Things that piss you off

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alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Stub toe, massive bruise underneath the nail, INCREDIBLE pain.



Celes Chere

Went back to my Dad's for the weekend. Got to see a first look at my room that he cleared out. It really is completely empty, even the posters on my wall and door are gone. ._. Thankfully nothing has been thrown away, it's the trouble of finding it all now. I had to dig through about 8 boxes to get to Kripey and Sami's Xmas gifts that hadn't taken with me... XD Thankfully I found them though. <3 Uggguuuu I need more money I want to buy much better gifts for everyone. T.T

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
fall on ass going home in the rain carrying groceries on my back



Feeling awkward because I am eating dinner with my relatives and I feel like an outcast because I can't understand the shit they're saying and I have nothing worthwhile to contribute.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
LAWS THAT DON'T EXIST IN THE JEM UNIVERSE: breaking and entering, trespassing on private property, larceny of vehicles, destruction of property

LAWS THAT DO EXIST IN THE JEM UNIVERSE: taking a big bag of money

oh okay


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
The Jem universe makes so little sense that a Doctor who crossover where pretty much everything in the show is an alien plot is the most sense the show ever made.

Also, that show confused me when I was a kid- what little I caught- because the main characters have the same last name as most of my relatives (and my brothers and myself's middle name).

What pisses me off- losing a 4 hour plus game of Battle star Galactica to a crisis card that would make us lose food either way.


Great Old One
Feeling awkward because I am eating dinner with my relatives and I feel like an outcast because I can't understand the shit they're saying and I have nothing worthwhile to contribute.
I once kept track of time during a dinner party like that to see how long they could go without talking to me. It was two hours.

But don't worry, it wears off by the time you turn 28-29 :P


Great Old One
I guess several thing happened for me anyway - 1) their subject became more interesting as they became relevant to me (job, apartment loan etc), 2) I had opinion on said subjects and 3) I felt adult enough to join in the conversation. But it took a few years of joining in and demanding to be heard until they accepted me as "one of them" :P

I think they see me as a "married woman with a career" now, and not just as the squirt. I was always the youngest in the family, my cousin 10 years my senior next in line, so I guess it took them a while to see me as an adult and not as a little kid.


We have come to terms
LAWS THAT DON'T EXIST IN THE JEM UNIVERSE: breaking and entering, trespassing on private property, larceny of vehicles, destruction of property

LAWS THAT DO EXIST IN THE JEM UNIVERSE: taking a big bag of money

oh okay

truly outrageous

Why is it that the holidays never fail to remind me of just how alone I really am? Christmas is fast approaching and it's only going to get worse. Bluh.
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Waiting for something
Why does it always decide to piss down with rain when I'm about to go out and make myself useful for something like oh I dunno XMAS SHOPPING, fuck sake.


Great Old One
What pisses me off- losing a 4 hour plus game of Battle star Galactica to a crisis card that would make us lose food either way.
I love that game, but I'm always taken for a cylon, so I end up in the brig sooner or later anyway. Which is why I never choose Sharon - if I get tossed in the brig midways, I'll never get out. I hate my friends.

My favorite game was the one where a string of weird incidents ended up with me being President Admiral Cylon Starbuck. That was hilarious.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
fucking stupid questionnaires you have to take when you apply for a job

"are you a nice person" "would you help a customer" "do you sometimes hate your coworkers" "do you feel morally obligated to bend over backwards for your company"

like seriously i know what i'm supposed to put but in reality there's a lot of things any normal human being would definitely say no to

but nobody does

everyone lies

so i spend 30 fucking minutes filling out a bullshit questionnaire that i know all of the other applicants also lied on to make themselves look good

has it ever occured to anyone that this is a massive waste of time


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I have to wonder if anyone fills those out honestly. "No i'm not a nice person, I would never help a customer and I hate all my co-workers."

I mean really....

also split shifts piss me off


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
I just figured out that my most of my professors consider the last week of classes to be this week, instead of finals week.

Which means I have several papers to do today.


Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
that awkward moment when you're studying for an upcoming exam and realize that you used completely the wrong key term (chuang-tzu instead of chin-tzu) on the paper you just handed in and feel like a total retard

i knew i should have double-checked that shit goddammit


Celebrating Sinterklaas and getting shitty gifts due to the fact my siblings have no money :monster:. I mean, I'm 25 and what do I get? Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate cookies and another cookie monster.

Ah well, the others' gifts were shit too, :monster:. Except the Magic cards and stuff I gave to my sister, great value for money that.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
I guess I might not come off this way, but I'm a person full of a lot of hate. I can admit it. When people wrong me or cross me, I loathe them. And I will continue to loathe them, even when I know they deserve sympathy.

Yep, I'm a bad person. I try and I try so fucking hard to stop hating people but I can't. Especially when they see nothing wrong with what they've done. I don't really know how I can forgive such horrendous actions without receiving some kind of apology.

My brother is my opposite. He takes their crap, puts up with it in silence and hurts over it later. I cuss, bitch, moan, throw shit and trash things. We deal with anger differently. At least, when the anger concerns my mom.

I've pretty much isolated myself from all my 'family' because I've realized that besides biological similarities, we have nothing in common. And yeah, I hate them all. The things they've done, the things they've said, to this day, I can hardly believe these were the same people I once trusted and loved.

My cousins over here in Canada I thought would be more understanding of our situation. Their mom is at a much worse stage of Alzheimer's than mine and you'd think we'd have gotten their sympathy for suddenly being branded the black sheep in this fucked up shit hole of a family.

But no. No we didn't. They joined the black sheep crusade and were 'pissed' at us for putting my mom in a nursing home like the rest of the ass hats I unfortunately share a link with.

What they failed to realize is that they have a big family. Four boys, one girl, all fully grown, own houses, pay bills, married with kids. What do we have? Me, my brother and my sister-in-law. They also didn't get that their mom isn't as aggressive as my mother so yeah, it's a lot easier to have nannies than it is for us because my mom almost killed one.

Their mom doesn't go eating out their fridge when she's diabetic like my mom did. How can they even compare it?

Anyways, they basically stopped talking to us after promising to help, blamed us for being bad kids and sided with the motherfucking Queen of crazies who lives in the U.S. In their mind, we abandoned my mother to her fate and don't feel a shred of guilt. Didn't invite us to the babyshower, didn't call us for ages, wiped our existence from their minds until, of course, THEY NEED US.

That's right; their mom has gotten so bad now that the doctors and nanies have told them that the way of the black sheep is the only way now; a nursing home. And who do they call? My brother because he knows the process, because he knows what to do and they NEED HIM. But before all that, not so much of a word, no phone calls and hell, they never even VISITED my mother.

Those selfish mother fuckers. Yeah, I fucking hate you. Yeah, I feel terrible for your mother because she's suffering like my mom. Do I feel pity for you because you're finally going through what I went through?

I'm trying to, but no. The truth is, I don't. My brother says it makes me bad and that I should treat others how I want to be treated but this fucking hate has been festering inside of me since we got that phone call two years back with my cunt of an aunt cussing off my brother at three AM. The fact that all these little shits can go fucking run their mouth, tell my brother off and never have the fucking guts to say it to my face has left me reeling for a confrontation because I want to tear them to pieces.

So yeah, I'm pissed and all that hate I thought buried just resurfaces whenever I hear mention of any of these assholes and I'm gonna keep trying to find that pity and sympathy and kind heart that I used to have back in the day. I'll let you all know when I get a hold of it.

I'm done.


Waiting for something
I finally managed to get out and do some shopping....only the shopping amounted to almost fuck all, I managed to get something for my godson and that's it.
My best friend...nothing
Her parents....nothing
My other best friend.....nothing
My secret santa at work...nothing although I do have an idea on what to get her.
My parents and brother have been sorted for a long time so I didn't have to worry about shopping for them.

Fuck me what's wrong with my head, I'm usually great at xmas shopping.....I'll try again on Tuesday when I'm off work again.

Umm half way through my rant about my shopping I read the above post and wow my problems are no where near as bad as really I have no reason to rant at all.

Faye: I'm so sorry for what you're going through at the moment. I guess it's a given that you'd be so full of hate for something like that. I hope things get better for you and your family somehow :(

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
there is absolutely NO WAY to solve isochoric processes without knowing pressure or temperature

WE HAVE TO FIND BOTH HA HA HA this is some sort of sick joke
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