Dissidia English Clips & Translation Discussion


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'd go into the void with her any fucking day. God, Darkness is sexy. Screw the light. :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I didn't think the Cloud of Darkness slept around and got that stretched but sure, why not :awesome:

Bitch is the sex incarnate.


Double Growth
After looking at all of Cloud's battle quotes, the quote:

"This isn't the place to stop."

Is definitely the English localization equivalent of "There's no gettin' off this train" in Dissidia.

Yeah, big fail on Square Enix's part. They dropped the ball on that reference, epically. Just...zoomed right over their head. That's pretty fucked up.




Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm dead serious. No reason or desire to lie about something I'm this disappointed over.


The Wanderer of Time
Here, just for kicks, Balthier quotes! Cookies to anyone who can tell me where they come from. Not all are right from Balthier, some come from his buddies ;).

"Come keep me amused."
"Hardly fit for a leading man."
"I suppose I might as well."
"Let me show you how it's done."
"You'd challenge a sky pirate?"
"Good to know I've got your attention."
"Let's make this quick."
"It's tough being popular."
"Let's see how this unfolds."

Vs. Cosmos:
"You can't live on resolve alone." [Vs. WoL]
"Let's see where your dream leads." [Vs. Firion]
"Such an impulsive child." [Vs. OK]
"To the point. I like that." [Vs. Cecil]
"You fancy mimicking a pirate?" [Vs. Bartz]
"Nothing personal, my dear." [Vs. Terra]
"Pick your path and stick to it." [Vs. Cloud]
"I do think this lion is looking to play." [Vs. Squall]
"You're a common thief, nothing more." [Vs. Zidane]
"Your story needs a leading man." [Vs. Tidus]

Vs. Chaos:
"Tell Fate to leave me out." [Vs. Garland]
"You've been blinded by power." [Vs. Emperor]
"I'll shed some light on this problem." [Vs. CoD]
"If you desire a judge, I can suffice." [Vs. Golbez]
"The only Void is in your head." [Vs. Exdeath]
"Well, aren't we excited?" [Vs. Kefka]
"I see someone isn't holding back." [Vs. Sephiroth]
"I haven't time to deal with you." [Vs. Ultimecia]
"Time for the leading man to take the stage." [Vs. Kuja]
"You need a bit more tact." [Vs. Jecht]

"I'll teach you a thing or two." [Vs. Shantotto]
"Let's see how you judge me." [Vs. Gabranth]
"Is this god toying with me?" [Vs. Chaos]

"I near soiled my cuffs."
"The leading man never dies."
"That's more like it."
"That's the ticket."
"What's the going rate for victory?"
"I thought this would be hard."
"You were too foolhardy."
"Nice moves there..."
"What's done is done."

"I'd best take my leave."
"Was there no other way?"
"Should I be running then?"
"This can't be..."
"Did that make you happy?"
"End of the line..."
"That was over the top."
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Double Growth
I'm dead serious. No reason or desire to lie about something I'm this disappointed over.



Seriously, that's supremely disappointing. That was seriously my single favorite FF7 reference in the whole damn game! Argh. Now, SE America should know this shit, but since they obviously don't, when they shipped the script from Japan, SE Japan should have noted what each reference was for...


(also: "Pick your path and stick to it." [Vs. Cloud] - awesome.)
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Oh my God Drake..you sonofabitch.

That...that's fucking impressive. Those quotes are seriously awesome and well chosen. I seriously wish Balthier was in this game. So bad.

Fuck dude, that's...I wish I could thank you more than once. That was amusing and VERY well done. I love them all. Very nice references to FFXII and RW in there.

Intro quotes were perfect. Loved the quote against WoL too.

Cloud's is great, as is Squall's and his snark towards Zidane. And interesting little stab at Tidus there too in terms of how he's debated about whether he's the lead or Yuna. :monster:

The villain quotes though...are fucking awesome.

The Golbez one is fucking perfect. LOL @ the one towards ExDeath. And the pun with Ultimecia is great.

Just..awesome job right there dude. Wonderful.


The Wanderer of Time
Heh, thanks Tyrant....gah, confusing, I'm used to calling you Mako.

I wouldn't mind Balthier in Dissidia either, but they booted him for Gabranth. Gabranth is awesome, but Balthier is better.

BTW, what RW references did you see?
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Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
Whoa...I can totally see him saying all those things. Why can't he be in this game?! If they ever make a Dissidia 2, they better put him in there.

Thanks Drake!

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
If there's a Dissidia 2 it needs to be on consoles, in full HD glory with large detailed character models and huge fanfare.

Hinata Hyuga

Juniper, Rinali, Legretta
Picturing the way Dissidia 2 would look on the DS is pretty funny. They'd probably try to fit the stylus in there somewhere.


Would they go with 2D sprites or ugly 3D?
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The Wanderer of Time
Alright, Kain it is. Once again, spot the allusions! :p

"This won't take long."
"Prepare yourself."
"En garde!"
"On my honor..."
"Shall we?"
"Ready your sword!"
"Is this a bad time? Oh well."
"I'll make this quick."

Vs. Cosmos:
"Your light is too harsh." [Vs. WoL]
"Dreams without drive are useless!" [Vs. Firion]
"It's you or me, child." [Vs. OK]
"I will prove that I am superior!" [Vs. Cecil]
"Quit playing around." [Vs. Bartz]
"Only the weak fear power!" [Vs. Terra]
"You overthink things." [Vs. Cloud] (alternatively, I thought of another: "I shall cut your strings.")
"Fighting alone means nothing!" [Vs. Squall]
"That lonely heart is too weak." [Vs. Zidane]
"I'll wipe that smirk off your face." [Vs. Tidus]

Vs. Chaos:
"Treachery shall not go unrewarded." [Vs. Garland]
"I am no tool to be used." [Vs. Emperor]
"Clouds are simply below me." [Vs. CoD]
"I will not be your pawn!" [Vs. Golbez]
"I'm sick of animals like you." [Vs. Exdeath]
"You've got quite a mouth." [Vs. Kefka]
"You've no idea who you're dealing with." [Vs. Sephiroth]
"You're just wasting my time." [Vs. Ultimecia]
"Your curtain call draws near." [Vs. Kuja]
"Which side do you think you're on?" [Vs. Jecht]

"Show me the fruits of your studies." [Vs. Shantotto]
"Judge me, if you can enforce it!" [Vs. Gabranth]
"I will surpass even the gods!" [Vs. Chaos]

"Any final words?"
"I tire of this."
"You were a formiddable foe."
"That was disappointing."
"I've nothing more to say to you."
"You made me laugh."
"Was that it?"
"I don't expect forgiveness."
"You got what you deserved."

"I won't forget this."
"This won't happen again."
"You won't be so lucky next time."
"Grant me another chance..."
"It's too late now..."
"This can't be true..."
"Next time I won't hold back."
"Is this...the end?"
"You've been spared, for now."


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
That was rather awesome there, Drake. ^^

Man, I want Dissidia 2, and I want Kain in.


The Wanderer of Time
BTW, Ultimecia's quotes....bleh.

"Let us begin."
"This battle is a waste of time."
"Are you sure you're ready?"
"You'll regret having met me."
"Resist no more."
"Poor child..."
"I will deny all you stand for."
"I am a witch that can manipulate time."
"Your timing couldn't be worse."
"Don't take pity on me!"
"Why stand in the way of a witch?"
"Let me see how strong you are."
"This will be over in a moment."
"I hope your dreams are sweet."

Vs. Cosmos:
"Is a momentary gleam all you need?" [Vs. WoL]
"A simple-minded young man." [Vs. Firion]
"Ha, my foe, a child?" [Vs. OK]
"Do not resist temptation!" [Vs. Cecil]
"Is his head empty?" [Vs. Bartz]
"Perhaps your gears are stuck..." [Vs. Terra]
"No use trying to erase the past." [Vs. Cloud]
"You do not have a place here." [Vs. Squall]
"I wonder if you can dance with me." [Vs. Zidane]
"Your mouth will get you in trouble." [Vs. Tidus]

Vs. Chaos:
"We both know you're a slave to time." [Vs. Garland]
"Time reigns over all!" [Vs. Emperor]
"You would fight against me?" [Vs. CoD]
"You should be honest with yourself." [Vs. Golbez]
"The Void is part of time and space..." [Vs. Exdeath]
"How do I know if you're serious?" [Vs. Kefka]
"Go back to the time of your memory." [Vs. Sephiroth]
"Either you or I is an imposter." [Vs. Ultimecia]*
"There are manners even in battle." [Vs. Kuja]
""Would you like to escape from infinity?" [Vs. Jecht]

"I am more powerful than you..." [Vs. Shantotto]
"Have you lost something in the past?" [Vs. Gabranth]
"You are another victim of time..." [Vs. Chaos]

"No one is superior to time."
"Reality is harsh. Is it not?"
"I want you to revere me."
"Such a waste of time."
"This is the reality of time."
"I shall even control fate."
"Not what I expected..."
"Oh, are we done here?"
"What a shame..."
"You should start over from the past."

"Was I defeated?
"I lost... to the likes of you!?"
"How...? I control everything..."
"This is not the end...!"
"I cannot disappear just yet..."
"The time of ruination..."
"Could this also be fate...?
"Could I win if I turn back time...?"**
"How could this be!?"
"Has time betrayed me!?"

Time time time time time, yeah, we get it, she can control time, moving on. Some of these are just boring and lame, plain and simple. And it's not a bad translation, most of these are very close to the Japanese version.

And the asterisks. For the first one, the guy who posted this notes that "A - it's spelled impostor", "B - the sentence is grammatically wrong", and "C - maybe she just traveled back in time to fight herself and both are real".

As for the second set of asterisks, I guess Ulty likes Cher...
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