Arkham Has Moved

They also hint at it with the very first shot of the game (if you got the catwoman stuff) with the painting of kane and abel.

God DAMN theres alot of riddler trophies >_> and some of these puzzles... I dunno if it'll be able to get them all without the use of a walkthrough like I did the last game.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'd totally forgotten about that painting! :O Nicely noticed.

I just finished the Riddler challenges. Only used the internet to find out how to destroy the breakable objects in the Steel Mill and what the TYGER Challenge was (It's hacking the CCTV Station). Some of them are very clever but the flight ones can be tedious, ESPECIALLY in The Bowery. Also- if you think you're missing a couple in Park Row, go into the church. ;)

X :neo:


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Where are the Riddler hostages?

I've completed the game and I never found any, despite looking for about 20 minutes <_<. The location on the map is just a street, no building or sewer entrances, where are they? :huh:

(The medical staff from the church?)


Harbinger O Great Justice
Where are the Riddler hostages?

I've completed the game and I never found any, despite looking for about 20 minutes <_<. The location on the map is just a street, no building or sewer entrances, where are they? :huh:

(The medical staff from the church?)

If it's the final place, it's the spot in the Bowery just past the Iceberg Lounge, where there's the three panel trophy (the one I was subtly referring to in my above post), and an electrified fence. There's a tower structure in the main area. Dive bomb off of the tower, and you'll have enough momentum to glide over the fence (that's what the arrow incidates on the map). The door to the room is to your left.

It seems like there are have been some folks who have issues with the Hugo Strange being used by the League of Shadows plot. I think that this part of the story feels a bit empty, because we're seeing everything from Batman's point of view. From the interview tapes, we get a feel for the level of influence Strange had over creating the internal tensions in Arkham City, as they were all clearly orchestrated by him (Joker & Penguin's rivalry, attempting to prevent Joker from getting Freeze's cure, goading Riddler into being extra obsessive about discovering Batman's identity, setting up Catwoman and Two-Face against each other, etc).

What we don't discover however, is how Ra's & Strange meet, and what their mutual arrangement is. Riddler's interview tape mention's Strange's Batman suit, and how he cries to himself while wearing it, wondering if he's worthy. It's that line that made me think that Ra's would have gotten to Strange by giving him the opportunity to prove himself as a worthy successor to the Batman in an attempt to find a successor. It seems like there could have been more detail shed on this, but Ra's entrance into Wonder Tower of a sword through Strange's back doesn't leave much time for Strange to prove himself against Batman, or for them to elaborate on the nature of their alliance.

Some of the "full story" unlocks contain bits of story from the prequel comics (Harley breaking Joker out, Batman breaking into the City, Catwoman & Batman), which MIGHT have been a good way to detail it, but given that they unlock at random, it doesn't work to have a big plot-specific piece of the story hidden there. I'm kinda hoping that there's some detail about it in the form of DLC missions or a comic.

(Also, it would be cool to know why Oracle shows up halfway through, taking over for Alfred).

X :neo:
Where are the Riddler hostages?

I've completed the game and I never found any, despite looking for about 20 minutes <_<. The location on the map is just a street, no building or sewer entrances, where are they? :huh:

(The medical staff from the church?)
Check out the ? on the walls :P


Harbinger O Great Justice

Less than a week away. I'm SO excited to try him out.

On a totally unrelated note, I'm a little sad that we didn't get a crazy-haired Two-Face, like from his AA bio.


X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Hitherto undiscussed/unnoticed Easter Egg:

Just in front of the "North Gotham Dock" sign on the water in the Industrial Area, there's a boat between two buoys. If you glide down to it, and use the Cryptographic sequencer. The
"Cityof" "Terror"
. Once done, a hatch on the boat will open to reveal something quite interesting. I'd recommend going to see it yourself, but there's a video if you want to see it.

Invoice #CRANE0016
F.A.O. Dr. J. Crane

Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantity . . . . . . . Unit Cost . . . . . . . Totals
&#8226; Biological containment . . . 20 . . . . . . . . . . . 19,000 . . . . . . . . 380,000
vessel type 3
&#8226; Shipping costs . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 . . . . . . . . 25,000
&#8226; Sundry costs . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 . . . . . . . 100,000
&#8226; Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N/A . . . . . . . . . . . @#% . . . . . . . . . 55,000
TOTAL (USD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560,550*

Customs Declaration: Live insects for medical research purposes.
Jonathan, I hope you find everything to be satisfactory, Mr. Fine was very specific about the shipping details and we have followed them to the letter. By now you will have received the initial 15 shipments. The rest are in transit and will be with you shortly.
(Unknown signature)

*This is $550 more than it should be.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Omg this game is so awesome.

I beat it, and so many feelings. Can't wait for story follow up.

Not surprised The Broker smuggled in Scarecrow's stuff.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Also, those of you who think this may be the Joker's last laugh for this series might just be wrong.

Rocksteady has commented on the Hamill issue themselves: Mark Hamill, a classic voice of the joker in not only Batman: Arkham City, but countless other Batman series, recently announced his retirement. However, the narrative developer of Rocksteady, Paul Crocker, calls Mark Hamill “a dirty liar” for his recent statements, saying:

There are two things about Mark Hamill you need to know; one is that he’s a dirty liar. In all honestly, I’ve done all the [voiceovers] with him for years, and he’s never, to the best of my knowledge, actually said, ‘I don’t want to do this anymore’. That’s just got blown out of proportion.

Hopefully he will be the voice of the Joker in potential future installments of the Arkham series

Hamill himself has done so as well:

To many fans, Mark Hamill's take on The Joker is the definitive one, both on the long-running Batman: The Animated Series and the best-selling Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City games. So news that he may never again voice the character was quite distressing!

Well, according to recent Tweets by Hamill, he's not quite done with voicing the Joker just yet:

"Just thought I would clarify that my Joker comments are not related to Arkham City," he tweeted yesterday. Might there be more sequels to the best-selling video game that the actor would possibly voice in the future?

But another message made it clear that he would definitely return to voicing the Clown Prince Of Crime, given the right project. In response to a fan wondering if Hamill would return to the Joker if he could do it in an adaptation of the classic Alan Moore/Brian Bolland graphic novel The Killing Joke, the actor responded: "I'd come back for THAT! Spread the word!"

So there is a GOOD chance he could return in a future installment, especially with the means for such to occur already established in the game. We all know Talia and Ras will be back as well.

Hopefully if they DO decide to bring him back, they do it in a subplot of the next game, so we don't have another one with a huge Joker focus.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Omg this game is so awesome.

I beat it, and so many feelings. Can't wait for story follow up.

Not surprised The Broker smuggled in Scarecrow's stuff.

Have you completed all of the side missions as well?

X :neo:
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Completed the game at the weekend, all side missions are complete minus the riddler one....currently busting my nut trying to get them all XD

Game is amazing, plot was very cleverly devised and the side missions were a good distraction from pure mainline storymode :P


Harbinger O Great Justice
(The Riddler's final area requires 400 trophies, but you can cheat a little, because Catwoman's trophies count towards that total). There are only a couple that were bothersome. Also - if you appear to be missing some in Park Row, but don't have any more hints, it's probably because they're in the Church (because it has its own map, they don't appear properly from the main map). I was stuck on that for ages.

Go check out his character model. The look on his face is just a fantastic monument to thoroughly besting him. :awesome:

X :neo:


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Got all of Riddlers stuff & completed all the side missions, basically completed everything within the story mode. :monster:

Figured out all of the riddles and how to get the trophies myself....

...except one. :rage:

Had to look on the internet to get a single combat trophy.

Aerial stun jump from one enemy into another or something, despite the decription in game I had to look it up, turns out I wasn't mashing the strike button fast enough. <_<

Yeah apart from that I worked it all out myself, the one I struggled the most with was dive bombing onto a riddler pad. I knew how to do it I just couldn't get the aim right. Raged quit that one a few times. :@

And I can't help but think there are just way to many "Riddlers Revenge" missions to do. I know that I'll get bored of it before 100% complete. :P


Harbinger O Great Justice
Got all of Riddlers stuff & completed all the side missions, basically completed everything within the story mode. :monster:

Figured out all of the riddles and how to get the trophies myself....

...except one. :rage:

Had to look on the internet to get a single combat trophy.

Aerial stun jump from one enemy into another or something, despite the decription in game I had to look it up, turns out I wasn't mashing the strike button fast enough. <_<

I had to look that one up too. I was totally perplexed as to what the hell you needed to do.

Yeah apart from that I worked it all out myself, the one I struggled the most with was dive bombing onto a riddler pad. I knew how to do it I just couldn't get the aim right. Raged quit that one a few times. :@

And I can't help but think there are just way to many "Riddlers Revenge" missions to do. I know that I'll get bored of it before 100% complete. :P

Was it the one between the Iceberg Lounge and the Perimeter Wall? Because that one made me want to kill people.

X :neo:


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
I had to look that one up too. I was totally perplexed as to what the hell you needed to do.

There are a lot of topics if you Google search, apparently loads of people struggle with that one. Getting the combat trophy is the only time anyone will ever use that combat move, it's to difficult to pull off to be useful.

Was it the one between the Iceberg Lounge and the Perimeter Wall? Because that one made me want to kill people.

Can't remember that one. The one I got stuck on was in the Industrial district, you had to jump off of the chimney, glide then dive bomb straight down, I just kept hitting it on the side instead of dead on.

*one Google search later*

8 minutes 34 seconds into this video:

Watching the video I now realise that the reason I struggled with it was that I didn't work out I needed to "detonate the shockwave" until after I had got the combat trophy for using the shockwave.

That is a problem I had with this game, it has so many combat moves but it never explains them or makes them useful enough to care about.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Watching the video I now realise that the reason I struggled with it was that I didn't work out I needed to "detonate the shockwave" until after I had got the combat trophy for using the shockwave.

That is a problem I had with this game, it has so many combat moves but it never explains them or makes them useful enough to care about.

I kinda agree with that point as well, though I assume that knowing them will be pretty important for anyone attempting the NG+ (I assume that the shockwave move would be useful for easier crowd control, and you'd find yourself using it more).

The one I had issues with
it's by the entrance to the Riddler's Final Area, where you have to hit 3 switches - on on either side of this tower-like structure against the wall, and one underneath the overhanging road. You have to Grapple Boost up off of the tower, and then dive and arc up and drop at the right time to get the final one. It's really easy to clip things before you get the hang of it.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
That is a problem I had with this game, it has so many combat moves but it never explains them or makes them useful enough to care about.

Actually the game does explain it. When you unlock them you get a description of the move and how to use it, and when you get the combo bonus it tells you that gadgets become more powerful when you're in freeflow mode. Then there's the ingame onscreen tutorials which you can enable to remind you that you have the option to use said move.

It makes the electric charge, the freeze grenades, and the explosive gel infinitely more useful for crowd control.

The issue is having the presence of mind to make use of them in the moment, which can kill your rhythm often.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
The one I had issues with
it's by the entrance to the Riddler's Final Area, where you have to hit 3 switches - on on either side of this tower-like structure against the wall, and one underneath the overhanging road. You have to Grapple Boost up off of the tower, and then dive and arc up and drop at the right time to get the final one. It's really easy to clip things before you get the hang of it.

X :neo:

The one at...
3 minutes 22 seconds into this video?

Yeah I used the line launcher for that.... :P
Last edited:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Actually the game does explain it. When you unlock them you get a description of the move and how to use it, and when you get the combo bonus it tells you that gadgets become more powerful when you're in freeflow mode. Then there's the ingame onscreen tutorials which you can enable to remind you that you have the option to use said move.

It makes the electric charge, the freeze grenades, and the explosive gel infinitely more useful for crowd control.

The issue is having the presence of mind to make use of them in the moment, which can kill your rhythm often.

My biggest issue with combos is attempting to use the O + X, or the /\ + [] combos, because I have to twist my thumb on the controller, since they dont' naturally line up, like /\ + O and [] + X do. I'm probably gonna play around with the tutorials a bit more, because the Critical hit is INSANELY useful with building Combos, and the enhanced Quickfire gadgets seem to be pretty tough, though I haven't used them more than a couple times so far.

The one at...
3 minutes 22 seconds into tis video?

Yeah I used the line launcher for that.... :P

Yes. Hahaha, Why didn't I think of that. That's SO much easier. XD

There's an
The church is one of the first places where you go in the game, and it's where you first see Hush. In the opposide wing from where Hush is lying, the stained glass window is a depiction of St. Dumas- of whose Order, Azrael is a member. Really interesting that those were put in so early in the game.

I'm trying to think of all of the references that Joker leaves.

&#8226; Two Joker TVs in the tower.
&#8226; After you fight Mr. Hammer, if you walk under the Manager's Office, you can hear Harley say, "Oh Mr. J!! It's a miracle!! You look perfect! Oh... It's not you, is it?" followed by Joker, *cough* "Be quiet, Harley!"
&#8226; The Joker who jumps you is perfectly fine, and Joker's face is still slightly sickened when you wake up in the wheelchair.
&#8226; The thugs mention that it seems like there's been someone standing in for him.
&#8226; Harley leaves a Joker Card, and a photocopy of a card in Freeze's Safe, and the note has two X's.
&#8226; When you fight Joker in the funhouse, he has no skeleton in Detective Mode.

Can anyone think of any more?

Lastly, does anyone else have Robin yet? I'm trying to find a decent movelist for him to get better with him, and having very little luck. (Though I expect there'll be a number of Nightwing topics tomorrow).

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I abuse the freeze grenades, the explosive gel, batarangs, and the batclaw the most.

Also I immediately noticed that:

Deadshot was the inmate at the beginning of the game who said Wayne was on his list. He was the picture of Lawton too. It amuses me that he's still trapped in the train car at the end of the game.

I was also amused that Black Mask is there at the beginning too getting his ass kicked by the guards.

Btw does anyone remember where Ras fell? I want to go back and see if his body is still there. I get the feeling it isn't.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Freeze Grenades are fantastic for isolating people, and the Explosive Gel is good crowd control, but the O + X combo can be SO awesome if used at the right time, you can take out like 8 people at a time, and the /\ + [] breaks those DAMN annoying shields, which is what's bothersome about it being tough to trigger. I wish I could reassign those combos.

@ Dacon
Those early cameos were great.

Ra's is impaled on the /\ at the entryway for Arkham City, just outside of the Processing Center where you go in to enter Wonder Tower. He's there when you land, after diving out, but he's gone after you fight Joker.

&#8226; Penguin hitting you as Bruce Wayne- Get hit or grab/break his hand.
&#8226; Harley kicking you in the church- Get kicked in the face, or throw her.
&#8226; The hiding Doctor ambushing you in the Steel Mill- get smacked in the skull, or catch the pipe.

X :neo:


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Actually the game does explain it. When you unlock them you get a description of the move and how to use it, and when you get the combo bonus it tells you that gadgets become more powerful when you're in freeflow mode. Then there's the ingame onscreen tutorials which you can enable to remind you that you have the option to use said move.

Russell said:
That is a problem I had with this game, it has so many combat moves but it never explains them or makes them useful enough to care about.

Alright let me rephrase that:
It has so many combat moves but it never teaches you how to use them, or understand there usefulness. It just gives you them and thinks you‘ll work it out for yourself.

I never much strayed from using the strike and counter buttons to win all fights. You don't need too. I only learnt that you can snatch away peoples guns with the Grapple gun after completing the game and going after the Riddlers trophies. Gee that would have been handy to know earlier. <_<

The game just shoves 25 combat moves into a menu screen and assumes you’ll learn them yourself. I’ve never been to interested in, or good at fighting games. So seeking out different combo moves isn’t something I’d do on my own. I would have benefited from the game forcing you to use each combo/fight move after unlocking it.

I’d guess that type of forced tutorial would be annoying to some people, but the game could have easily had an option to turn it off for veteran players.

I'm trying to think of all of the references that Joker leaves.

After you fight Mr. Hammer, if you walk under the Manager's Office, you can hear Harley say, "Oh Mr. J!! It's a miracle!! You look perfect! Oh... It's not you, is it?" followed by Joker, *cough* "Be quiet, Harley!"
The Joker who jumps you is perfectly fine, and Joker's face is still slightly sickened when you wake up in the wheelchair.
The thugs mention that it seems like there's been someone standing in for him.
Harley leaves a Joker Card, and a photocopy of a card in Freeze's Safe, and the note has two X's.
When you fight Joker in the funhouse, he has no skeleton in Detective Mode.

Can anyone think of any more?

I didn't pick up on the lack of a skeleton, but there is a line about "how do you hide a secret from a detective, right under his nose" that the Joker repeats during the reveal, I think you hear that line first in one of the Joker's Phone messages.

And is there a Nightwing DLC coming out or something? :huh:


Harbinger O Great Justice
@ your last comment: Why yes!! It's being released tomorrow. Here's a look at him in action.

And the preview trailer

X :neo:


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
So... Does Nightwing get a story line or is it just another character to use in 'Riddlers Revenge'? :huh:
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