[Case of Shinra Finished] Any news on the new OTWTAS entries?


Lv. 25 Adventurer
But Square made it. Therefore it's canon.

Yes, I'm aware its canon...it's just a "wha?" moment for me...

Aerith fell for Cloud, even though he wasn't himself, he and her went out on a date and she realized that there was something wrong with him. She says she wants to meet the real him, Cloud becomes smitten, she dies tragically and there goes that.

THEN Tifa helps him realize who he really is, they share their mutual feelings, move in together and raise Denzel. :awesome: Everyone's happy.

...smitten? Cloud was attracted to her, yes, but not smitten. Oh well, whatever, doesn't change what happened in the rest of the game that shows otherwise...
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Pretty much, koi is romantic love, bito is the compound form of hito, together it means someone's lover. Though it'll be amusing to see some people scramble and say "NO IT ALWAYS MEANS CLERITH LOVE 4EVA!!!1! JUST NOT FOR TIFA, DAT SKANK!!1!":awesome:

It doesn't really bother me if Aerith and Cloud should be koibito, honestly. But do I think it continued beyond her death. Not really, I think he moved on.

It can also be used in certain instances to refer to one's beloved, though that's a bit of a disfavored usage. Could be used here.

But yes, Aerith liking Cloud, no skin off my nose. All the ladies love the man, and several of the men, too.

But yeah, the bit about seeking out other Cetra's quite interesting. Wonder if any are still around...
Yeah, I always wondered about any other Cetras in the lifestream... Could imagine that the spirits from the Ancient Temple are still lurking in the spirit realm.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I don't see any reason why to believe that the Lifestream would not harbor any Cetra! The thing is, it sounds like there were two sets of humans on the planet come a point - the original Cetra, with their abilities, and then humans from another world. Interbreeding would (naturally?) occur, and in that came forth hybrid children, alas who seemingly did not inherit the more mental abilities of their Cetran ancestors; as those children had children, the powers deminished even more so. I'm not sure how to describe it, as everyone has limit breaks in which some great power does come forth, so I tried to describe the actual ability to hear the unseen world as 'mental'. So, speaking on the terms of the lifestream, if fully engulphed, no one soul remains, but melds and mixes with the others to form new spirits for emerging life. Still,
I'm sure the stronger Cetran side or 'parts' in the Lifestream heard Aerith's cries, and if they had the power to do more, they did


Rebel without a Cause!!!
I don't see any reason why to believe that the Lifestream would not harbor any Cetra! The thing is, it sounds like there were two sets of humans on the planet come a point - the original Cetra, with their abilities, and then humans from another world. Interbreeding would (naturally?) occur, and in that came forth hybrid children, alas who seemingly did not inherit the more mental abilities of their Cetran ancestors; as those children had children, the powers deminished even more so. I'm not sure how to describe it, as everyone has limit breaks in which some great power does come forth, so I tried to describe the actual ability to hear the unseen world as 'mental'. So, speaking on the terms of the lifestream, if fully engulphed, no one soul remains, but melds and mixes with the others to form new spirits for emerging life. Still,
I'm sure the stronger Cetran side or 'parts' in the Lifestream heard Aerith's cries, and if they had the power to do more, they did

??? I thought that humans decendants of the Cetra whose ancestors decided to give up their heritage and live a different life?

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
People do realize, that Aerith liking Cloud, doesn't mean she doesn't love Zack anymore right?


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
??? I thought that humans decendants of the Cetra whose ancestors decided to give up their heritage and live a different life?

I have no clue! I'm confused on it; perhaps that is the only explaination. Of course, I'm thinking about all the combo stuff with 'Shinra' in FFX and 'Shinra' in FFVII... *shrug* You could be right, or I could - or it could even be a mixture.

I didn't intend it that way. Sorry. :(

Just making sure. :) It's okay.
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Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
But really, I'm just more concerned about Zack than anything. And thanks again~
And you are disappointed/concerned why? It doesn't say how she feels about Zack or anything. Like Dacon said, how do we know if she doesn't love hium anymore or not? Story doesn't say anything, because it's mainly about Sephiroth and his obsession to come back, and also his obsession with Cloud. A mention of Zack in this story would be random and out of place.


Great Old One
Thanks for the stuff Dilly, I really appreciate it. :)

Now that 'the woman,' (Aerith) has referred to Cloud as a koibito, then the Nomura referring to Tifa as a koibito (to Cloud) should definitely be obvious to people. That's one thing they can't deny. :monster:


"Cloud is the woman's friend, koibito ( interpret it as you wish)---he is a symbol for something important, an existence that she must protect." Is it just me or did she just directly reference Zack? People are overlooking exactly WHAT symbol Cloud represents, what his existence means. He is Zack's Living Legacy. It doesn't get more romantic than that people. It really doesn't. And it isn't Cloud that it's aimed at...
Cloud is a symbol for something important? Hmm, I wonder what that is. :awesome:
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Higher Further Faster
lol Tidus yay! ^_^

That said...

*gives in and reads CoL:W*

Okay is that all? I don't even see why people are jumping on this like it's a bad thing. It's certainly nothing like I thought it would be. However I was hoping for
Seph chasing Aerith to be a bit more epic and for dialogue to be exchanged between them


Great Old One
I don't think anyone's jumping on this like it's a bad thing, imo. It seems to be case for the fact that Cloud is a 'symbol,' for something important to her. :monster:

Also, I hope to see the other rest of the On a Way to Smile novellas. They all seem pretty epic. :)


Your Mom
lol Tennyo. I can't shake the image of
Seph chasing her off with a shotgun, screaming "get offa mah lawn!"
Whoever first mentioned that has ruined things for me. :awesome:

As for the rest of the novellas, I've got faith in our staffpeeps. It might just take a while.


Higher Further Faster
lol Tennyo. I can't shake the image of
Seph chasing her off with a shotgun, screaming "get offa mah lawn!"
Whoever first mentioned that has ruined things for me. :awesome:

I think that was Alise. Or was it Nin? *can't remember*

That said yes, that is a funny picture to imagine. XD I want someone to draw fanart of it.

As for the rest of the novellas, I've got faith in our staffpeeps. It might just take a while.

Ditto that. Case of Nanaki sounds sad, and Case of Yuffie will be fun (but I heard that one is sad, too). I'm really looking forward to Case of Shinra most of all, though. That will be EPIC and it will be nice to see that Rufus is still a bastard. :awesome:


Great Old One
I didn't know Case of Nanaki was intended to be sad. :( I really want to read Case of Nanaki most, to be honest. I've always liked Nanaki. :B


Your Mom
I'd like to see the revisions to CoD and CoT, too. I'm curious why they felt the need to tweak those stories. Did they want to further emphasize something?


Great Old One
Well, we know for sure that Cloud's lines in the part where Cloud and Tifa talk about spending their life together changes:

"It all starts now. A new..." Cloud looked for the right words. "A new life."
"I'm going to live. I think that's the only way I can be forgiven. All sorts of things... happened."
"But when I think about how many times I've thought about how I was going to start a new life, it's funny."
"I've always failed to do it."
"And you couldn't smile."
"...I think it will be all right this time."
Cloud became very quiet. "Because you've always been with me."
"I've always been with you."
"That's tomorrow's story," Cloud replied, smiling again


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The revisions of Case of Denzel kinda bring Cloud and Tifa closer, as well as Denzel


Higher Further Faster
I think I like Tifa telling them that it wasn't funny better. I don't know if I can give a reason for it. :/

But I do kind of like the new line a teeny tiny bit. Meh I'm sure it'll grow on me.

Also CoN seems like it will be sad to me. :/


Your Mom
A, isn't that the old version? The new one had Cloud's line that was something like, "things are different now."

And Makobito, don't tease.
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