Devotion 2.0 - CloudxAerith


Says who?

What's your problem? Chill plz.


:monster: Fanarts.





Maybe this have been posted before thought. :shifty:


slow down, you crazy child
kimmyowns, Oxydox
Waiting for Ryu's lulzy Clerith fanart translations.

Butrly, I love the first one. It's beautiful.

No actually it doesn't.can I ignore that first part until it makes sense?
Manga is irrelevant to the actual story.
Says Whom?

You do realize Sora could be expressing the idea of disbelief at school occuring at the time he thought it was.
Schools do exist in the greater Destiny Island world, as we see Selphie and Kairi TaTu-ing it up at the start of KH2.
Of course, why must Sora be a Clerith kid? Why not a Squerith one? Aerith and Leon spend an awfully lot of time together. Or maybe he's a Ciffie kid, while while we're at it.
Maybe Locke and Celes exist and he's their kid.

Or maybe, just maybe, Sora's parents are just people, and no one else. A radical idea I know, but one that strangle compels me with its parsimonious nature and lack of assertions based on vague phenotypic similarities.

^There you go.^

-kay but just cause Selphie and Kairi go doesn't mean Sora does? Because Squall loves Rinoa Done and Done. Cid and Yuffie? Okay where are the Purple Eyes, Black hair and/or Blonde hair? Celes and Locke? They aren't even in the game get real. Now I know why you strongly believe in nonsense.

Just cause you call it vague doesn't mean it is, get over it :awesome:

"Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it isn't so."


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
If you all insist, I'll do some later. #1's caption is far too obvious though, but I see great potential in #3. #2 has some choice things I could say, but at the moment, they come off more mean than funny. I'll toss them up later, though, as I must exeunt unto a beta test.

Celes Chere

I always thought Sora looked like more of a Cloud/Tifa mix. I could see Roxas as Aerith and Cloud's though for some reason. Though, I think Roxas acts more like Tifa and Cloud, and Sora acts more like Aerith. Not SERIOUSLY, of course for the children thing.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Cloud: WHAT? SPEAK UP? BEAT ME? YOU BITCH, WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU. I OUGHT TO BEAT YOU. AND DON'T THINK I- wait, the fireworks stopped, what were you saying?

Aerith: Cloud, wave to the camera!
Cloud: There's no one there, Aerith. (God, why do I have to play chaperone for the crazy girl on the class trip?)

VA: It is considered normal for your pets to mount each other, and this is not an attempt at mating, but rather, a way for your pets to establish a pecking order, to determine who the dominate entity is. Sometimes an overeager pet will attempt this, only for it to fail for the other pet to simply ignore it.

We've replaced Cloud with the quarterback of the Devilbacks high school football team. Let's see if she notices the difference.


No actually it doesn't.can I ignore that first part until it makes sense?

You got in a tizzy about Drake's opinion about the 'Sora is Q's lovechild' nonsense.

Says Whom?

The fact that the story of the manga and the game do not coincide in numerous ways, and the game takes precedence.

All he says is 'Homework?', which can be taken as 'Why would I have summer homework?', again referencing his current unawareness of his detention.

-kay but just cause Selphie and Kairi go doesn't mean Sora does?

And why wouldn't he? And how would this mean he was somehow unaware of it?

Because Squall loves Rinoa Done and Done.

In his original world, sure. But his backstory is different and Rinoa isn't in it.

Cid and Yuffie? Okay where are the Purple Eyes, Black hair and/or Blonde hair?

Cid's blue eyes, genes from both yuffie and cid for the hair color.

Celes and Locke? They aren't even in the game get real. Now I know why you strongly believe in nonsense.

Not at all. We never see Rinoa- and you see, I knew you'd mention her- so why must I exclude characters we've never seen if you aren't? They were specifically chosen as an absurd example, not because I seriously believe they are viable- in fact, I think none of them are viable- but to highlight the silliness of your reason for rejecting Sq/Aer

Just cause you call it vague doesn't mean it is, get over it :awesome:

Except he has Blue Eyes and Brown hair. That defines so many goddamn characters- especially Nomura ones- it's not even worth calling. Hell, those are two factors so fucking common, you might as well say any blue eyed and brown haired character is related to all others if that's your criteria for calling genetic linkage.

"Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it isn't so."

"Just because you assert it is so does not mean it is."

And I shall snark some of the latest pics, but only if people wish me to.
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slow down, you crazy child
kimmyowns, Oxydox
You may snark some of the latest pics if you wish. You're not doing any harm to our club, (as I see it, anyway), just creating lulz. Thus, it is just awesome. :awesome:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
You got in a tizzy about Drake's opinion about the 'Sora is Q's lovechild' nonsense.
Wait what? Why am I getting dragged into this? :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Wait what? Why am I getting dragged into this? :monster:

Because Q is a random ass variable, and because you ALSO happen to have phenotypes in common with Sora, and may therefore be his mother despite all logic in common sense.

You also have a name with an X in it. ORG MEMBER!

Kingypoo's current sig said:
"phenotypic similarities" Which is what you look for in Genes. Your on the Jersey Side of this Sesspool

And Kingywingy, yes, you DO look for phenotypes in common when making a basic guess at genetic relations, but A: It's more than hair and eyes, B: Children's hair and eye phenotypes do not always match parental phenotypes- I have brown hair- my mom is a blonde, my dad has black hair., C: The potential parents of the children ought to be of at least sufficient age that they could have been at a reproducing age when the child would have been born, and D: You must in general be parsimonious.

The only thing your assertion has is two common as hell phenotypes and nothing else. It also blatantly fails in other ways.

I'ma edit this post later to snark some of kingsley's contributions, if you want.

Also, "you're", "cesspool", and to be frank, as a put down, that's most pathetic
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Because Q is a random ass variable, and because you ALSO happen to have phenotypes in common with Sora, and may therefore be his mother despite all logic in common sense.
A random variable of the ass, got it.

You also have a name with an X in it. ORG MEMBER!
That is actually why I picked it ;)
They don't look like they want their picture taken XD


Higher Further Faster
Are we done with KH in here?

Where's Channy when you need her? Really?


Oh I just ADORE this pic. Such gorgeous backlighting. <3

And aaawwwwww this one is so cute! ^_^ I...I may want it as my avi. The cuteness just compels me.
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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
How do you mean "Are we done" with KH? I'd like to see KH in here as well. They ARE a couple there as well. :awesome:


plz look a few pages back.
It was way off topic and full of st00pidness. :monster:

How do you mean "Are we done" with KH? I'd like to see KH in here as well. They ARE a couple there as well. :awesome:

"Says who?" Oh, how classic. :awesome:
The fact that the story of the manga and the game do not coincide in numerous ways, and the game takes precedence.

Neither does the story of Final Mix but people believe it as more Canon than the Original. In normal KH sora defeats Sephy. In FM Cloud does.

In his original world, sure. But his backstory is different and Rinoa isn't in it.

Does it ever say he doesn't any more until then :awesome:
Cid's blue eyes, genes from both yuffie and cid for the hair color.

What the hell are you even listening to yourself?

Not at all. We never see Rinoa- and you see, I knew you'd mention her- so why must I exclude characters we've never seen if you aren't? They were specifically chosen as an absurd example, not because I seriously believe they are viable- in fact, I think none of them are viable- but to highlight the silliness of your reason for rejecting Sq/Aer

Now you read Minds? So we don't need both Leon and Rinoa to have him still love her. Neither Celes or Locke are in this game so its not 'Viable' at all. Not even in the foggiest attempt.

Except he has Blue Eyes and Brown hair. That defines so many goddamn characters- especially Nomura ones- it's not even worth calling. Hell, those are two factors so fucking common, you might as well say any blue eyed and brown haired character is related to all others if that's your criteria for calling genetic linkage.
'Cept for Sora having Clouds exact- To the 'T'-hair style, why would a creator do that, definitely not to be ignored. :no:


reality is a prison
Alice Kingsley...what.the.fuck?

I thought me were dropping the KH talk this is a Clerith club!


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Cloud: Aerith, that's not how a hypno clown works.


Aww that must be when Sora was conceived LOL :awesome:

Yes, and then they went back in time 11+ years...

Some pics I like... cba to look through to see if you guys have posted them yet. XP


Aerith: Hey Cloud, has the acid kicked in yet?
Cloud: Berp dlarp hip not parple!

Just for you Ryu...

You're too kind. Now to fulfill your generous offer.

Cloud: You've been going through my things again haven't you? Take it off.
Aerith: Well, that WAS the general idea...

Aerith: Hey, I was supposed to meet Tifa here, and you aren't her!
Cloud: ...neither are you.
Aerith: ...Touche.

Now, we season the cetra before letting her baste in a pool of stagnant lifestream before cooking it for half an hour, and then skewering it.
Serves ten.

Cloud: You. You did not just say... :sigh: I have no words.

Without a ribbon somewhere, it just never feels like Aerith.

Neither does the story of Final Mix but people believe it as more Canon than the Original. In normal KH sora defeats Sephy. In FM Cloud does.

Final Mix IS the game. And multiple people can fight Sephiroth, child.

Does it ever say he doesn't any more until then :awesome:

If this was a coherent response to what I said, I would respond to it. But I shall repeat- Leon's backstory is not Squall's backstory, and Rinoa is not yet in it.

What the hell are you even listening to yourself?

Yes. One of us must. Or were you not aware that recessive genetics in a blonde and black haired individual can result in a brunet child?

Now you read Minds? So we don't need both Leon and Rinoa to have him still love her.

But we do need Rinoa to EXIST in the KHverse and share the backstory.

Neither Celes or Locke are in this game so its not 'Viable' at all. Not even in the foggiest attempt.

And Rinoa is not in the game either. And I agree, Celes and Locke are not viable parentage for Sora. No FF characters are.
That is kind of the point I am driving at.

'Cept for Sora having Clouds exact- To the 'T'-hair style, why would a creator do that, definitely not to be ignored. :no:

You are now basing a genetic relation on- HAIR STYLE- now, kiddo.
And why would a character creator known for giving characters spikey hair give a character spikey hair? Hmmm...
You're seeing connections where none exist child.
Now then, this discussion has bother this club enough. Please create a thread if you wish this topic to continue.
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