Assassin's Creed (series)


Higher Further Faster
lol Carlie. I just may end up doing the same if I don't figure this out soon.

Also, I think I have discovered my favorite thing about this game: hiring prostitutes to distract guards. I just hired some to help me get in a building in Florence and every single guard in the area came running over to flirt with them. I just walked in, got the item I needed, walked out, and there's suddenly a massive gathering of guards all trying to hit on them. I got a chuckle out of that.

The also make for rather pleasant company, and no one dies, unlike when I hire thieves, who hang back, are no fun, and kill everyone. :P


Higher Further Faster
Also, guards can find you in your hiding places in this game????

Tried ducking into those rooftop garden things twice and they come up and start poking it with their swords to see if I was in there!

But then I sat on a bench and was magically invisible, so idk. :monster:

And I tried hiring courtesans to distract them and the guards killed them. :( Nooooo not my courtesans you bastards!!!!


I had guards poking at the haystacks I was "hidden" in several times.

And what the hell, they killed the ladies? Noooo!!

I don't think I had to look up any of the puzzle solutions, but some of them did take me several tries.


Higher Further Faster
Yeah, just had some guards poking at me in a haystack as well. :P

Also, I'm loving how there's actually a purpose for Eagle Vision in this game. In the first tame it was like, what is even the point of this ability? I never used it.


I didn't play the first there wasn't a use for it at all in AC1? I wonder what the thought behind it was, then.

May I ask at which point in the game you are, Tenny?


Double Growth
It was billed as how you identified your target. But it always made it abundantly clear who your target was.

And I never cheated on the puzzles, I really liked them. Sometimes I'd call my roommates over to help work it out, but no cheating :P They were fun, and I liked all the conspiracy theorizing, too bad that did away with them.


Higher Further Faster
Yeah, there WAS a use for Eagle Vision, but I never felt the need to use it.

I maybe used it like, once, maybe twice. But in ACII, I'm using it all the time. :)


I remember using eagle vision to find all the hidden image puzzles in ACII, it was awesome.


Double Growth
Yeah, I know. I was really surprised AC3 didn't do anything with
Washington having an/the Apple. The characters do talk about it, but I was expecting it to be pretty huge, actually.


The British are coming hur dur
The Paul revere mission was so fucking annoying. We have to be stealthy connor... TO THE LEFT THIS IS THE WAY.



It was but I kept dying at one point, because my horse kept getting shot, and falling over. :(

The horses in this game always glitch up, they're the worst to use.
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I think I tried to at one point because the horse was pissing me off, but then Revere ended up dying in the fight >.>

but omg I love Achilles relationship with Connor, it's really funny XD


Haytham: "No don't do that! There's no way we can know what's on the other sii-


Connor: "Now we do. :D"


So I just finished the game.....

Now I know what you all meant by unsatisfying, like holy shit, why did they have to make the ending ANOTHER cliffhanger? The end of Desmond's story? NO LOL YOU JUST KILLED HIM OFF OH WELL STORY OVER. I mean I KNEW he was going to die, but this was the worst possible way to end it... And I Don't understand how whatever he did saved the world??? Like I remember Juno going on about electrical impulses in one of the failed projects, but really the game did little to anything to clarify shit. That and they basically just killed off all the major antagonists who had good potential, especially Daniel I really wanted to see more of him. This was horrible writing, which led up to absolutely no resolution, and it makes me want to NEVER pick up another assassins creed title again. Which I KNOW they're going to make with a shitty open ended ending like that.
Plus it goes against what the brotherhood stood for in the first place, human choice and the FREEDOM of that choice, even if their was a possibility of the new order being corrupted again, it would at least be HUMAN CHOICE, and i dunno FREEDOM????

As for Connor's story I liked it a lot, and I really liked Connor, his badassery knows no bounds, he basically limps bleeding for miles gets on a boat and FINALLY kills Lee, the drink they shared was a nice touch as well.

I'll probably have more to say about this later, but I am still watching the friggen 20 minute credits as I type this, so i'll let it go for now. But seriously?? Aughh for shame Ubisoft....
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I have a confession to make: I've played all the games except 3, and I've been reading all the spoilers anyway.

Tbh, I feel like I was kinda done after Revelations. I'm one of those people who prefer an overarching story that comes to a neat conclusion, so what keeps me playing the games is actually the present-day story. While the gameplay is fun and addictive inside the animus, and I did grow attached to Ezio, I'm just not a "freak of the week" type person.

Like I keep watching Castle because of Caskett, not because "omg I wonder what case they'll have this week how exciting" even though those can be entertaining. Same with any TV show really - Buffy, Angel etc. I grow attached to the characters and want to see them develop and grow.

Whoever the hell writes AssCreed has been royally fucking me over since the end of Brotherhood. I have no desire to play this game at all. I will pick it up at some point, for the sake of completeness and because hey; fun gameplay. But the reason I liked it in the first place has already been trashed to hell, so I'm not particularly excited about "finding out" what's going to happen.

Also they have ridiculous DLC-ness. Like the literal missing chapters in the story in 2. And the incredibly important plot points in Revelations. Shit like that is what's wrong with game companies.


Double Growth
All of this has taught me I really play these games for the past sections. Because nothing good or bad has affected me in the present since finding all the writing on the wall at the end of AC1. Like I said in my other post, I think it's a neat little framing device, and the conspiracy theorizing was fun. But it was just that (to me), a unique way to take us all these places and times. I liked following the stories of Altair and Ezio. And Connor has an equally good story around him (I didn't realize how into I had gotten until the Epilogue.) But Desmond? Eh, he's still a poor man's Nathan Drake, I never cared about the 1st Civ or any of that crap. But I think the ACTUAL focus of the games was solid all the way through. And that's why I play them.

PrinceLex said:
Also they have ridiculous DLC-ness. Like the literal missing chapters in the story in 2.

THIS, however, was unadulterated bullshit. I haven't bought AC DLC since this.


But to me, the "ACTUAL" focus of the games is to teach Desmond to be a better assassin and gain crucial knowledge to help in the fight against the templars in the present. I think that's where our main difference in opinion lies.

I probably have a completely different perspective on it too since I played 1, 2, Brotherhood and Revelations literally one right after the other non stop last year, so I didn't really get any gap between the games to maybe forget about the less important present day sections, which when compared to the main beef of the past lives was pretty minimal.
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