Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


I never said she'd under any circumstances be driven to suicide, but it's plainly obvious that she no longer wants to be alive from the materials we've been shown. This is a dramatic shift in her character that makes no sense whatsoever.

But we don't why yet.

The Terra of FFVI, particularly after she undergoes her character development (and none of the other characters in Dissidia contradict their character development as far as I'm aware), would want to live so she could kick the ass of whomever was responsible for putting her under their control in the first place, regardless of what she'd been put through or what she remembered.
Show me, show me any point in FFVI where she shows active resentment to the Empire for the Slave Crown thing. Seriously, she joined the Returner's cause, because she wanted to help save the world, the only time she wanted to kick someone ass is when Uncle Ulty hurt Relm feelings and that was an act.

And seriously? Tidus kills Jecht twice. Kills him dead. Forever. There was no being trapped in Sin here, and Cecil let Golbez live. I think that's a bigger example of going with their own interpretation of the character then this.

In any case your speculation that something must be different this time is just that: speculation. Nothing we've been shown indicates that there is anything different in the circumstances beyond the way she reacts, and thus her completely different reaction has yet to be justified. It's shoddy writing and the fact that Square Enix is presenting it to us as promotional materials for the game without feeling as though they have any obligation to justify it does not bode well for the finished product.
You're the one going THIS MAKES NO SENSE NO MATTER WHAT rather then going, I wonder what led Terra to this?

And seriously, you want her entire character arc explained to us before the game comes out?

What makes you think Terra is the kind of person that could be driven to suicide?

Death Note told me that anyone can be driven to suicide.
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Alex Strife

So much talking about Terra is starting to make me think I should play that game and finish it once and for all :monster:

I haven't finished it a single time, I admit it :sadpanda:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Terra is completely under the control of Kefka and is unable to break free of his or Cloud of Darkness's control. She's being made a puppet and is fighting and quite possibly killing members of the Cosmos side, her friends.

That's why she wants someone to off her, since she can't stop herself.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
So we're still making assumptions then?

I don't see Terra herself having it in her to just give up like that, mind control or not. Why beg for death when you can ask your friends to free you from slavery so you can make up for whatever actions you were forced to take by fighting against those people?
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Not an assumption. That's the truth. She's a warrior of Chaos in this game. Just like it was alluded to in the first game.

There's a reason why she's wearing clothes that are in the same style as Kefka's garish outfits and she looks blank and empty during the whole opening fight sequence til she has that putz Vaan rescuing her and running off with her.

Terra's not in control of her body and powers. She'd rather off herself than just continue to hurt people.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
She's being made a puppet and is fighting and quite possibly killing members of the Cosmos side, her friends.

That would be an assumption mako. I echo my statements in my edit.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
But we don't why yet.
And as I stated, the fact that Square Enix feels no need to explain such a blatant change in characterisation does not bode well for the game.

Show me, show me any point in FFVI where she shows active resentment to the Empire for the Slave Crown thing. Seriously, she joined the Returner's cause, because she wanted to help save the world, the only time she wanted to kick someone ass is when Uncle Ulty hurt Relm feelings and that was an act.
Where did I say she ever held resentment towards anyone? But it's obvious she wants to defeat Kefka after her epiphany in the World of Ruin because he is making other people suffer. There is absolutely no reason her reaction to events in this game should be any different.

You're the one going THIS MAKES NO SENSE NO MATTER WHAT rather then going, I wonder what led Terra to this?

And seriously, you want her entire character arc explained to us before the game comes out?
No, but if her character changes that rapidly because of plot-related reasons, then spoiling the fact that she wants to die at that point of the game makes no sense, and if her character doesn't change for plot-related reasons, then it's a foregone conclusion that this will suck.

Death Note told me that anyone can be driven to suicide.
Yeah, one writer obviously knows unknowable truths about all human beings ever. That's retarded.

Terra is completely under the control of Kefka and is unable to break free of his or Cloud of Darkness's control. She's being made a puppet and is fighting and quite possibly killing members of the Cosmos side, her friends.

That's why she wants someone to off her, since she can't stop herself.
Even if this is true, which you've supplied exactly no evidence for, it makes no sense. If she can resist their control enough to voice a desire to die, then she obviously has some free will left to fight their control. From her characterisation in the first game I'd expect her to fight as much as possible, not to want to die.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Not much of an assumption at all since the first game states she took down several of Cosmos' warriors in the previous cycle, which this game is based on. :monster:

And again, the scans have stated she's being controlled by Kefka and is a warrior of Chaos now. She can't control her body or her Magic powers. She only has brief moments of herself where she can struggle but can't break fully free. Obviously she'll get out of it somehow since...she's a Warrior of Cosmos in the next cycle/game. So her wanting to die isn't really that nonsensical at all. We know she gets past it, and we know she eventually overcomes it. Given the fact she has no control of her mind or powers thanks to Kefka though, and she's hurting people...

It's not that much of a stretch for her to rather sacrifice herself than hurt her friends. Considering she was willing to sacrifice herself to save the orphans in Mobliz in FFVI.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
She was only willing to sacrifice herself because she thought there was no other choice though. I find it hard to believe she'd get convinced of that in this case.

Regardless, I guess the scenario you've outlined makes it a bit more believable that she'd react that way. However, it's also an incredibly stupid scenario. Square Enix should start coming up with original plot lines rather than repeating themselves so much :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
She was only willing to sacrifice herself because she thought there was no other choice though. I find it hard to believe she'd get convinced of that in this case.

If nothing she can do in her power is able to stop herself from being controlled like a puppet, and she's fighting against her friends and hurting/potentially killing them, I fail to see how such a hopeless feeling would not be invoked. Considering she's all alone and unable to get away.

Regardless, I guess the scenario you've outlined makes it a bit more believable that she'd react that way. However, it's also an incredibly stupid scenario. Square Enix should start coming up with original plot lines rather than repeating themselves so much :monster:

Well....I can't really say much to that. That much is true. But at the very least, hopefully something less contrived than the "damsel in distress" trope will appear out of this. :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
If nothing she can do in her power is able to stop herself from being controlled like a puppet, and she's fighting against her friends and hurting/potentially killing them, I fail to see how such a hopeless feeling would not be invoked. Considering she's all alone and unable to get away.
If she's been through this before as you've claimed then she might have at least a little faith that her friends would be able to find a solution, since they did so every other time this happened. Unless she's amnesiac again, which would be a case of so many contrived coincidences that it breaks suspension of disbelief.

Well....I can't really say much to that. That much is true. But at the very least, hopefully something less contrived than the "damsel in distress" trope will appear out of this. :monster:
Seriously, putting characters through the Heel Face Revolving Door repeatedly due to exactly the same plot mechanics each time is crappy writing of the highest magnitude. Even if they're going for "All of this has happened before and all of it will happen again," they really shouldn't do it that literally. Or that rapidly. It's like they're not even trying anymore.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I can see hopelessness, but completely giving up? Naw.


And as I stated, the fact that Square Enix feels no need to explain such a blatant change in characterisation does not bode well for the game.

Bode well? You are already at this cannot makes sense ever.

Where did I say she ever held resentment towards anyone? But it's obvious she wants to defeat Kefka after her epiphany in the World of Ruin because he is making other people suffer. There is absolutely no reason her reaction to events in this game should be any different.
Yeah, at the end she wanted to save the world. Saying her reaction to mindcontrol was wanting to kick the ass of the person inflicting the mindcontrol is further from her characterisation then anything I've seen in these trailers.

No, but if her character changes that rapidly because of plot-related reasons, then spoiling the fact that she wants to die at that point of the game makes no sense, and if her character doesn't change for plot-related reasons, then it's a foregone conclusion that this will suck.
That rapidly what? At least I say when I'm making presumptions, you have no idea what it took to get her to this, or how long her story was.

Yeah, one writer obviously knows unknowable truths about all human beings ever. That's retarded.
Unknowable? You guys seem to have Terra figured completely and utterly.

Even if this is true, which you've supplied exactly no evidence for, it makes no sense. If she can resist their control enough to voice a desire to die, then she obviously has some free will left to fight their control. From her characterisation in the first game I'd expect her to fight as much as possible, not to want to die.
What characterisation would that be? When has she ever went to fight when there wasn't at least a dozen guys begging you and saying you are their only hope. That was the way it was at the Returner Hide-out, at Narche, at Vector, at Mobliz (well not only hope, but still vital). I highly doubt Vaan is pushing her to save the world that much.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Bode well? You are already at this cannot makes sense ever.
I was assuming Square Enix would provide plot points that make sense. And I couldn't imagine any plot points that would make sense that would explain Terra giving up on life. As it turns out, they provided plot points that don't make sense to explain it, namely literally the exact same sequence of events happening three times to the exact same character. So yeah. Terrible writing.

Yeah, at the end she wanted to save the world. Saying her reaction to mindcontrol was wanting to kick the ass of the person inflicting the mindcontrol is further from her characterisation then anything I've seen in these trailers.
Yeah, because wanting to save her friends is so different from wanting to save the world. Terra's perfectly in favour of ass kicking when it serves a higher purpose, namely protecting the innocent.

That rapidly what? At least I say when I'm making presumptions, you have no idea what it took to get her to this, or how long her story was.
I wasn't particularly referring to a span of time, I was referring to a span of games. Between Dissidia and Duodecim is a pretty rapid change for a character like Terra to turn suicidal since these games usually don't cover a span of years, and a span of years is pretty much the only way a believable, non-contrived series of events could be constructed to turn a character like Terra into a nervous wreck who wants to die. As stated several times, the series of events Square Enix has come up with is just about as contrived as could be imagined, and not terribly believable either. Also, you made several assumptions you didn't mention you were making.

Unknowable? You guys seem to have Terra figured completely and utterly.
No, we're just pretty damn sure that it's incredibly unlikely that a character like Terra would want to commit suicide under any believable set of circumstances. As stated, the circumstances which befall her aren't terribly believable.

What characterisation would that be? When has she ever went to fight when there wasn't at least a dozen guys begging you and saying you are their only hope. That was the way it was at the Returner Hide-out, at Narche, at Vector, at Mobliz (well not only hope, but still vital). I highly doubt Vaan is pushing her to save the world that much.
As it happens, people begging her to fight wasn't what caused her to start fighting again at Mobliz, it was realising that there was danger out there that could harm the kids and that her staying there wasn't going to protect them as much as her going out and eliminating the source of danger. This is all pretty clearly stated in FFVI, so we're not making assumptions; she explicitly tells us her motivation in deciding to fight Kefka. It's only after Humbaba attacks the village the second time that she decides to join the party again. The party trying to persuade her has really nothing to do with it. Furthermore earlier on it's entirely possible for Terra to refuse to help the Returners three times (after which she's not given another chance to offer), and in that case it's pretty plausible to infer that the only thing that spurs her on to help them is the fact that they're consistently being attacked and she doesn't want to leave people who have been nice to her to their own defences. Let's also not forget that she volunteers to help on at least one other occasion in the plot without being asked at all, because she's literally the only person who can help. I believe one example is the party's first mission to the Esper cave, but I can't remember the chronology of that part of the game 100% well.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Terra only refuses to leave because she feels responsible for those kids and wants to look after them, and she felt like she lost the strength to fight, and didn't want to be a burden on her friends. It's not until she realises she loves those kids and wants to protect them that she finds the will to fight and leaves to protect the world for them.

Even if you don't recruit her, she comes to their aid at the tower when she feels them call out to her. NO ONE FORCES HER TO GO FIGHT. She does it because SHE wants to.

She starts out in the game as a blank slate(but still clearly someone with a will to fight a survive), but eventually grows into her own person with own desires, and a will to live her life for herself. She even inquires about love because she's afraid she can't feel it.
Yeah, at the end she wanted to save the world. Saying her reaction to mindcontrol was wanting to kick the ass of the person inflicting the mindcontrol is further from her characterisation then anything I've seen in these trailers.

Yeah, this is bullshit. At the beginning of the game she has no desire to break free of mind control because she can't, she doesn't know how, and hasn't learned the will to live for herself. In Dissidia she is clearly past that point and has a will of her own, otherwise she wouldn't want to die to protect ANYONE.
Bode well? You are already at this cannot makes sense ever.

This sentence is just barely readable.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
To build on what Dacon said (and his post kind of implies this but I might as well make it explicit), I didn't consider this before, but Terra being an amnesiac in Duodecim doesn't even make sense. She's reacting to the fact that her actions are hurting her friends. If she's amnesiac she wouldn't know these people are her friends. So she obviously has her memory. Unless it's selective amnesia, which would be yet another stupidly contrived coincidence that wouldn't make any real sense. Square Enix would have to be putting her through as many stupid plot twists as they could come up with in order to mould her character to some stupid bullshit that they think hews to the Rule of Drama. Which, granted, given the fact that they seem to think putting her under the Slave Crown three times is a good idea, is still a possibility, but I think they deserve at least some credit, since they're at least nominally still the company that developed FFVI in the first place even if almost none of the people responsible for it are left.
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I think the point is they multiplied any vulnerability Terra may have shown to the nth degree. Hell, they gave her the weakest sounding, ultra feminine and childlike voice.


The Wanderer of Time
To build on what Dacon said (and his post kind of implies this but I might as well make it explicit), I didn't consider this before, but Terra being an amnesiac in Duodecim doesn't even make sense.

Is she amnesiac? I don't recall seeing anything to indicate so. And the only thing she'd forgotten in Dissidia was when she had beat up Onion Knight.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Is she amnesiac? I don't recall seeing anything to indicate so. And the only thing she'd forgotten in Dissidia was when she had beat up Onion Knight.

That's what wassis name implied earlier.

But yeah, we don't have any reason to assume she lost her memory. At least not of who she is.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I never said she'd under any circumstances be driven to suicide, but it's plainly obvious that she no longer wants to be alive from the materials we've been shown. This is a dramatic shift in her character that makes no sense whatsoever. The Terra of FFVI, particularly after she undergoes her character development (and none of the other characters in Dissidia contradict their character development as far as I'm aware), would want to live so she could kick the ass of whomever was responsible for putting her under their control in the first place, regardless of what she'd been put through or what she remembered.

Now, to me, that bolded part is what doesn't really sound like Terra. That's far more assertive and aggressive than she was in the original game until after defeating Humbaba.

Aaron said:
In any case your speculation that something must be different this time is just that: speculation. Nothing we've been shown indicates that there is anything different in the circumstances beyond the way she reacts, and thus her completely different reaction has yet to be justified.

Oh, come on, everything about the characters' circumstances are different in Dissidia to what they were in their original games -- and there's no denying that circumstances play a role in shaping people. Let's see what those circumstances are before declaring that this could never, ever happen without it being retarded if it did.

As much as I harp on SE's stupidity, even I'm willing to wait for the complete context before thinking a story choice is utter fail.

Aaron said:
It's shoddy writing and the fact that Square Enix is presenting it to us as promotional materials for the game without feeling as though they have any obligation to justify it does not bode well for the finished product.

And as I stated, the fact that Square Enix feels no need to explain such a blatant change in characterisation does not bode well for the game.

Wouldn't they use the game itself to explain how she gets to this point? I mean, really, we want them to tell the whole the story in a trailer?

Aaron said:
Where did I say she ever held resentment towards anyone? But it's obvious she wants to defeat Kefka after her epiphany in the World of Ruin because he is making other people suffer. There is absolutely no reason her reaction to events in this game should be any different.

If she feels -- and maybe even is -- that she's more a liability than a help, that's a good reason.

If she's been through this before as you've claimed then she might have at least a little faith that her friends would be able to find a solution, since they did so every other time this happened. Unless she's amnesiac again, which would be a case of so many contrived coincidences that it breaks suspension of disbelief.

It is an established part of Dissidia's plot, though, that many characters have amnesia. It's not any more contrived for her to have amnesia again under these circumstances than it is for Cloud.

I wasn't particularly referring to a span of time, I was referring to a span of games. Between Dissidia and Duodecim is a pretty rapid change for a character like Terra to turn suicidal since these games usually don't cover a span of years, and a span of years is pretty much the only way a believable, non-contrived series of events could be constructed to turn a character like Terra into a nervous wreck who wants to die.

As Duodecim is a prequel to Dissidia, it's not as though she went from Terra as we saw her in the first game to this character we're seeing now. It was the reverse.

For that matter, given that we don't know what all came before Duodecim, who knows how long she's been forced to kill people. She may have been forced to do this for numerous cycles of the war.

We also don't know how much of this she may remember.

Aaron said:
As stated several times, the series of events Square Enix has come up with is just about as contrived as could be imagined, and not terribly believable either. Also, you made several assumptions you didn't mention you were making.

No, we're just pretty damn sure that it's incredibly unlikely that a character like Terra would want to commit suicide under any believable set of circumstances. As stated, the circumstances which befall her aren't terribly believable.

We're worried about what's believable in a game about anthropomorphic deities who embody abstract concepts born of the human mind pulling warriors from multiple worlds to use as pieces in a game of Risk?

Priorities, man.

To build on what Dacon said (and his post kind of implies this but I might as well make it explicit), I didn't consider this before, but Terra being an amnesiac in Duodecim doesn't even make sense. She's reacting to the fact that her actions are hurting her friends. If she's amnesiac she wouldn't know these people are her friends.

Presumably, at the point where she asks to be killed, Vaan is her friend, even if she doesn't know any of the others to be. She's also presumably capable of distinguishing between good guys and bad guys.

So we're still making assumptions then?

I don't see Terra herself having it in her to just give up like that, mind control or not. Why beg for death when you can ask your friends to free you from slavery so you can make up for whatever actions you were forced to take by fighting against those people?[/

She was quite content to fly off to Zozo/give up in the original game. Of course, for all we know, asking for death in Duodecim is her way of fighting back against the villains and may be an example of her acting strong.

How about we wait and see before declaring this to be an epic defilement?


I don't see Terra herself having it in her to just give up like that, mind control or not. Why beg for death when you can ask your friends to free you from slavery so you can make up for whatever actions you were forced to take by fighting against those people?[/
Terra only refuses to leave because she feels responsible for those kids and wants to look after them, and she felt like she lost the strength to fight, and didn't want to be a burden on her friends. It's not until she realises she loves those kids and wants to protect them that she finds the will to fight and leaves to protect the world for them.

... :monster:

Still can't find a reason Terra might feel the need to be killed?

But yeah, we don't have any reason to assume she lost her memory. At least not of who she is.

No reason other than that half of the cast does at one point or another. :monster:

I think the point is they multiplied any vulnerability Terra may have shown to the nth degree. Hell, they gave her the weakest sounding, ultra feminine and childlike voice.

Yeah, that they did. I'm not disagreeing with anyone, by the way, who thinks Terra could have been portrayed more strongly.

I don't like the angle they chose for her in the Dissidia series either. Doesn't mean it can't be plausible within the right circumstances.
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