Am I on Glue or isn't this the Clerith Club? I thought the hair looked perfectly fine
Is too dark. Hence, I snark. Is what I do.
I couldn't ever see Aerith saying "Asshole" She's too innocent 'Specially not to Cloud.
Aerith? Innocent? It is to laugh.
Expecting Ryu to be serious on the Clerith club is like expecting to wake up and see a green sky. It just ain't gonna happen.
Well, there goes my big surprise... And I bought all this paint for nothing...
@the Aerith panty shot: I agree, she can be sexy. But it seems so damn out of place in that pic.
Yeah. Everyone knows Aerith doesn't wear panties.
Alice meet Ryu the illiterate dick that doesn't understand The Lifestream=/=Cloti. O:
ILLITERATE? My sophomoric lass, I demand you meet me upon the field of honor that I may defend myself against this injurious libel! Your choice of foil or fisticuffs shall be accepted, so that I may best you in the sport you think you excel most in.
Or in other words, No u.
And to YOU Ryushikaze....
How the hell could the second one be Tifa, such as- What is the difference between O and .? Yes, you know what i'm saying. <.<
Dark Hair. Natch. Also, the difference between O and . is that one comes after a pleasurable session of intercourse or onanism, and the latter occurs once a lunar cycle and generally lasts about a week throughout a woman's time of life when she is fertile.
I don't think Terra is innocent

She was nothing like that in the Original game, just cause she didn't know what love was? No she was quite a dark character.
Dark, no. Sad, yes. Terra was not innocent, but 'dark' isn't really her. Her story has some darkness, but she was not personally dark.
Bad ass

don't know where that comes from, what has she done to be bad ass? Cloud = Bad Ass
You can't be bad ass and carry a pole around that has the name "
Princess Guard"
Oh, you can, but you REALLY gotta be a badass to do it.
Sure you can. If people can consider Cid badass when he uses a Mop, Aeris can be badass with the Princess Guard.
Hey, Cid is badass BECAUSE he uses a mop. It's the rule of the deck brush, man.