[Case of Shinra Finished] Any news on the new OTWTAS entries?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
These whole Case of stories are not from SE, correct? They are basically SE approved 'fanfictions' in and of themselves, yes? I ask this because it seems like they've taken on more credibility around here...
Not exactly. I think the OTWTAS entries are created by one of the Squeenix team members. Though Maiden was created by an outside source as a sort of 'bonus' to the fans.


Higher Further Faster
Maiden is just something done by BentStuff and isn't acknowledged by any of the staff as a canon part of the story. HOWEVER, On the Way to a Smile was written by Nojima himself. You know, the guy who wrote a lot of the scenario of FFVII, the script for both AC and the little story it's based off of, as well as the script for Crisis Core. The novellas are also acknowledge as canon by staff and are mentioned in the Ultimania.

Yeah I'd say that makes them pretty important.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I'd like to say about 10 replies up, that's its been speculated and confirmed that Gaia and Spira are of the same Universe. :wacky:

Shinra harvesting the energy in the Farplane and the spirits of the dead. Materia harvested into spheres orbs that utilize it as magic, taken from the Lifestream by Shinra. :awesome:


Pro Adventurer
Maiden is just something done by BentStuff and isn't acknowledged by any of the staff as a canon part of the story. HOWEVER, On the Way to a Smile was written by Nojima himself. You know, the guy who wrote a lot of the scenario of FFVII, the script for both AC and the little story it's based off of, as well as the script for Crisis Core. The novellas are also acknowledge as canon by staff and are mentioned in the Ultimania.

Yeah I'd say that makes them pretty important.

Holy carp, I didn't know they were written by Nojima.. :huh:
but these novels have a lot of good stuff inside..


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'd like to say about 10 replies up, that's its been speculated and confirmed that Gaia and Spira are of the same Universe. :wacky:

Shinra harvesting the energy in the Farplane and the spirits of the dead. Materia harvested into spheres orbs that utilize it as magic, taken from the Lifestream by Shinra. :awesome:

I'm aware, Channy. I find myself having to tell people they are the same timeline often. But there are certain distinction between the way the two planets work, which largely boil down to the distinction between the farplane and the lifestream, which are two different manifestations of the same thing.


OTWTAS was released as the official prologue book to AC after all.

I kinda wish they'd make the other episodes to animes as well. :P
That way we'd get "new" compilation stuff while it wouldn't take time away from S-E's other projects, since they don't animate the OVAs in the first place.


Higher Further Faster
I would so totally be down with having all of the novellas be animated. By Madhouse though, please. I liked the Denzel OVA but I'm a fan of LO's animation a lot more. Also I can't say that I'm that big of a fan of how Cloud was made to look in CoD. XD


盈盈一水间 脉&
I've got the book. It costs me over 20 bucks!

Holy shit!
there is nothing of Zack in CoL white *sighs*

CoL white Part I in Japanese


rough translation:
The woman was a cetra, so she could still sustain herself in the lifestream. Though it was possible to become one part of the lifestream, she thought it was still a little early.
The woman felt something heterogenous in the lifestream, some spirit that was strongly reluctant to be incorporated into it. The woman knew him, the man who took her life with a merciless attitude behind his delicate appearance/face. He was moving about in the lifestream. The woman perceived the man's wish to exert an effect on the living world. She thought about what she could do. It was dangerous to get into phycical contacts with the man, so she kept herself away from him. As a result, she was not able to know every detail of the man's plan/thoughts. But only once, she accidentally got to know that the man wanted to use Cloud's memory as a core (I know it's awkward,forgive me) when the man showed up not far away.
Cloud is the woman's friend, koibito ( interpret it as you wish cuz I do not want my translation to start another war, better keep your interpretation to yourself. Let's wait for hitoshura's CANON translation.)---he is a symbol for something important, an existence that she must protect.
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami




Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
....I Am Not Me, will you please calm down and not fly off the handle on points that have absolutely nothing to do with the story? What does Zack have to do with Aerith acknowledging Sephiroth is thinking about Cloud, and what Cloud is to her?

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
... wait (interpret it as you wish) Is that what it really says or is that just Dilly's insert? :shifty:

Also yeah is it really so bad? I just see it as a progression over time, that it was Cloud/Tifa (kids + teens) - Aerith/Zack (teens) - Cloud/Aerith (early FFVII) - Cloud/Tifa (late + post FFVII) That's just me though so yeah <_< I've always thought Cloud had feelings for both women and that they both had feelings for him so this news doesn't really hit me for six *sweat* - and though I believe that Cloud and Aerith will always have a soft spot for each other I repeat Cloud/Tifa are alive and kicking (and love each other) and Aerith and Zack (who also had teh loves - and in my opinion feelings like those don't just die completely) r dead :monster:

*is shot*

Cookie? :(
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
....I Am Not Me, will you please calm down and not fly off the handle on points that have absolutely nothing to do with the story? What does Zack have to do with Aerith acknowledging Sephiroth is thinking about Cloud, and what Cloud is to her?

Please don't get on my case, sir. I'm just reacting in the most honest way possible. I'm saddened that there is no Zack in her part of the story because it's the way I am. You can't really tell me off for feeling this way.

I apologize for flying off the handle but I can't help it. I know it has nothing to do with whatever, but I STILL DON'T LIKE IT.

EDIT: Oh yeah, thanks for that Dilly. I should make use of the thanks button now. :awesome:

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
I don't know what to say really~ That would cheer you up :(

It was Nojima's (?) choice not to use Zack in the story so yeah ... perhaps Benny did something right after all :(

Plus Zack/Aerith appearing together in the ending of AC/ACC indicates that they did indeed meet at some point in lifestream and that some events must have occurred regardless of whether in was in Maiden or not? :)
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Fiat Lux
Do we really need to see more Zack? He just had his own game,
as well as the scenes added to ACC.
I'd be happy you got that, considering he was only meant to be a plot device.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I don't know what to say really~ That would cheer you up :(

It was Nojima's (?) choice not to use Zack in the story so yeah ... perhaps Benny did something right after all :(

Plus Zack/Aerith appearing together in the ending of AC/ACC indicates that they did indeed met at some point in lifestream and that some events must have occurred regardless of whether in was in Maiden or not? :)

Well... I guess. I mean, Zerith is pretty canon from CC to AC, so it doesn't really matter what a stupid novella says...

Except when that novella has also become a canon source. DDX But poor Zack. I'm still sad, but thank you.

I just love Zack too much. :monster: He doesn't deserve second place in Aerith's heart. He seriously doesn't. Cloud can be Barret's koibito for all I care, as long as Zack is Aerith's koibito, and she is his.

But what I'm seeing in this novella is SephAerith? :awesomonster: I'm so twisted. I actually love that pair. :awesome:

I oughtta kick Nojima's/whoever's butt for pulling Zack out. :rage:

We need this translated ASAP. :rage: I wonder where I can buy that here...

Do we really need to see more Zack? He just had his own game,
as well as the scenes added to ACC.
I'd be happy you got that, considering he was only meant to be a plot device.

Yes, apparently I do. :awesome: And I realize that he's only meant to be a plot device, but I have grown to love his character and the relationship between him and Aerith. The fact that where there is no Zack with Aerith there bothers me.

And CC is the best Compilation title for me, so I'm a bit Zerith biased. Sorry about that. :monster:
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&#30408;&#30408;&#19968;&#27700;&#38388; &#33033;&
... wait (interpret it as you wish) Is that what it really says or is that just Dilly's insert? :shifty:

Cookie? :(
It was my insert cuz I didn't know which word would be the correct translation. Apparently "lover" will piss some people off , I guess. So I left it to your guys.
Let's just drop the LTD here. I mean we should not hate Aerith for this. It's nothing wrong to love two men at the same time.
Please don't get the wrong message that I'm accusing you. I'm NOT accusing anyone.

By the way the next two parts. I know that my English sucks. I hope that it does not bother you too much.

Typing Japanese was exhausting, so I gave up.....

CoL White II rough translation:
The woman perceived that the spirits not able to incorprated into the lifestream were increasing. They were different from the man's, but the similarity was that they were all colored by the hatred towards the planet. The woman concluded that the man did exert an effect on the living world.
THe woman was busy into the lifestream and close touch with spirits full of hatred and cured/healed them. Inside the external hatred, there were common people with normal even happy memories hiding. The woman released them and helped them incorparate into the lifestream. The hatred that lost the core of memory finnaly disappeared. Though the woman found a way, but spirits covered with hatred appeared one after one. She could do nothing with her mere force. She traveled in the flowing, seeking spirits who could cooperate with her, cetras that were eliminated long before. Pieces of those spirits had received her message/thought. Pieces of the past acquantance, of whom the number was sadly small, were found and the woman's memory was sent for cooperation/help. However, even harmonized spirits increased, they could not counteract the hatred out of the man.
The woman thought of Cloud, who lived in the living world. Besides getting rid of the hatred in the lifestream, it was necessary to eliminate that in the living world as well. The woman thought that she could get help from Cloud. While at the same time, she wondered if this would hurt Cloud since she knew how easily Cloud could hurt himself.

CoL White III rough translation:
The woman thought of ways to tell Cloud the pinch/crisis. At the same time, she gradually became aware of the things that she wanted Cloud to know. She had a bunch of things to tell him, but she didn't know how she could do that. This troubled her for a long time. And she found that she did not even know what to do after meeting Cloud.
The woman finally got to know that the man, who wanted to spread hatred, wished to reappear in the living world. She thought about what he was going to do. She worked up her courage to approach him and his mind. The man realized it and chased her but gave up quickly. He scoffed at the woman for she could do nothing about it. But the woman read the man's mind (to know his plan). At first, he would use someone else instead of himself. (refering to Kadaj, Yazoo and Loz). The woman thought that she could do that, too. But in the end, she gave up that thought. If possible, I still want Cloud to meet me in a way that he knows. (the only place she used "watashi")
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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
"Cloud is the woman's friend, koibito ( interpret it as you wish)---he is a symbol for something important, an existence that she must protect."
Is it just me or did she just directly reference Zack? People are overlooking exactly WHAT symbol Cloud represents, what his existence means. He is Zack's Living Legacy. It doesn't get more romantic than that people. It really doesn't. And it isn't Cloud that it's aimed at...

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
"Cloud is the woman's friend, koibito ( interpret it as you wish)---he is a symbol for something important, an existence that she must protect."
Is it just me or did she just directly reference Zack? People are overlooking exactly WHAT symbol Cloud represents, what his existence means. He is Zack's Living Legacy. It doesn't get more romantic than that people. It really doesn't. And it isn't Cloud that it's aimed at...

I see what you mean there.
"an existence she must protect"

Let's just drop the LTD here. I mean we should not hate Aerith for this. It's nothing wrong to love two men at the same time.
Please don't get the wrong message that I'm accusing you. I'm NOT accusing anyone.


But really, I'm just more concerned about Zack than anything. And thanks again~

Where did you get your copy anywho?

And I can't possibly hate Aerith, even though I said I would. :awesome: I like her too much. I guess I'm disappointed for Zack?


&#30408;&#30408;&#19968;&#27700;&#38388; &#33033;&

But really, I'm just more concerned about Zack than anything. And thanks again~

Where did you get your copy anywho?
Me,too. I don't really care about LTD in OTWTAS, All I want is more Zack. ACC could not satisfy me. Why not give him a separate episode.... :rage:

And I can't possibly hate Aerith, even though I said I would. :awesome: I like her too much. I guess I'm disappointed for Zack?
No one can. She is an angel protecting the whole planet and Cloud.

And I bought the book online. So expensive....


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Yeah I'd say that makes them pretty important.

... and ...

Holy carp, I didn't know they were written by Nojima.. :huh:

:P Do I detect snarkiness, Tennyo? :(

I... forgot, I guess. I can't remember knowing who wrote them.

Whether I originally knew or not, thank you for telling me.

Speaking of 'carp' - do you guys know the meaning of the koi fish? I'm getting this information via Teavana's definition pamphlet:

Wealth, fidelity and prosperity.

Teavana, if you don't know, is a tea retail chain in the United States; most of their available stock of tea pots, cups and whole sets are made in Japan. http://www.teavana.com ~ in case you're interested.

Either way, I feel that the fish could stand for Tifa and Aerith, in those regards.

rough translation:
The woman was a cetra, so she could still sustain herself in the lifestream. Though it was possible to become one part of the lifestream, she thought it was still a little early.
The woman felt something heterogenous in the lifestream, some spirit that was strongly reluctant to be incorporated into it. The woman knew him, the man who took her life with a merciless attitude behind his delicate appearance/face. He was moving about in the lifestream. The woman perceived the man's wish to exert an effect on the living world. She thought about what she could do. It was dangerous to get into phycical contacts with the man, so she kept herself away from him. As a result, she was not able to know every detail of the man's plan/thoughts. But only once, she accidentally got to know that the man wanted to use Cloud's memory as a core (I know it's awkward,forgive me) when the man showed up not far away.
Cloud is the woman's friend, koibito ( interpret it as you wish)---he is a symbol for something important, an existence that she must protect.

Hmmmm... Well, can 'koibito' mean 'very special' or 'close' friend? I know the word's been discussed over and over, but - forgive my memory - I forget much of what I read about it (except it can and/or does hold a romantic meaning.)

Also, I couldn't help but find the last part of that line in reference to
the planet
. That was the thing that came to my mind first; though, if
it does mean Zack, that would be excellent, as I too would like to know that Zack and Aerith are together, in spirit

CoL White II rough translation:
The woman perceived that the spirits not able to incorprated into the lifestream were increasing. They were different from the man's, but the similarity was that they were all colored by the hatred towards the planet. The woman concluded that the man did exert an effect on the living world.
THe woman was busy into the lifestream and close touch with spirits full of hatred and cured/healed them. Inside the external hatred, there were common people with normal even happy memories hiding. The woman released them and helped them incorparate into the lifestream. The hatred that lost the core of memory finnaly disappeared. Though the woman found a way, but spirits covered with hatred appeared one after one. She could do nothing with her mere force. She traveled in the flowing, seeking spirits who could cooperate with her, cetras that were eliminated long before. Pieces of those spirits had received her message/thought. Pieces of the past acquantance, of whom the number was sadly small, were found and the woman's memory was sent for cooperation/help. However, even harmonized spirits increased, they could not counteract the hatred out of the man.
The woman thought of Cloud, who lived in the living world. Besides getting rid of the hatred in the lifestream, it was necessary to eliminate that in the living world as well. The woman thought that she could get help from Cloud. While at the same time, she wondered if this would hurt Cloud since she knew how easily Cloud could hurt himself.

I wonder if
she's talking about Jesse, Biggs and Wedge, as they helped her out
? Oh - of course, that's from Maiden... Perhaps there are bits of Maiden that Nojima did like and wished to incorporate into cannon?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Hmmmm... Well, can 'koibito' mean 'very special' or 'close' friend? I know the word's been discussed over and over, but - forgive my memory - I forget much of what I read about it (except it can and/or does hold a romantic meaning.)
Pretty much, koi is romantic love, bito is the compound form of hito, together it means someone's lover. Though it'll be amusing to see some people scramble and say "NO IT ALWAYS MEANS CLERITH LOVE 4EVA!!!1! JUST NOT FOR TIFA, DAT SKANK!!1!":awesome:

It doesn't really bother me if Aerith and Cloud should be koibito, honestly. But do I think it continued beyond her death. Not really, I think he moved on.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
This is confusing...where exactly in the game can they be considered koibito? I think this is a bit of a stretch even for Square to make...

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
This is confusing...where exactly in the game can they be considered koibito? I think this is a bit of a stretch even for Square to make...
Aerith fell for Cloud, even though he wasn't himself, he and her went out on a date and she realized that there was something wrong with him. She says she wants to meet the real him, Cloud becomes smitten, she dies tragically and there goes that.

THEN Tifa helps him realize who he really is, they share their mutual feelings, move in together and raise Denzel. :awesome: Everyone's happy.
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