Even your translator Vilaeth said so. Funny how the meaning has conveniently changed once CoLWhite got published.

Did you mean sometimes here instead of always? That's a pretty big difference in word choice. And the last line seems to say you're ragging on Hito for flip flopping which he never did.
Where exactly did I say that Hito flip flopped? All I quoted was Hito saying that the meaning of "koibito" is usually "lover, sweetheart" or "boy/girlfriend".

As for the reference to "always" - that's the way I remember it. When the Reunion Files came out with that quote saying that "Tifa is like a mother, a sweetheart, etc" I remember all Cloti's insisting that "koibito" indicates a mutual attraction and therefore Cloud loves Tifa.

Quexinos said:
You really need to read what you're responding to because right now, people are thinking you're doing this on purpose and that's what's making it frustrating for them. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. If you are, stop it. If you're not, please read what people say more closely and be careful not to hold someone to a standard you yourself wouldn't want to be held to.
And it makes it very frustrating for me when people don't read what I say carefully, and/or answer my questions with insults instead of any debatable points. The frustration is mutual.

Quexinos said:
Cloud still has no idea what the hell about the girls' feelings until later on. Aerith tries to get his attention on her date, and Cloud is clueless despite her forthright manner.
Anastar said:
Prove it.
Repost: Cloud is still, "Dirk-a-dir dunno whatcha mean there..." on Aerith's date even after she voices her opinion.

In actuality, the Clerith date goes like this:

Aerith "Cloud..."
"I'm searching for you..."
Cloud "............?"
Aerith "I want to meet you."
Cloud "But I'm right here."
Aerith (I know, I know... what I mean is...)
"I want to meet..... you."

(One final, brightest, most stunnning yellow flower of fire lights up the night sky. The gondola returns to Round Square.)

Aerith "I had fun tonight. Let's go together again."
"You don't like being with me?"

That's not it

***Cloud Yeah
(Cloud nods)
Aerith "Oh, don't tease me like that!"

***Cloud That's not it
(Cloud shakes his head)
Aerith "I'm glad."
"Next time we come, let's take our time and go on more rides."

Aerith "Oh, look at the time. We'd better get going." (Cloud nods. They both head off.)

So Cloud is not all "Dirk-a-dir dunno whatcha mean there..." after Aerith voices her feelings. First, the scene fades to a black out just like the HW scene does. SE says that Cloud and Tifa confirm their feelings for one another without words in the HA HW scene version after the scene blacks out. Why can't Cloud and Aerith confirm anything during the black out if Cloud and Tifa can?

Besides, after the gondola ride, Cloud is specifically able to say either "Yes, I want to go out with you again", or "No, I don't want to go out with you again". So we actually get to hear what his choice is. That's hardly being "dirk-a-dir" when he actually voices his feelings.

Quexinos said:
So even if the Clerith date happens, Cloud is still an oblivious idiot. Aerith then says to Cloud, "You don't enjoy spending time with me" or something to that effect right afterwards. If we apply your logic to that from the "Do you love me" scene... that means Cloud never showed Aerith any reason he enjoyed being with her.
Again, you're wrong. Look at the dialogue above. Cloud isn't an oblivious idiot because the player is given a choice for Cloud to say whether he wants to go out with Aerith again or not.

Clerith people tend to pick "That's not it", which indicates that Cloud is interested in Aerith romantically.

Yes, it's optional - just like the HW scene is optional.

Furthermore, if Cloud and Tifa confirm their feelings without words during the black out after Tifa says, "Words aren't the only thing..." - then Cloti's assume that means they kissed or had sex or whatever. If Cloud and Tifa can do that during a black out, then why can't Cloud kiss Aerith during the gondola ride black out? How do you know that didn't happen?

Furthermore, that version leads very well to the Low Affection version of the HW scene in Disk 2. That version leads very well to Cait Sith predicting Cloud and Aerith's wedding in the Temple of Ancients. That version leads very well to Cloud sensing Aerith spiritually when Avalance arrives in the Forgotten City in Disk 1. That version leads very well to Cloud crying when Sephiroth stabs Aerith, holding her tightly in his arms, and asking, "What are WE supposed to do?" That version leads very well to Cloud telling Bugenhagen in Disk Two that he remembers Aerith a lot. That leads very well to Cloud telling the vision of Aerith in the Forgotten City in Disk 2 that, "Aerith... I'll do the rest".

I could go on, but that should give the idea that Clerith is just as possible an interpretation of the Love Triangle as Cloti. That's why Cloud is shown with both Aerith and Tifa on the FTOIL page. I suggest the Cloti's here stop being so condescending and rude, and start learning that people sometimes see things from a different perspective.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Debate? What kind of debate is it when there's practically no evidence that Aeris and Cloud have had any tangible, irrefutable romantic interaction.

Please note that I do not disagree with your post.

In reality, the debate is dead. The LTD is over. All this is nothing but a refusal of one camp to accept what has been in the narrative.

Sad, but true.

Meanwhile, TLS has an "Analysis of the LTD" that is clearly Cloti-biased. TLS presents absolutely no perspective on the LTD from the Clerith point of view. Yet, TLS calls itself a neutral site for all fans.

Why hello there. I'm sorry if this sounds rude but your post is full of bullshit. Your attacks at TLS' credibility are baseless and retarded and I am going to prove you wrong with this bullshit. Enjoy reading, bitch.
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Kaiju Member

So what is this? If I say it, it must be wrong - but if you say it, it must be right? Is that the way this game is scored?

You're discussing absolutely nothing, Tres. All of your responses are basically saying no more than, "No, it's not!!!!!" to everything I say. Either that, or you accuse me of lying or manipulating or undermining credibility. If you ask me, it's pretty damned obvious that you're just trying to avoid answering any of my questions by calling me or my questions stupid.

Well, this is nothing but a waste of my time. I think Quex actually has some worthwhile questions for me to answer.


Well, there's a major difference between me changing my interpretation and you changing the meaning of a word. Interpretations can change because interpretations are basically opinions.

The meaning of a word, however, is fact. The meaning of a word does not change. The meaning of "koibito" has always been 1) lover, sweetheart, boyfriend/girlfriend; 2) beloved. That has not changed.

Therefore, the meaning of the sentence in CoLWhite could easily be, "Cloud is the woman's friend, lover", which would indicate a mutual relationship between the two. I've checked this with multiple sources, and they all disagree with you and Tres.

I'm saying this in response to you, however - it's meant to be directed toward other people I've been responding to. Quex has been much more considerate to me than other people here, but I see you're doing the same thing in what you said last.

Just because you think something happened a certain way doesn't mean it did happen that way. You and others are throwing quotes around that you think support your claims - not everybody sees it that way. Please stop taking the attitude of "If I said it, it's right!!!!! Whatever you say is wrong, bitch!!!!!!" Very honestly, that's no better than kids on a playground tossing insults at one another. Just because you think something doesn't mean it's right. So get off your high horse and start discussing things instead of just assuming that your perspective is the only possible perspective. <_<

Please read what I've highlighted in red instead of what you put in bold. What he's saying is that it can mean "boyfriend/girlfriend", "sweetheart", or "lover" as well as "beloved". HOWEVER, the choice of which translation you use is made depending on context.

Now, let's look at why Tres translates "koibito" in CoLWhite as "beloved" instead of "sweetheart". He doesn't think there's any possibility that Cloud loves Aerith. That's purely his opinion. Yet, his translation of "koibito" in CoLWhite is based purely on his opinion and his interpretation. Why? Because he can't accept that anyone else MAY be right.

What I've been objecting to is that TLS and its translators won't even acknowledge the possibility that "koibito" in CoLWhite MAY be translated as "sweetheart", "lover", "boyfriend". There is no official translation from SE, so the translation of "beloved" that you insist on is nothing but your opinion.

TLS calls itself a neutral site by saying that it's for all fans of FFVII and the Compilation. Yet, all of the info you guys provide is Cloti-biased. This article:

is nothing but opinion. TLS made an interpretation about what the FTOIL page says about Cloud and Tifa. Now, you're refusing to consider that the FTOIL page might mean anything else.

Meanwhile, TLS has an "Analysis of the LTD" that is clearly Cloti-biased. TLS presents absolutely no perspective on the LTD from the Clerith point of view. Yet, TLS calls itself a neutral site for all fans.

And you've completely ignored what I said in return - that the paragraph I left out didn't contradict what the first paragraph said. In order to "quote mine" as you accuse me of, you have to conceal text that actually contradicts what was quoted. I did no such thing.

The second paragraph went on to say that the word could also mean "beloved" (which I never disputed) in addition to the meanings of "lover, sweetheart, boy/girlfriend". That's not quote mining - that's an attempt to get you to focus on something other than your narrow minded point of view.

Where exactly did I say that Hito flip flopped? All I quoted was Hito saying that the meaning of "koibito" is usually "lover, sweetheart" or "boy/girlfriend".

As for the reference to "always" - that's the way I remember it. When the Reunion Files came out with that quote saying that "Tifa is like a mother, a sweetheart, etc" I remember all Cloti's insisting that "koibito" indicates a mutual attraction and therefore Cloud loves Tifa.

And it makes it very frustrating for me when people don't read what I say carefully, and/or answer my questions with insults instead of any debatable points. The frustration is mutual.


In actuality, the Clerith date goes like this:

Aerith "Cloud..."
"I'm searching for you..."
Cloud "............?"
Aerith "I want to meet you."
Cloud "But I'm right here."
Aerith (I know, I know... what I mean is...)
"I want to meet..... you."

(One final, brightest, most stunnning yellow flower of fire lights up the night sky. The gondola returns to Round Square.)

Aerith "I had fun tonight. Let's go together again."
"You don't like being with me?"

That's not it

***Cloud Yeah
(Cloud nods)
Aerith "Oh, don't tease me like that!"

***Cloud That's not it
(Cloud shakes his head)
Aerith "I'm glad."
"Next time we come, let's take our time and go on more rides."

Aerith "Oh, look at the time. We'd better get going." (Cloud nods. They both head off.)

So Cloud is not all "Dirk-a-dir dunno whatcha mean there..." after Aerith voices her feelings. First, the scene fades to a black out just like the HW scene does. SE says that Cloud and Tifa confirm their feelings for one another without words in the HA HW scene version after the scene blacks out. Why can't Cloud and Aerith confirm anything during the black out if Cloud and Tifa can?

Besides, after the gondola ride, Cloud is specifically able to say either "Yes, I want to go out with you again", or "No, I don't want to go out with you again". So we actually get to hear what his choice is. That's hardly being "dirk-a-dir" when he actually voices his feelings.

Again, you're wrong. Look at the dialogue above. Cloud isn't an oblivious idiot because the player is given a choice for Cloud to say whether he wants to go out with Aerith again or not.

Clerith people tend to pick "That's not it", which indicates that Cloud is interested in Aerith romantically.

Yes, it's optional - just like the HW scene is optional.

Furthermore, if Cloud and Tifa confirm their feelings without words during the black out after Tifa says, "Words aren't the only thing..." - then Cloti's assume that means they kissed or had sex or whatever. If Cloud and Tifa can do that during a black out, then why can't Cloud kiss Aerith during the gondola ride black out? How do you know that didn't happen?

Furthermore, that version leads very well to the Low Affection version of the HW scene in Disk 2. That version leads very well to Cait Sith predicting Cloud and Aerith's wedding in the Temple of Ancients. That version leads very well to Cloud sensing Aerith spiritually when Avalance arrives in the Forgotten City in Disk 1. That version leads very well to Cloud crying when Sephiroth stabs Aerith, holding her tightly in his arms, and asking, "What are WE supposed to do?" That version leads very well to Cloud telling Bugenhagen in Disk Two that he remembers Aerith a lot. That leads very well to Cloud telling the vision of Aerith in the Forgotten City in Disk 2 that, "Aerith... I'll do the rest".

I could go on, but that should give the idea that Clerith is just as possible an interpretation of the Love Triangle as Cloti. That's why Cloud is shown with both Aerith and Tifa on the FTOIL page. I suggest the Cloti's here stop being so condescending and rude, and start learning that people sometimes see things from a different perspective.

If kobito can used within CoLWhite can can infer mutual attraction, then the use of kobito in the Reunion should also be able to infer mutual attraction.

Cloud's dialogue: "Yeah" or "That's not it" is hardly confirmation that he is aware of Aerith's romantic feelings, he is directly responding to her question of "You don't like being with me?" and neither answer indicates he is aware of her romantic feelings or holds any, one can like being with someone without it being romantic.
Furthermore, the Gold Saucer date is still not the same as the Highwind scene because the Ultimanias state that the HA Highwind is the canon version to the narrative, which is unaffected by whether or not the event is optional to the gameplay, however the text for the Gold Saucer date never says which date is canon to the narrative. That is the important difference.
Also translating the FTOIL page is not the same as stating an opinion, the text of the translations reveals what SE considers canon, which is the HA Hghwind scene. It is like claiming that Tidus returning at the end of FFX-2 is not official canon because the player can choose to not have him return.

Also Cait Smith is not an accurate fortune teller, that does not give credibility to his predictions. And Cloud can mourning Aerith's death does mean he is in love with her, the entire party mourned her death.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Once again, speaking my mind on what you had to say Anastar, so as always please do not accuse me of speaking for others.

So what is this? If I say it, it must be wrong - but if you say it, it must be right? Is that the way this game is scored?

For my own part, I call what you say wrong because it is, and it wouldn't matter if it was you or anyone else saying it.

You're discussing absolutely nothing, Tres. All of your responses are basically saying no more than, "No, it's not!!!!!" to everything I say.

Pointed it out last time, but I'll say it again: This is frequently your modus operandi, not so much with anyone else here.

Either that, or you accuse me of lying or manipulating or undermining credibility.

You do this all the time, so they are fair accusations to make.

If you ask me, it's pretty damned obvious that you're just trying to avoid answering any of my questions by calling me or my questions stupid.

And yet I saw the answers to all your questions AND counters to your "points" in the very posts you claim avoided such. If I see it, why don't you?

Well, this is nothing but a waste of my time. I think Quex actually has some worthwhile questions for me to answer.

Well, there's a major difference between me changing my interpretation and you changing the meaning of a word. Interpretations can change because interpretations are basically opinions.

When did anyone here try to change the meaning of a word? If this happened it musta been before my time, and how is that relevant to the present debate?

The meaning of a word, however, is fact. The meaning of a word does not change.

Actually the meaning of words can and do in fact change over time, but that is neither here nor there. No one present is, at present, trying to force words to have a different meaning than the dictionary presents.

The meaning of "koibito" has always been 1) lover, sweetheart, boyfriend/girlfriend; 2) beloved. That has not changed.

No, it hasn't, but again the context tells us which of those meanings is more appropriate.

Therefore, the meaning of the sentence in CoLWhite could easily be, "Cloud is the woman's friend, lover", which would indicate a mutual relationship between the two. I've checked this with multiple sources, and they all disagree with you and Tres.

The context of the sentence does not give any indication of Cloud's feelings on the matter, ergo it is more appropriate for koibito's second definition to be used. Again, I have no knowledge of translation whatsoever and this is still plain as day with minimal research on the matter. If there is nothing present in the context to indicate a mutual relationship, then you wouldn't use the definition that implies a mutual relationship. The word cannot be its own context for its own meaning.

I'm saying this in response to you, however - it's meant to be directed toward other people I've been responding to. Quex has been much more considerate to me than other people here, but I see you're doing the same thing in what you said last.

I'm not even sure what this means, except for crediting Quex for being more patient and considerate of you than many of the rest of us. And see, here is an example of you saying something true and me agreeing with it, Quex has been MUCH more patient and considerate to you than say, me. I have no idea what's up with the "I see you're doing the same thing in what you said last" bit there.

Just because you think something happened a certain way doesn't mean it did happen that way. You and others are throwing quotes around that you think support your claims - not everybody sees it that way. Please stop taking the attitude of "If I said it, it's right!!!!! Whatever you say is wrong, bitch!!!!!!"

Except no one is freaking doing this. No one is claiming the evidence supports Cloti "because we said so!" or refusing to hear your points because "whatever you say is wrong, bitch" at all. If that were what anyone was doing, they would just SAY "I'm right because I said so" rather than repeatedly spelling out the actual reasons why Cloti is supported.

Very honestly, that's no better than kids on a playground tossing insults at one another. Just because you think something doesn't mean it's right. So get off your high horse and start discussing things instead of just assuming that your perspective is the only possible perspective. <_<

Just because you THINK its all open to interpretation doesn't make it so. The evidence actually DOES support Cloti, and it is not anyone's fault that it upsets you so to have people explain as much to you. Why don't you take that as an example, stop telling people off for being on their high horse (especially since no one is doing such a thing) and support your position for a change, if you can? Y'know, the way people have been doing for you?

Please read what I've highlighted in red instead of what you put in bold. What he's saying is that it can mean "boyfriend/girlfriend", "sweetheart", or "lover" as well as "beloved". HOWEVER, the choice of which translation you use is made depending on context.

And the context supports the translation that was used. So how is reading your red bit more important than reading the bolded bit again?

Also, both the bit that was bolded for you and the bit that you highlighted in red after point out the importance of context in determining which translation to go with. So... how does that change the meaning at all? In what way does the point differ between one and the other?

Now, let's look at why Tres translates "koibito" in CoLWhite as "beloved" instead of "sweetheart". He doesn't think there's any possibility that Cloud loves Aerith. That's purely his opinion. Yet, his translation of "koibito" in CoLWhite is based purely on his opinion and his interpretation. Why? Because he can't accept that anyone else MAY be right.

It was translated based on context, which is a necessity when working with that word. As you yourself needlessly pointed out above. Where in CoLSW is there any context pointing to Cloud's feelings at all? Let alone being mutual? There is none. Ergo the translation that was used. It has nothing to do with his opinion on the possibility of Cloud loving Aerith, and everything to do with the context of the story itself.

Which, incidentally, makes this sound like a baseless attack on someone's credibility. Consider yourself accused once again.

What I've been objecting to is that TLS and its translators won't even acknowledge the possibility that "koibito" in CoLWhite MAY be translated as "sweetheart", "lover", "boyfriend". There is no official translation from SE, so the translation of "beloved" that you insist on is nothing but your opinion.

Or, as stated, it is the interpretation that best fits the context of the story. Since the story does not in any way, shape, or form touch on Cloud's feelings or thoughts, then any definition that implied mutuality would be incorrect to use.

Again, I know jack shit about Japanese but simple language skills are enough to understand this.

TLS calls itself a neutral site by saying that it's for all fans of FFVII and the Compilation. Yet, all of the info you guys provide is Cloti-biased. This article:

If there was information that supports Clerith to be had, it would be on TLS. It does not make us biased towards a pairing like insane ship-to-ship combatants to post the information that is actually presented. And the info presented supports Cloti, not Clerith.

is nothing but opinion. TLS made an interpretation about what the FTOIL page says about Cloud and Tifa. Now, you're refusing to consider that the FTOIL page might mean anything else.

I am sure they considered what it meant, Annie. They had to come to the conclusion that it meant what it means somehow, and doing so would require reading for comprehension and CONSIDERING what it means.

Meanwhile, TLS has an "Analysis of the LTD" that is clearly Cloti-biased. TLS presents absolutely no perspective on the LTD from the Clerith point of view. Yet, TLS calls itself a neutral site for all fans.

You do not seem to grasp what analysis means. The available information relevant to the LTD was analyzed, and the conclusions that come from said analysis were posted. That's what ann "Analysis of the LTD" IS. In what way is this biased?

And you've completely ignored what I said in return - that the paragraph I left out didn't contradict what the first paragraph said. In order to "quote mine" as you accuse me of, you have to conceal text that actually contradicts what was quoted. I did no such thing.

You posted the part of the quote that you could force into sounding like it agreed with your position, and left out the second paragraph that points out a different possibility. That is a text book quote mine, and again your denying this only makes you look more dishonest than the initial quote mine on its own did.

The second paragraph went on to say that the word could also mean "beloved" (which I never disputed) in addition to the meanings of "lover, sweetheart, boy/girlfriend". That's not quote mining - that's an attempt to get you to focus on something other than your narrow minded point of view.

And in presenting only the part that CAN be taken to support your position, thus trying to make us "focus" on just that part, you failed to acknowledge that second definition. Ergo, quote mine, since the second part is just as relevant to the discussion. We should not BE focusing on just the part you want us to, THAT would be narrow minded. We should be looking at BOTH definitions in order to see which is more appropriate for the usage of koibito in CoLSW, and given the context the correct one was indeed chosen.

And it makes it very frustrating for me when people don't read what I say carefully, and/or answer my questions with insults instead of any debatable points. The frustration is mutual.

Annie, I for one do offer you some insulting turn of phrase now and then, but you always receive an actual rebuttal to your points or a reference to a previous rebuttal of that same point. I read everything you say carefully, and take my time thinking it over before I respond. You're still wrong.

In actuality, the Clerith date goes like this:

(insert transcript of date here)

[/COLOR][/FONT]So Cloud is not all "Dirk-a-dir dunno whatcha mean there..." after Aerith voices her feelings. First, the scene fades to a black out just like the HW scene does. SE says that Cloud and Tifa confirm their feelings for one another without words in the HA HW scene version after the scene blacks out. Why can't Cloud and Aerith confirm anything during the black out if Cloud and Tifa can?
See? Wrong. I read everything you said carefully, thought it over, and came to the conclusion that you are still incorrect in your assumptions.

Despite your full posting of the Aerith date, you overlook that we are directly told that Cloud is officially still oblivious. And you use purely optional dialogue choices that have no support for determining which one did or did not happen in the story (especially since the date itself has no support as being the one that happened in story) as your proof of such. This does not match your stated position on optional things. You assume that they could have confirmed... something during the fade to black, but we are TOLD Cloud and Tifa confirmed their mutual feelings and that is not enough for you. Your hypocrisy is frankly staggering.

Besides, after the gondola ride, Cloud is specifically able to say either "Yes, I want to go out with you again", or "No, I don't want to go out with you again". So we actually get to hear what his choice is. That's hardly being "dirk-a-dir" when he actually voices his feelings.

And this is what I was talking about above, you are using something that is genuinely optional to support your claims. Pick a position already. You cannot have it both ways, and you will be called out on your constant shifting of goal posts.

Again, you're wrong. Look at the dialogue above. Cloud isn't an oblivious idiot because the player is given a choice for Cloud to say whether he wants to go out with Aerith again or not.

And this is just like the HW scene, Annie. The player is given a choice, while playing, to choose what happens. Albeit, this choice is more direct, but it is still present. And just like the HW scene, a canon choice was made by SE, that is THEY CHOSE TO STATE CLOUD IS STILL UNAWARE OF HER FEELINGS AND SUCH. You have changed your standards AGAIN in order to try to support this, and you are STILL failing to really do so.

Clerith people tend to pick "That's not it", which indicates that Cloud is interested in Aerith romantically.

No one cares what you and these "Clerith people" tend to pick. We're going on information direct from SE, info that clearly states Cloud is oblivious to both Aerith and Tifa's feelings during the respective dates.

Yes, it's optional - just like the HW scene is optional.

Well, you're half right here. I'll give ya points for admitting the crap you just shoveled out is optional. But, I'll take those points back for your unwillingness to admit the canonization of the HA-HW scene over its LA equivalent.

Furthermore, if Cloud and Tifa confirm their feelings without words during the black out after Tifa says, "Words aren't the only thing..." - then Cloti's assume that means they kissed or had sex or whatever. If Cloud and Tifa can do that during a black out, then why can't Cloud kiss Aerith during the gondola ride black out? How do you know that didn't happen?

How do we know that Cloud and Tifa DO confirm their feelings without words? We were told they do. How do we know Cloud and Aerith did any such thing? Uh... we don't. No such thing has been suggested by any evidence ever. This is another case of you inventing things with no means of actually supporting them.

Furthermore, that version leads very well to the Low Affection version of the HW scene in Disk 2.

And if the HA version hadn't been confirmed as the one that actually happened, that might mean something.

That version leads very well to Cait Sith predicting Cloud and Aerith's wedding in the Temple of Ancients.

He didn't predict their damn wedding. Why are people still saying this? Further, even if he had explicitly predicted their wedding, Cait Sith has been outed as a completely unreliable fortune teller. Deal with it already, would ya?

That version leads very well to Cloud sensing Aerith spiritually when Avalance arrives in the Forgotten City in Disk 1.

He senses Sephiroth too. Explain that in relation to your Clerith "evidence".

That version leads very well to Cloud crying when Sephiroth stabs Aerith, holding her tightly in his arms, and asking, "What are WE supposed to do?"

Because no one cries when their friends are brutally murdered in front of them. No one in their situation would wonder what THE LIVING are supposed to do after said brual murder. That wouldn't point to Clerith, and is thus silly talk.

That version leads very well to Cloud telling Bugenhagen in Disk Two that he remembers Aerith a lot.

Everyone forgets their dead friends. Only lovers remember each other frequently post-mortem.

That leads very well to Cloud telling the vision of Aerith in the Forgotten City in Disk 2 that, "Aerith... I'll do the rest".

Cloud MUST love Aerith in order to want to SAVE THE FREAKING WORLD, thus finishing what she started right? This isn't a bunch of assumptions without any support at all, right? Right? :muhaha: Oh wait it is.

I could go on, but that should give the idea that Clerith is just as possible an interpretation of the Love Triangle as Cloti.
To you, maybe. To those looking at real evidence that actually supports one tip or the other of this triangle, not so much.

That's why Cloud is shown with both Aerith and Tifa on the FTOIL page. I suggest the Cloti's here stop being so condescending and rude, and start learning that people sometimes see things from a different perspective.

You are entirely unable to prove this as the reason for the date being referred to on the FTOIL page, and you have yet to comment on the fact that Aerith is not even mentioned on the page. She is the one pictured for the blurb about the date mechanics and their utter lack of impact on the romantic situation in the game. She is not, in fact, referred to at all on the FTOIL page beyond that.

I suggest you stop being dishonest if you want anyone to treat you with respect. I suggest you accept that while people can see things from a different perspective, this does not preclude ONE perspective being correct.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Alright, then.

I read Anastar's message from last night, and then walked away for a day before responding. Had I responded immediately, I expect I would have gotten another infraction.

But I'm calm, cool (always, bitches), and collected now, so let's do this.

Anastar. Hi. I'm Tres. You might remember me from such posts as the one where you got called a cunt, and numerous other instances of correcting your lies.

You might also remember me from that last private message I sent you, where I specifically asked that you wait until you could reply to everything I've said to you all at once -- so that we wouldn't have to continue with what basically amounts to sending messages backwards and forwards across time to one another. It's like we're filming a sequel to "Frequency" here.

In any case, since you've disregarded that request and have taken your dishonest debating tactics to absurd new depths, I'm compelled -- nay, bound by duty, honor and the heart of the cards -- to reply without waiting for further such shenanigans.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Chantara said:
Not the point. When did the issues start? IMO, Cloud and Tifa had issues with each other during the game, too. Wouldn't Nojima be aware of that?
The domestic issues in CoT couldn't be issues during FFVII for the simple fact that the two weren't yet in a domestic setting. Things that haven't happened yet can't be an issue before they've happened.
Hmmm... I'm not sure about that, since the same issues often carry over to other settings. For example, my mother tends to get on my nerves with "over-protectiveness" when I'm shopping with her. If I stay overnight at her house, she does the same thing and I have the same reaction.

Please read what I said again, then read what you said again. I don't think you understand what you're replying to.

Issues that haven't yet had a single occurrence over which to have a discussion are not going to be discussed before the first occurrence has ever happened. For instance: Your issues with your mom's overly protective nature would not be issues if she had never demonstrated a tendency to be overly protective.

Cause (mom being overly protective) and then effect (you getting annoyed, and whatever other consequences that stem from your mother being overly protective; i.e. the issues between you and your mom with regard to your mom's overly protective nature). A to B, 1 to 2, groping to intercourse.

I can't believe I'm explaining causality to an adult.

None of which even addresses the ridiculous notion you posited two weeks ago that all the descriptions about revealing mutual feelings and confirming them to be the same could have been a discussion about negative feelings. And, as always, this suggestion remains invisible as well, rather than something within the game you can point to.

Anastar said:
Anastar said:
Of course they can. Once again, the date mechanism makes the feelings mutual between Cloud and whatever partner you pick. If Cloud behaves "nicely" to the partner, then the affection of that partner increases for Cloud. If Cloud behaves "nicely" to the partner, then Cloud's affection for that partner increases, too. Same thing happens in reverse if Cloud doesn't act nicely to the partner. The partner's affection for Cloud decreases, and Cloud's affection for that partner decreases.

Therefore, if you get the Low Affection version, Tifa has a low affection rating for Cloud and Cloud has a low affection rating for Tifa. Therefore, their feelings are mutual in the Low Affection scene.

You're still applying a gameplay-only mechanic to the set-in-stone narrative, despite repeated official statements that Tifa loves Cloud romantically. Within the actual narrative, this is how she always will feel.

The player trying to change it with a gameplay mechanic will no more change Tifa's feelings than leaving Vincent in the basement of the Shin-Ra Manor will make him not join AVALANCHE. She loves Cloud, and Vincent joined the team. Those things cannot be changed.
And you're going on the assumption that love can never change.

What the fuck, woman? That's your position. I've been saying for quite some time now that the reason Tifa would even be asking Cloud a question like "Do you love me?" in Case of Tifa is because feelings can change.

But a fucking gameplay mechanic is not going to change shit that has been otherwise shown to be the case within the original game, its film sequel, and their novella interquel. Tifa romantically loves Cloud. End of story.

Anastar said:
What you mean by "Tifa loves Cloud" may be very different than what another random Cloti supporter means by "Tifa loves Cloud".

... What?

I don't even know what you're trying to say here. It's like listening to the insightful political revelations of the dude at the bar down at Chili's when he's had too much.

Anastar said:
Nomura himself is saying that Tifa loves Cloud there, but he's saying that she loves him from a maternal perspective rather than as a sexual partner.

So, despite what you say, "Tifa loves Cloud" can have many different meanings, and not all meanings convey that he is a romantic partner.

What point are you trying to make? Good Fucking Lord. You had literally just said that there are "degrees of love" and "that all are experienced at a different intensity in different ways by different individuals" -- and just a few lines later it looks like you're trying to argue that Tifa can only love Cloud in one way at a time.

I would be crying at what a cognitive clusterfuck all this is if it wasn't so fucking funny at the same time.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Not to mention you're still pointing to a scene that simply does not exist.
And which scene is this? The Low Affection version of the Highwind scene? How can you say it doesn't exist when the script for it is given in the FFVII UO?

What I'm saying doesn't exist is this bullshit you keep positing about there being an additional conversation in the low affection version (after Cloud and Tifa said they were going to sleep), in which "mutual feelings of disinterest" are expressed.

And you've still not explained how the fuck it's supposed to make sense that there's an additional, undepicted, undescribed conversation for a scene that was officially described as "rather short" when compared to another version of the scene.

Anastar said:
You told us that the scripts for both versions were given in the FFVII UO when you visited the CxA Forum:

What you just described is the high affection version and the low affection version. That's all there is.

Again, the Ultimania Omega (pg. 201) provides the script for both versions, and the high affection version doesn't have more than one reaction for Tifa. That one reaction is "Were you watching?" followed by crumbling to the floor. ~TresDias, Nov 20, 2009

Didn't you say that the script being available means that version is canon?

No, little Lucy Liesalot. I did not say that.

Are you seriously trying to quote mine me now? The very person you're fucking debating? Did you think I wouldn't remember that conversation, and what it was about?

And you're providing a link to the original post, where anyone can see the actual context of that quote?

You know full well, as will anyone who clicks on that link, that I was correcting the misinformation you were spreading about there being three versions of the Highwind scene. You insisted for years that there were three versions: the low affection version, a high affection version in which Tifa taps her foot and says "Were you listening?" as she does in the low affection version, and then another high affection version (a higher high affection version) in which she falls to the floor in embarassment and asks "Were you watching?"

You even posted a random screenshot of Tifa tapping her foot from the low affection version, and tried to convince me that it was from this elusive lower affection version of the high affection version. And then said even Clotis had told you they had gotten this scene.



What are you trying to pull, and who are you trying to fool?

Anastar said:

It's from the FF 20th Anniversary Ultimania File 2: Scenario guide. For your fucking information.

Anastar said:
It's the Impressive Scenes pages, and you forgot to mention that Aerith's death scene is there, too. You know, the part where Cloud is holding a dead Aerith in his arms and saying, "What are we going to do?"

Yeah, I know the part. I've played the goddamn game.

And, no, Ms. Direction, I didn't forget to mention it. I mentioned it -- and provided a scan -- nearly two years ago when I got the fucking book, mention of it has been in my FFVII Plot Analysis FAQ for just as long, and you're full of crap.

Anastar said:
I always thought that it would be rather weird for Cloud to say "we" to mean "Avalanche" because Avalanche didn't know about Holy until Disk Two. So it's more likely that Cloud means "me and Aerith" when he says, "we".

Substantiate this and we'll talk about it.

Anastar said:
Then there's the pic of Cloud laying Aerith into the water during the funeral. Ye know, the same pic they used in the commercial with the caption "Love" over it:


Yes, we're all very aware of your fetish for this commercial at this point. Respond to what I said to you about it previously, 'cause I ain't going over that shit again until you give me the dignity of a fucking response about it.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
But anybody who's played the game knows that he's talking about his feelings for her as a kid when he says that line. There's nothing saying that those are his feelings for her now, except on an optional basis.
The quote doesn't say "past feelings" or "his feelings when they were children." Just "his feelings for Tifa." That's straightforward.
But it can't be Cloud's feelings for her now, except on an optional basis ...

Why can't it?

Anastar said:
... - even SE says so when they specify in the 20th AU that the HW scene has a deviation and when they specify in the FFVII UO that the HW scene has a Low Affection and a High Affection version.

No, pointing out that options exist doesn't preclude one -- or either -- from actually happening. Fuck's sake, the U20 Scenario guide's story summary for X-2 even speaks of the Bad Ending where you let Shuyin fire Vegnagun at Spira and destroy the planet. It's very clear about which ending actually occurs, though.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
Shall I look it up for you?

PRECEPT II.--Treat different topics in separate paragraphs, and distinct sentiments in separate sentences.

Yeah, stop trying it. You're really trying to argue that the two lines are grouped together separate from the rest of the shit on the page, but have no relation to each other? That those two lines are just randomly floating on the page, disconnected from any cogent message? Bull. Shit. You don't believe that.
And you obviously have no way to argue the point since you're resorting to insults as the only possible comeback.

First, I did argue the point. I made the very sensible assertion that two lines grouped together on a page separately from the rest of the lines on the page are related to one another.

Secondly, I didn't insult you. I called you out on your bullshit. You insulted me by saying the bullshit.

If you feel insulted when I point out that you're spreading bullshit, that isn't my problem. There's not a goddamn thing I can do about that. It's up to you to stop your spreading of bullshit.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
Exactly my point. If it's not shown in the HA version, what makes you think it's shown in the LA version?

If you don't require it to be shown in the HA version, and you're relying on the description which says they communicated mutual feelings without words, then why do you require that it be shown in the LA version? Why isn't it enough that we are told that their conversation is apathetic?

If it's enough for the HA version that SE tells us what they said (or demonstrated without words), then it should be enough for the LA version that SE tells us what they said.
Yeah, except the high affection version does show us what we've been told it contains. We see Cloud looking for the words to convey his feelings, come up short, and then Tifa recommend a physical display instead.

You're inventing a scene that does not exist.
But I've already shown you that SE does describe the LA version, and we know it exists because the script for the LA version is given on page 201 in the FFVII UO (according to you).

If you know of SE's description of the low affection version, as well as the script of it in the UO, then you should be aware that neither SE's description of it nor the script includes any of the stuff you made up about "mutual feelings of disinterest."

Anastar said:
For your information, it was Quex who kept translating the word "tanpaku" as "apathetic". I always said that "candid" made more sense. :P

So now you've lied about hito, myself and Que (the one person around here who was still willing to stand up for you; ironically, all three of us have been willing to at different points in time). Any further self-alienation you'd like to get out of the way?

Anastar said:
But no matter... fine, let's go with "candid". Candid means honest, does it not?

candid ~adjective
1. frank; outspoken; open and sincere: a candid critic.
2. free from reservation, disguise, or subterfuge; straightforward: a candid opinion.
3. informal; unposed: a candid photo.
4. honest; impartial: a candid mind.

Actually, it's the "impartial" meaning of "candid" that would apply here. As in, not emotional. It's the only meaning of "candid" that's similar to all the other possible meanings of "tanpaku" ("indifferent," "simple," "apathetic," "ingenuous," "plain," "light," etc.).

Anastar said:
So it means that Cloud was being honest with Tifa about his feelings and vice versa.

Holy mother of fuck. I always wondered if it would happen, and it has. So now you're simultaneously treating the phrase as meaning both "apathetic"/"lacking in feelings" and "revealing of feelings"?

Will you jump to anything that will, for the moment, give you something to prop your wishful thinking on?

Anastar said:
Cloud can't honestly say to Tifa something like, "Look, Tifa, you mean a lot to me, but... I'm not in love with you. At least, not romantically. You're more like a sister to me than anything else."

Sure, he could. He didn't, but he could. Still waiting for you to show me a scene in the goddamn game where this shit goes down, though.

Anastar said:
It's more than obvious that SE left out the actual conversations on purpose because they wanted it to be left open to the interpretation of the player.

I thought your position was that the different versions themselves existed to leave shit up to the players. So now there has to be invisible conversations within already optional deviations to further leave shit up to the interpretation of the player? Having different versions is not enough on its own?

Why can't you be consistent?

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
Well, if you don't have to pay any attention to our quotes, why should I have to pay any attention to your quotes?
I am paying attention to the quote, goddammit. I'm just not examining it in a vacuum like you are, and then applying the vacuum-sealed results of an isolated analysis to everything outside the vacuum.
Once again, let's get personal about each other's approach so that we can avoid actually answering.

Pointing out that you're applying an analysis performed in a vacuum to everything outside the vacuum is not actually addressing what's wrong with your approach? Yeah, that's not actually answering at all.

What bullshit.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
You're ignoring two other quotes from Nomura that contradict your claim of what he said there.
Know why I'm ignoring them? You're the first person to PM those quotes to me. The only parts of this thread I read are the posts sent to me in PM. If you don't send it to me in PM, then I don't read it.

We know for a fact that you've been familiar with Nomura's "koibito" quote for several years, so don't even try to pretend you're just learning of it now. As for the other one, fine, whatever.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Ariadne said:
The one Que posted several days ago that was said in May 2004:

More than a year before Advent Children was released, Nomura was asked what the relationship between Cloud and Tifa was -- and responded that the movie shows it.
Actually, Nomura didn't say that, according to Quex's post:

"What is the relation of Cloud and Tifa."
Nomura: I believe that this volume [the movie] is able to deeply grasp the truth concerning the relationship between the two. It's easy to completely explain using words but..."

Nomura said that the movie grasps the truth concerning the relationship between Cloud and Tifa. He didn't say the movie shows the relationship between Cloud and Tifa.

Oh, come the fuck on. What the fuck do you think that means?

What the hell kind of wordplay is this? You're going to try to convince us that the movie contains a deep understanding of their relationship, and yet that understanding isn't expressed?

Anastar said:
However, I think you're being too hard on Nomura. He obviously knows the relationship between Cloud and Tifa, but he said he didn't know the relationship between them in the Nov interview. I think what he's doing is very obvious. He says he doesn't know because he doesn't want to reveal it. Parents do that to kids all the time - it's an old tactic. People do that when they're trying to keep a secret.


Which most likely means he doesn't want to tell - he wants people to figure it out for themselves.

Welcome to what several of us have been saying for years (i.e. since Nomura said that).

Thanks, by the way, for formally conceding your claim that there is no official resolution to the love triangle on the basis of Nomura not knowing about Cloud and Tifa's relationship, and that the high affection Highwind scene could not have taken place "because he should have known about their relationship if it had," etc.

Basically, everything you've espoused to have believed since you changed your public position from "Clerith is canon" to "the love triangle is open-ended."

Glad to see you admit that the original position never changed. Not that it was ever more than thinly veiled to begin with, what with the constant references to the "koibito" line in Case of the Lifestream White -- as though that said anything about Cloud's feelings -- and that goddamn commercial, which you insist says that Aerith is Cloud's koibito.

But now you have finally done something in this thread that I can have some respect for: you admitted that you're still firmly in the "Clerith is canon" camp. Good on you.

Is it not relieving to have it out in the open? They say the truth will set you free, and it's the truth (see what I did there? :awesome:). Honesty is good for the soul. Keep it up.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Do you see the problem with your claim that he has no idea what their relationship is? He'd already said he did know.
And I guess I'm too subtle for you ...

Yeah, that's why communication broke down in here. Okay.

Bull fucking shit, by the way. If that quote hadn't come along, you'd still be sitting right there on your claim -- in public anyway -- that by "I don't know" Nomura meant "I don't know."

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
In the Reunion Files, Nomura says that one of Tifa's roles is that of a koibito. Even if you refuse to admit that it's referring to Cloud, given your insistence otherwise that koibito implies mutual feelings, if Tifa's somebody's koibito, Nomura should damn well know what the status of Cloud and Tifa's relationship is.
FACT: it does not say that she's a koibito to ANYONE. Therefore, you cannot assign that role to anyone that you want to. SE has to do that.

And you can't assign any translation of "koibito" that you want to its use in Case of the Lifestream White. You have to go by the context.

And in any case, as has been repeated ad nauseum, one cannot be a koibito without being a koibito to someone else. Jesus fucking Christ.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
And Nomura being one of the writers of the movie isn't important, either:

"When Nomura joined Visual Works on the project, way back in 2003, the CG movie had been originally planned and announced as a 20-minute short. "It consisted of no action sequences and only featured Cloud and Tifa," remembered Nomura. "It was a good piece in itself, but as an entertainment piece or product, 20 minutes is too short and the story wasn't enough." So Nomura came up with a more intricate plot himself, and had scenario writer Kazushige Nojima-- who also worked on FFVII, VIII, and X with Nomura-- flesh out the scenes. "The new story turned out to be approximately an hour and since then we kept adding scenes and episodes. But the 20-minute piece is still the base of what we have now." (Anime Insider's October Issue, 2005)

So Nojima didn't write it by himself. Nomura was involved in the writing, too.
To be accurate, that isn't the same as writing the script (not to mention that Nojima's the one who decided that Cloud and Tifa would be together, and is the one responsible for their characterization), but, yes, I'll grant you that Nomura played a significant role in crafting the plot.
IMO, crafting the plot is actually more important than crafting the script, since you can't have a script without a plot to base it on. Usually, too, the script writer consults with the plot writer before making any changes.

Let's just settle for "They're both very important." I think we might actually agree on that.

Anastar said:
And Nojima didn't say whether "together" meant together romantically or together as friends, did he? I mean, you could say that Cid and Shera were together when Avalanche got to Rocket Town in FFVII, but Cid and Shera weren't romantically involved at that time.

My point in mentioning the "together" quote is that Nojima seems to have been the one concerned about the interpersonal relationships of the characters, while Nomura was more concerned about the action-oriented details.

Hell, Nojima is the one who wrote the On the Way to a Smile stories, after all. The only one credited with writing them, in fact.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
By the way: Why are you still referring to interviews when you've already said you only want to go by what's in games, movies and novellas? Apply an even fucking standard.
No, what I said was that I would only go by what's in games, movies, and novella's to canonize a pairing. I never said we had to ignore interviews. To quote me:

The point is that you are claiming that something is established as canon without it ever being backed up by what happened in the games/movies/novellas. IF something is made canon, it will be established as canon in the games/movie/novella FIRST and then mentioned in the book(s). If something has NOT been established as canon in the games/movies/novellas first, then I will not accept that it is canon because it's mentioned in the book.

I take it you haven't considered that what's in the books is illuminating what's already in the games/movies/novellas. Pretty much the way interviews often do.

Anastar said:
Where did I say we had to ignore interviews?

It was implied by the rest of what you said. If you aren't accepting Ultimanias on the basis that they aren't a game, movie or novella, it's only logical to extend that extra-textual standard to interviews as well.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Chantara said:
According to Cloti's before the publication of CoLWhite, "koibito" always meant lover, sweetheart, boy/girlfriend - mutual attraction. Even your translator Vilaeth said so. Funny how the meaning has conveniently changed once CoLWhite got published.
Yeah, bullshit. Que's already pointed to where hito said "koibito" can be one-sided pre-Case of the Lifestream (Ryu did too).

The meaning was always the same. Your attempt at rewriting history with lies? FUCKING FAILED.
No, it didn't fail at all ...

Is that an admission of trying to rewrite history with lies?

Anastar said:
... since what I quoted showed that Hito was using both meanings - the meaning of "lover/sweetheart/boyfriend" and the meaning of "beloved". You only acknowledge the one meaning.

The word "koibito" can be translated both ways. That means a possible meaning for the word's usage in CoLWhite is "lover/sweetheart/boyfriend", in which case Cloud loves Aerith, too.

For fuck's sake, it's been quoted at you repeatedly where I have said that "koibito" can be translated multiple ways, but that its root meaning remains the same, and that the translations that are applicable are based solely on the context. You can't just pick whichever word you would like to translate it with.

The context informs the meaning.

Look, you've admitted you know little about the language. Stop making yourself look like a fucking moron by quoting hito when I -- and others participating in this thread -- have spoken with the man at length about this very topic, and when he and I are in complete agreement about the usage of the word.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
Actually, there is. See what I have labeled as "cabinet" in the following picture?

That pic's lightened, but you can find the original here:

At any rate, that thing in the corner that I labeled as "CABINET" looks like it has drawers to me. Then there's an open trunk right in front of it where he could put clothes.
Annie, your "cabinet" is a box. One not even as tall as the desk. And that "trunk" isn't even as thick as the motorcycle tire laying beside it.
"Am not!!!" "Are so!!!"

I can't really take offense to this unless both of those hypothetical quotes are supposed to be attributed to me; 'cause you're kind of rooting yourself out there as one half of a childish squabble as well.

In any case, the box is a box; not a cabinet. You've been told why.

The toolbox is a toolbox; not a trunk. You've been told why.

Anastar said:
Or it could indicate that he actually considers his motorcycle his room, since he puts money into what he wears and the motorcycle he rides instead of where he lives. A shrink would most likely say that he's trying to dissociate himself from the Seventh Heaven that way.

A shrink would probably say and do a lot more about a man like that, but that's irrelevant since you haven't established that Cloud is such a man.

Which brings up something I really feel the need to comment on.

Cloud, according to you, gets Tifa to pay for this motorcycle -- with a promise of lifetime labor on her part -- for his own leisurely use. He also spends what they expected to be their last night among the living telling her he has no interest in her romantically. He cares more for his buddy's kid than the one his lover supposedly brought to him (remember your argument about the flashes during the fight with Sephiroth), and deliberately distances himself from the home he brought that kid into. He also cares more for a dead chick than three living people he has the audacity to call his family. And he cohabitates with Tifa for years with no intention of ever giving her a shot outside the Friend Zone.

Between this notion of what kind of man Cloud is, and aerbear's suggestion that in Maiden Who Travels the Planet Aerith didn't want her friend Tifa to act on her feelings for Cloud/wanted Cloud to be all hers despite her death, I have to say ... what a couple of assholes.

I mean, really. It's been said before, but it's the fuckdamn truth: "Love Beyond Death" Clerith's Cloud and Aerith are two genuinely shitty people. They deserve each other -- and only each other. If they're really supposed to be this awful, I'm not sad she died, I wish Geostigma had won the arm wrestle with Cloud, and the best thing Tifa could do is leave that dickwad in the Lifestream next time he falls in.

What a godawful pairing.

Anastar said:
It's not on the Timeline published at TLS, but I've always heard it's at least a couple of months.

Well, we'll need better than that, won't we?

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
Also notice the MIRROR - no need for that in an office.
I'm really not seeing a mirror. And, yeah, actually, I've seen mirrors in lots of offices.
Turns out that's the window of the door, as shown in this picture:

Imagine that.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
Then all the boxes, probably for him to store his personal stuff.
Instead of business supplies?
Point is, it could be either one - and we don't know for sure which one it is.

So where's he keep his invoices and shit for running the business? That on his bike too, since it's his other room?

Oh, Cloud, you are one mixed up little wad of chocobo spunk, aren't ya? Keeping your clothes in your office, your business invoices on your bike -- and who knows where the fuck you actually sleep.

Anastar said:
Ariadne said:
Anastar said:
Oh, and look at the beds in Marlene and Denzel's room!


Once again, only a single mattress with no boxspring. Just like Cloud's bed. Only difference is that they have a bedspread, but I really don't think Cloud would care about that.

And look, they only have ONE cabinet for the two of them. Not much bigger than the one in Cloud's room. Of course, he also has the trunk and boxes to keep stuff in. Oh, and look! They don't have a nightstand either - just like Cloud.
There's a nightstand right there between the two kids' beds. And that actual cabinet is way bigger than the thing in the office you're calling a cabinet.
So what is this? If I say it, it must be wrong - but if you say it, it must be right? Is that the way this game is scored?

You're discussing absolutely nothing, Tres. All of your responses are basically saying no more than, "No, it's not!!!!!" to everything I say.

Yeah, 'cause I've been getting direct and poignant responses from your direction.

Listen: that's a fucking nightstand. That's an actual fucking cabinet, instead of a goddamn box.

I've heard Que say your vision is challenged, and I'm very sorry about that. I hope there's an optical solution for you to have a happy, non-hampered life. You're wrong, though.

If you aren't, you can point to empty space between the kids' beds instead of the nightstand that is actually there. You can also demonstrate that the scale of the kids' furniture is comparable to the box in Cloud's office that you keep calling a cabinet.

Until you've done these things, sit your ass down and drink your goddamn cup of stfu.
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Celes Chere

Meanwhile, TLS has an "Analysis of the LTD" that is clearly Cloti-biased. TLS presents absolutely no perspective on the LTD from the Clerith point of view. Yet, TLS calls itself a neutral site for all fans.

Oh for the love of... Someone PLEASE PM THIS TO ANASTAR SO SHE UNDERSTANDS. TLS mods/admins hardly give one fuck about the LTD. Stop judging TLS because of ONE article when you haven't even posted around the entire site. It is not a Cloti based website! Also, we have said MANY times Cleriths may write their own essay to appear on the front page if they'd like. So how about stop whining how TLS is full of mean ol' Clotis and get writing? I mean seriously, expecting change and doing nothing about it? Laughable. I'm just tired of TLS being ragged on for being something it's not. It IS a neutral site welcome to all fans. Just because you're butthurt about the LTD doesn't mean the rest of the website is bad.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
So what is this? If I say it, it must be wrong - but if you say it, it must be right? Is that the way this game is scored?
Anastar after a debate:

Well, there's a major difference between me changing my interpretation and you changing the meaning of a word.
I'm pretty sure I never changed the meaning of the word... nor do I have that kind of power... not today anyway... but soon. :shifty:

The meaning of a word, however, is fact. The meaning of a word does not change. The meaning of "koibito" has always been 1) lover, sweetheart, boyfriend/girlfriend; 2) beloved. That has not changed.
And it is exactly as Hito and numerous Clotis said long before CoLW came out. But the ones who said it only had ONE meaning were wrong... correct?

Interpretations can change because interpretations are basically opinions.

okay so...

Anastar a few pages ago said:
Once again, SE says that Tifa's affection for Cloud can get low. So my website is obviously wrong about that. I should've changed it by now. My bad.

You got this wrong then. You said it was your bad. So if the Clotis who said it had one meaning said, "My bad" is that okay? Or again, are we holding them to different standards?

I'm saying this in response to you, however - it's meant to be directed toward other people I've been responding to. Quex has been much more considerate to me than other people here, but I see you're doing the same thing in what you said last.

... what?

Just because you think something happened a certain way doesn't mean it did happen that way. You and others are throwing quotes around that you think support your claims - not everybody sees it that way. Please stop taking the attitude of "If I said it, it's right!!!!! Whatever you say is wrong, bitch!!!!!!" Very honestly, that's no better than kids on a playground tossing insults at one another. Just because you think something doesn't mean it's right. So get off your high horse and start discussing things instead of just assuming that your perspective is the only possible perspective. <_<

I honestly don't get how you got ANY of that out of the latest response I sent you. And I don't want to get down from my high horse. It's nice up here. I can see your house.

Please read what I've highlighted in red instead of what you put in bold. What he's saying is that it can mean "boyfriend/girlfriend", "sweetheart", or "lover" as well as "beloved". HOWEVER, the choice of which translation you use is made depending on context.

Pumpkin what? That's exactly what I was telling you he was saying. You said this to him not a couple posts ago:

Anastar a few pages ago said:
No, it didn't fail at all, since what I quoted showed that Hito was using both meanings - the meaning of "lover/sweetheart/boyfriend" and the meaning of "beloved". You only acknowledge the one meaning.

Please stop going back and forth on this. But okay fine, you, for some reason now agree that he's saying it depends on context, right? Perfect. We'll move on. Glad we got that straightened out.

Now, let's look at why Tres translates "koibito" in CoLWhite as "beloved" instead of "sweetheart".
No let's not. Please take Tres' translations up with Tres.

TLS calls itself a neutral site by saying that it's for all fans of FFVII and the Compilation. Yet, all of the info you guys provide is Cloti-biased. This article:

is nothing but opinion. TLS made an interpretation about what the FTOIL page says about Cloud and Tifa. Now, you're refusing to consider that the FTOIL page might mean anything else.

Meanwhile, TLS has an "Analysis of the LTD" that is clearly Cloti-biased. TLS presents absolutely no perspective on the LTD from the Clerith point of view. Yet, TLS calls itself a neutral site for all fans.

And I have told you countless times to write an article and send it in and you have not done so. How are they supposed to post Clerith stuff if you never send it in? and hello there Clerith article that a Clerith actually bothered to send in. How are you today?

And you've completely ignored what I said in return - that the paragraph I left out didn't contradict what the first paragraph said. In order to "quote mine" as you accuse me of, you have to conceal text that actually contradicts what was quoted. I did no such thing.

That's one form of quote mining. But another form is when you purposefully leave out more information.

First paragraph: If you hear, people will assume mutual.
Second: But that's not always the case.

People who just read the first paragraph will assume it's mutual, those who go on to read the second will see that's not always the case.

The second paragraph went on to say that the word could also mean "beloved" (which I never disputed) in addition to the meanings of "lover, sweetheart, boy/girlfriend".
Yes I know, I read it.

That's not quote mining - that's an attempt to get you to focus on something other than your narrow minded point of view.
It IS quote mining for the reasons I explained above. But I'm not going to argue the meaning of it with you.

Where exactly did I say that Hito flip flopped? All I quoted was Hito saying that the meaning of "koibito" is usually "lover, sweetheart" or "boy/girlfriend".

Did you... forget or something?

Anastar a few pages ago said:
According to Cloti's before the publication of CoLWhite, "koibito" always meant lover, sweetheart, boy/girlfriend - mutual attraction. Even your translator Vilaeth said so. Funny how the meaning has conveniently changed once CoLWhite got published.

You said Hito said the meaning only had one meaning. One of mutual attraction. Then went on to say he CHANGED it afterwards. How is that not saying he flip flopped?

As for the reference to "always" - that's the way I remember it. When the Reunion Files came out with that quote saying that "Tifa is like a mother, a sweetheart, etc" I remember all Cloti's insisting that "koibito" indicates a mutual attraction and therefore Cloud loves Tifa.

Well you remember wrong. I'm sure SOME of them said that... but not all. Kinda like how SOME Cleriths insisted it meant "nice person" but not all of them did.

And it makes it very frustrating for me when people don't read what I say carefully, and/or answer my questions with insults instead of any debatable points. The frustration is mutual.
I can understand that, but if you just slow down to read things, people won't insult you like this. They think you're doing it on purpose. That's the problem.

So Cloud is not all "Dirk-a-dir dunno whatcha mean there..." after Aerith voices her feelings. First, the scene fades to a black out just like the HW scene does. SE says that Cloud and Tifa confirm their feelings for one another without words in the HA HW scene version after the scene blacks out. Why can't Cloud and Aerith confirm anything during the black out if Cloud and Tifa can?

Well let's start with this. SE told us Cloud was oblivious during the dates... Do you have any evidence that they confirmed something?

Furthermore, if Cloud and Tifa confirm their feelings without words during the black out after Tifa says, "Words aren't the only thing..." - then Cloti's assume that means they kissed or had sex or whatever. If Cloud and Tifa can do that during a black out, then why can't Cloud kiss Aerith during the gondola ride black out? How do you know that didn't happen?
It's YOUR claim that they did confirm something. You have to sustain it. It's not up to me to disprove it. Do you have any evidence that this happened?

Also question:
When Tifa says "Go drink in your room." ... and you said Cloud's room is his motorcycle? Is Tifa telling Cloud go drink and drive? That's just dangerous...

Thanked by 2: Big Sister (19 Minutes Ago), Little Sister (19 Minutes Ago)

Well that's just kind of funny. Nice to know my family backs me up at the same time :awesome:
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Anastar said:
So Cloud is not all "Dirk-a-dir dunno whatcha mean there..." after Aerith voices her feelings.
He is exactly that. That's the whole point of the scene.
There is nothing in the dialogue you posted that supports your idea that Cloud knew Aeris was coming on to him. He completely misinterprets her "searching for you" line and responds with a dubious.."but I'm right here" because he doesn't understand what she means. This is why Aeris replies with "I know, I know, what I mean is...". If he got the memo, she wouldn't need to try and clarify.

Furthermore, even Cloud's optional responses of "yeah" or "that's not it" are a direct response to her question of "you don't like being with me?". Neither response is indicative of romantic feelings or of the fact that he's aware Aeris wants to bone him. He merely answers her question. Either he can agree or say no, that's not it. That's it. He's very passive. It is Aeris who says that next time they should take their time and go on more rides. Cloud doesn't even respond to that.

So no, he never says "yes, let's go out". The scene cuts to black, they get off the gondola and Aeris says it's time to go, to which Cloud nods, agreeing. There is nothing more.

That having been said, I cannot believe you are seriously asking anyone here to prove to you a negative. The onus is on YOU as it is YOU making the completely nonsensical claim that on the date, Cloud and Aeris confirm feelings because the scene cuts to black. YOU are to provide the proof.

And by the way, that's not HOW we know Cloud and Tifa confirm feelings without words. No one here ever suggested that every fade-to-black is a device indicative of sexing. We know they do because there is an in-game, in-dialogue line from Tifa that sets up the fade to black ("words aren't the only way to convey feelings"), during which we are specifically then told by SE, like 10 times, that Cloud and Tifa confirm feelings. And after the Highwind cut, we are specifically told, AGAIN, regardless of which version that something happened that was witnessed by the party, that the audience wasn't privy to. These are clues to indicate significant action taking place the audience should know about, despite not having seen it.

Where is your equivalent? There is nothing of the sort in script or on screen that supports your claim of a kiss/confirmation. The cut during the gondola is purely a matter of sequence. It's cutting to indicate AN END to the gondola ride.

Anastar said:
Clerith people tend to pick "That's not it", which indicates that Cloud is interested in Aerith romantically.
HOW THE FUCK does "that's not it" indicate Cloud is interested romantically?
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Not that this will be read by Anastar.

I'd just like to point out that the 'fade to black' (which is actually just scene transition) occurs on all Goldsaucer Dates. So what are we meant to take from that? :huh:


You know what doesn't happen on all dates, though? Being interrupted by fireworks :monster:

Tifa is the only one whose date ends with Cloud actually asking her what it was she wanted to say, because she never finished.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
It''s also the only date Cloud seems to be paying attention in.

To further add to the 'Cleriths can submit their own editorials' that Anastar has been reminded of, I actually ASKED to use that article. I even posted it.
So don't give us this 'TLS is a super biased Cloti site', we're only biased to C/T in the same way reality has a liberal bias. Yes, that's a snarky statement, folks.
Now I'm curious- Aerbear, CR, and Lady Lifestream have all vanished. What happened to them?

Anyways, Anastar, while I don't suspect you'll respond to the posts of mine which other people responded to, I DO expect you to eventually get back around to responding to my complete response to your essay.

Also, since we love playing the quotation game and I'm already getting sick of you arguing that you weren't quote mining because you did not contradict the portion you did not represent. So I went to the wiki for the formal form of quote mining.

"The practice of quoting out of context, sometimes referred to as "contextomy" or "quote mining", is a logical fallacy and a type of false attribution in which a passage is removed from its surrounding matter in such a way as to distort its intended meaning.[1]
Arguments based on this fallacy typically take two forms. As a straw man argument, which is frequently found in politics, it involves quoting an opponent out of context in order to misrepresent their position (typically to make it seem more simplistic or extreme) in order to make it easier to refute. As an appeal to authority, it involves quoting an authority on the subject out of context, in order to misrepresent that authority as supporting some position.[2]" From Wiki

The removed bit does not need to contradict the quoted bit, it just needs to distort the quoted by by its removal. Anastar, you do this OFTEN, most infamously, in my opinion, when you quote the AC story segment- including the bit that says Zack and Aerith return to the lifestream where they belong, and proceed to pretend that segment does not exist, treating the first half of the sentence those words are contained in as modifying a previous sentence.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Anastar said:
Now, let's look at why Tres translates "koibito" in CoLWhite as "beloved" instead of "sweetheart".
No let's not. Please take Tres' translations up with Tres.

Okay, I guess I can respond to that portion.

He doesn't think there's any possibility that Cloud loves Aerith. That's purely his opinion. Yet, his translation of "koibito" in CoLWhite is based purely on his opinion and his interpretation. Why? Because he can't accept that anyone else MAY be right.

It's not that there's no possibility that Cloud loves Aerith romantically. It's that the available material has not specified that he does. It would be improper -- dishonest even -- to go with a word that implies mutual romantic love in the absence of it being otherwise established.

The only way to treat the word in such a context is to translate into a word that accurately conveys Aerith's feelings without necessarily attributing feelings to Cloud that we haven't been told he has.

Even "beloved" could give the wrong impression, but it's probably the English language's most similar word to "koibito." Both denote a person loved/desired by another, and while both are frequently used in contexts where the feelings are mutual (we all assume it's mutual when we hear someone referred to as another's beloved), they aren't exclusively used in that manner, nor are they required to be.

And please do keep in mind that if you're going to insist that the word's inclusion there must denote mutual feelings, you'd kind of have to do the same with the quote about Tifa in the Reunion Files. In which case this whole exercise on your part is sillier than ever. If she's someone's koibito, and the word has to mean that the feelings are mutual, then that would definitely point to Cloud since we know she's in love with him. Would you really want to go down that road?

In any case, the word does not denote mutual feelings, so stop being silly.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
To forestall FUTURE silliness, I feel it should be pointed out that the word does not PRECLUDE mutual feelings either.
To be very explicit, the word koibito neither denotes nor precludes mutual feelings, it merely indicates that the object of the descriptor is romantically loved by another entity.

In RF, Tifa is romantically loved by someone.
In COLW, Cloud is romantically loved by Woman.

And as always, if we can't determine from the clues who the someone is, then I wonder how we can apparently do the same for Woman.


The Black Swordsman
Aithex, Atom
You could apply most overviews of Clerith to Barret. I been fiddling around with a plugin I found and want to try reading this with Aerith juxtaposed with Barret for the whole thread, see how different it is.

This is slightly off topic but is there a full Japanese to English translation of the original script I can look at? Not particularly for this thread but it'd just be cool to have. Or for anyone to work on, maybe I might when I know a little more kanji.

I've always been curious on how wildly ours differs from the original.


The Wanderer of Time
I recently typed on a length speech on why Sephiroth is such a horrible villain, and something occured to me in doing so somewhat LTD-related.

Sephiroth kills Aeris, okay...why?

Sephiroth waits for Cloud to get there and tries to make Cloud kill her first, so he clearly isn't worried about Holy, if he just wanted Aeris to die before she could call the spell, why not just do it? He placed priority for her death to making sure it tormented Cloud, not to stopping Holy. His intent with her death clearly was to torment Cloud, he even let Cloud know he was going to do it. And why only kill Aeris, why not kill off the other party members? And why wait so late into the game to start adding Cloud's allies to his body count? Wouldn't it make more sense, if Sephiroth wanted to torment Cloud, to kill off his comrades one by one and taunt Cloud with how powerless he is to stop him?

The only thing I could come up with (aside from bad writing, which is also likely :monster:) is that maybe Sephiroth realized Cloud was growing close to Aeris and decided "hey, it'll help me out a bit to kill this chick, and Cloud likes her, so let's troll him with it". Would also tie into (and don't jump on me for mentioning this, it's in a different context) his "tell me what you cherish most" line - it wasn't just enough for Sephiroth to pick a party member and kill them in front of Cloud's eyes, he picked the person whose death he thought would anguish him the most and had fun with it.

Just a couple thoughts. :)


Kaiju Member
I recently typed on a length speech on why Sephiroth is such a horrible villain, and something occured to me in doing so somewhat LTD-related.

Sephiroth kills Aeris, okay...why?

Sephiroth waits for Cloud to get there and tries to make Cloud kill her first, so he clearly isn't worried about Holy, if he just wanted Aeris to die before she could call the spell, why not just do it? He placed priority for her death to making sure it tormented Cloud, not to stopping Holy. His intent with her death clearly was to torment Cloud, he even let Cloud know he was going to do it. And why only kill Aeris, why not kill off the other party members? And why wait so late into the game to start adding Cloud's allies to his body count? Wouldn't it make more sense, if Sephiroth wanted to torment Cloud, to kill off his comrades one by one and taunt Cloud with how powerless he is to stop him?

The only thing I could come up with (aside from bad writing, which is also likely :monster:) is that maybe Sephiroth realized Cloud was growing close to Aeris and decided "hey, it'll help me out a bit to kill this chick, and Cloud likes her, so let's troll him with it". Would also tie into (and don't jump on me for mentioning this, it's in a different context) his "tell me what you cherish most" line - it wasn't just enough for Sephiroth to pick a party member and kill them in front of Cloud's eyes, he picked the person whose death he thought would anguish him the most and had fun with it.

Just a couple thoughts. :)

Most likely Sephiroth in his own arrogance wanted to, so to say "kill two birds with one stone" he definitely did not want Holy to be cast but he also wanted to end Aerith's life in a way that would cause the most emotional damage to Cloud and his party, which would be making Cloud killing Aerith himself. But since Cloud did not he had to do it himself.


The Wanderer of Time
Re-read my post. Okay, fine, but why did he target Aeris specifically? And again, he didn't care about Holy - it was cast, he held it back.


Kaiju Member
Re-read my post. Okay, fine, but why did he target Aeris specifically? And again, he didn't care about Holy - it was cast, he held it back.

I think he still cared about Holy to a degree, yeah he was able to hold it back, but he still probably would have preferred not to have had it cast in the first place.
And I agree Sephiroth probably noticed that Cloud was close Aerith (and Cloud was still "Zackified" at that point, so he had not had the memory restoration with Tifa yet), but I don't think that was the only reason she was targeted, because like you said why not go an kill the rest of his party as well?

I mean Sephiroth in general was very much a "back-ground" villain, he did not appear directly that much but his presence was always felt. Maybe that is part of your complaint with Sephiroth as a villain?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Even if Seph could hold Holy back, could he hold back reinforced Holy, or other ancient shenannigans? He killed her because she WAS trying to interfere with his plans. He didn't want to devote resources to stopping Holy- he wound up having to. He didn't want to- and he tried to have Cloud kill her merely to prove he was a puppet. Not because he wanted Cloud to hurt- he didn't want Cloud to FEEL anything except doubt in himself.

Priority 1 was turn Cloud into a puppet. For a short time, Priority 1 shifted to stop the magic chick. This short time was when his attempt to use Cloud to kill Aerith failed. It immediately shifted RIGHT the fuck back.
'Cloud likes her' probably only extended to the thought of 'I make him kill his allies, he'll realize he's NOTHING, just my goddamn puppet with no will.'
And then the plan failed. Oh well.
So he had to try again by using the person Cloud trusted most to hammer at Cloud's identity with well timed revelations and several factual distortions.


Kaiju Member
So he had to try again by using the person Cloud trusted most to hammer at Cloud's identity with well timed revelations and several factual distortions.

I may being missing the obvious here, but who was the person Cloud trusted most? The person he gives the Black Materia to?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Tifa, Theo. Regarding people who Cloud trusts AND who's opinion matters to him, its always Tifa. Its why she's the only one he would open his secret heart to, and her memories conflicting with his (most especially whether Cloud ever came back to Nibelheim at all) is the biggest thing Sephiroth used to break Cloud's will and convince him he was never real.


The Wanderer of Time
Even if Seph could hold Holy back, could he hold back reinforced Holy, or other ancient shenannigans? He killed her because she WAS trying to interfere with his plans. He didn't want to devote resources to stopping Holy- he wound up having to. He didn't want to- and he tried to have Cloud kill her merely to prove he was a puppet. Not because he wanted Cloud to hurt- he didn't want Cloud to FEEL anything except doubt in himself.

So in the end he wanted Holy stopped, but decided to let Aerith cast it because it gave him a chance to troll Cloud. Yeah, bad writing then. Oh FF7. :monster:

BTW, I realize not relevant to the debate, but for the curious, my Sephy thing.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
So in the end he wanted Holy stopped, but decided to let Aerith cast it because it gave him a chance to troll Cloud. Yeah, bad writing then. Oh FF7. :monster:

But... this is consistently Sephiroth's biggest problem. He sucks at prioritizing rather badly. He puts "revenge against Cloud" ahead of his other goals. He did it in the OG, he did it in AC/C by coming out to fight Cloud instead of just hanging back and waiting for Geostigma to do its thing, etc.

And while I do not mind talking about Sephiroth being a dumb shit in this regard, how is this really LTD related? Even if you can concretely say "Sephiroth didn't give two shits about Holy and JUST wanted to hurt Cloud" there is no way to support that as being an indicator of romantic feelings for either girl.
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