Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
They actually took Dante and made him look like more of a douchebag.

People are also saying there's a cooldown on the handguns.


Celes Chere



Double Growth
The gameplay looks like Devil May Cry I guess. EDIT: A cooldown on the guns?! What?!

BUT WHY DOES HE HAVE TO LOOK LIKE SUCH A TARD?! There was nothing wrong the series, it didn't need a re imagining. This cannot be repeated enough! :rage:

I see his hair goes white when he uses his powers. How much do you wanna bet that was thrown in merely to appease us?


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
So... his hair changes to white when he uses his demonic powers, uh?

MEH! Demonic powers imply a full transformation into a cool demon, not dyeing your hair.

Also, if anyone noticed, there hasn't been a close shot on his face, unless I skiped it. Maybe they are remodeling him? :awesome:

They actually took Dante and made him look like more of a douchebag.

People are also saying there's a cooldown on the handguns.


And then they added the most annoying thing. Since when Dante's guns overheated? I remember that the cool thing about them was that you could fire and fire without stopping, if my memory doesn't fail me.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Dante looks like he is a drug abuser.

That's just not cool

Celes Chere

this has been posted over nine thousand times on this board and it just doesn't stop being relevant

I actually just went back through this thread to see if it had been posted after I posted it and yep- you posted it before. xD But I agree... still the same reaction to it as I had before. :I

Also, how about this one? if its already been posted too then i suck and im sorry :awesome:



Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
^So much win in a single post.

Well at least we'll have a bit of the old least.

While this might be true, if we wanted the old Dante I think we'd all prefer playing the old games. I would.

What surprises me it's how deaf and blind (or plain stubborn) the guys at Capcom have been to all the shitstorm that the first teaser created.


Double Growth
It is amazing and depressing the orders of magnitude by which even boob-belt Dante looks better than this guy.

What surprises me it's how deaf and blind (or plain stubborn) the guys at Capcom have been to all the shitstorm that the first teaser created.

That's why I think they made this white-haired power business. So they can say "SEE?! HE LOOKS LIKE OLD DANTE!"


So is the white-haired one his DT or what?

Because last time I checked, I thought it made him fully demonic. xP


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
That's why I think they made this white-haired power business. So they can say "SEE?! HE LOOKS LIKE OLD DANTE!"

That remembers me "The Muppet Show" when someone put on sunglasses and the others cried: "Oh, look, that's a completely diffrent person!" Just LOL! :awesome:

Good luck with sales, Capcom!

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
You know I was expecting it to be a character's journey kind of business to how he became the badass we knew and love, starting from the bottom shitiest portrayal we see right now. At least that's my theory as to why they fucked up his look big time...


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
You know I was expecting it to be a character's journey kind of business to how he became the badass we knew and love, starting from the bottom shitiest portrayal we see right now. At least that's my theory as to why they fucked up his look big time...

Yes, that would be the only excuse they would have for this.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I'm holding judgement until it gets released. Then again I'm one of the few who actually anticipated The 3rd Fucking Birthday...


Celes Chere

You know some moron is going to look at this shit and go "OMG IT LOOKS SO COOL MUST HAVE".


I post (well more like lurk) at some DMC Forums and there are people that are actually excited about it, and are defending it. And I'm just there liek "Judging you so hard right now"

I know it's not even out yet or anything, but looking at both of these trailers... seriously not impressed. If they can pull out a fantastic reason as to why Dante looks the way he does, and why he has insta hair dying powers I will be seriously impressed. But my hopes are not very high at all.

Even if this character wasn't meant to be Dante and was some random side character, what a poor character design. Srsly

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Ninja theory has never made a good action game before, I don't expect them to now.

They've already fucked up the art and design. Hope, I have none.
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