Avatar: The Last Airbender & Korra (SPOILERS)


Kaiju Member
I'm not disagreeing that Lin should fire Mako. I just don't believe Lin is unaware of what Lu and Gan are like. Having met them and everything.
Just because their her employees doesn't mean she knows every single aspect of their lives and job performance. There can be great bosses/chiefs in any sort of environment and corruption and incompetence can still exist. Lu and Gan are obviously skilled enough to hide their corruption/incompetence from Lin or else they wouldn't be there. Calling Lin stupid for not recognizing their corruption/incompetence would like calling Commissioner Gordon from Batman stupid (which he isn't) just because corruption and incompetence exist in the Gotham police force.

That's what the interview says, that is not what I see on screen. Certainly not in the scenes in Peacekeeper or Civil War Part 2 with Mako and Bolin.
Well I do see it on screen. Bolin is still certainly in a comedic role but his comedic scenes are also serving his development in his exploration and maturation to adulthood. I guess this just a subject we'll have to agree to disagree on.


Well, I've repeatedly stated my (and others) opinions on the matter of Korra. And to me her actions in Book 2 while certainly rash and not always the best or right choices are understandable to justified and in line with her Book 1 development, thus I don't find her behavior to be immature or bratty. So we'll just have to agree to disagree on that subject.

I get that you and others don't think she's being bratty. I and other others absolutely do. So on that point, we really will have to agree to disagree. But I still don't see a valid excuse for the longevity of it anywhere. It's gone on for so long that it's simply annoying.

Theozilla said:
Just because their her employees doesn't mean she knows every single aspect of their lives and job performance. There can be great bosses/chiefs in any sort of environment and corruption and incompetence can still exist. Lu and Gan are obviously skilled enough to hide their corruption/incompetence from Lin or else they wouldn't be there. Calling Lin stupid for not recognizing their corruption/incompetence would like calling Commissioner Gordon from Batman stupid (which he isn't) just because corruption and incompetence exist in the Gotham police force.

Come on now, really? The two of them are standing in front of her openly ripping the shit out of Mako who she just completely dismisses without even thinking about it. She doesn't even bat an eyelid. She doesn't even so much as give them into trouble. And I'm talking about one of my favourite characters here. She openly chooses to ignore them behaving like complete idiots and you assume she hasn't had the time to question their competency in the time since she's worked with them?

I mean no disrespect by saying this, but you seem absolutely hell-bent on "correcting" people who say anything negative about this season. I'm glad you're enjoying Book 2, but there's a lot in it that a lot of people are finding very questionable. It's not like I've made a snap judgement here, we're talking about 8 episodes worth of material. I might feel different when I watch all of book 2 from start to end.


Kaiju Member
I get that you and others don't think she's being bratty. I and other others absolutely do. So on that point, we really will have to agree to disagree.

Come on now, really? The two of them are standing in front of her openly ripping the shit out of Mako who she just completely dismisses without even thinking about it. She doesn't even bat an eyelid. She doesn't even so much as give them into trouble. And I'm talking about one of my favourite characters here. She openly chooses to ignore them behaving like complete idiots and you assume she hasn't had the time to question their competency in the time since she's worked with them?

I mean no disrespect by saying this, but you seem absolutely hell-bent on "correcting" people who say anything negative about this season. I'm glad you're enjoying Book 2, but there's a lot in it that a lot of people are finding very questionable. It's not like I've made a snap judgement here, we're talking about 8 episodes worth of material. I might feel different when I watch all of book 2 from start to end.
They're ripping into him (in addition to them being jerks) because Mako is doing a horrible job at the interrogation using leading questions (meaning if he actually did get any valuable information (which he didn't) out of the Captain it wouldn't be admissible evidence) and bringing in civilians to a private interrogation. They're being callous to a fellow cop but they are not actually being particularly idiotic in front of Lin. And Mako's overstepping his bounds as a beat cop. Lin is more than justified IMO to dismiss Mako.

And I don't mean to come across as "correcting" people but I will give my opinion and interpretation on certain matters (even when they are opposing ones) of the show and thus I feel I should back my opinion/interpretations up with arguments that rely on textual evidence (and cite other people's written meta/analysis).


Chloe Frazer
I know you still have a bunch of ire for Mako leftover from book one, Carlie. But he's been the most savvy, levelheaded and fair character so far.

Yeah and I agree that he has which is not a good sign because if I'm taing his side it means something has gone horribly wrong.

By far Korra isn't the only problem with Book 2. Lin and Asami were two of the best characters from last season and what they're doing to them is utter bullshit, is bad enough that Lin hardly has any screentime this season but now she doesn't even know Lu and Gan's true nature? c'mon. Then there's Asami who's now in favor of doing things like war profiteering even though that completely goes against what her character was in Book 1.


Kaiju Member
Then there's Asami who's now in favor of doing things like war profiteering even though that completely goes against what her character was in Book 1.
What did Book 1 established about Asami that would make her against profiting during war that in her perspective is also helping the justified/right side? It's not like Asami was trying to sell to both sides of the conflict. Asami was trying keep her company afloat while also helping Korra and the SWT. Also I like that Asami is doing some more morally grey actions, it makes her more interesting IMO.


Pro Adventurer
Okay out of pressure I’ve watched the first 8 eps of Book 2 Legend of Korra and…


Korra was bratty, impulsive and immature but she’s not a bitch (unlike how tumblr haters keeps on calling her.) She also had legitimate reasons to get angry at her father and Tenzin and she never was not worse than Zuko towards his uncle, I’m not saying she made the better decision but wanting her own agency is understandable. I actually was expecting to be disappointed and preparing myself to dislike her due to what I was reading but she’s much better than what I read about her. I don’t see anything that she could have done to make things better, she’s following her father’s advice and Varrick’s suggestions all the while desperate in stopping a possible massacre of her hometown. She might not be as rational as other characters but I can see her reflecting on her own actions little by little and WE HAVE 6 MORE EPISODES TO GO IT’S PLENTY OF TIME.

I admit that she was pretty immature, but I don't think she stepped back from her characterization in Book 1. At Book 1 she learned to trust Tenzin and be more obedient and then when she lost all her powers she connected with her spiritual side. In Book 2 she trust with Tenzin got shattered once she learned that she was denied of an Avatar's journey because of vague reasons. I mean, she could travel the world with her father and Tenzin if they really want to keep an eye on her but instead they locked her up!

Let’s look at this: her father asked her to gain President Raiko’s support: it failed. Varrick advised her to ask the United Forces, Mako told told Raiko (I find it understandable) and plan failed again. NOTE: Iroh II was supportive or this, and the Southerners were even roused by Varrick to rebel. Trusting Varrick isn't a sole mistake or foolishness from Korra's part. Now again her plan failed she followed Iroh II’s advice: go to the Firelord but then the spirit ate her.

FINALLY SHE KNOWS HER PURPOSE THANKS TO WAN. All this time she was desperate in stopping then North from occupying the south, she wants to protect her family badly and she actually can’t do anything! Now she’s gonna leave all that politics behind and fight the dark spirits as her destiny requires her to.

I’m honestly more interested in the plot now than the first season, Bolin made be comic relief but I see him going down a slope. He’s bad at judging people and looking out for himself leading him to be abused by Eska. He was then trying to separate himself from his brother and establishing his own identity, adapting Nuktuk in the process. Mako and Korra’s break-up is also good for their characters.

Asami’s case is very interesting but I do agree there isn’t much of her in these first 8 episodes, let’s see until the end of the season. It’s sad that Lin gets sidetracked but I don’t find it sexist. Her refusal to believe Mako right away is also understandable as he’s just a cop of 6 months and we are conditioned to believe Mako is right.

ATLA also was a sausagefest in Book 1 (Aang, Sokka, Zuko, Iroh, Zhao, Jet, Bato, Paku, Haru vs Katara, Suki and Yue)and this season isn’t finished yet we have plenty of time to see Asami and Korra’s development. I don’t see why some say women in this season are just props I never got that impression. Korra and Asami are serving their own stories.

I think watching all 8 episodes in a row kinda gives you a different perspective. I understand Korra’s behavior might be tiring for 5 weeks but if you watched in a span of 3 hours all her actions isn't just lashing out and acting impulsively, she's desperate to do something but all her plans are failing and it's taking a toll on her as she badly wanted to be the Avatar.

That makes her really interesting to me because what happens when you give an enormous responsibility to an immature, bratty and emotional teenager and she couldn't do anything at all to help despite her years of being locked up by her own father and trusted teacher?

So that's my opinions on the matter, I understand we all have different perspectives here so I'm not saying I'm right, but I really think Korra is a well fleshed character with really good potential and I am very optimistic for her.
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Pro Adventurer

Awesome Halloween cosplay and SO CUTE. Bryan himself shared this in his tumblr.
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Very cute, and holy shit that's also just a rockin' Korra cosplay on top of it :awesome: More depressing, one of the first things I thought was "hey she has one of those crappy trick or treat buckets we're giving out with happy meals right now at work!" I must be shunned.


Anyone know where I can read all 3 parts? I've read 1 and a bit of 2.

EDIT: I have parts 1 and 2, just need to wait for 3 to appear somewhere.


Pro Adventurer
The final scenes can be read here: http://themattress.tumblr.com/post/65542792473

Although I'm not satisfied with the Zuko-Ursa reunion for now I'm not really hateful of Ursa's choice. I think it's a good flaw and a coping mechanism for her horrible years. I mean.... SHE'S OZAI'S WIFE and that's like the worst job ever. I'm actually quite okay with Azula's progress so far. Her redemption would take a long time and the ending is already a good step as Zuko shows how much he cares for her.



Kaiju Member
The final scenes can be read here: http://themattress.tumblr.com/post/65542792473

Although I'm not satisfied with the Zuko-Ursa reunion for now I'm not really hateful of Ursa's choice. I think it's a good flaw and a coping mechanism for her horrible years. I mean.... SHE'S OZAI'S WIFE and that's like the worst job ever.
Yeah, while I wish Zuko's conversation with Ursa at was a little longer I was satisfied. I really liked how their ending dialogue is revealed to be the opening captions/dialogue of the The Search (part 1) itself. Making the comic kinda Ursa telling Zuko her story. And I also like how the comic presented Ursa's actions. It didn't condone her actions but they were very understandable and exemplified that Ursa felt this was only way she could cope with her pain.
I'm actually quite okay with Azula's progress so far. Her redemption would take a long time and the ending is already a good step as Zuko shows how much he cares for her.

Yeah, I feel like a lot of fans have a "Draco In Leather Pants" attitude regarding Azula.
Like there are fans who think that Azual reuniting with Ursa should have suddenly cured her of all her problems and make her "good" and become part of the Gaang, and hook up with Ty Lee (while I admit there were lesbian impactions to their relationship, I can't even begin to list the number of reasons why it would really bad if Ty Lee hooked up with Azula (presently)) and (I had literally seen people express this wish) become the eccentric aunt to Zuko's daughter who teases her father, etc.
That just doesn't really make sense with Azula's character. As Zuko stated, Azula is really messed up (far more than Zuko ever was) and so is their relationship. It may take all of Azula's life to recover and redeem herself, and even if that occurs then I doubt she'll be all warm and fuzzies with the Gaang.
But I am also interested in seeing if Kiyi (being Zuko and Azula's half-sister) appears in future media (comics or TLOK or something else).


Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I know some fans have become sour on Ursa because of the fact that she chose to not remember her life in the palace including her two older children. Lets just say she has defiantly become a base breaker after all of this.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, I feel like a lot of fans have a "Draco In Leather Pants" attitude regarding Azula.
Like there are fans who think that Azual reuniting with Ursa should have suddenly cured her of all her problems and make her "good" and become part of the Gaang, and hook up with Ty Lee (while I admit there were lesbian impactions to their relationship, I can't even begin to list the number of reasons why it would really bad if Ty Lee hooked up with Azula (presently)) and (I had literally seen people express this wish) become the eccentric aunt to Zuko's daughter who teases her father, etc.
That just doesn't really make sense with Azula's character. As Zuko stated, Azula is really messed up (far more than Zuko ever was) and so is their relationship. It may take all of Azula's life to recover and redeem herself, and even if that occurs then I doubt she'll be all warm and fuzzies with the Gaang.

I actually agree with that. A lot of fans give Azula the Draco treatment and say that she's evil only because Ozai doted on her and that she'll be better with hugs and kisses... I disagree with that.

I believe the problem with Azula isn't something that can be blamed on the lack of attention Ursa gave to her, or Ozai's influence alone. It's something that has been running in the Fire Nation royal family for many generations. Even a good kid like Sozin became twisted as he grows up and Ozai was shown to be nice to his kids at Ember Island many years back. Even Iroh said to Zuko that "Azula's crazy and needs to go down" and that's really serious given Iroh's wisdom and patience.

Given that Iroh also turned out to be a good person, I guess generally the cruel and ruthless ones win the throne and the good ones put aside.

I don't think Ursa was a bad mother to Azula, it's just really unavoidable that she gives more attention to Zuko as he's always been bullied by his sister and disliked by his father... but this same favoritism made Azula's treatment of him worse.

The issue is kinda similar to the question whether Aang was a bad father or not by favoring Tenzin.


OK wow spoilers holy jeebus on a stick. I know this is a spoilers thread but I came here looking for a link to read it, I don't want to jump into the final scenes of something 0_0.



Pro Adventurer
The Girl With A Strong Opinion
I actually think this was the most believably way to end this arc. Mainly because those types of things cannot be overcome overnight. Azula is unfortunately a person who has many mental, emotional, and social issues.


Kaiju Member
TLOK The Guide reaction

As many other people on the 'net else has been voicing so far tonight, I loved the A plot of tonight’s episode. The interactions between Korra, Tenzin, and the air family was great. But I do admit that I wish that Tenzin had given Korra a direct apology to Korra in their reconciliation beyond stressing that Unalaq is responsible for screwing things up, not Korra. Speaking of Unalaq, while it is revealed that he is working for Vaatu, I am interested in seeing why he is doing so explained (beyond being power hungry). Good to see Eska showing some humanity and care to Desna and going against her father’s wishes. The only other negative of the A plot I can think of is Korra’s successful spirit bending, which I wish could have had some more elaboration on, beyond an “Unalaq’s teachings (some of which were off-screen I guess?) were useful and an implied Korra just needed more practice with it and maybe some more inner balance”.

As for the B plot, I am actually enjoying Mako as The Cassandra-plot but, like others I wish they didn’t have to bring back the love triangle/Masami into it (as it does somewhat diminish Asami’s agency beyond romance as a character). It would have worked fine without it. But I want to clarify that I don’t hate it, rather I am very apathetic to it. This represents my feelings about the love triangle/Masami elements well:


Anyways, while I thought it was one of the less strong episodes of Book 2, it was still very good overall.
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Pro Adventurer
I've honestly glad for Korra's character development, Jinora's talent and that they tackled Tenzin's inability to be a good spiritual guide. I also love everything about Aang's family <3

But... I'm gonna be really honest here I was apathetic with Mako since he was introduced and neutral to the love triangle. Now I want Mako to die (&#9685;&#8255;&#9685;&#10047;)

As for Asami, I'm thinking they trying to show how she's not perfectly able to cope with what's happening to her and she's clinging to Mako and I'm fine with that... for now.


Pro Adventurer
Ughhh I can't believe there's so many fans blaming Ursa more than Ozai for Zuko's misery and Azula's behavior. Now I just saw an analysis even blaming her for Ozai's cruelty (because she lied to him blah blah.)

Damn the amount of blame Ursa gets tells me how much fans know about domestic abuse.


Pro Adventurer

Pretty okay episode, again they're killing us with cliff-hangers it's annoying. This episode proves that LoK is pretty okay without the love triangle BS


Kaiju Member
This was a great episode, this episode (along with Civl Wars) was my favorite episode of Book 2 so far. These metas/commentaries/reactions really express well how I felt in this episode:

i LOVED the symbolism/metaphor with korra becoming a little child

because up until that point, that was how she felt. she felt like a little kid who just wants everything to go perfectly without realizing how. and she’s always felt like she’s just a little kid around the “grown ups” because she has this huge responsibility as the avatar to make sure the world is perfect but yet she has never really felt in control. there were always people telling her what to do, how act, etc. she’s always felt small, like she needed to mature but she didn’t know how

and that moment when she puts the spirit back into it’s nest and she’s back to teenager korra? that’s when she has matured mentally and emotionally. (her journey up the hill was quite symbolic/an allusion to other hero stories too) not to say that her character development is over, but she has learned so much from iroh.

✧・゚:*✧・゚:* ✿ KORRA ✿ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"My name is Korra and I’m the Avatar" => an identity. a title bestowed upon her by fate. no one really knows what role she should play anymore, the most dangerous people want to manipulate her, and she’s tried (so hard!! she’s tried so hard) to do justice to this role without completely understanding it. with predictably mixed results

"My name is Korra and I’m taking this dragon bird home" => not an identity but an action. an act of compassion that undoes the harm caused by the original act of fear, she does this not because of who she is but because it’s the right thing to do, and in the end it works out. the spirit she harmed out of fear and brought home by working through her fear comes to save her i’m

✧・゚:*✧・゚:* ✿ I’M SO HAPPY ✿ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

#The symbolism here is perfect, Little Korra hurts a spirit because she’s afraid, She’s not a bad person but she reacts to fear with violence, But once she learns to conquer her fear she’s able to help, And she’s able to help as /Korra/ not as /the Avatar/, The little four-year-old child who was never allowed to become her own person, Finally understood that there’s something valuable in /her/, In /Korra/, And she was finally able to help others because of it, 'I have light inside of me!',Please come here and let me hug you Tiny Korra T_T.
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