[Case of Shinra Finished] Any news on the new OTWTAS entries?


Great Old One
I hate getting into this, but Zack going out to dinner with a co-worker hardly makes him the bad guy when Aerith whores herself out to Cloud after Zack fucking DIED trying to see her.

But oh well.
So Aerith is a whore for moving on? And what the fuck is with people saying that Zack 'died,' because of her? If you can't remember, Zack died 'protecting,' Cloud, thus Cloud being his living legacy; and Aerith had written eighty nine letters to Zack.

That's what I call being a good girlfriend.

And if we're going to make Aerith a whore now, I suppose Tifa is a stupid bitch for not telling Cloud the truth about Midgar. Seriously.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
Rofll @ you people.

Zack picked up Cloud and took him to Midgar. It's not like he asked him where he wanted to go, xD. So while he was GOING TO MIDGAR...TO SEE AERITH....he DIED. See what I did tharr? DIED GOING TO MIDGAR TO SEE AERITH.

Yes. Trying to get in contact with a missing person is a good quality, I'll agree.

But there's no denying it was a little over a month later, and Zack died going to Midgar.


Great Old One
Oh sure, because Aerith totally payed those Shinra folks to shoot the hell out of Zack.
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Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Rofll @ you people.

That's what happens when you irrationally insult characters! :monster:

Besides if Aerith dated Zack when she was a young teen and she didn't meet Cloud until she was twenty two then that means she hasn't seen/heard for him for years regardless! :monster:


Lv. 25 Adventurer
@ Maiden. I understand the "she hasn't seen him for years" idea. I just feel bad for the guy for dying trying to reunite with his loved one.

@ A. ROFL! Fucking Cloud was bogging Zack down. Yes, let's just let Cloud die instead, so Zack and Aerith can be together and the compilation won't even happen! Yay!

Seriously. Your face isn't going to melt off if someone doesn't like Aerith. And hell, I DO like her. I just think this LTD is a load of bullshit. I've thought it was a load of bullshit since the end of Disc One in the original game when it became irrelevant.


Great Old One
Besides if Aerith dated Zack when she was a young teen and she didn't meet Cloud until she was twenty two then that means she hasn't seen/heard for him for years regardless! :monster:
But nuooo, moving on isn't allowed. :(

My point, BOEG:

I hate getting into this, but Zack going out to dinner with a co-worker hardly makes him the bad guy when Aerith whores herself out to Cloud after Zack fucking DIED trying to see her.

Blame the writers.
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Your Mom
I can kinda see where BOEG is coming from, but the irritation isn't so much at Aerith as it is at the writers. Zack deserved better than to be tossed aside by Aerith when she found a shiny blond version. Or something. I dunno, it's 3 am.


Great Old One
I would use the reason to which Aerith was flirting around with Cloud because she saw him as the Zackified Cloud, but the CoL may contradict my statement, so I guess we just have to wait for hito.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Well it was two and a half months or something after Zack died yeah but we don't really know if Aerith knew for sure what had happened to him/was in denial/w-e/etc, however it was years since she had heard from him before that and she remained loyal to him all that time :)

Blame the writers - I'll drink to that! :awesome:

Oh and course Tifa isn't a whore :kiss:
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Your Mom
What's happening here is people have grown very fond of Zack thanks to CC, and they want to see him get a happy ending -- or at least as happy an ending as one can get after being blown full of holes. Something about his twu wuv joining him in the Lifestream but making doe eyes at the guy who was copying him just doesn't sit right.


Great Old One
Very true; she remained loyal for years, it's not a bad thing if: a.) She moves on to Cloud, b.) She gets reminded of her love by Cloud and tries to relive the past.

What's happening here is people have grown very fond of Zack thanks to CC, and they want to see him get a happy ending -- or at least as happy an ending as one can get after being blown full of holes. Something about his twu wuv joining him in the Lifestream but making doe eyes at the guy who was copying him just doesn't sit right.
I agree with this. I wouldn't like it very much if Zack remained ever faithful to Aerith if she was really in love with Cloud... Zack doesn't deserve that treatment. :'( In CC you can clearly see that he was devoted to Aerith, and the first person he thought of when escaping was Aerith.

And no offense, but Zack and Tifa being 'tragic characters,' while Aerith and Cloud are true love doesn't really appeal to me. SE's intention I doubt is meant for that.
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Lv. 25 Adventurer
Yes, I whole heartedly blame the writers. I blame them for protraying Aerith like that. Which is, as a free thinking human being, my perogative.


Fiat Lux
What's happening here is people have grown very fond of Zack thanks to CC, and they want to see him get a happy ending -- or at least as happy an ending as one can get after being blown full of holes. Something about his twu wuv joining him in the Lifestream but making doe eyes at the guy who was copying him just doesn't sit right.

I thought CC's sapfest ending, complete with Jpop theme song, and Zack's "heroic" out of body experience, would have been enough. Alas, people are unable to move on.


Pro Adventurer
Would you guys kindly shut the hell up with the love triangle shit? I just read through eight pages of useless bickering to get about four quality on-topic posts. Jesus Christ.

On-topic, I haven't really been following OTWTAS stuff too closely, all I really noticed in the 2ch thread was that Sephiroth uses "ore" which is either intentional or Nojima messed up, and one poster said "Case of the Turks reeks of faggotry". Looking forward to hito's translations.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal

He asked Cissnei out to dinner before he met Aerith...that's not unfaithful. Please learn the timeline of CC events, please. :monster:

Second, why the hell can't someone love two people? Her interest in Cloud doesn't diminish her interest or love for Zack either. Especially when she thinks she won't ever see Zack again. Get real, ffs. Her interest and love for Cloud doesn't change the fact her first and true love was Zack, and that tragically ended. Zack and Aerith aren't married either.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Woot, thank you so much, Defade! ^_^ Is that all the dialogue or truncated parts of it? I won't make you translate and post the whole thing if it's only parts, but I am really interested in seeing the full thing when it's done now. I do love when they give us glimpses of Vincent's personality like that.

I wonder what he'll do with the rest of his life. o.o And I wonder if Lucrecia will continue to live also as long as she's inside the crystal. Maybe, as long as she never comes out, they can still be alive together that way. He's not totally immortal, so even if he can't age and die naturally, I'm sure he'll die in combat someday. I wonder what will happen to her, though.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I've heard Case of Yuffie has her talking to Tifa, is there any truth to this?

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
I don't think the majority of people are really bickering, at least not with each other. I for one enjoy having the opportunity to have discussion on matters pertaining to the LTD with people like Ali and Celes~

He asked Cissnei out to dinner before he met Aerith...that's not unfaithful. Please learn the timeline of CC events, please. :monster:

Thanks for that enlightenment! :monster:

Seriously I did not know that, so now that's been clarified for me I can in all clear conscience defend Zack when the matter of Cissnei arises. I didn't think that he was being unfaithful to Aerith anyway just that him going out to dinner might have bothered her! :monster:

If this all happened before he met her anyway though then yeah there's no problem.

Second, why the hell can't someone love two people? Her interest in Cloud doesn't diminish her interest or love for Zack either. Especially when she thinks she won't ever see Zack again. Get real, ffs. Her interest and love for Cloud doesn't change the fact her first and true love was Zack, and that tragically ended. Zack and Aerith aren't married either.



Lv. 1 Adventurer
uh all these arguments are meaningless. I only come here hoping to see if there's a translation ready and every update is something ridiculous like 'omg zack is teh whore' or 'omgtifa no aerith no mog no zckbitch!' I just don't get why people give a crap about the ltd thing when clearly Squeenix doesn't, which is why they haven't made anything canon (that and they know fans care so purposefully not making it canon keeps people frustrated and therefore interested).


Likes The Bartender
Haven't made anything canon?

Canons, that is to say facts, are established throughout the compilations. You mean not made canon in a sense that they creators haven't blatantly said the specific words people needed to hear. Are you suggesting that that is the only way to label something 'canon'? What kind of creators would they be if they just told viewers straight up rather than let viewers partake and interpret the peice of work for themselves? Not that they need to since there are enough evidence throughout the compilation for one to assume a certain pairing (legitamately). (Well maybe they do, for the delusional out there)

Not to say that it isn't important (because it is), but if you rely entirely on what the creator(s) say about his(their) creations out side of the work itself is what establishes canon, then maybe you should take a little more time understanding and engaging with the story itself.

Also, where is this "'omgtifa no aerith no mog no zckbitch!" ? I haven't seen it.
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Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
I haven't seen "omg Zack is teh whore" either. That's certainly not what I was saying.

People shouldn't think what words are in people's mouths imo! :monster: That's something I think in general~

Also again the majority is discussion not arguments. If people think people are arguing then they obviously haven't seen LTDs of old where everybody was trying to tear the throats out of everyone else and everyone was on the defensive/offensive because of what pairing another poster liked! :monster:

There are matters pertaining to the LTD in the novellas, so naturally discussion is going to occur. It's no different from other things people are also interested in like Nanaki/Vincent, Tifa/Yuffie, Rufus/Turks, etc so imo people really shouldn't complain either way since I don't think people would be too happy if people complained about the discussion of those things either~
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