[Case of Shinra Finished] Any news on the new OTWTAS entries?


Rebel without a Cause!!!
Second, why the hell can't someone love two people? Her interest in Cloud doesn't diminish her interest or love for Zack either. Especially when she thinks she won't ever see Zack again. Get real, ffs. Her interest and love for Cloud doesn't change the fact her first and true love was Zack, and that tragically ended. Zack and Aerith aren't married either.

Haha, AerithxZackxCloud!!! Guess who wears the pants, err, dress in this relationship!!!:reptar:


Higher Further Faster
Annnnnd this is related to OTWTAS how...? :P

There is apparently no Zack and Aerith uses the word "koibito" in reference to Cloud, so people are getting all into a tizzy over it. *eats popcorn and watches*

But really we don't know ANYTHING because none of us have read it yet! The idea of Aerith deciding to ditch Zack does kind of not sit right with me but we really won't know until it's all said and done, will we? Maybe the narrative will make it work. Or something. lol


Your Mom
There isn't much OTWTAS-related to discuss yet, so people are discussing what they know, as summed up by Tennyo. Are we not allowed to discuss that? Should this thread be closed until there are translations or something? fuck


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm going to choke the next person who says Aerith ditched Zack for Cloud based on that one sentence.

Seriously, peopel need to stop drawing enormous conclusions based on this tiny bit of monologue from Aerith. I almost regret spoiling that.

All she does is say what Cloud is to her, that we already knew. Have we forgotten that Aerith felt affection and love for Cloud? That was stated before. Her saying that she feels that Cloud was a lover to her, as well as a friend hardly changes anything. It doesn't remove any love she had for Zack.

Now stop with this "ZOMG AERITH CHOSE CLOUD OVER ZACK" crap. The line doesn't say that. At all.

Carry on :monster:


Fiat Lux
It's funny how much of this forum is dominated by the goddamn LTD. It's like a soap opera on here sometimes.

On topic...
It was interesting to see how much emphasis was placed on Denzel in ACC, considering he's about to get his own OVA exploring his backstory.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
So what if he doesn't? No one who is dead appears in them, save for Aerith and Sephiroth.

This is not Maiden. We're not getting a bunch of post death cameos in the Lifestream as some sort of otherworldly reunion. Really, the Lifestream Black and White stories are all about Sephiroth slowly building up to his advent in AC and creating the situation in the lifestream that causes Geostigma and his refusal to diffuse. On one side we see it from Sephiroth's perspective.

And on the other, we see it from Aerith's who notices the lifestream slowly being corrupted and Sephiroth's will permeating it. I mean, really. If Zack doesn't appear in it, it doesn't mean Aerith is rejecting him.


Your Mom
@ Masa: This isn't about the LTD. It's about Zack's resolution. No one's talking about Cloud. And what do you mean, about to get his own OVA? We've already watched it.


Fiat Lux
Bella, there's plenty of posts in this topic discussing who Aerith loves more/ditching Zack/same old stuff. etc.

And I haven't watched the OVA, ergo it doesn't exist. :wacky:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I haven't seen "omg Zack is teh whore" either. That's certainly not what I was saying.

People shouldn't think what words are in people's mouths imo! :monster: That's something I think in general~

Also again the majority is discussion not arguments. If people think people are arguing then they obviously haven't seen LTDs of old where everybody was trying to tear the throats out of everyone else and everyone was on the defensive/offensive because of what pairing another poster liked! :monster:

Those days were FUN, though... Armed with nothing but the Jawbone of an ass, logic, and reason, one could wander forth like Samson and just take on horde upon horde of opposition.
I oughta go find a VS debate to run about in. Maybe see if anyone's still trying to argue SW v ST anymore.

There are matters pertaining to the LTD in the novellas, so naturally discussion is going to occur. It's no different from other things people are also interested in like Nanaki/Vincent, Tifa/Yuffie, Rufus/Turks, etc so imo people really shouldn't complain either way since I don't think people would be too happy if people complained about the discussion of those things either~

I think the complaint isn't necessarily that the LTD is creeping in, but that it's creeping in based on Jack divided by Squat, MoW.
Though speaking of Zack's resolution, there are a couple of things I doubt this OTWTAS will answer that I do have specific questions regarding.
Minerva... Will of planet in literal sense, or rather an agent thereof? Does she have any relation to the Cetra, Ilfana in particular? Might Aerith become another Minerva in due time?
Is Cetra merely an inheritable trait, such as Tina's esper qualities, or is it more like Cecil (and Kain's) Paladinhood, assumable by anyone under the proper conditions?

And while giant off the handle speculation might be fun, it certainly gets us nowhere for me to just guess willy nilly on all these based on the mere scraps we've got.

In short, let's just wait for the book, folks.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Actually there is a bit about Minerva...but..it's really weird...LIke...I'm not sure how it even works.

Minerva...is an avatar/agent of Aerith.


Fiat Lux
They're really making Aerith overpowered, aren't they? Now Minerva's her handiwork too? Le sigh.


Higher Further Faster
Actually there is a bit about Minerva...but..it's really weird...LIke...I'm not sure how it even works.

Minerva...is an avatar/agent of Aerith.

Dang it I neeeed to stay out of this thread until the book comes!!!!

But wtf that doesn't even make sense.
Considering that we see Minerva in CC before Aerith is even dead. :/ But are they trying to tie Aerith into Genesis' story now?

And I think that will really be it for me now. I didn't really think there would be anything important in this book but now it seems like there will be so it probably will be best if I just gtfo for now. XD


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

Just like Basch being dead.

Don't know why its hard to believe.


Your Mom
Mako's schizophrenic and drunk with admin powers ffs. Someone lock him up.

But not before we get our translations. :monster:



Looking foward to the translations. Until then, I guess we all just have to wait to see more about Aerith. :monster:
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