Any scenes you didn't like that changed or are new?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Oh shit hope I didn't spoil any OP for you :(
Don't worry I didn't say too much. I understand one on one fight's completely but uh.. well hey ZACK interfered! Yeah that's it!

Anyway I'm not saying they should have all joined in the fight, just say something encouraging long enough for Seph to turn around and look and for Cloud to get up and... it's still stupid isn't it?



Fiat Lux
The Zack scene was entirely redundant, and to throw it into the climax of the fight was very jarring. I don't know why Sephiroth's goading wasn't enough to motivate Cloud. I think the last thing we needed there was a soppy speech between Cloud & Zack.
The Zack scene was entirely redundant, and to throw it into the climax of the fight was very jarring. I don't know why Sephiroth's goading wasn't enough to motivate Cloud. I think the last thing we needed there was a soppy speech between Cloud & Zack.

I'm happy I don't feel the same. To me the Cloud-Zack scene made the battle even more epic.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
I didn't like that scene either! It ruins the tension and the rythim of the battle. The flashbacks of all the people who are important to Cloud would be enough.

If they wanted to implement a scene with Zack, they could do it in another moment.

Why not Zack giving the final boost to Cloud in the Bahamut Shin battle, instead of Aerith?

That way, Zack would help Cloud in that situation and Aerith would cure his Geostigma, everything would be balanced and the Cloud vs. Sephiroth battle could flow quite better wihout the Zack scene.


Tifa Pwnage 101
Having watched the English dub, can say that I didn't like that they removed Reno's line: "You're our buddy aren't cha?" and Cloud kicking the door in response, I always thought that was a good touch to an otherwise dull scene. The Rufus-Cloud convo was downgraded, needlessly long, and boring (mainly due to Rufus' voice actor, which had the most lackluster performance among all of them).

Also, the way they changed Reno and Rudes' convo with Loz and Yazoo was just ridiculously bad. That's after I've grown to like Yazoo's "Whaaat? The peons aren't trusted?" /feminine voice
Okay so what does Yazoo say now?

And the Cloud/Zack scene would be nice if at any other point in the movie. Not during the climax of a battle. Especially THAT battle.

I also felt the same way as Quexinos at first but I'm glad Mako Eyes cleared that thing up with the reunion files. Good thing I didn't say anything and make an idiot of myself


Tifa Pwnage 101
Okay so what does Yazoo say now?

It's not just about him, the dialogue-context in that scene is completely different.

Reno n Rude unintentionally give away something about them knowing where Jenova's head is kept and Yazoo is all "ohh, so you DO know where it is!". The scene just feels awkward.


Rookie Adventurer
Well I am deeply disappointed with ACC. It's just too violent/dark for my taste and unlike the original definitely not the type of movie I can sit back and enjoy with my friends. I'm also very disappointed with most of the new scenes.

Watch Tifa heroically defend Denzel for a good 10 minutes of movie time. Only to go whooshing off on the back of Cloud's bike, leaving Denzel behind to get ripped apart by shadow creepers on his way home. Way to take a dump all over that narrative arc.

Aerith spams the city of Edge from beyond the grave WTF... Seriously why? Can you say narrative nonsense?

Reno and Rude VS Yazoo in the helicopter is simply too lame to put into words. I almost threw up in my mouth a little bit after watching that scene.

Anyways I lost a lot of respect for Nojima, and Nomura over this one. Sadly to sum it up I can't believe I paid 80 bucks for this turd.


Tifa Pwnage 101
Watch Tifa heroically defend Denzel for a good 10 minutes of movie time. Only to go whooshing off on the back of Cloud's bike, leaving Denzel behind to get ripped apart by shadow creepers on his way home. Way to take a dump all over that narrative arc.

And there are people on here that complain that SE turned her way too much into a motherly figure, as opposed to an ass-kicking engine. I agree it was irresponsible of her, and I can't imagine Tifa being that way, but hey, they didn't let me write the script... :yellowmonster:While you're at it I can point to a shit load of similar flaws, but I don't want to further downgrade the value of your investment.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Aerith spammed the city of Edge in AC. She didn't do anything different in ACC. Fail to see the comparison.


Yeah dude, the amount of new scenes is pretty limited, and watching AC should give a proper idea of what to expect for ACC.

Also, this is why people can download before they buy, :monster:.


Solitary Dancer
She spammed it even more in ACC. :doh:
Just think about the phone prank at the end. The script dudes raised her power to an absurd level. :bmonster:
I can understand your criticism, Als52.


I thought the Zack convo was fine, except they made Zack too cheery and his voice actor is annoying. I like the idea of it. I don't think it was executed well though.

And Aeris calling everyone is just ridiculous.
Watch Tifa heroically defend Denzel for a good 10 minutes of movie time. Only to go whooshing off on the back of Cloud's bike, leaving Denzel behind to get ripped apart by shadow creepers on his way home. Way to take a dump all over that narrative arc.
I was more confused as to why she didn't try to get away from the beam that was falling on her. Within the time that she fell and Cloud got there to rescue her she could have ran to Wutai and back.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
She spammed it even more in ACC. :doh:
Just think about the phone prank at the end. The script dudes raised her power to an absurd level. :bmonster:
I can understand your criticism, Als52.

wat. She's not spamming Edge any more than she just made it rain in AC. It's just the higher resolution of graphics help you SEE the rain drops rather than one giant blur that's supposedly rain. l2compar


Rookie Adventurer
Some of the new English dialogue seems really out of place and doesn't flow with the old stuff. The new dialogue between Reno, Rude, Yazoo and Loz by the Meteor monument...WTF is going on there, the new dialogue is so wrong!!!!!!!!


Solitary Dancer
Some of the new English dialogue seems really out of place and doesn't flow with the old stuff. The new dialogue between Reno, Rude, Yazoo and Loz by the Meteor monument...WTF is going on there, the new dialogue is so wrong!!!!!!!!
I never got why Reno and Rude were freaking out that much. Neither in AC, nor in ACC.


The dialog is great. Reno reveals (accidentally), that they really hide something. Yazoo and Loz are rubbing in how much Reno and Rude failed. I like it!


Fiat Lux
What is it?... I haven't seen the English version.

Loz: This thing. Monument thing. Shinra made it.
Reno: So you think we hid her here?
Yazoo: Did you?
Rude: Why ask us?
Reno: Where we hid her is classified info.
Yazoo: Aha... Seems you do have something to hide.

Japanese version (roughly):

Loz: This, what you call it? Monument? I bet Shinra made it.
Reno: Wow, you used your head, didn't you?
Yazoo: Am I wrong?
Rude: Who knows.
Reno: We don't know anything about it either.
Yazoo: I see. As if anyone would trust you...


AI Researcher
Actually, the Japanese dialogue for that scene has changed in ACC as well. It's pretty much what the English one says, but slightly different ("We haven't heard [where it is] either." "So she is hidden somewhere then.")

I thought the original one flowed better, though.


Pro Adventurer
I think the english one in ACC is easier to understand and matches the scene, which is something you can't exactly say about the one in AC. It required some effort from the viewer as the dialogue didn't match the scene very well, if at all.
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