Arkham Has Moved

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Alright let me rephrase that:
It has so many combat moves but it never teaches you how to use them, or understand there usefulness. It just gives you them and thinks you‘ll work it out for yourself.

....No. The game gives you descriptions of how to use the moves and what they do. It's all there when you unlock them and you can always look them back up, and activate the onscreen notices to let you know when to use them in combat.

The game just shoves 25 combat moves into a menu screen and assumes you’ll learn them yourself. I’ve never been to interested in, or good at fighting games. So seeking out different combo moves isn’t something I’d do on my own. I would have benefited from the game forcing you to use each combo/fight move after unlocking it.

...The game does force you to use a good bit of the movies to take out special enemies. I;E the guards with shields, guns, tasers, and swords.

Also I would hardly compare this to a fighting game, like, at all. It's nowhere near as complex or difficult to memorize these simple button inputs. All you have to do is practise, which is why we have challenge rooms.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I believe that he comes with some of his own maps for Riddler's Revenge, like Robin does, but he doesn't get wrapped into the main gameplay mode at all.

X :neo:


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
...The game does force you to use a good bit of the movies to take out special enemies. I;E the guards with shields, guns, tasers, and swords.

Guards with... Shields
This was hard for me to remember. I usually took out everyone except the shield guy then just attacked him over an over until the game flat out told me by displaying the correct move on screen. I was about 2 thirds into my second playthrought until I learned it.

Guards with... Tasers
I remembered this from the first game, jump over them, attack from behind.

Guards with... Guns
Hit them before they can shoot you, then hit them each time they pick the gun up. Don't know how to disarm them other than hitting them. Taking on more than one guy with a gun means you'll get shot.

Guards with... Swords/Knifes
Still haven't worked this out. I just hit them quickly before they get me. The game tells you to dodge by holding down triangle and move the left stick, but I can't master it. Dunno what I'm doing wrong so I just hit them as quickly as I can. You're the Goddamn Batman, come up against a problem? Just keep hitting it until it's gone. :awesome:

I couldn't work out the dive bomb then guide thing either.

Then the game FORCES you to learn it during the ra's al ghul dream sequence, took me 5 minutes of falling to my death but I learned it. On my 2nd game I aced that hole sequence without touching anything.

I need to be forced to learn things in a game like this otherwise I just can't learn them.

Also I would hardly compare this to a fighting game, like, at all. It's nowhere near as complex or difficult to memorize these simple button inputs.

Guess I'm just a retard then. :wacky:

Or just terrible at this game, I found the combat as difficult to learn as the combat in Bayonetta. Maybe I'm gettin' dumberer.


Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Guards with... Shields
This was hard for me to remember. I usually took out everyone except the shield guy then just attacked him over an over until the game flat out told me by displaying the correct move on screen. I was about 2 thirds into my second playthrought until I learned it.

Lol the game does that every time you encounter a new enemy type. The special combo weapon disarm will also destroy shields.

Guards with... Guns
Hit them before they can shoot you, then hit them each time they pick the gun up. Don't know how to disarm them other than hitting them. Taking on more than one guy with a gun means you'll get shot.

The Batclaw can be upgraded to pull guns out of guards hands. The special weapon disarm will let batman disassemble guns as well. The smoke pellet will also help out great by obscuring gunman's vision and allowing you to beat them down without fear of reprisal.

Guards with... Swords/Knifes
Still haven't worked this out. I just hit them quickly before they get me. The game tells you to dodge by holding down triangle and move the left stick, but I can't master it. Dunno what I'm doing wrong so I just hit them as quickly as I can. You're the Goddamn Batman, come up against a problem? Just keep hitting it until it's gone. :awesome:

You just hold the triangle button down+hold the analog stick backwards until their attack animation is over. You can try the special knife takedown if you can master the timing. Knives can also be destroyed too.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Smoke Pellet on your location + Batclaw disarm is CRAZY useful when there are a couple people with guns in close proximity, and you need a minute to get rid of them. Also, if you Smoke Pellet and crouch, you can Silent Takedown >> Knockout Smash, and occasionally get 3 people before the smoke clears if you can pull them close enough.

The knife counter timing is different for knives and swords, but if you can get the takedown timing down, it's really effective at eliminating people them out. I like this WAY more than the Arkham Asylum knife guys.

Also, the Quickfire REC knocks back the armored guys, which is good, but occasionally makes the weapon guys more dangerous if you're too close.

I'm still having the toughest time learning how to take care of the damn sheild guys in large groups, because they're tough to counter, and the Disarm & Destroy is the hardest combo for me to activate.

The best thing to do if you're overwhelmed by numbers is to combo chain by hitting back and forth by targets who are farther away, so you don't have to deal with countering, up to about ~12 and then use the Batarang Takedown, and you can usually get about 6 out of the way if your timing's good.

X :neo:
For the shield guys, just stun them with your cape, then vault over them. You'll do an overhead smash and they'll be stunned on the ground while dropping their shield.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
For the shield guys, just stun them with your cape, then vault over them. You'll do an overhead smash and they'll be stunned on the ground while dropping their shield.

This shit is dangerous in a group.

I usually dance around them building up my combo, and when my meter is high enough I'll do the weapon takedown and take both the shield and the guy off the battlefield. Eliminates one combatant AND prevents anyone else from using the shield again.
I've never really had a problem with it. None of the regular enemies ever bothered me once I start to vault over them. Just the titans and the 1 armed thugs.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I've never really had a problem with it. None of the regular enemies ever bothered me once I start to vault over them. Just the titans and the 1 armed thugs.

I've gotten punched in the back of the head several times. Doing that shit in a big group of enemies isn't smart.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
I prefer Catwoman for combat, she's only got two combo moves and only 3 gadgets. Much easier to fight with her, I got a 54 combo with her & got the '50+ combo' trophy. :monster:

Also what the best way to take out those
Hammer & Sickle guys?
Because again I just cleared the room then run upto them and mash attack and hope they die first. :(
Use your cape 3 times in a row to stun them, then wail on them. If they start to come around, vault over them and repeat. They're really only dangerous when other guys are around.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Three Panel Soul did an Arkham City comic.

I still have big issues with shield guys in groups, especially because if you take them down without using the Weapon Destruction takedown, some other jackoff is charging you with a shield a split second later.

Critical Hit timing makes EVERYTHING easier. If there's one tutorial that you should make sure you do if you're not familiar with how, this is it. Knife Takedown being the next most useful imo.

X :neo:
I want to play this game so badly but I feel like I won't have proper gaming time until at least next year. Plan on renting it as soon as I do have free time though.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I prefer Catwoman for combat, she's only got two combo moves and only 3 gadgets. Much easier to fight with her, I got a 54 combo with her & got the '50+ combo' trophy. :monster:

Also what the best way to take out those
Hammer & Sickle guys?
Because again I just cleared the room then run upto them and mash attack and hope they die first. :(

That's what I do, but when I see them start their attack animation I jump behind them then wail on the some more, jumping over them again whenever the other enemies take a shot at me.

Eventually I put them down.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Walkthrough of Nightwing's abilities so you can get an idea of what he's like before deciding on getting him.

Some clarification based on reading other user comments on him:

• He has no dialogue. Doesn't speak before/between rounds in the Challenge Maps (neither does Robin).
• New Challenge Maps he comes with are "Wayne Manor" and "Main Hall"
• Getting a headshot with his Darts is an instant KO, but bodyshots is a stun/knockdown.
• His Detective Mode is black & white and highlights enemies purple, but doesn't highlight destructible objects.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Lol I have no money for him regardless :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I figured I'd make a quick reference post to all the basic combat whatnot for all four of the characters, since they've got unique gadgets, quickfires, vision modes, and combat tactics, and I can't seem to find a decent one posted anywhere else online. I've added listings for the basic PS3 Controls, Gadget locations/controls, Quickfires/Takdowns, Vision Modes descriptions, Non-Batman Gadget descriptions, & my take on their combat tactics (Nightwing and Robin have videos, since you can't test them in the main world). It's actually surprising how differently they all fight given very subtle tweaks in abilities and timing.

If it seems useful for anyone without a PS3, I can toss in a revision with the 360 controls in as well, though I'll need someone to verify what they are, since the R1/L1/R2/L2 >> RB/LB/RT/LT commands don't seem to be a direct swap out.


PS3 Basic Controls

• R1: Grapple
• R2: Crouch
• L1: Gadget
• L2: Specialized Vision Mode

• ☐: Attack
• ▲: Counterattack
• O: Stun
• X (2x): Dodge
• R2 + ▲: Silent Takedown/Double Takedown/Ground Takedown
• R2 + ▲ + ☐: Knockout Smash (from Silent Takedown)
• (Hold Away) + ▲: Knife Dodge (Tap to Counter/Takedown)
• O (3x): Ultra Stun (Large Enemy Counter)
• O + X (2x): Aerial Attack (Shield Enemy Counter)
• X (2x) + ☐: Reversal (Stun Baton Enemy Counter)
• O + ☐ (10x): Beatdown (Armored Enemy Counter)

• Batman

• ↑: Batclaw
• →: REC (Remote Electrical Charge)
- R1: Repel, R2: Attract
• ←: Explosive Gel (3x, Unlimited)
- R1: Spray, R2: Detonate
• ↓: Batarang
• ↑↑: Line Launcher
- L1: Aim (R1: Redeploy), R2: Wire Walk
• ↑→: Freeze Blast
- R1: Throw, R2: Throw Mine
• ↑←: Freeze Cluster
- R1: Throw, R2: Throw Mine
• →→: Disruptor (2x, Recharge)
• ←←: Smoke Pellet (1x, Recharge)
- R1: Drop, R2: Throw
• ↓↓: Sonic Batarang (1x, Recharge / 1x Finite if Detonated)
- R1: Throw, R2: Detonate Shock
• ↓→: Remote Controlled Batarang
- R1: Boost, L1: Brake, R2: Auto Level, R1+R2: U-Turn
- R2: Reverse Batarang
• ↓←: Cryptographic Sequencer

• L1: Batarang Quickfire
• R2 (2x): Freeze Blast Quickfire
• L1 + ☐: Explosive Gel Quickfire
• L1+ ▲: Batclaw Quickfire
• L1 + O: Remote Electrical Charge Quickfire
• ▲ + O: Special Takedown (Instant, Single Takedown)
• ▲ + ☐: Search & Destroy (Weapon Break)
• ☐ + X: Bat Swarm (Group Stun)
• X + O: Multi-Ground Takedown

• Enemies' skeletal structure and vital signs.
• Armed/unarmed enemies x-ray highlighted (blue/orange).
• Throwable/destructable objects (orange).
• Weakened walls (blue).
• Electrifiable objects (orange).
• Grates & grapple points (orange).
• Surroundings darkened and detail removed (dark blueish purple).

Batman's Combat is all about solid execution. He works well pulling enemies or letting them come to him, and his gadgets are really more of an opportunity for variety. The Freeze Blast can isolate a particular enemy, Explosive Gel can break up a crowd, and the Batclaw is good for dealing with armed enemies. For the most part, Batman lets the combat come to him, and then deals with it, and picks off the stragglers. His animations are solid, and at a fair pace, while gives him a very calm attitude in combat. His Ground Takedowns require good timing to use, can a moderate distance from an active enemy. He's got the largest number of Takedowns, and the most versatile variety of direct combat options, which makes him the best at direct combat, with the gadgets serving primarily as an augmentation.

• Catwoman

• →: Caltrops
• ←: Bolas
• ↓: Whip

• L1: Quickfire Whip
• R2 (2x): n/a
• L1 + ☐: Quickfire Bolas
• L1+ ▲: Quickfire Whip
• L1 + O: Quickfire Caltrops
• ▲ + O: Special Takedown (Instant, Single Takedown)
• ▲ + ☐: n/a
• ☐ + X: Whiplash (Group Damage)
• X + O: Whip Trip (Group Knockdown)

• Enemies x-ray highlighted (yellow).
• Climbable surfaces (blue clawmarks).
• Grapple points (blue).
• Surroundings darkened and blurred slightly (reddish orange).

• Bolas: Knocks down and stuns a single enemy.
• Caltrops: Covers the floor in caltrops, which knocks down and stuns anyone who crosses through, or is within the radius.

Catwoman's Combat is all about fluid agility. She is all about swift movement from enemy to enemy, and dealing with one enemy at a time, really quickly. Her Caltrops and Bolas can be used for SERIOUS crowd control, and taking out grounded enemies. Her Ground Takedowns are INSANELY fast, and that's how she deals with enemies best- leap to a downed enemy, put them down, and pounce back into the crowd. Since she has the least number of gadgets, her speed is the most important. This makes combo chains really effective for her.

• Nightwing

• ↑: Batclaw
• →: Escrima Stick
• ←: Electrical Blast
• ↓: Wing-Ding
• ↑↑: Line Launcher
- L1: Aim (R1: Redeploy), R2: Wire walk
• ↑→: Wrist Dart (3x, Limited)
- Headshot: Takedown, Bodyshot: Stun
• →→: Disruptor (2x, Recharge)

• L1: Wing-Ding Quickfire
• R2 (2x): Wrist Dart Quickfire (3x, Finite)
• L1 + ☐: Electrical Blast Quickfire
• L1+ ▲: Batclaw Quickfire
• L1 + O: Escrima Stick Quickfire
• ▲ + O: Special Takedown (Instant, Single Takedown)
• ▲ + ☐: n/a
• ☐ + X: Escrima Ricochet (Group Stun)
• X + O: Escrima Shock (Group Damage)

• Enemies x-ray highlighted (light purple).
• Radar at top right.
• Surroundings shown in grayscale.

• Escrima Stick: Knocks down and stuns one enemy. If in Nightvision Mode, can be used to hit a Thug without Line of Sight by ricocheting it off of a wall (will show the thug behind a wall as a selected target if there is a path). Used in combat, it may ricochet and hit multiple enemies.
• Wrist Dart: Knocks down and stuns one enemy for a significant period of time. Headshots will instantly takedown an enemy, rather than stun them.
• Electrical Blast: Shocks and pushes enemies away from its area of effect. The total area of effect increases if used from a higher vantage point.

Nightwings Combat is all about constant crowd control. He functions really well surrounded by enemies. His combo Takedowns, Escrima Sticks and Electrical Stun are all focused on hitting multiple enemies, and pushing people away in a radius centered on himself. The Electrical Blast in particular activates so quickly it can be used instead of a counterattack sometimes. Nightwing is constantly diving into a crowd, and pushing them back, and is assisted by the fact that his Ground Takedowns are also fairly quick. His darts are key if there's an enemy who's armed with an asset or otherwise being difficult, you can stun/knock them down for a fair period of time until you can afford to focus on them.


• Robin

• ↑: Zip Kick
• →: Snap-Flash (3x, Finite)
• ←: Explosive Gel (3x, Unlimited)
- R1: Spray, R2: Detonate
• ↓: Shuriken
• ↑→: Bullet Shield
• ←←: Smoke Pellet (1x, Recharge)
- R1: Drop, R2: Throw
• ↓→: Remote Controlled Shuriken
- R1: Boost, L1: Brake, R2: Auto Level, R1+R2: U-Turn
- R2: Reverse Shuriken

• L1: Shuriken Quickfire
• R2 (2x): Bullet Shield Bash Quickfire
• L1 + ☐: Explosive Gel Quickfire
• L1+ ▲: Zip Kick Quickfire
• L1 + O: Snap-Flash Quickfire (on Stunned Enemy)
• ▲ + O: Special Takedown (Instant, Single Takedown)
• ▲ + ☐: n/a
• ☐ + X: Staff Sweep (Group Knockdown)
• X + O: Thug Toss (Single Instant Takedown + possible additional Damage / Knockdown)

• Enemies' skeletal structure.
• Armed/unarmed enemies x-ray highlighted (blue/orange).
• Weakened walls (blue).
• Grates & grapple points (orange).
• Snap Flash detonation radius (red).
• Surroundings darkened and detail removed (dark blueish black).

• Zip Kick: Like the Batclaw, but pulls Robin towards the target, and immediately delivers a kick.
• Snap-Flash: Explosive Charge that can be placed on a stunned or unaware enemy. Tagged enemies are shown in Explosive Vision Mode. Once placed, it can be detonated to knockdown and stun that enemy, as well as any other enemies nearby.
• Bullet Shield: Protects from bullet fire from directly in front. Reduced damage, and doesn't get knocked away from the gunfire. Can also be used to bash a taget at close range, and instantly stun and knock them down.

Robin's Combat is about individual planning. Robin's gadgets are possibly the most important to his combat. While he can manage a crowd fairly well, his Ground Takedown animations are exceptionally slow, and he works best centering on individuals, and planning attacks with his Quickfire Gadgets. His Zip Kick can pull him towards an enemy and away from (or into) a group very quickly, while his Explosive Gel is a good at breaking up that crowd. His Bullet Shield Quickfire will bash an enemy and instantly knock them down, and when followed up with a Quickfire Snap-Flash, one of the thugs is now a walking mine while you move back to the group. Swapping into his augmented vision will show you which thug is tagged, and the approximate radius of the effect, allowing you to time the trigger and blast down a large group, and deal with the remaining individuals in small numbers. Likewise, his Combo Takedowns also trip a crowd, or isolate one person to takedown, while breaking up/pushing back others.


X :neo:


Joe, Arcana
I'd much rather see DLC in the form of extra Chapters in the story, rather than challenge maps and/or characters that can only be used in the challenge maps. They are cool and all, but it feels like more of a gimmicky extra. The weight of Arkham City (and its predecessor) lies in it's story mode.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I'd much rather see DLC in the form of extra Chapters in the story, rather than challenge maps and/or characters that can only be used in the challenge maps. They are cool and all, but it feels like more of a gimmicky extra. The weight of Arkham City (and its predecessor) lies in it's story mode.

Pretty much all of us feel the same. I don't think there's anyone that doesn't.

Obviously we want more story, but we take we can damn well get.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'd much rather see DLC in the form of extra Chapters in the story, rather than challenge maps and/or characters that can only be used in the challenge maps. They are cool and all, but it feels like more of a gimmicky extra. The weight of Arkham City (and its predecessor) lies in it's story mode.

While I completely agree, I think that part of what may make continuing the story difficult, is that some interesting ideas surround including characters who are downloadable. I'd love to play a mission with
Robin that leads up to how he infiltrates Arkham City to save Batman and deliver the Line Launcher
. Anything that's like the Catwoman missions would be fantastic.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Also, Sefton Hill has implied that we may be getting some story DLC as well.


Joe, Arcana
To be honest, if they managed to implement Robin in a way similar to Catwoman then I'd be really happy. The city just FEELS bigger when you get the idea that there are other (almost)equally important people running around in it. Plus, I really do quite like Robin in this.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Yeah, not going to lie, this has to be one of my favourite depictions of Robin to date. He looks and sounds competent and confident, rather than just being cocky kidnap-bait.
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