[Case of Shinra Finished] Any news on the new OTWTAS entries?


Lv. 1 Adventurer
um in that post it did say i told u tell him to hurry it up, jokinly. and i duno what a netizens is, and w.e it is i wasnt taken ur work or any other translators work for granted, u said u werent doing it cuz hito was, thats in my post to, i duno where the guy is, but i took it that he still was. And i thought u were a little annoyed by the way u responded, that was my take on it. If u werent i apolagize. Thats just how i took it.


Rookie Adventurer
um in that post it did say i told u tell him to hurry it up, jokinly. and i duno what a netizens is, and w.e it is i wasnt taken ur work or any other translators work for granted, u said u werent doing it cuz hito was, thats in my post to, i duno where the guy is, but i took it that he still was. And i thought u were a little annoyed by the way u responded, that was my take on it. If u werent i apolagize. Thats just how i took it.
"Netizen" refers to a person's identity and presence on the internet who usually don't use their real names when being involved in online communities such as this one. They use the term in Asian shows quite a bit now when talking about votes and discussions from their own forums.

Anyway, lets just let this whole thing slide before the drama builds up any further.

I've picked up the "Case of Shinra" translation again after a few people dropped me e-mails Hitoshura's been MIA so, feel free to concentrate on whatever you're up to in real life, Hitoshura. If you feel like picking it back up again, just let me know.


Lv. 1 Adventurer
"Netizen" refers to a person's identity and presence on the internet who usually don't use their real names when being involved in online communities such as this one. They use the term in Asian shows quite a bit now when talking about votes and discussions from their own forums.

Hmm im not one of those then. I use my real name, but i bet xcomp isnt yours. lol. Im not trying to start drama, and im glad u picked up case of shinra, i respect u as a translator, u are really really good, and i look forward to reading it. Have a good day.^_^


You're kidding, we're actually going to see progress in this? Thanks so much, xcomp. This is probably going to be the more important On the Way to Smile too.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I hope you're not pointing at me because I clearly said on my blog I wasn't doing it because Hitoshura had said he was working on it after I had finished Yuffie's story.

Not at all! I'm just speaking in general. Sorry for any confusion, man.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
I've enjoyed the OTWTAS stories, but the English translation does tend to come across a bit awkward at times, especially in Case of Denzel where it switches from first to third person and back for no apparent reason and with no visual indicator of the change or any kind of separation. I should think that should have been made clearer, so I wonder why whoever translated it didn't catch it? It happened several times in CoD, as I recall.

I understand having an accurate translation, but I'm not sure it needs to necessarily be word for word as long as the general meaning is kept intact. I guess it's just that the narration seems a little choppy sometimes is all. And rather bare in places. Maybe it's just me, I don't know. Just thought I'd bring it up.


Rookie Adventurer
Not at all! I'm just speaking in general. Sorry for any confusion, man.

No hard feelings. Just wanted to make things clear...

I've enjoyed the OTWTAS stories, but the English translation does tend to come across a bit awkward at times, especially in Case of Denzel where it switches from first to third person and back for no apparent reason and with no visual indicator of the change or any kind of separation. I should think that should have been made clearer, so I wonder why whoever translated it didn't catch it? It happened several times in CoD, as I recall.

I understand having an accurate translation, but I'm not sure it needs to necessarily be word for word as long as the general meaning is kept intact. I guess it's just that the narration seems a little choppy sometimes is all. And rather bare in places. Maybe it's just me, I don't know. Just thought I'd bring it up.

I've already answered this on my blog during one of the OTWTAS entries but...

I'm not saying my translations are the best but, it mostly has to do with Nojima's style. Nothing I can do about it unless I did what the translators over at Adventchildren.net did and add some "fluff" to it like in their version of Case of Denzel (No offence, guys!). He just doesn't spend much time building up the scenes like in real novels.

For example, off the top of my head a novel might write, "Thick dust hovered over the mountain of dark, lifeless rubble, blocking out even the powerful burning sunlight's rays. James lay unconscious, his body motionless, sprawled out across the ground."

But if I follow Nojima's style it would be, "Dust hovered over the rubble blocking out the sunlight. James lay unconscious on the ground."

He writes like a script and does indeed switch between first and third person very suddenly but doesn't mark any of it out. I very much have to guess when it's the characters speaking because Japanese hardly uses the pronoun, "I".

If you look at the reviews on Amazon JP, the book gets high scores for doing a good job of continuing to portray the FFVII game world but gets criticized for his poor writing. Might have something to do with how he's only been a game script writer.

For Case of Denzel and Case of Tifa, I'll admit I had decided to follow his style very close and didn't mark anything out either because I wanted to see the fans reactions. Eventually I did go back to mark out the third person lines in italics, though - At least on my own site anyway.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
No prob, Xcomp. It was just something I noticed. I hadn't seen adventchildren.net's version, though. It'd be interesting to see all the OTWTAS stories rewritten to have a fuller, more flowing and easier to understand narrative while still preserving the general intent of the Japanese words, rather than a simple translation. But still, good job!


Pro Adventurer
Same thing happened when they decided their character designer could be a director. A company as successful as SE shouldn't have trouble finding (or affording) the appropriate talent for their projects, but they seem to think in-house is the greatest thing since canned beer.


Rookie Adventurer
No prob, Xcomp. It was just something I noticed. I hadn't seen adventchildren.net's version, though. It'd be interesting to see all the OTWTAS stories rewritten to have a fuller, more flowing and easier to understand narrative while still preserving the general intent of the Japanese words, rather than a simple translation. But still, good job!

You probably have since most of the FFVII fan sites use their version instead of mine.

It begins with...

"In the past, the world of Midgar was spilt into two. The upper city, build on foundations of steel known as plates, was buttressed by support pillars high up above the ground. And on the land underneath where the light of the sun couldn't reach were the Slums, chaotic but full of life..."

Whereas my version starts...

"Midgar was once divided into two different worlds. One was an upper city known as a plate, a land of steel high up supported by pillars below. Then there were the areas of the ground that never saw daylight because of the plate. The slums were full of life even though it was a chaotic place. Due to the planning of the company known as Shinra, this scene of light and shadow prospering separately seemed it was here to stay forever."

If I spent time re-writing his work, Nanaki and Yuffie's story would probably still be far from complete just now, lol.

Besides, if an English version ever does come out maybe they won't re-write them either. I haven't really read over Barret's story in both languages so I can't really say, though.

Same thing happened when they decided their character designer could be a director. A company as successful as SE shouldn't have trouble finding (or affording) the appropriate talent for their projects, but they seem to think in-house is the greatest thing since canned beer.
Yeah. They probably should have got a proper writer to read over Nojima's short stories and worked with him to give it a little more substance.


Higher Further Faster
I've picked up the "Case of Shinra" translation again after a few people dropped me e-mails Hitoshura's been MIA so, feel free to concentrate on whatever you're up to in real life, Hitoshura. If you feel like picking it back up again, just let me know.

:glomp: :kiss: :awesome: :manhattan: :wacky:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
C'mon Hito, come back! We miss you, damnit! :monster:

Let us know if you're alive over there!


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Wow, it's as if my wish was answered...

I just got an email from hitoshura today.

He unfortunately has gotten really sick, and that coupled with personal issues, were the reason why he hasn't been around. He's still getting better right now but he wanted to let us know he was still alive and stuff.

So yeah, apparently something did happen to him. He was pretty out of it and stuff.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
Wow, it's as if my wish was answered...

I just got an email from hitoshura today.

Thank God!

He unfortunately has gotten really sick, and that coupled with personal issues, were the reason why he hasn't been around. He's still getting better right now but he wanted to let us know he was still alive and stuff.

So yeah, apparently something did happen to him. He was pretty out of it and stuff.

Ah, Shit!

Poor Hito D=
I hope he'll get better soon (and not just for the translations =P)


Get well soon, Hito.


Double Growth
Great! I'm glad he's alive (I've known people disappear on the internet with more...dire causes), but I hope he's not in too bad a shape.

Get well soon!


Higher Further Faster
What is it that made him sick? Poor thing. :(

Get better, Hito! Don't work on anything until you have made a full on 100% recovery, no matter how long that will take! Just concentrate on getting better!


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'm just glad Hito's not... really hurt or anything severe. I hope he gets better, I miss him :(

S and G

FFVII books and stuff
MJ Gallagher
Most of Case of Shinra is up.

The story ties in so well with previous games and offers so many explanations as to how
Tseng came to care for Aerith, how he escaped Temple of the Ancients, how a new Cait Sith appeared so fast, why the Turks thought he was dead and how Rufus managed to get out.

The most interesting part by far is the suggestion that President Shinra had much bigger plans for Lazard that he ever let on to his illegitimate son.
Most of Case of Shinra is up.

The story ties in so well with previous games and offers so many explanations as to how
Tseng came to care for Aerith, how he escaped Temple of the Ancients, how a new Cait Sith appeared so fast, why the Turks thought he was dead and how Rufus managed to get out.

The most interesting part by far is the suggestion that President Shinra had much bigger plans for Lazard that he ever let on to his illegitimate son.

Where are you reading this?
I checked the updated xcomp site, but it doesn't include those two last points you mention.
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