Assassin's Creed (series)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
All right, turns out that its another Ezio game.

I dunno, I loved all the connections to Altair in ACII...and I know Tiff adores Ezio. But haven't we already played the guy's whole life by this point? How much longer can he really be leaping across rooftops? Wasn't he in his 40s by Brotherhood?

Wasn't this series originally gonna be a trilogy? lol. Now Ezio alone is going to have a trilogy.

See, the twist this time is that Desmond will actually be piloting Ezio as Ezio uses a ye Olde Animus to relive the experiences of Altair, and then time and space will all fold in on themselves as the genetic memory excuse is revealed to be as big of bullshit as it sounds, all three heros will be in the modern day, ready to kick some ass, only for it to be revealed that the assassins and the templars are really just the butt of a giant and I do mean giant practical joke headed John F. Kennedy, who is the game's final boss.

Celes Chere

I think there should be a whole game based on just Desmond, where he has to use all of the skills he's learned irl to do... uh, something.
/unpopular opinion

I dunno, I loved all the connections to Altair in ACII...and I know Tiff adores Ezio. But haven't we already played the guy's whole life by this point? How much longer can he really be leaping across rooftops? Wasn't he in his 40s by Brotherhood?

Wasn't this series originally gonna be a trilogy? lol. Now Ezio alone is going to have a trilogy.

I adore both of them, really. c: Pfft, Ezio will be 80 and still kicking ass. But I must say that yeah, we've pretty much played out his whole life and even if there *is* more, well make it a side story or something? I don't think there needs to be a whole different game based on him again. The Altair part though, I don't mind. We could always use more of him. :retard: But actually, it'd be nice to see something new. Yeah... a female main character would be kinda cool but ehhh... sort of skeptical about that too.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Ass Creed III, when we finally get it, will be Dessy's story, I'm pretty sure.

I'm just not sure we're getting III in the next several years.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Of course there's another Ezio game. He needs to make a baby with someone :awesome:

I'd love for III to have a female lead too. That would be cool, and it would change it up just a little. You think III would be all Desmond? Not that I have a problem with that (I'd love to see him get his own game), I just never considered that.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Of course there's another Ezio game. He needs to make a baby with someone :awesome:

I'd love for III to have a female lead too. That would be cool, and it would change it up just a little. You think III would be all Desmond? Not that I have a problem with that (I'd love to see him get his own game), I just never considered that.

Game 1 ends with Ezio gaining the eagle's sight. Game 2 follows in the theme by establishing bleedthrough AND an approaching threat while keeping Desmond as the guy we proxy through.
Yes, it's going to happen.

YES, HE DESERVES IT. And I think it would be pretty awesome but yeah. >u>

Especially the JFK fight.

Cookie Monster

Assassin's Creed Revelations


In Assassin's Creed Revelations, Ezio Auditore will travel to Constantinople, in the footsteps of Altair, in order to further unravel the mystery between the Templars and the Assassins.

Revelations also brings back the multiplayer experience first introduced in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood with "more modes, more maps and more characters" according to the official announcement. In addition, players will be able to "manipulate the construct of Desmond's memories and the Animus to decipher the mysteries of his past and gain insight into the future."

In addition, Revelations has been described as the "final chapter of the Ezio trilogy" and is scheduled for release this November. We'll learn more about the game at E3 next month.

The first image to emerge from the new game also features a new tool simply called the "hook blade" which you can see hanging from Ezio's sleeve. Check it out below:



Double Growth
We were talking about it in the other thread, but it can have its own if you want. The other one could just become the Ezio-games thread. As this is decidedly still not AC3... :monster:

Cookie Monster

Honestly, I believe there's too much time is being skipped from Ezio's time to Desmond's for him to get the third game. I think there might be one more significant character we'll be introduced to.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Honestly, I believe there's too much time is being skipped from Ezio's time to Desmond's for him to get the third game. I think there might be one more significant character we'll be introduced to.

We're already in 'the third game' with Brotherhood. Desmond is very likely to get 'ACIII' but I don't think 'ACIII' is coming out before several other AC:KHIUTBRDT titles.


But haven't we already played the guy's whole life by this point?
NO! He hasn't fathered Desmond's direct ancestor yet, we can follow him till he's like Hugh Heifner.

Was I the only one hoping for a female lead in the next game?
I think there should be a whole game based on just Desmond, where he has to use all of the skills he's learned irl to do... uh, something.
Desmond's not as popular. I think they might be waiting until 2012 for the whole end of the world shebang as far as Desmond's concerned.
I don't know how I feel about them churning out 1 every year tho. I'm scared of it being shit ;__;

We could always use more of him.
I love Altair. I will cry tears of happiness if my bb gets a significant part.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
I was hoping they'd take us to another part of the world where there would be assassins. Like Asia or somethin'. Ya know, for a change of scenery and stuff. But anything with more Altair will rock my socks off. Loved him. I also love Ezio, but they're sort of overdoing it now. I was sort of hoping for a new face. :sigh:

Cookie Monster

We're already in 'the third game' with Brotherhood. Desmond is very likely to get 'ACIII' but I don't think 'ACIII' is coming out before several other AC:KHIUTBRDT titles.

Third game as in the third numbered title. Altair was born in 1165, Ezio was born in 1459. That's just about 300 years. Flash forward another 300 years and you're in the late 1700s, which places us right in the middle of the American Revolution. I'm not so sure they're going skip all the secret society/Templar/Masonic associations with America. It would be pretty fucking corny, but I wouldn't be surprised if they take that direction.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark

I WANT THIS :wacky:

It has Altair on the cover, but this is the description:

Amazon said:
After his family was betrayed and disgraced by the most powerful families in Italy, young Erazo chose the path of vengeance-and entered a world of mysticism and murder beyond anything he could have imagined. But his quest is far form over...


Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
Well you can pre-order Revelations already

whatever I'm gonna wait for another Black Friday deal and get a glitchy version for cheaper just like Brotherhood

there was an original book way back when about Altair but the group that was mentioned in the books was upset about how historically inaccurate it was so they pulled it and didn't continue the trilogy
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Cookie Monster

Here's an article focused on the future of AC. Nothing here is official, they're just guessing what direction they're going to take the franchise in after Revelations.

As listed:
- Colonial America on the Eve of the American Revolution (Which I suggested as a possibility earlier. :awesomonster:)
-The American West

-Post-World War II France

-Modern New York

The article describes why these might be viable options, and they provide possible enemies and new details that could be introduced to the series.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Ya know, those actually sound pretty bad ass.

Then again, AC is just pure genius. :D


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Third game as in the third numbered title. Altair was born in 1165, Ezio was born in 1459. That's just about 300 years. Flash forward another 300 years and you're in the late 1700s, which places us right in the middle of the American Revolution. I'm not so sure they're going skip all the secret society/Templar/Masonic associations with America. It would be pretty fucking corny, but I wouldn't be surprised if they take that direction.

I don't doubt they would put an interim game in, I'm just not expecting it to be 'ACIII' but 'AC:Revolution' or somesuch.


If they go with Desmond in AC3, whcih is what I think they will do, I really hope they don't try to switch the focus to some other assassin in the past. I think they need to drum up some interest in Desmond as a character and let him have his own title. Although always present, not many people seem to actually give a shit about him.

Modern NY would work best for this for obvious reasons. Or modern anything.


Double Growth
Any city that isn't New York, Vegas, LA, or Tokyo would be a nice change of pace. I'm getting kind of sick of playing in those four cities.


Joe, Arcana
Aside from an occasional or a one-off setpiece, I douibt they would use a city like New York or Tokyo from a gameplay prespective. What they would be looking for is for the game to play extremely similarly to that of the previous ones. From an obvious point, New York for example is full of skyscrapers and large buildings. The tallest buildings in previous were not close to each other at all, meaning that all movement took place on the ground level or one storey up running across buildings.

This type of gameplay couldn't be used, because the free-running, the chases and most of the gameplay depended on switching between these levels and utilizing them both. You couldn't exactly jump off a skyscraper to avoid a guard. Also, if they have Desmond jump off of the empire state building and fall into something similar to a haystack and come out fine, they will lose a lot of respect. Jus' sayin'.

An urban area would work fine but for their core gameplay to stay current they would have to keep the scale roughly the same. Nothing too grand. Again, it works as a setpiece but not an open world. They COULD change that mechanic to make it work, but the change would be so large that the gameplay wouldn't be at all similar to the previous games, causing loyal fans to become discourages. I doubt they are going to do this, Ubisoft aren't THAT stupid.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Any city that isn't New York, Vegas, LA, or Tokyo would be a nice change of pace. I'm getting kind of sick of playing in those four cities.

Aside from an occasional or a one-off setpiece, I douibt they would use a city like New York or Tokyo from a gameplay prespective. What they would be looking for is for the game to play extremely similarly to that of the previous ones. From an obvious point, New York for example is full of skyscrapers and large buildings. The tallest buildings in previous were not close to each other at all, meaning that all movement took place on the ground level or one storey up running across buildings.

This type of gameplay couldn't be used, because the free-running, the chases and most of the gameplay depended on switching between these levels and utilizing them both. You couldn't exactly jump off a skyscraper to avoid a guard. Also, if they have Desmond jump off of the empire state building and fall into something similar to a haystack and come out fine, they will lose a lot of respect. Jus' sayin'.

An urban area would work fine but for their core gameplay to stay current they would have to keep the scale roughly the same. Nothing too grand. Again, it works as a setpiece but not an open world. They COULD change that mechanic to make it work, but the change would be so large that the gameplay wouldn't be at all similar to the previous games, causing loyal fans to become discourages. I doubt they are going to do this, Ubisoft aren't THAT stupid.

To both of the Above, Washington DC would make for an excellent set piece for the game.
So would Paris. Both are very sprawling cities with rather short buildings. Chicago might also work.
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