Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy


The artist formerly know as Sigbru
It's 11 (Chaos) vs 15 (Cosmos). Based on how things go, we won't be seeing any new villains, really

But there is that whole rebelling of Lightning against WL. And Kain wouldn't be Kain if he didn't betray them at one point, so I guess there will be a lot of infighting among the Cosmos side


The End
Yonathin3155, Ultros, Ultros3155, CECIL3155
Chaos will have even less this time around, yeah? Isn't Jecht supposed to be a warrior of Cosmos in this cycle?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yup, it turns Cloud of Darkness was the one controlling Edea all along! This makes so much sense now, FF3 and FF8 ARE connected - Ultimecia is the Cloud of Darkness! This explains so much, the cleavage, the red clothing, the lack of genuine character or motivation

Pssht, like that's news. Hyne's even in FF3, man.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon

A man who possesses irresistible charm.

Compared to the straight and somber Lightning, Laguna is quite
good-humored. And when they come together...!?

"My, was that a rare timid side of Ms. Lightning we just saw?"

Water and electricity are dangerous when mingled :awesome:

So I've heard Yuna was sighted in the Mega Theater trailer. With summoner clothes.

Then I'll be disappointed :/ I have nothing against Yuna (I kinda liked her) but I wanted more villains :(

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Yuna with Summoner clothes? At this hour? God stop spamming us with Cosmos warriors, SE. Give us someone from the big bad's side.


The artist formerly know as Sigbru
Seems like a JP blog confirmed that Gilgamesh is just going to be a summon. It's hits FF12 incarnation, but even so, I doubt he'll be in now

also: http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2010/12/16/dissidia_control_chart/

Summary from the trailer show
First we see Cosmos looking downward. Then warriors of Cosmos gather, Lightning speaks about the crystals: "That power given to us by Cosmos will turn into crystals, Then we should be able to return to our worlds." Light gathers in her hand.
Kain & Golbez talk. Kain: "If Chaos wins, this world will be destroyed." Gobez: "It won't. Everything will repeat itself countless times."
Laguna & Squall. Laguna: "You're taciturn as ever." Squall: "We're on a battlefield. There's no time for idle talk."
WoL & Butz. Butz: "What if we all came up with a name to call you by?"
Frionil & Lightning. Light: "I sense something from this rose of yours." Frio: "You too?"
Sephiroth & Tifa. Sephiroth: "I've been looking for you." Tifa: "Who are you?" Sephiroth: "Your enemy. You needn't know more." Tifa: "A warrior of Chaos then, huh?" Sephiroth advances at her with Masamune, but Cloud appears behind him yelling "Stop!".
Tina to Vaan: "Defeat me... I don't want to use the power of destruction anymore."
Onion & Vaan sitting on board the Phantom Train. Vaan: "Has something happened lately?". Onion hangs his head.
Then a beautiful pre-rendered fast-paced battle between Tifa and Sephirot, other warriors of Cosmos and Chaos. Finally Yuna is shown walking barefoot on water (though only her feet and kimono can be seen).

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unsavory tart
Phantom Train level from FFVI is apparently confirmed.

I dunno, maybe I'm being pessimistic but I'm thinking that we aren't going to get another VI character. Normally they present most of the game info along with the new character (Tifa was announced with screens of Sephiroth and Cloud with their alternative outfits), Laguna was announced along with screenshots of Squall and Ultimacea and their alts, same with Vaan- the Sky Fortress- and Gabranth, etc.

When Vaan was announced they pretty much did the "also, here's Terra and Kefka" so and now VI has a new level with no character in sight. So imo, we aren't going to see Celes or Locke this installment.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Yuna's presence makes me sad. That means there won't be Auron. That means this game's potential will not go above 9000. But I won't fret, there will be better people in this game I'm sure.


Rookie Adventurer

Laguna wields a large arsenal of firearms while tearing through the

In battle, there are two different attacks used: "Brave Attacks" and "HP
Attacks." The former is an attack that steals from the number above the
opponent's HP bar (Brave). The latter uses Brave to directly damage the
opponent's HP. With his many firearms, Laguna is a character that
specializes in Brave Attacks. And now, Battle Director Kujiraoka will give
us the facts!

Laguna doesn't just use guns, he can deploy an electromagnetic barrier
called "Shield Bomb." It can be used to deflect your opponent's brave
attacks, or to attack them directly.

Laguna's Brave Attacks change depending on how long you hold down the
button. Quick taps activate the machine gun, medium presses pull out the
shotgun, and so on. Utilizing this mechanic will be important!

Take Aim with the Rifle's Piercing Bullet!

When a sniper rifle bullet hits a wall, it will pierce through and keep
going. Although the crosshair is centered at the opponent's torso, it is
possible to manually aim at their head for greater results. If you were to
store up a lot of piercing bullets on a narrow map...!

Airship Motif!

"Ragnarok Blade"

For his HP Attacks, Laguna uses weapons with the airship Ragnarok's motif
from FFVIII. Such as a huge energy sword for close-range combat, or a
laser cannon for far-range combat.

Part 2 is coming later because there's a lot of it and I have to go now, so enjoy the new bit of info for now, and expect the core of his gameplay to be discussed later tonight!

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man

Just slowpoking here gentlemen and ladies, but most of the people here are already in the game. Auron still has a fighting chance to be present and so does...Cid?? wat. I know this is just rumours but a decent few are already coming to the game. To make matters worse...all of these guys are in Cosmos' side. FFFFFFFFF

edit: looks like fanart but apparently the sauce says it was a supposed leak. But take it lightly for now.



The artist formerly know as Sigbru
Some new stuff I found, it's a report from some guys who played the last demo.
Straight Arrow: greatly increased speed. Hard to react after it is released.
The 3 Magic Arts: can't see the difference.
The 3 Magic Arts could be shot continuously up to 3 times, interchangeable too. E.g:
Fire > Fire > Fire
Thunder > Blizzard > Thunder
Blizzard > Fire > Thunder
Reel Axe: the second part of the Brave attack could be done even if the Axe hit missed.

The second part of the 3 ground Brave attacks (Knife/Axe/Lance) are interchangable, depends on your input:
Towards + O = Lance follow up (slash > arrow)
O = Knife follow up (punch)
Away + O = Axe follow up (a few hits then knocks enemy away)

Ultima: downward wall rush.

Seraphic Star: keep chasing the enemy even after the hit box appeared. Hard to dodge. Can move freely when using Seraphic Star (Holy Star).

SS Blizzaga - the large chunk of ice (before split) cause guard stagger (Ranged Mid priority)
LS Thundaga - tracks vertically too.

Floating & Gravity System: If the initial palm hit is blocked, the little orb+laser will not appear now.
Gravity Force (Close): the little orb he shoots AFTER warping will cause guard stagger (Ranged Mid priority)

Wataga: cause guard stagger (Ranged Mid priority)

EX mode bonus: Increase damage (not sure by how much), pressing R+[] will switch to bare hand instantly.

Bartz was seen using Vaan's Katana in the PV.

EX core gives less EX force now. A 4 wings core fills about 50~70%.

Booster 8: a forward rush attack, slightly longer range than Rumble Rush.

Shadow Bringer: Super short range, but fast.

Fated/Aerial Circle: Increased Absorb effect.

Retribution: cause guard stagger (Melee Mid priority)
Stun: CPU have done Stun>Retribution combo. (But the reporter said that it seems to be avoidable if you spam dodge fast enough)

Wide Angle Particle Beam: goes further, in high speed. Can go to the air.

Sector Ray: has both ground and air versions.

Almagest: Added Magic Block effect and cancel-able during startup.

Forsaken: Kefka can move during the attack.

刹那 (Moment/Instant): short range, somehow similar to WoL's Dayflash
Heartless Angel: Increased after lag if the move is canceled.
Scintilla: Increased Block duration. Almost like Shield of Light?

Sword Thrust: 1st hit (shield toss) has little verticle tracking

Dynamite: Cause Guard Crush (Ranged High priority) when fully charged.

when used as an Assist character,
Air Brave assist: Jecht Stream (Full) O, O, down+O

New Summon from FFXIII: ブリュンヒルデ Brynhildr

Possible new stage (FFXI) shown in PV: 天象の鎖 Empyreal Paradox

New basic ability
Multi Ground Dash : R+triangle, dash on ground towards opponent.
Multi Ground Dash+: R+triangle, dash on ground towards opponent. Turning possible (with analog stick)
Ground Dodge Distance Up
Assist Lock on

New music:

FF7 - J.E.N.O.V.A :awesome:
FF4 - Final Battle
FF6 - Magic Train



The Wanderer of Time
The second part of the 3 ground Brave attacks (Knife/Axe/Lance) are interchangable, depends on your input:
Towards + O = Lance follow up (slash > arrow)
O = Knife follow up (punch)
Away + O = Axe follow up (a few hits then knocks enemy away)

Nice, gonna give Firion some more versatility now.

SS Blizzaga - the large chunk of ice (before split) cause guard stagger (Ranged Mid priority)
LS Thundaga - tracks vertically too.
This is pleasing, Kefka needed a buff, outside of EX Mode he has to rely on his WWFs to land hits.

Floating & Gravity System: If the initial palm hit is blocked, the little orb+laser will not appear now.
Gravity Force (Close): the little orb he shoots AFTER warping will cause guard stagger (Ranged Mid priority)
So now Gravity Force has to be dodged, if you block it now you'll stagger and prob get sucked into the first orb.

Shadow Bringer: Super short range, but fast.
Good, Cecil's HP attack have suxxor speed. I foresee Dark Cannon-Shadow Bringer combos perhaps.

Forsaken: Kefka can move during the attack.

Dynamite: Cause Guard Crush (Ranged High priority) when fully charged.
GOOD. I hated getting caught in my own Dynamites.
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