The Twilight Mexican
Ex-SeeD-ingly good
- TresDias
Perhaps Tseng was also referring to how Cloud had been just a kid when he went into the Shinra Mansion. In terms of his mental and social development, he really is just a kid.
Perhaps Tseng was also referring to how Cloud had been just a kid when he went into the Shinra Mansion. In terms of his mental and social development, he really is just a kid.
That's because Tseng knows nothing about the grand scheme of things (he needs to play Dissidia XDDD). Plus, Tseng might be on his late twenties/early thirties, so a guy of 21 is a kid to him.
Perhaps Tseng was also referring to how Cloud had been just a kid when he went into the Shinra Mansion. In terms of his mental and social development, he really is just a kid.
Wow! This is a really long story. I really like it because it's filling in a lot of the gaps in the storyline, and providing insight into what Shinra was doing. So far, we've only seen the story from Cloud/Avalanche's side.This stuff has remained consistently good. Hard to believe that he's only 1/3 of the way through it, though (27 pages of 75 in the actual OtWtaS book). This is going to be a long one.
lol Maybe he does need to play Dissidia.
Also I'd say early thirties at LEAST. He'd have to be.
True, I didn't think of it that way. But would Tseng really think of it that way?
Yeah, no matter that his skin is flawless and smooth like a baby's
He surely thought that. Remember that he saw how Cloud was delivered to the Shinra Manor after the Nibelheim Incident with only 16, and he knew exactly that both Cloud and Zack had been isolated those years.
All of the Turks are considerably older than they look, with the exception of Elena. That's just the way their world works....
Yes, I agree: Cloud is a kid to Tseng; yes, I also agree, Cloud has a severe case of arrested development thanks to all the years in the Shinra Mansion.
All of the Turks are considerably older than they look, with the exception of Elena. That's just the way their world works....
Yes, I agree: Cloud is a kid to Tseng; yes, I also agree, Cloud has a severe case of arrested development thanks to all the years in the Shinra Mansion.
Someone needs to photoshop Tseng's head on the Hawaiian Punch guy.^I was going to comment on the shirt and forgot! I got an image of Tseng in a bright-red Hawaiian shirt. Very funneh. XD
Meteor was so close that you would think you could touch it just by reaching out your hand. With such a surreal situation before them the four Turks patrolled Midgar. The Meteor's impact was imminent and the Turks may not be able to ease Rufus' mind but, they chose to ensure the President's safety and carry out their job to the very end."
If Rufus is in Kalm, how does it ensure his safety - with him injured and in a wheelchair and all - to have all four of his Turks over on patrol in Midgar?
Love the thought of Tseng in a Hawaiian t-shirt! Maybe it'll be swimming trunks next.
I think putting Rufus in Kalm was the Turks ensuring his safety. I doubt anyplace else in the world is much safer. The biggest problem at that point was Meteor, which was in Midgar, but if it did it, everything was going to go to pot anyway, including Kalm and the rest of the world.So they probably just wanted to make sure he was away from the storm and flying debris in Midgar itself.
At least that's what I think, anyway.
You make a good point. But the reason they moved him from the hospital is Midgar in the first place was because of all the people - I got the impression that he was unsafe not because of Meteor (or not just because of Meteor) but because there were a lot of angry people who wanted Shinra's head on a platter...As well as lots of other angry people who were nevertheless expecting Shinra to come up with a solution to save them.
[ spoiler] [/ spoiler]
sans spaces.
Is the full story up or are you guys just reading as he goes?
I'm loving Rufus' characterization throughout this story. Like, seriously loving it.
His fall at the end of Disc 2 of the original game really humbled him. His journey to becoming "the people's president" of AC/C and DC has been great.
Also, without a doubt, this is the best OtWtaS story. Fuck Case of Denzel, this is the one that should have been animated.
He may not be able to describe the setting in a scene or the transition from one to another all that lavishly, but he's great at characterization.
Also, without a doubt, this is the best OtWtaS story. Fuck Case of Denzel, this is the one that should have been animated.