There's no way to maek the chatbox only appear for certain users or something? If so, invisionfree sux.![]()
I don't really remember how Auron was in Kingdom Hearts now. I have to start playing again and see how he was ruined. I did play KH before FFX, so Auron just seemed moar awesome in FFX to me.
Wait, they killed Selphie? She died?
I think it's just supposed to be Leon, without the Leonh[e]art. Otherwise, he's Squall Leonh[e]art.
I'm just glad Rinoa wasn't there.
FFVIII was an amazing game. It switches with FFVII from time to time as my favorite FF.
I tried creating a code for that, but then the forum would get all screwed up.There's no way to maek the chatbox only appear for certain users or something? If so, invisionfree sux.![]()
*sighs* I guess I'll get back to work then.Also Alise I can only see the back of Clouds head on that skin.
I'm geekishly satisfied being second top poster here.LOL I just saw the boxes below~ Awesome...
He just wasn't his bamfy self anymore.
No, I meant they ruined her character. xD
Ahh, but still. I missed his old name, they shouldn't have changed it. And I am also VERY glad for that. 1,000 more points.
@Ten- I actually thought Squall was awesome in KH, and wondered why he couldn't be that way in VIII.
I didn't see much to ruin in Selphie's character though. She didn't make that much of an impression on me in KH. In FFVIII, she didn't even develop as much, because the focus were too much into the two drama-queens (Squall and Rinoa).
He's not an angsty teen no more.
How are you?![]()
I don't get it, either.Explain to me why no one likes Squall pl0x.
How do you know that?Hey, our profiles are both top viewed.How did that happen?
It's cold here too, which is good. :Bi'm fine. and it's cold here, better
I'm geekishly satisfied being second top poster here.![]()
thanks for pointing out something thar.i hate junctioning
Explain to me why no one likes Squall pl0x.
I played FFVIII during those teenage years of depression. So I loved Squallmost people hate Squall because they said he was angsty.
I hate the word angst because people today tend to apply it to every time someone is sad without realizing the person may have a reason to be so. He wasnt into himself, he just kept to himself because he didnt want to let anyone in and end up getting hurt.
Someone who was very dear to him got slaughtered in front of his eyes and now he is depressed and effected by it. He must be angsting!![]()
haven't heard of that, lol. <3
Celes: I don't wanna! That game warmed my then ice-cold heart and taught me how to love D:
Someone who was very dear to him got slaughtered in front of his eyes and now he is depressed and effected by it. He must be angsting!
She was just really... lame in KH, lol. I didn't like that. I really loved her spunky cute attitude in FFVIII. Haha, Squall was just a jerk that didn't give a shit about anything because he was too into himself. I much preferred Seifer- now there's an awesome character.
How do you know that?