Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
... The guys making it are calling it an origin story.

It's not getting rid of the plot, it's just going back to before the first game.
You can be a reboot without sacrificing your established continuity.

Granted, I'm not all too happy it's an origin story, either, but attack a thing for what it is.

I don't see how it can still have the same continuity, since it's not even the same character.

Dante doesn't smoke, and this guy looks absolutely nothing like him.

At the very least, Capcom should have let their studio handle the art and character design, since NT sucks at it, even in their own games.

Look at Monkey in Enslaved, he looks awful.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
They also said it was an origin story set in the existing continuity. That's why I said reboot seemed like the wrong word, even though they're calling it that. Sure, you can reboot and keep continuity, but you all have certainly taken it as meaning they're shedding the existing plot, even though they talk about fitting what they're doing into the storyline of the other 4.

As for the character design, Capcom apparently approved something like this look.
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Celes Chere

I never said the music was ever good, just that I certainly do not get a punk rock feel from the type of music they used at all. And I definitely don't see anything original about the trailer.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
They also said it was an origin story set in the existing continuity. That's why I said reboot seemed like the wrong word, even though they're calling it that. Sure, you can reboot and keep continuity, but you all have certainly taken it as meaning they're shedding the existing plot, even though they talk about fitting what they're doing into the storyline of the other 4.

Yeah, no. We're taking it all as a very bad idea and bad design. My main concern in this thread has always been the design and gameplay. Didn't get into the whole story issue until you and other folks brought it up.

This ain't the same Dante, and he doesn't fit the existing story.

Getting tired of people telling me what my meaning is.

As for the character design, Capcom apparently approved something like this look.
There was never any doubt that Capcom approved it, I myself have said there's not going to be anything that Capcom doesn't have a hand in. That doesn't make it any less stupid.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Ninja Theory creative design boss Tameem Antoniades said the essence of DMC’s look is “all about cool.”
“It’s about Dante being cool and making you feel cool when you’re playing it, and so the combat and the style system and everything is integral to that,” Antoniades told 1UP.
“But, you know, what was cool 12 years ago – I think that was when the first game came out [It actually came out nine years ago for PS2 - JC] – isn’t cool any more.
“If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he’d get laughed out.
“What Devil May Cry did when it launched was it brought everything that was great about action cinema like the fashion, music – it was like a cultural melting pot – and I feel like now, for Devil May Cry to have that same impact, it needs to draw on new things.
“New music, new ways of cinematography, new fashion.”
There was a strong reaction to DMC’s character design last week, with many being heavily critical of Dante’s emo look.
Original DMC creator Hideki Kamiya instantly came out against the series reboot, but Antoniades said he likes Kamiya’s effort since, the Platinum-developer Bayonetta.
“I love the game. I think it’s awesome. It’s taken everything – it’s just gone to a total extreme.
“But in terms of, ‘Do I think it’s cool?’ No, not at all. I think it’s caricatured and over-the-top and very ‘Japanesey,’ and for that absurd style it does that really well, but that’s not what I want.”
The new art style has been worked on for the past year, with the story only being worked on now.
Smells like teen angst
Capcom US producer Alex Jones added that some of the proposed designs for Dante’s younger version were far more extreme than the final cut.
“We had a shirtless version of Dante, with just suspenders. That went nowhere,” Jones told Kotaku.
“It looked like he had just stumbled out of a Clash concert. That was as far out as Ninja Theory went with the character design.
“When [Keiji] Inafune saw it he said, ‘I don’t think so.’”
While the game will be something of an origin story for Dante, Jones added the reboot was needed to make “the game relevant to the current times.”
“Look at the Dark Knight,” said Jones. “That went from the Gothic fun house of the earlier Batman movies, to a fairly dark look at Chicago crime today.
“We want to update and mature the tone of Devil May Cry.
This guy is so clueless. Dante had already evolved from his original DMC incarnation into kind of a staple badass character who spews spiderman esque snark every chance he got.

How is he no longer cool? How have they come to this conclusion? DMC4 people still loved the shit out of Dante, even though he had an older more weathered Viggo look to him, and the game brought in a good many new fans too.

Where are they getting this retarded perception that we need DMC to be "darker" and more "mature". We have a bazillion other games like that, DMC was made popular because it was the gothic grim setting, with a main character who just didn't give a shit about the stuff going on and had no problem laughing in these creatures' faces. The fact that it was "japonezy" as this tard says is part of its charm.

Now Dante is generic teen angst design and hurr smoking is cool. Also, the way they keep mentioning reboot and origin story implies this is going to be the start of the series going in a very different direction, and possibly discarding old continuity, explaining the character changing.

The comments about his design looking so different from older Dante, doesn't mean they're going to work with the original and go back to the same plot. This could possibly be the start of a new mythos.

"Part of the ethos of a reboot or retelling of an origin story is to go back and find out why certain totems of a franchise exist," Jones said, talking about Dante's famously white hair. "We want to tell those elements of the story."
That right there implies that this is going to be a very different origin story. They're already ignoring the origin stuff(Tony Redgrave and Enzo) we already have and Dante being white haired when he was a kid.

HELL Dmc3 was already about a younger, less experienced Dante.
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AI Researcher
Maybe I'm just nostalgic and don't know enough about what kids find cool these days, but if some guy walked into a bar wearing something like this:

Personally, any of those are ten times cooler than whatever it is emo Dante is wearing. That coat, with whatever is going on around the hood. Should have gone the way of 'shirtless and suspenders New Dante'.

Also can go fuck himself for everything having to be mature and dark nowadays.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
When developers Ninja Theory were asked by Capcom to come up with a new look for the star of a reboot of the popular action game, now known only as DmC, publisher Capcom told the studio they wanted extreme redesigns.
They could have just created a new saga. They took the effort to redesign a character who was all right, with a new story and a new setting, but didn't do the simplest thing: come up with a new name for that dude.

“Look at the Dark Knight,” said Jones. “That went from the Gothic fun house of the earlier Batman movies, to a fairly dark look at Chicago crime today.
The main difference is that, with the Dark Knight, Batman returned to the dark style fans liked so much, after many years of deplorable psychedelic style. It got better, while this thing is getting worse.

So it was as we were saying, that Capcom has a total ignorance about what the fanbase likes.

Jones knows that he and his team have a lot of work to do to not only produce the game, but to win back the fans of the original titles.
If these dudes have been reading the comments, they will know that fans of the original series hate it, so


Joe, Arcana
I dont have anything wrong with the look. But when I say that, I mean I'd play a game with a character that looked that way. I refuse to accept that it is Dante. At a push I will accept that this is Nero's more annoying little brother, but thats it.

Now give me back Rebellion.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The fact people are eating this up and defending it shows how out of touch you fuckers are.

This is the new black. This is what people want. And this is what they think gives him "depth" and "character." For all intents and purposes Dante is dead.

You've been left behind and forgotten, Devil May Cry fans. Either join the horde or go somewhere else. Capcom doesn't give a shit about you. :monster:

Devil May Cry is dead. Long live DmC.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
The fact people are eating this up and defending it shows how out of touch you fuckers are.

This is the new black. This is what people want. And this is what they think gives him "depth" and "character." For all intents and purposes Dante is dead.

You've been left behind and forgotten, Devil May Cry fans. Either join the horde or go somewhere else. Capcom doesn't give a shit about you. :monster:

Devil May Cry is dead. Long live DmC.

This is not the place for your failed trolling son.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's the truth. Capcom's catering to a new generation of tasteless teenyboppers who actually find this shit good. How the hell is that not the truth?

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It's the truth. Capcom's catering to a new generation of tasteless teenyboppers who actually find this shit good. How the hell is that not the truth?

Because this shit is supposed to be aimed at DMC fans.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The DMC fans they're aiming this shit towards, are not the same ones who they aimed the previous games for. They're dipping into the teenbopper, angst, Twilight crowd here.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
The DMC fans they're aiming this shit towards, are not the same ones who they aimed the previous games for. They're dipping into the teenbopper, angst, Twilight crowd here.

See, that's not what they said.

They said this is for the fans of the original DMC series, and meant to bring in new fans.

The thing is, the "teenbopper, angst, twilight crowd" has no interest in hardcore action games. Which means if this game is aimed towards them, it won't be remotely DMC.


Joe, Arcana
The franchise-ruiner's to-do list:
- Metroid
- Devil May Cry
- ???


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yeah, no. We're taking it all as a very bad idea and bad design. My main concern in this thread has always been the design and gameplay. Didn't get into the whole story issue until you and other folks brought it up.

This ain't the same Dante, and he doesn't fit the existing story.

Getting tired of people telling me what my meaning is.

Allow me to postulate something very simple.

Maybe him not being exactly the same is the point.

Maybe the point is to start him off different and not how you like him so you can see him become the asshole you know and love.

If you do a Hercules origin story, you start with a scrawny fucking dipshit.
If you do a story about a snarky asshole, you remove those qualities and show him getting them.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Allow me to postulate something very simple.

Maybe him not being exactly the same is the point.

Maybe the point is to start him off different and not how you like him so you can see him become the asshole you know and love.

If you do a Hercules origin story, you start with a scrawny fucking dipshit.
If you do a story about a snarky asshole, you remove those qualities and show him getting them.

Did you not read my other post or something?


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
It's the truth. Capcom's catering to a new generation of tasteless teenyboppers who actually find this shit good. How the hell is that not the truth?

As opposed to the last generation of tasteless teenyboppers who fawned over Dante's foppish anime-coloured barnet, fan fiction cliche-ridden personality (and backstory for that matter) and ridiculous Japanometal (with cookie monster vocals) soundtrack?

Devil May Cry needs to stop trying to market it's games towards douchebag demographics. Whether they're trying to wank off the trends that were in a few years ago, or what's 'in' now is irrelevant, the design team have had less creative thoughts than Bobby Kotick since the beginning. People should just get over it and accept that Devil May Cry has always been about pandering to the lowest sort of trendies.


Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
As opposed to the last generation of tasteless teenyboppers who fawned over Dante's foppish anime-coloured barnet, fan fiction cliche-ridden personality (and backstory for that matter) and ridiculous Japanometal (with cookie monster vocals) soundtrack?

Devil May Cry needs to stop trying to market it's games towards douchebag demographics. It's why Dante dWhether they're trying to wank off the trends that were in a few years ago, or what's 'in' now is irrelevant, the design team have had less creative thoughts than Bobby Kotick since the beginning. People should just get over it and accept that Devil May Cry has always been about pandering to the lowest sort of trendies.


No it hasn't. The first DMC pandered to what Hideaki Kamiya liked and thought was cool, not latest trends. It's why Dante didn't smoke(which was pretty popular and considered cool among teenagers). Same with Bayonetta. The dood always does what he wants with the personality and style of his games. Even if what he likes is retarded.

The original Devil May Cry was aimed at survival horror fans with a taste for action, not "teenboppers".

Also, fuck you, Bobby Kotick has never designed a thing in his life.

Get it right nigra. Also, thanks for the general insult towards DMC fans.
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alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
No it hasn't. The first DMC pandered to what Hideaki Kamiya liked and thought was cool, not latest trends. It's why Dante didn't smoke(which was pretty popular and considered cool among teenagers). Same with Bayonetta. The dood always does what he wants with the personality and style of his games. Even if what he likes is retarded.
There's just a pretty shocking discrepancy between the amount of creative ideas in Bayonetta to Devil May Cry, there was more creative juice crammed into that one game than the entire Devil May Cry franchise and all it's supplementary material. Even if Hideki Kamiya was just doing what he thought was 'cool' in designing DMC1's Dante, he still ended up with a white haired pretty boy with a trenchcoat, tragic (yet poorly told) backstory and a sword more than half the size of his body. Which pretty much ticks all the boxes for the trends all hump like there's no tomorrow.
Also, thanks for the general insult towards DMC fans.
I'm sure they'll get over it, maybe there will be a sale at Hot Topic or something.

EDIT: Inspite of all this, I still do prefer the old design to the new one. I just don't really care about the franchise at all. But it is refreshing to see them trying to do something new with it. Personally, I thought it was just going to be another new character, like Nero, but with no connection to the existing DMC canon. To be honest, I think that's a the best way to go about it since the canon is thoroughly meh to begin with.
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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
There's just a pretty shocking discrepancy between the amount of creative ideas in Bayonetta to Devil May Cry, there was more creative juice crammed into that one game than the entire Devil May Cry franchise and all it's supplementary material.

How the hell can you even say that when you yourself have admitted you haven't exposed yourself to the entirety of DMC's material?
Even if Hideki Kamiya was just doing what he thought was 'cool' in designing DMC1's Dante, he still ended up with a white haired pretty boy with a trenchcoat, tragic (yet poorly told) backstory and a sword more than half the size of his body. Which pretty much ticks all the boxes for the trends all hump like there's no tomorrow.
You realize DMC(and Inuyasha) STARTED a lot of those trends nine and a half years ago right? Also, the Rebellion isn't "more than half" the size of Dante's body. It's not even close.
I'm sure they'll get over it, maybe there will be a sale at Hot Topic or something.
Go fuck yourself man.

EDIT: Inspite of all this, I still do prefer the old design to the new one. I just don't really care about the franchise at all. But it is refreshing to see them trying to do something new with it. Personally, I thought it was just going to be another new character, like Nero, but with no connection to the existing DMC canon. To be honest, I think that's a the best way to go about it since the canon is thoroughly meh to begin with.
If you have so little love for the franchise to begin with, then why bother stating your obviously misinformed opinion to begin with?
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Just to note, DmC and InuYasha did not spark the long haired blonde bishie nonsense- it'd been going since the tail end of the 80s, but they definitely did ramp it up into high gear with Sephykins and Zechs Merquise on Gundam Wing.


We have come to terms
*except that neither of them are blonde and neither is sefiros and dante doesnt have long hair
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