Death Stranding -A Hideo Kojima Game-


Pro Adventurer
So my sister just saw the Death Stranding presentation at EGX London and she says she's seriously thinking about cancelling her order because 'it just doesn't look interesting, gameplay wise'. Pretty surprised tbh - she's a huge gamer and has been excited for this for a long, long time ..........


Eyes of the Lord


So my sister just saw the Death Stranding presentation at EGX London and she says she's seriously thinking about cancelling her order because 'it just doesn't look interesting, gameplay wise'. Pretty surprised tbh - she's a huge gamer and has been excited for this for a long, long time ..........

Saw that presentation and I can kinda see what she means tbh, though I've been a fan of Metal Gear for decades and I can't say that watching Kojima personally playing through the game (as was showcased here) has ever been the best light to shine on his games.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
i am definitely getting this game, a lot of the reviews talk about its traversal system and i cant help but wonder how it would be implemented in rpg games as i have found that the bigger the world gets, the more boring and mundane it gets to travel in, just going from point a to point b.

Castiel Strife

Pro Adventurer
I had little interest in this game until reviewers started getting their hands on it and a particular description of the game caught my eye. It was compared, at one point, to Breath of the Wild for certain aspects of the game. It was compared to other games as well, but the way it talked about exploring the world just caught my attention. I’m renting it through GameFly and hopefully I won’t have to wait forever to actually rent a copy. I’m really excited to give it a go now.


30 hours in, still doing deliveries in chapter 3. It's FFXV all over again :wackymonster:

Also, thought building highways was gonna be super grindy getting all that material but lo, I come back after a few hours of not playing and all of a sudden a huge stretch has been completed due to other players contributing. Noice!


Updates I want:

Photo mode

Being able to skip that damn Odradek animation anytime you get into BT territory.
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