Any scenes you didn't like that changed or are new?


Lv. 1 Adventurer
*creeps in to add her 2 cents and slight venting*

A subtle yet obnoxious thing to me was how fake Elena's lips looked.

I agree. I've only seen screenshots but the lips were just not right. Either leaving them natural or a bit lighter; something! At least the other Turks looked alright.

My only main complaint so far is Rufus; I've waited <i>forever</I> to see what he would look like without that stupid bandage over his face and they finally show him and he looks like this!?

Ok, so it's one screenshot, but he looks like an idiot...from good looking in bandages to that? :rage:

Yes...I seem to be a part of the small minority that watches AC for Rufus and the Turks. I'll just wait for more screenies to come out or the movie itself and hope that this screenshot was just taken at a very bad time or something.

But uh... at least the other characters were well designed?


Lv. 1 Adventurer
I'm not sure I understand your fury, tbh ... he looks like Rufus ... without a bandage ...

He just looks more...odd I suppose then I would have thought. To me, something doesn't look right on his face; then again I am picky and I expected a lot so meh. Oh well. ^_^


I kinda~ish approve of the fact they've given Cid some stubble / an attempted beard. Makes him look older and whatnot. It's also the most apparent character appearance change - I haven't seen anyone else's appearance change, just more / different lighting and additional details in clothing textures.


Cid always had a stubble. :wacky:

There's no way we can argue over something so subjective, but I don't see it.

And guys, I don't think Cloud was actually talking about himself, I thought he was referring to Zack. I liked that he was cocky in DC, that was funny and still in character. Calling himself a hero would be a little odd.

There's no way that's referring to Zack though. Zack ended his journey there, obviously. And he passed the torch to Cloud. Cloud started his journey there.

And became a hero. :monster:
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Solitary Dancer
I kinda dislike the overpowered healing crap commited by Aerith. Who the hell does she think she is? Oh yeah, a Cetra, uh. Give me a break, kay?
Argh, I never liked her. .__.


Great Old One
You do seem to hold a strong dislike for Aerith.

What do you mean, "Who the hell does she think she is?" Without her powers Cloud would have been dead, Tifa would never have been able to help out Cloud in the Lifestream (not only that, but she would have had Mako poisoning), and victims of Geostigma would be dead...

Okay, without Aerith, all the characters are just majorly fucked up.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Aerith is kinda important since she stopped Cloud's internal bleeding and probable organ failure with her 1337 healing rain. :manhattan:


Solitary Dancer
Aerith is kinda important since she stopped Cloud's internal bleeding and probable organ failure with her 1337 healing rain. :manhattan:
I loved that part, she ruined it for me. :sigh:

Did she won the Cetra lottery of special talented people?
Yes, I hold a very strong dislike for her and I can't even fully explain why.
Or it's my evil side that keeps on saying: "This chick always enters the stage when it has gotten interesting and violent. She flicks with a finger and everybody is lucky/healthy/whatever again.


Great Old One
I believe that's only in Maiden, isn't it?
Yes, but I couldn't think of anything else. :wacky:

What do you mean, Tiefenrausch? She's a Cetra, it's going to be obvious that she'll posses talent. And if I remember correctly, it takes a lot for Aerith to help others, especially because she's in the Lifestream. There are tons of theories on this, but one of them include how she can only help those who need it the most, because she can't fully let herself appear in human form.

And if flicking her finger means making Cloud feel emo and angsty for years, then I that's anything but lucky/healthy/whatever again.
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Solitary Dancer
What do you mean, Tiefenrausch? She's a Cetra, it's going to be obvious that she'll posses talent. And if I remember correctly, it takes a lot for Aerith to help others, especially because she's in the Lifestream. There are tons of theories on this, but one of them include how she can only help those who need it the most, because she can't fully let herself appear in human form.

And if flicking her finger means making Cloud feel emo and angsty for years, then I that's anything but lucky/healthy/whatever again.
He was emo and angsty, yeah. I referred to the end of ACC. :hohum:
I think it's enough when we just stay with my "she can go to hell"-opinion about her.
I loved that part, she ruined it for me. :sigh:

Did she won the Cetra lottery of special talented people?
Yes, I hold a very strong dislike for her and I can't even fully explain why.
Or it's my evil side that keeps on saying: "This chick always enters the stage when it has gotten interesting and violent. She flicks with a finger and everybody is lucky/healthy/whatever again.

A bit too convenient plot device, indeed.
At this point Aerith never died. She ascended. Which, as said before, destroys the original drama of her death.

I don't necessarily dislike Aerith's role, and I don't mind that she manages to call the citizens of Edge, but I just can't care for her destiny anymore.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
So I guess Geostigma and shit should've just stuck around and killed everyone since a cure from the planet thanks to Aerith is a convenient plot device too.

Sephiroth's otherworldly terror of the planet where he decides to give the people super AIDS and nearly murder Cloud after returning from the dead, more than justifies Aerith as being able to make one last appearance and set things right, not just for the planet and Cloud. No other character or mechanism is capable of fulfilling that role. Especially considering her role in the story and gameplay was one of a healer.


You make no fucking sense.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Ascending defeats the purpose of her death? I think it justifies/WAS the purpose of her death. Nomura said a couple of things about Aerith's death in FFVII, and I think your view on things comes from something he said along the lines of "When people die in real life, there's no elaborate speeches, or heart warming goodbyes, they're just gone. We wanted Cloud to deal with that realistically," and he did. That plot point was elaborated on for a good part of the second disc.

But from the time Bugenhagen goes to the City of the Ancients with AVALANCHE on, Aerith is viewed as being more cunning than everyone thought. From casting Holy to using the Lifestream as a weapon against Meteor in the end to curing the Geostigma and ultimately saving Cloud. Aerith's role IS protector.

It only makes sense in a movie focused on bringing closure to key characters that Aerith play a part in healing the world of Geostigma, something she herself inadvertedly caused when she saved the world from Meteorfall at the end of VII.
So I guess Geostigma and shit should've just stuck around and killed everyone since a cure from the planet thanks to Aerith is a convenient plot device too.

Although some would wonder why Aerith didn't swoop in earlier. Maybe Case of Lifestream will tell us that the will of Sephiroth was mostly keeping Aerith's healing rain from fixing everything. Then I'll be pleased.

Of course I don't think Geostigma should have killed everyone off. Don't assume such things.


Great Old One
Although some would wonder why Aerith didn't swoop in earlier. Maybe Case of Lifestream will tell us that the will of Sephiroth was mostly keeping Aerith's healing rain from fixing everything. Then I'll be pleased.
Plot device? :monster:
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
She didn't cure Geostigma because Sephiroth's will and existence kept her from doing it. That's pretty obvious. Geostigma is all a concoction of Sephiroth's will, existence and Jenova. Only until Cloud destroys Sephiroth completely can Aerith finally rain down the water to cure Edge of its malady. Otherwise, Sephiroth isn't going to let that happen. You think he's just going to let Aerith do what she pleases?

Cloud was fortunate because Kadaj ended up disturbing the ground of the church and thus allowed Aerith to breakthrough and cure Cloud before he ended up having to face off against Sephiroth. It's hinted that the Church grounds and flowers held an element that was anathema to the remnants and the negative lifestream when Loz looked at the Flowers, and was repulsed by them. Same goes for when Kadaj was touched by the water and frantically drove away from it.
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