The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000

Several things.

1) Cloud hadn't lived there for some time, someone else can verify how long he'd been away. Maybe his mum rearranged the furniture like my parents did when I left home?

2) His mother doesn't seem to have a dresser either.

3) They don't even have a toilet!:O

Seriously, can we please move on from this 'where Cloud sleeps proves if he does/doesn't' love Tifa' thing? We are not playing house with dolls here, there can be any number of reasons why a couple don't sleep in the same room, it doesn't mean that they are not a couple.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Celes! >_<

EDIT 2: duplicate post.

Celes said:
There's a difference between marketing and actual official works. Seriously, anyone who has been to any kind of business class, social studies, sociology class, etc would know... hell, it's just common knowledge that marketing has nothing to do with what is 'correct' a lot of the time.
Hey would it be possible to find out who was responsible for that advertisement? So we could try and put this commercial nonsense to bed once and for all?

Its very common for commercials to be full of inaccuracies, or being downright misleading across all media. In fact here is a big lovely list of videogames with misleading trailers, and FFVII is the tip of the iceberg:
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Or it could mean that Cloud would end up with Aerith instead of Tifa, since Nojima says with Aerith, not with Tifa.

He didn't say that.

But if he had, then he would have meant LOCATION. :monster:

What does it matter? Even if you can prove that one optional scene has a canonical version, it doesn't mean that all optional scene have a canonical version. That's like saying that if one scene has Vincent in it, that all scenes have Vincent in it.

I believe the point is that we KNOW these are canon outcomes because SE has declared them to be in the same way they declared the HA scene to be canon. Are you even reading the responses?

Well, true... he did say MIGHT be true even without Geostigma and Sephiroth. However, he said the whole premise of the story is that things won't go well between Cloud and Tifa, which means that's the basis of the story.

No, he has said REPEATEDLY the basis of the story is family.

And no, Nojima said nothing about the problems between Cloud and Tifa being in the context of love, marriage, and family. What he actually said was, "I don't really intend to go on about my views on love or marriage or family". By that, he only means that he doesn't want to discuss his views on those matters - he isn't talking about how that pertains to Cloud and Tifa.

I'm sorry, what? He just randomly spouts that comment off in a completely unrelated tangent? That's seriously grasping at fucking straws and plain delusional. Here, let me give the whole quote since you never seem able to grasp them entirely: "First off, there's the premise that things won't go well
between Tifa and Cloud, and that even without Geostigma or Sephiroth this
might be the same. I don't really intend to go about my views on love or
marriage or family (laughs). After ACC, I guess Denzel and Marlene could help
them work it out. Maybe things would have gone well with Aerith, but I think
there is a great burden from Aerith."

Explain how he is not referring to Cloud and Tifa there? There's not even a damn break in his train of thought, ffs.

And where did I say it did happen? Whether or not it did happen has no relevance to the fact that Nojima thought that things may have gone better between Cloud and Aerith than between Cloud and Tifa.

he does NOT say that. READ the fucking quote.

Or it could mean that Cloud would end up with Aerith instead of Tifa, since Nojima says with Aerith, not with Tifa.

You're arguments are seriously pathetic.

I didn't say they had separate bedrooms for sure. If anything, it seems to me that the Cloti's here have been saying that they definitely did NOT have separate bedrooms, which is not proven either.
Are you fucking kidding?

If anything, however, it seems to me that the evidence lies in favor of Cloud's office also being his bedroom. Think about it - there's no reason for SE to put a single bed in Cloud's office unless they wanted to insinuate that he sleeps there while at the Seventh Heaven. If SE wanted to make it clear that Cloud sleeps with Tifa, they wouldn't go out of their way to show a place where Cloud could sleep on his own.

Then how come there was no dresser in his room in Nibelheim?
How come he has no bed AND no dresser AND no nightstand AND no lamp in Aerith's church while he's sleeping there? Why does he even need a dresser when he wears the same pair of clothing each day?

There's just no words for this level of utter ridiculousness...

Yes, that was so nice of you to say.

YOU pointed it out. YOU said that was the reason you couldn't debate well. YOU used your eyes as a crutch. Don't get pissy with Q if she points out that if they are so bad you can't see the images enough to debate about them that you maybe shouldn't debate about them. Play wounded party elsewhere.

That's all I've been saying all along.

Bull fucking shit.

And you obviously don't get what I'm trying to say.

You don't even know what you're trying to say.

Well, if this commercial is inaccurate, we have to question everything that SE says or produces.

If SE had produced it, maybe. Pay attention: advertising comes from advertising and marketing agencies. NOT the game developers. Seriously? What cave do you dwell in where you are unaware of this?

Maybe that means the FTOIL page is inaccurate, too, as well as the 10th AU, the 20th AU, and the FFVII UO. Why trust anything from SE?

You're losing your grip on your straws, aren't you?

Now, let me see - I've only seen the FTOIL page in Japanese. I assume that means the 20th AU was only published in Japanese. At lease, I've only see translations from it available on TLS.

Stop smearing the site because you suck at the LTD debate. Seriously. If I was a mod or an admin I'd ban your ass for that shit.

So, if SE said that Cloti is canon on the FTOIL page, why would they only announce it to a JP audience?


I know Anastar won't read this or reply, but I wanted to at least comment on the lunacy. She's at the end of her tenuous shipping rope. Her arguments are frayed to the point she can't hold onto them anymore and her lies are piling up to bury her. This has become a 'pound it into Anastar's thick skull' thread. Honestly, I don't see why anyone should have to reply to her anymore, and at this point I really don't think anyone should.
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If you want to know why he targets Aeris specifically, perhaps you should look at the dialogue considering it's all fucking spelled out.

Wouldn't it make more sense, if Sephiroth wanted to torment Cloud, to kill off his comrades one by one and taunt Cloud with how powerless he is to stop him?
Of course not. How would that serve him?
Sephiroth is not concerned with shitty eco-terrorists. To acknowledge them is to to somehow endow them with significance. He doesn't even bother to learn Aeris' name. Sephiroth always refers to her as &#8220;that girl&#8221;. This lack of concern until he learns what she is and what she means to do makes your theory that somehow she stood out in Sephiroth's eyes as the girl Cloud likes, very unlikely. That would imply Sephiroth started to pay particular attention to her, but he doesn't.

He doesn't acknowledge her until she decides to take action against him.

Sephiroth said:
Hmm........ She's thinking of interfering? She will be a difficult one, don't you think?
We must stop that girl soon.

I've addressed this before (around p10 or something).

Sephiroth's goal is not to make Cloud mourn his loved ones. No wonder you think he's a shitty villain, you don't seem to understand his motivations.

He was humiliated by Cloud. He was taken down by a nobody. How can Sephrioth then reconcile being a god when this man exists, who cleaved him in half before his fucking balls had dropped?

He can't. Thus he tries, throughout the whole game to erase Cloud from existence. Not kill him. He wants Cloud himself to acknowledge Sephiroth's superiority. He wants Cloud himself to acknowledge that Cloud does not exist, that he is nothing more than a puppet, an empty bag of flesh with no feelings or desires of his own beyond what Sephiroth allows. Killing his friends does not accomplish this. Making Cloud give him the BM does. He makes the man trying to save the planet hand him the only means of destroying the planet. Makes him just fucking hand it over after Cloud thinks he's accomplishing something in opposition to Sephiroth's plans. It's hilarious.

After he kills Aeris and Cloud is a sad panda, Sephiroth does not sit there and go &#8220;look what you've done. You've killed the lady you like. Oh shit, how's that guilt working for you?&#8221;

No. He does none of that. He, in fact, tries to dismiss Cloud's pain. It's not about showing him how powerful Sephiroth is in comparison. Cloud already knows &#8220;Sephiroth's power is unreal&#8221;. No, no. The point is for Cloud to acknowledge he does not exist without Sephiroth.

Aeris stands in his way, that's why she's chosen as the demonstration of the day. That's it. Nothing beyond that. Two birds, one stone.
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I don't think he wants to fuck with Cloud, I think he wants to take his revenge on Cloud by making him doom the world. Which he did.


LOL lengthy post in which I repeat myself 10000 times. sorry, writing this before i go shopping.

My point is that I disagree with Drake mainly because Sephiroth never concerns himself with Aeris until she decides to move against him and use her power.

People who are important to Cloud and can be used against him = Sephiroth will pay attention and will use them accordingly. We know this because the only one he addresses directly, by name, is the one whose attitude matters the most to Cloud. It is TIFA he tries to use against Cloud. Because Cloud has made it more than obvious that it is Tifa who is closest to him.

Cloud: "Those words will always support me. I am the one you grew up with. I'm Cloud of Nibelheim. No matter how much I lose faith in myself, that is the truth."


""No matter what anyone else says to me, it's your attitude that

Sephiroth responds accordingly and taunts them both. My point is, he isn't a dumbass. If you're that important to Cloud, and he thinks you can be used as a potential weapon, he'll at least remember your name.
Sephiroth said:
"Ha, ha, ha... Tifa..."
"Why are you so worried and scared by those words?"
"Hmm... Shall I show everyone here what's in your heart?"

"Cloud... Don't blame Tifa."

"Inside of you, Jenova has merged with Tifa's memories, creating

"...Tifa, you remember, right?"

Note that Tifa is never merely "that girl". FFS, he knows what's in her heart :awesome:
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

What does it matter? Even if you can prove that one optional scene has a canonical version, it doesn't mean that all optional scene have a canonical version. That's like saying that if one scene has Vincent in it, that all scenes have Vincent in it.

You're trying to argue against this scene having a canon outcome not by arguing against the evidence, but by arguing that it might not have a canon outcome. Consider that for a moment.

Well, true... he did say MIGHT be true even without Geostigma and Sephiroth. However, he said the whole premise of the story is that things won't go well between Cloud and Tifa, which means that's the basis of the story.

Yes. The premise of this story is that Cloud and Tifa are having some issues. That's because the story needs to lead into Advent Children where those issues are made manifest and solved.

And no, Nojima said nothing about the problems between Cloud and Tifa being in the context of love, marriage, and family. What he actually said was, "I don't really intend to go on about my views on love or marriage or family". By that, he only means that he doesn't want to discuss his views on those matters - he isn't talking about how that pertains to Cloud and Tifa.

So, Nojima has a case of ADD.
Also, the problems Cloud and Tifa have have nothing to do with love, marriage, or family, then.
That's an excellent sign for their continued romantic relationship, then.[/snark]

And where did I say it did happen? Whether or not it did happen has no relevance to the fact that Nojima thought that things may have gone better between Cloud and Aerith than between Cloud and Tifa.

He did not say such a thing, even in hypothetical. He said 'with Aerith, things might have gone well, but she has her own burdens'

Or it could mean that Cloud would end up with Aerith instead of Tifa, since Nojima says with Aerith, not with Tifa.

But I thought being 'with' someone meant nothing? It certainly seems to regarding Cloud of Tifa any of the numerous times it's been pointed out that the two of them are with each other. Even when Nojima said Cloud would be Together with Tifa..

I didn't say they had separate bedrooms for sure. If anything, it seems to me that the Cloti's here have been saying that they definitely did NOT have separate bedrooms, which is not proven either.

Anastar, you've been arguing that Cloud's office is his bedroom. You've used 'Cloud and Tifa sleep in separate rooms' as key points in your arguments. You have been arguing that they do not share a bedroom.

If anything, however, it seems to me that the evidence lies in favor of Cloud's office also being his bedroom. Think about it - there's no reason for SE to put a single bed in Cloud's office unless they wanted to insinuate that he sleeps there while at the Seventh Heaven.

Then they should have put a single bed with an actual mattress in the room instead of a cot with a mattress no thicker than my arm.

If SE wanted to make it clear that Cloud sleeps with Tifa, they wouldn't go out of their way to show a place where Cloud could sleep on his own.

If they wanted to make it Clear he slept there, they wouldn't have gone out of their way to call the room his office and give us a scene where Tifa watches Cloud sleep.

How come there's no bathroom?

How come he has no bed AND no dresser AND no nightstand AND no lamp in Aerith's church while he's sleeping there? Why does he even need a dresser when he wears the same pair of clothing each day?

You actually went there. You think Cloud only owns a SINGLE set of clothing that he wears eternally. And why does Cloud not have a bed, dresser, lamp, or other amenities in a place he's gone seeking penance and also in avoidance of that which brings him comfort... Hmm.
Oh, because it would be defeating the point of leaving comfort behind.

You know damned well what my name is. And I already mentioned in an earlier reply that yes, there is a door there and I was wrong about that.

No, you just said 'Actually, there is a door there' I did not see you say 'I was wrong' or even 'my bad' in any response prior to this one.

Yes, that was so nice of you to say.

That's all I've been saying all along.

No, Anastar, it's not. You've been saying that Cloud and Tifa sleep in different rooms as part of your arguments. We are not fools in a vacuum who cannot read your responses to other people.

And you obviously don't get what I'm trying to say.

I'm saying that whether or not FFX-2 has a canon ending is totally irrelevant because it doesn't matter if FFX-2 has a canon ending. Even if FFX-2 does have a canon ending, it doesn't mean that the HA HW scene is canon.

Glad we agree on that.
Your ENTIRE ARGUMENT against the HAHW scene being canon was that there was a listed deviation for it.
You have just agreed to the exact opposite of your own argument.
I think a QED is in order.

I'm also saying that Yuna and Tidus's love was established on a non-optional basis in FFX. So what the hell does the ending of FFX-2 have to do with whether or not Cloti is canon? News: it has absolutely nothing to do with it.

But you see, that's where you're wrong. Because while the EXAMPLES are distinct, the LOGIC is identical. Tidus and Yuna's romance is, in point of fact, entirely beside the point of 10-2's ending having a canon ending. You keep shoehorning it in and no one but you knows why.


Does it matter? We know that Cloud hates Sephiroth - is there any question that he does? Do you know for sure that it's NOT talking about who Cloud loves and who Cloud hates?

How are you so sure it is?
And if it IS about Cloud's hate and love, then congrats, you've once again proven the commercial untrustworthy. That hate was not always in existence.

Well, if this commercial is inaccurate, we have to question everything that SE says or produces. Maybe that means the FTOIL page is inaccurate, too, as well as the 10th AU, the 20th AU, and the FFVII UO. Why trust anything from SE?

See, now you're being silly.
Firstly, this is a commercial.
Secondly, it wasn't even made by Square, certainly not Square Japan, whose commercial had jack shit to do with this nonsense.
Thirdly, again, it's a commercial. Yes, that's two of my points, but the very fact that you trust advertising is actually an alarming thought entirely beside the point of the LTD.

Then once again - why trust anything from SE? You've said that Nomura lies, and now you're saying that the commercials are inaccurate. So I don't know why you pay attention to anything from SE.

We've said Nomura plays coy with regards to unreleased and newly released games. Kojima of MGS does the same thing since he hates spoiling his games through promotion and so DELIBERATELY releases misleading trailers for his own games.

And have there been any inaccuracies found in the Ultimanias? Or are those all perfect?

You may think you're onto a glorious new argument here, but you're not. Mostly because you rely on Ultimanias and other sourcebooks just as much- you just have to twist them through the wringer first.

Now, let me see - I've only seen the FTOIL page in Japanese. I assume that means the 20th AU was only published in Japanese. At lease, I've only see translations from it available on TLS.

So, if SE said that Cloti is canon on the FTOIL page, why would they only announce it to a JP audience?

Because SE is a Japanese company that cares primarily about the audience that speaks their language, and because it's largely not profitable to translate sourcebooks for overseas markets when they've absolutely never done that before.
But good show on exposing that ethnocentricism, thar.

So are you saying that nothing is ever accurate in SE commercials?

What we are saying, Anastar, is that a commercial can NEVER BE TRUSTED ON ITS OWN MERITS.
A commercial may, in point of fact, be giving you accurate information. Most times, it's not. As the TV tropes page says, never trust a trailer. Commercials exist to sell you a line.

I went and found all the English AND Japanese FF commercials I could some time ago. Nearly all of them were full of nonsense, false information, or had JACKALL to do with the game. Commercials exist to get you interested, NOT to inform you.
A commercial MAY give you accurate information. You can never trust that the commercial IS giving you accurate information without the ability to confirm it from another source.
That's not just FF commercials. That's ALL commercials ever.

You keep returning to the commercial. It's a foundation of your argument. This is one of the biggest reasons why your arguments fail and will continue to fail. You have made your foundations on the swampland of advertising. There's no solid ground to be had there. Trying to use a commercial as EVIDENCE of a narrative is a downright laughable move, much less as a foundation.

So no. We're not saying nothing is ever accurate in a commercial about an SE product.
We're saying the accuracy of the information in ANY commercial is incidental, and that commercials are not trustworthy sources as a rule extending far beyond the bounds of this simple debate.
And we've been over this.
Multiple times.
And you refuse to admit it.
Quex, PM this AND my SW advertising post to her, if you would. Anastar NEEDS to see both of those just so she can realize how silly she is being.
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The Wanderer of Time
He doesn't even bother to learn Aeris' name. Sephiroth always refers to her as “that girl”. This lack of concern until he learns what she is and what she means to do makes your theory that somehow she stood out in Sephiroth's eyes as the girl Cloud likes, very unlikely. That would imply Sephiroth started to pay particular attention to her, but he doesn't.

He doesn't acknowledge her until she decides to take action against him.

I never said otherwise, at all. Was Sephiroth thinking the entire game "I'll let Cloud get close to her before I kill her"? Of course not.

Sephiroth's goal is not to make Cloud mourn his loved ones. No wonder you think he's a shitty villain, you don't seem to understand his motivations.

I think he's a shitty villain because he is. And I never said that was his goal, either.

Aeris stands in his way, that's why she's chosen as the demonstration of the day. That's it. Nothing beyond that. Two birds, one stone.

Fine, okay. That is your interpretation. I don't discredit or refute it at all. I just thought there could be something more to it.


Ok then, what exactly were you saying?

I'm not trying to be difficult, it's a legit question.
Because it seemed to me you came in proposing a theory on WHY Sephiroth killed Aeris and your conclusion had something to do with the LTD (meaning you think it had to do with him being aware of Cloud's romantic feelings for her).

Specifically, you said he does so to torment Cloud and that Sephiroth knows Aeris is the optimal choice in breaking Cloud because of those feelings.
you said:
The only thing I could come up with (aside from bad writing, which is also likely :monster:) is that maybe Sephiroth realized Cloud was growing close to Aeris and decided "hey, it'll help me out a bit to kill this chick, and Cloud likes her, so let's troll him with it". Would also tie into (and don't jump on me for mentioning this, it's in a different context) his "tell me what you cherish most" line - it wasn't just enough for Sephiroth to pick a party member and kill them in front of Cloud's eyes, he picked the person whose death he thought would anguish him the most and had fun with it.

So...what did I misinterpret? Did I read you wrong?
I'm just saying the script doesn't support your theory.
All I've seen is pretty much what I gave you. You say he targets Aeris specifically because Cloud was close to her. Your assertion by its very nature suggests that Sephiroth must have taken special interest, as she was not only the one who was about to summon Holy, but also the only one, above all others, who could be used to mindfuck Cloud.

If she was this important to Sephiroth's plans for Cloud, then the script does not reflect it. You are welcome to show me the evidence.


The Wanderer of Time
I was suggesting that when Aeris showed up on his radar, he noted that Cloud was growing close to her and that he decided if he wanted to kill Aeris, he could use the act to his advantage to further his plans to break Cloud. Before Holy, no he didn't know who she was, but once he took notice, her relationship with Cloud inspired him to make her death the spectacle it was.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
What does it matter? Even if you can prove that one optional scene has a canonical version, it doesn't mean that all optional scene have a canonical version. That's like saying that if one scene has Vincent in it, that all scenes have Vincent in it.

It matters because you said it was only GLD's opinion that certain scenes have canon out comes.

Anastar a few pages ago said:
Those other deviations have a canonical version according to you - not according to SE.

This was what I was responding to.

Well, true... he did say MIGHT be true even without Geostigma and Sephiroth. However, he said the whole premise of the story is that things won't go well between Cloud and Tifa, which means that's the basis of the story.


And no, Nojima said nothing about the problems between Cloud and Tifa being in the context of love, marriage, and family. What he actually said was, "I don't really intend to go on about my views on love or marriage or family". By that, he only means that he doesn't want to discuss his views on those matters - he isn't talking about how that pertains to Cloud and Tifa.

Then why did he bring it up? Does he just randomly do that? Are we going to see this in a new interview:

"When writing the new novel about the Turks, I wanted to keep in mind that they didn't have much of a back story in FFVII... oh and on the subject of love, marriage and family... well let's not get into that now. Anyway, in the new novel..."

And where did I say it did happen?

Haven't you been arguing this for a while now? Cloud meeting Aerith in the flowerfields at the end of AC/C, her being able to manifest for him... etc?..

Whether or not it did happen has no relevance to the fact that Nojima thought that things may have gone better between Cloud and Aerith than between Cloud and Tifa.

You missed the point. Nojima says, "Maybe things would have gone well with Aerith..." as in things did NOT happen between Cloud and Aerith as in Clerith did not, and will not happen. On the other hand things DID happen between Cloud and Tifa, even though they didn't work out at first. I'm trying to point out to you that things between Cloud and Aerith did not happen according to Nojima.

Or it could mean that Cloud would end up with Aerith instead of Tifa, since Nojima says with Aerith, not with Tifa.

but he would just mean "with" as friends right? Just living in the same location?

I didn't say they had separate bedrooms for sure.

The trouble with your story summary evidence is that what happens in the game/movie/novella can contradict what you accept as canon, such as Cloud having a separate bedroom.


It's also contradicted by things such as Cloud and Tifa having separate bedrooms in CoT, and Tifa not knowing whether Cloud loves her in CoT.


I said that they don't have interest in one another romantically. That's backed up by things like Cloud sleeping in a separate room and being invited into the family by Marlene.

Yes you did.

If anything, however, it seems to me that the evidence lies in favor of Cloud's office also being his bedroom.

I really don't want to go over the bedroom is/isn't thing anymore. The reason I posted an HQ pic and labeled it was because you insisted there was a chair in there, and originally you also saw a TV, a dresser and other things. The HQ pic was to show you that those items were not there.

Then how come there was no dresser in his room in Nibelheim?
There's no bathroom either, did you notice that?

Why does he even need a dresser when he wears the same pair of clothing each day?

You know Cloud's not real. right?

You know damned well what my name is. And I already mentioned in an earlier reply that yes, there is a door there and I was wrong about that.
I didn't see an "I was wrong" but okay then

Yes, that was so nice of you to say.
That really was NOT meant to be an insult. The door took up a rather large portion of the image. You have said over and over that your eyes are poor. So poor that you have a hard time searching through posts that you need me to send you responses. I'm saying as a matter of fact, from you, that your eye sight is bad, so you might be seeing something that isn't there. I meant that without absolutely any malicious intent.

That's all I've been saying all along.
Okay good.

I'm saying that whether or not FFX-2 has a canon ending is totally irrelevant because it doesn't matter if FFX-2 has a canon ending. Even if FFX-2 does have a canon ending, it doesn't mean that the HA HW scene is canon.
So what makes the ending to FFX-2 canon then?

I'm also saying that Yuna and Tidus's love was established on a non-optional basis in FFX. So what the hell does the ending of FFX-2 have to do with whether or not Cloti is canon? News: it has absolutely nothing to do with it.

You keep glossing over the point here. The point is, HOW DO WE KNOW FFX-2 HAS A CANON ENDING? That's all I want to get out of you.

Does it matter? We know that Cloud hates Sephiroth - is there any question that he does? Do you know for sure that it's NOT talking about who Cloud loves and who Cloud hates?
No, but you don't know it is. So this isn't anything definite.

Well, if this commercial is inaccurate, we have to question everything that SE says or produces. Maybe that means the FTOIL page is inaccurate, too, as well as the 10th AU, the 20th AU, and the FFVII UO. Why trust anything from SE?
SE didn't SAY anything though. SONY did. They make the commercials, NOT SE. A game trailer is similar to a movie trailer. The directors are rarely involved.

And have there been any inaccuracies found in the Ultimanias? Or are those all perfect?

You can't compare the two. The ultimanias are made with direct involvement from the creators. We've been told this. Sony made the commercials NOT SE. We've been told this. That's the difference. Oen is made with direct involvement with the creators, one is made by a third party.

Now answer my question, if those other commercials are showing inaccurate information, how do we know the FFVII one is accurate? What makes that one the exception?

Now, let me see - I've only seen the FTOIL page in Japanese. I assume that means the 20th AU was only published in Japanese. At lease, I've only see translations from it available on TLS.

So, if SE said that Cloti is canon on the FTOIL page, why would they only announce it to a JP audience?
Because Square is a Japanese company. This is my point. They sell a lot of stuff in Japan but NOT in foreign countries. The Ultimanias have never been released in other areas, except in Japan. SE caters to Japan, so why would this one piece of crucial information not be said to their audience who matters most.

So are you saying that nothing is ever accurate in SE commercials?
Don't do that please. I really hate it when people do that.

I'm saying, it's a bloody commercials and commercials as a whole, along with game and movie trailers, can't be trusted for accurate information.
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And no, Nojima said nothing about the problems between Cloud and Tifa being in the context of love, marriage, and family. What he actually said was, "I don't really intend to go on about my views on love or marriage or family". By that, he only means that he doesn't want to discuss his views on those matters - he isn't talking about how that pertains to Cloud and Tifa.

I wish people would quote the question that he is answering. It gives lovely context.

“How are Case of Tifa and Case of Barret? Would you say their meanings are that they’re redemption stories?”

“‘Episode Tifa’… first off, there’s the premise that things won’t go well between Tifa and Cloud, and that even without Geostigma or Sephiroth this might be the same. I don’t really intend to go about my views on love or marriage or family (laughs). After ACC, I guess Denzel and Marlene could help them work it out. Maybe things would have gone well with Aerith, but I think there is a great burden from Aerith.”

So when asked if CoT and CoB are redemption stories Nojima talks about Cloud and Tifa's issues. How the kids could help them work through it. And even about a hypothetical relationship with Aerith (with it's own problems).

Seems to me that the meaning of CoT isn't about "redemption", it's about "Love, marriage and family".

If that isn't what he is saying then WHY BRING IT UP IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS ANSWER?

And where did I say it did happen? Whether or not it did happen has no relevance to the fact that Nojima thought that things may have gone better between Cloud and Aerith than between Cloud and Tifa.

Wait. I thought he wasn't talking about love, marriage and family? So how can you use this quote as talking about a possible C/A relationship?

You can't have it both ways. You can't say C/T has nothing to do with L,M&F then say he talks about a "relationship" with Aerith.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Hey would it be possible to find out who was responsible for that advertisement? So we could try and put this commercial nonsense to bed once and for all?

Sony of America published FFVII in North America, and was responsible for its advertising.


SCEA's vice president of marketing from that time even talks about their commercial campaign in that article.

As I've been telling Anastar for years, the commercial was handled by the marketing department of another company's foreign subsidiary. Pretty far removed from the developers themselves.

She was in his way and interfering. The fact that she was important to Cloud, well that's just bonus cakes.

I agree that she was dead the moment she set out for the City of the Ancients, because it put her in a spot to become an obstacle to Seph. However, Seph did know where she was all along. His powers really put him in a position to have killed anyone in the party any time he wanted to. He was just too busy dicking around with them (Cloud, in particular) to do it at the start.

There must be a reason he waited to kill her after pegging her as a threat, and given how he tries to make Cloud kill her against his will, that would seem to be it. Not so much to break Cloud's heart because he was in love with her, nor even necessarily to hurt him over losing a friend. He definitely uses Aerith's death as an angle to make Cloud doubt himself further, though, preparing him one step at a time for making him completely lose his faith in himself, and accept that he's nothing without Sephiroth.

It began on the cargo ship when he pretended not to know who Cloud was; continued when he confused Cloud further with a little information about the Reunion in Nibelheim; then shit gets real when he forces Cloud to hand him the Black Materia and beat up Aerith; he cranks things up even more when he forces Cloud to almost kill Aerith (before doing it himself, of course, and mocking Cloud's display of emotion); and culminates when he uses Tifa -- the person whose opinion mattered most to Cloud's sense of identity -- to utterly break him of any belief in himself. Cloud hands over the Black Materia a second time after that, but willingly this time.

FHS said:
And I greet everyone the same way, so fuck you, you little worm. **kisses**

We really need to have some rough, dirty sex, you and I.

FHS said:
I didn't mean to sound like I disagreed that Seph opened the cell. I disagreed with the reasons he did. He wants Cloud to join them for the reunion. The Seph we see in game isn't really Seph, iirc. He's still not fully the 6 million dollar man yet, and I don't recall any evidence that he could absorb anything from killing someone with Jenova cells. Didn't the sick ones have to be at the reunion? If not then why not cut down all the cloaked messes? He does need them, after all... If this is answered somewhere, forgive me, as I can't recall.

It's JENOVA he's reuniting their cells with, though, and it was her body he used to open the cell in the Shin-Ra building. If he was just concerned with getting Cloud's cells, he could have done it then.

Honestly, he doesn't even seem to want Cloud's cells. He discards him after casting Meteor. He was so intent on treating Cloud as worthless that he didn't even bother with killing him. Just breaking him.


I was suggesting that when Aeris showed up on his radar, he noted that Cloud was growing close to her and that he decided if he wanted to kill Aeris, he could use the act to his advantage to further his plans to break Cloud. Before Holy, no he didn't know who she was, but once he took notice, her relationship with Cloud inspired him to make her death the spectacle it was.
That part? That's the part you would be hard pressed to provide any evidence for. You are now just tacking on reasons. Another could be that her atrocious fashion sense offended him. Sure, it COULD be, but nothing in the story supports it.

The reason CLOUD is chosen as Aeris' killer is because he wants to mindfuck him. Yes.
The reason Aeris was chosen to die is because, as Sephiroth outright states, she was thinking of interfering.

You adding an EXTRA reason is unnecessary. Not only that, it now necessitates additional information. For one, it requires that the story show, at least up to this point, that Aeris is closest to Cloud. Not only that, but that she above all others is most important in breaking him.

We find out about Aeris' plans when she dream-talks to Cloud. Which is when Sephiroth finds out she's on the move. THIS IS WHEN Sephiroth decides he's going to stop her. Yet between that and the killing, there is nothing to indicate in any way this additional motive you suggest. There is no indication from Sephiroth that he stops and goes " like her. AHA!". There's no hint, however small, that he is aware of or even cares about what's going on between Cloud and his comrades.

Right when he finds out she's going to use Holy, he immediately says "we must stop that girl soon". Where is this time spent studying Cloud and Aeris' relationship? Where does Sephiroth stop to notice? He doesn't care, yo.

The "we" isn't chosen at random either. This exchange is preceded by the scene where Cloud hands over the BM. The focus is now on Cloud being used as an extension of Sephiroth's will. We get Black Materia, we stop girl summoning Holy. The scene right after this is that of Cloud shitting his pants in a corner, refusing to go near Sephiroth even though Aeris is in mortal peril. It's ALL about Sephiroth's control over Cloud.

Cloud: "I might lose it again. If Sephiroth comes near me..."

Seriously, there is like zero focus on anything to do with Aeris and Cloud's relationship.

Sephiroth decides to kill her as a result of her interference. Not after he finds out they like each other.
She is thinking of interfering --> We must stop that girl. Immediate reaction. Nothing about noting her and Cloud's closeness.

EDIT: deleted add-on to Tres's comment because I realized I'm just repeating myself like a million times. Which apparently happened a lot today
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unsavory tart
Seems to me that the meaning of CoT isn't about "redemption", it's about "Love, marriage and family".
Eh, are these really two mutually exclusive? Because it is kinda redemption story, but the way she feels like she redeems herself is building a happy, safe home for thh people she loves. She finds her purpose in supporting her family and caring for those that means most to her.

All the "Cases" were stories dealing with emotional issues when the characters are lost post Final Fantasy, and then find purpose and meaning. Advent Children was Cloud's "Case of" story, where overcomes his issues and finds happiness in what he has (his family and friends- along with his own personal inner strength).

So really, it's both.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
You know, it's really kind of a shame that at this point, it doesn't look like the debate is going to continue. It's a shame because, whether or not some people realize it, we made a lot of headway. The arguments to say the HA scene cannot be canon were as follows:

A. Cloud and Tifa have separate bedrooms
B. Nomura says he doesn't know if they had a relationship
C. Tifa not knowing if Cloud loves her in CoT
D. The scene is listed to have deviations...

all of which were knocked down to at least a point where it could go either way, and they are no longer said to be cut and dry evidence that the HA scene couldn't happen. I think that's pretty cool.

To be honest though, I'm really disappointed in how this thread turned out. Disappointed in myself too. I think there's a lot of issues about this topic that people either need to get over, or they need to work out before they start debating. There's way too much name calling and cursing, and of course attacking people's credibility is never a way to go. I know a lot of people got warnings in the thread, and that's fine and dandy, but even then the same people went right back to their old tactics as soon as the warning was handed out.

I'm not blaming anyone in particular or saying it was anyone's fault, like I said, I'm mad at myself too, but it really bothers me that such a topic can't be discussed rationally and without lies, accusations, name calling, slander and various things like that. :hohum:

Just my two unwanted cents there.


The Black Swordsman
Aithex, Atom
If Nojima is at NYCC next year I'm so asking him if Cloud had feelings for both of them, unrequited or not. If he says "eeyup" I'll post it here and put on sunglasses to block out any reply. I really hope he's there!

I should bring Drake's theory to his table too, the reply might be fascinating.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
If Nojima is at NYCC next year I'm so asking him if Cloud had feelings for both of them, unrequited or not. If he says "eeyup" I'll post it here and put on sunglasses to block out any reply. I really hope he's there!

I should bring Drake's theory to his table too, the reply might be fascinating.

Cloud definitely had feelings for both of them. What's debatable is if it's romantic love or just feelings of guilt (in Aerith's case) or friendship (in Tifa's case).

I think Tres' post explained Drake's point pretty perfectly. Sephiroth didn't target Aerith because he was watching their relationship bloom like it was some soap opera and figure killing her would be most damaging to Cloud; he only really even took notice of her existence because of a) her heritage and b) the fact that she was interfering. The fact that he could also use her to damage Cloud's mind was most likely just a bonus point to Sephiroth.

I doubt it was an actual motivating factor. Somehow, I don't think Cloud's love life was of particular interest to a man bent on destroying the world. :whistle:


The Black Swordsman
Aithex, Atom
Meant romantic or sexual. Aeris and him never discussed that, obviously, but if they were festering in Cloud's mind as the result of J cell confusion or otherwise and Nojima confirms this, I'd be very amused.

Especially if he loves the entire date party sans (maybe including, ahaha) BARRET.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
I think Cloud was definitely sexually attracted to Aerith. That gyal was hot :D Jenova confusion not necessary; the girl is still hot even as a ghost thingie from the lifestream. ;)

Romantic love, on the other hand... :T I'm still on the fence.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
If Nojima is at NYCC next year I'm so asking him if Cloud had feelings for both of them, unrequited or not. If he says "eeyup" I'll post it here and put on sunglasses to block out any reply. I really hope he's there!

I should bring Drake's theory to his table too, the reply might be fascinating.

If you do get an answer, you should videotape it. Or get him to put it in writing and sign it, and you should probably take a lawyer with you too. Plus you should word the question specifically " Does Cloud have feelings of ROMANTIC LOVE (not just 'attraction' or 'sex') for both girls? If not who is it that he does specifically love?"

Also, you should take a gun to make him cooperate. And a lie detector. And truth serum. Seriously, because thats what its going to take :monster:


undercover Clerith evangelist
Ariadne said:
Gym Leader Devil said:
And again, "mutual feelings of indifference" =/= making any sort of sense. We know Tifa is interested, and no amount of ridiculous twisting by use of the AV will change that. Ergo, lack of interest would just be ridiculous even IF you could reasonably say Cloud wasn't interested. Which is also just silly.
One other point that needs making about this ridiculous "mutual disinterest" and "you can lower Tifa's affection, and then Cloud's is low to match it" thing
Sometimes I think you guys simply won't admit that you understand simply to aggravate me. :P

There is nothing mysterious whatsoever about a mutual lack of sexual and/or romantic interest. I would hope that you'd realize by now that sometimes adults can realize that there are certain relationships which would be a mistake to get involved in, even if they are interested. I remember a great episode of Seinfeld where a manifestation of his brain was arguing with another part of his anatomy over whether or not to get involved with some girl. :lol: Perhaps you're too young to realize this, but sometimes there's more involved in relationships than just sexual interest.

You can be romantically and/or sexually attracted to someone, but know at the same time that it would be a mistake to get involved in a relationship with them. That can qualify as "disinterest". For example, it said this in Tifa's profile in the 10th AU:

In addition, Cloud had also gone away to the church that Aerith had been in. The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith. ~Tifa's character profile, 10th Anniversary Ultimania

That would show reason for Tifa to be disinterested in a relationship with Cloud right there. If Tifa knows that Cloud is still in love with Aerith, she'd have reason not to want a romantic relationship with him. Cloud wouldn't want anything but friendship with Tifa if he's still in love with Aerith. Therefore, they'd have mutual romantic disinterest in each other and the LA scene happens.

It's totally possible within the framework of what happens in the Compilation. It doesn't agree with your interpretation, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen.

Tres said:
Anastar insists that she won't accept an optional deviation or anything from an Ultimania story summary as canon unless it's referenced later in a game, movie or novella. Yet Tifa romantically loves Cloud after FFVII, and on into the time of AC/C.

We know that not just because we've been told so by an Ultimania (though we have been), but also because we see it in Case of Tifa (a novella) and AC/C (a movie).
Again, it's possible to romantically love someone while not being interested in having a romantic relationship with someone, especially if you know they're in love with someone else.

The section in Tifa's 10th AU profile that I just quoted suggests that Tifa's well aware that Cloud's still in love with Aerith. There's also suggestions of the same thing in CoT, for example when Tifa tells Cloud to go drink in his room (this is true regardless of whether she actually says YOUR room or ANOTHER room), and in the scene in AC/ACC where she says, "That only works for real families."

Tres said:
Where does that, then, leave Anastar's argument? That Tifa having high affection for Cloud isn't confirmed by later materials? That it means Tifa went from having an interest, to then having no interest just for the Highwind scene, to then having a sudden interest all over again just in time for Case of Tifa?
I do believe I've just answered.


Mr. Thou
In addition, Cloud had also gone away to the church that Aerith had been in. The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith. ~Tifa's character profile, 10th Anniversary Ultimania

That would show reason for Tifa to be disinterested in a relationship with Cloud right there. If Tifa knows that Cloud is still in love with Aerith, she'd have reason not to want a romantic relationship with him. Cloud wouldn't want anything but friendship with Tifa if he's still in love with Aerith. Therefore, they'd have mutual romantic disinterest in each other and the LA scene happens.

Why are you using a quote that says nothing about Cloud loving Aerith to support Tifa knowing Cloud is in love with Aerith?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Sometimes I think you guys simply won't admit that you understand simply to aggravate me. :P

There is nothing mysterious whatsoever about a mutual lack of sexual and/or romantic interest. I would hope that you'd realize by now that sometimes adults can realize that there are certain relationships which would be a mistake to get involved in, even if they are interested. I remember a great episode of Seinfeld where a manifestation of his brain was arguing with another part of his anatomy over whether or not to get involved with some girl. :lol: Perhaps you're too young to realize this, but sometimes there's more involved in relationships than just sexual interest.

You can be romantically and/or sexually attracted to someone, but know at the same time that it would be a mistake to get involved in a relationship with them.

We all understand how that can happen. It just doesnt make any sense given the whole narrative.

If you were attracted to someone sexually, but you both knew it would be a bad idea to embark upon a relationship. Then why the hell would you decide to live together? Even in separate rooms it would be downright awkward.

And what if one of you started a relationship with someone else? " Oh don't mind Cloud, he's just my roomate and friend that I've known since I was a kid. We're sexually attracted but nevermind!" Why would you make it so difficult to become involved with someone else? :huh:


And just to be clear:

Both parties have no sexual or romantic attraction = Why have the conversation at all?

One or both parties have sexual or romantic attraction, but it is agreed that a relationship would be a mistake = Why live together?
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Celes Chere

Perhaps you're too young to realize this, but sometimes there's more involved in relationships than just sexual interest.

Lol isn't Tres happily married.... :awesome:

Therefore, they'd have mutual romantic disinterest in each other and the LA scene happens.

The quote says that they share their mutual feelings and live together in AC/DOC. Why would they say "Tifa and Cloud realized their romantic disinterest and decided to live together" lol. If they're grown adults capable of making 'grown up' decisions, then it makes no sense for the two of them to live together if they mutually agree they don't connect romantically. I'm really not sure why Cloud said he wanted to start a new life with Tifa as well, if they expressed feelings of disinterest during this scene.

Feelings of jealousy are Tifa's own insecurities, it has nothing to do with Cloud loving Aerith imo. You CAN be jealous of someone and the feelings be unfounded. It happens all of the time in relationships. Or maybe you're too young to understand that, idk

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
I thought Aerith could be jealous in the game too? At least it seemed like it.
Two girls. Wanting a guy. Jealousy is always involved in that kind of situation. Helloooo? It's a LOVE TRIANGLE.

And if Tifa was jealous because Cloud loved Aerith, and her only.. it wouldn't be up to the player's choice, would it? :awesome:

Therefore, they'd have mutual romantic disinterest in each other and the LA scene happens.
Lol wtf are you talking about
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