Save your valediction (she/her)
- Ite
Characters I can’t stand:
Hope, Snow, Zack, Vanille, Rikku, Cyan (that’s Woolsey’s fault - ffs learn the difference between a ‘thou’ and a ‘thee,’ Ted) and Eiko. Apparently I don’t go for the “kooky spice” characters in FF (Yuffie’s a rare exception because of her treachery). Hope, for the reasons Joe said. Snow and Zack are the same dumb schlock, “Hero! Hero! Honor! Honor!” stfu chums. They’re like Steiner but without the self-aware writers.
I find Lightning boring as paste but she doesn’t repel me like the above mentioned. The hype around her is annoying, similarly to how Sephiroth’s fan base has put me off the character, but that’s not anything to do with the actual game.
I like Ashe because
Tidus is grating because of the direction of the dub imo, not his actual personality, but so are all FFX characters who move while they talk (you’ll notice Auron, Lulu, and Kimahri never look like idiots). JAT is a fine voice actor (his Obi-Wan is so good) and Tidus isn’t badly written, he’s just deeply uncanny.
Hope, Snow, Zack, Vanille, Rikku, Cyan (that’s Woolsey’s fault - ffs learn the difference between a ‘thou’ and a ‘thee,’ Ted) and Eiko. Apparently I don’t go for the “kooky spice” characters in FF (Yuffie’s a rare exception because of her treachery). Hope, for the reasons Joe said. Snow and Zack are the same dumb schlock, “Hero! Hero! Honor! Honor!” stfu chums. They’re like Steiner but without the self-aware writers.
I find Lightning boring as paste but she doesn’t repel me like the above mentioned. The hype around her is annoying, similarly to how Sephiroth’s fan base has put me off the character, but that’s not anything to do with the actual game.
I like Ashe because
for a while I was sure she was going to become a secondary antagonist, being revenge-obsessed and all, or at least meet a tragic end, Ivalice-style. So I followed her story with baited breath, it made FFXII’s twists very enjoyable.
Tidus is grating because of the direction of the dub imo, not his actual personality, but so are all FFX characters who move while they talk (you’ll notice Auron, Lulu, and Kimahri never look like idiots). JAT is a fine voice actor (his Obi-Wan is so good) and Tidus isn’t badly written, he’s just deeply uncanny.