I think that's a bit much. The fact Cloud is being made helpless and about to be killed due to being unable to overcome the one enemy to the world and his family, is definitely enough to make him despair. Especially when he's fighting for his family and to end this crisis that threatens the world.
The fact that his best wasn't good enough would certainly send him into a state of despair. Look at his reaction to being infected with Geostigma. That's Cloud himself dealing with shit in his own body. And it sends him into depression. Why? Because him being sick and dying doesn't allow him to protect his family. He's being made weak and unable to save himself or his family.
That's the same pain and despair Sephiroth inflicted on Cloud right then and there. You can see the fear and desperation on his face as he's on that sword. It's definitely not just something he shrugged off.
That's a fair enough point. Still, I just can't see Seph finishing him without getting that last gloat in.
Mako said:
...I'm not seeing what you mean. His sword is on-screen before him? Huh..?
Watch the video from 4:46 to 4:48:
The sword starts out right in front of the camera/wall and then moves far away from it. To me, that gives the impression that he's coming through the wall.
Mako said:
Yeah it should've been there all along, but apparently...well...
So yeah, there you go. That's what they said about Yuffie and Vincent before Case of Shinra.
Another detail to add to the contradictions section of my FAQ then.
Mako said:
I'm glad I'm so exciting

DrakeClawfang said:
I know I'll make a few people angry saying this, but this article displeases me. Not happy at all.
Glad to be of service.
But seriously, I knew there would be disagreements. Still, "to thine ownself be true," as the Bard would say.
DrakeClawfang said:
Excuse me, when did Sephiroth ever show the ability to dominate other worlds?
When he talked about flying Gaia across the cosmos to take over another planet.
I'm crying at the idea of Garland being the third-strongest villain in the series....
The Warrior of Light and Onion Knight outranking the likes of Cloud and Terra is also highly displeasing.
Sorry, dude.
DrakeClawfang said:
I also want to know how Zidane and Squall being stronger than Seifer and Kuja means they outrank Terra. By that logic, Terra beat Kefka in Dissidia, and Kefka's end form is ranked higher than Kuja, so shouldn't she outrank Zidane?
Perhaps. Do we know if Zidane or Squall wouldn't be able to win that fight, though?
I'm open to being proven wrong, of course.
DrakeClawfang said:
Can you not assume the same for all the villains then?
Of course you can, with the exceptions of Jecht and Golbez anyway. Though one gets the impression that Garland was trying for real as well.
At any rate, all of the villains were definitely trying during Shade Impulse, with the possible exception of Sephiroth. In that segment of the story, most of the heroes take down their respective villains solo -- except, of course, for Bartz, Firion and Warrior of Light.
DrakeClawfang said:
And also, what the hell is Fran doing on the list at all? You don't *have* to represent FF12, I didn't see Gabranth or Vayne up on the villain list. There are many heroes stronger than her - Celes comes to mind, as does Rinoa, and pretty much any of the summoners like Yuna or Garnet. Rinoa is damn annoying but she's a Sorceress, doesn't that count for anything?
Fran is on the list because I was trying to pick one hero or villain to represent each game. If Cloud and Squall hadn't tied, Firion wouldn't have ranked at all.
Yes, Celes is more powerful than Fran, but Terra is more powerful than Celes.
As for Gabranth and Vayne, they aren't there because neither is as strong as the weakest of the other villains.
Squall edges out Rinoa -- being a witch certainly counts for something, though, yes -- because he defeats Ultimecia, who has Rinoa's powers and wields them even more effectively than she does.
I'm glad you brought that up, by the way, as I meant to add an explanation concerning Rinoa and Squall.
Tresdias needs to get his ass back here, reply to my post, and explain his utterly INSANE front page article.
Crazy bastard will pay for this!
Mako said:
DrakeClawfang said:
I'm crying at the idea of Garland being the third-strongest villain in the series....I mean yeah he's badass, but third-strongest? Really?
To be honest, it makes perfect sense with Dissidia.
There's hope for you yet, Mako.
Mako said:
DrakeClawfang said:
The Warrior of Light and Onion Knight outranking the likes of Cloud and Terra is also highly displeasing.
I don't know what glue Tres was sniffing while writing this up, but I find that to be nonsense.
Onion Knight took down the Cloud of Darkness by himself. Four Warriors of Light took down Chaos.
It's going to be hard to sway me on this one, but I'm open to efforts to try.
Mako said:
Fran's overwhelming sexiness and badass factor allowed her inclusion on this list. It's not that surprising.
Certainly didn't hurt her chances.
Mako said:
DrakeClawfang said:
I know I'll make a few people angry saying this, but this article displeases me. Not happy at all.
I think this was TresDias's plan all along.
[Insert the tagline to "Don't Say A Word" here]