Ite/Macbeth was referring to the Team Avatar love quadrangle when he said that, so I'm guessing he means Asami/Korra/Mako/Bolin.
As someone who soooorta didn't really give A:TLA any chance (I couldn't watch it after the pilot, actually), I guess I just really, really dug A:Korra. Most of my love is because I was all YES a character whose faults or potential tragic flaws are clearly articulated and don't appear to be "too friendly/naive" and "annoying god make him shut up he is not at all compelling."
I actually found the love subplots to be appropriately clumsy, given how ridiculous teenhood is, particularly when faced with, dunno, heteronormative monogamous models. If Mako had been more clearly delineated (too much telling, not enough showing on his part), I would have been all "DO THEM BOTH, BRO" but as it is, I'm in favour of Korra and Asami both ditching him for each other and, dunno, inviting Bolin for the occasional threesome.
And to be fair, Mako is just Not Good at that stuff. It came across okay. I was fine with it. I just wish it had been a tad more subtle, although I got a kick out of it all. (Bo Lin's crying scene in episode five was priceless as all fuck).
I actually found the world to be appropriately explored, given the nature of the arc and of the series itself. It's a sequel series, begotten from four arcs of EXPLORAYSHUN OH GAW MOAR POWERS and it's lovely to have KORRA begin almost
in medias res in this city.
Uhm. You know what, in some ways, it reminds me of the differences between Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2. I know most people preferred the first, but the political intrigue and through plots of the second were pretty rad. But Republic City is like Kirkwall. You're stuck in it for the entirety of the series, and it is well-explored and the character alliances and stuff are pretty cool. I wish they left more loose threads, though (the love quadrangle does NOT COUNT), politically speaking.
As it is, pro-bending was a lovely device for wicked fight scenes and action before the conflict escalated; so the main plot was free to shift around it as desired.
I'm guessing that season 2 will be more outside Republic City and I hope to hell that Bumi shows up more.
Also, the Airbending children? To paraphrase Ite: the potato-headed kid is way more fun as a berserker than as a repository for all the fart jokes they thought would make kids and simpletons laugh.