Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Sorry, I thought we were having a discussion like adults.

Silly me.


wangxian married
I have little knowledge of DMC, but my girlfriend plays it so I showed her the dev interview and the trailer.

There was a lot of cursing and anger and her holding her head in shame at the end of it all.

No it hasn't. The first DMC pandered to what Hideaki Kamiya liked and thought was cool, not latest trends. It's why Dante didn't smoke(which was pretty popular and considered cool among teenagers).

Again, I'm not too into DMC, but from what I've seen what made Dante cool was that he didn't seem to try very hard. And this HURR DURR I SMOKE AND HAVE BLACK EYELINER is def. trying too hard.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I have little knowledge of DMC, but my girlfriend plays it so I showed her the dev interview and the trailer.

There was a lot of cursing and anger and her holding her head in shame at the end of it all.

Again, I'm not too into DMC, but from what I've seen what made Dante cool was that he didn't seem to try very hard. And this HURR DURR I SMOKE AND HAVE BLACK EYELINER is def. trying too hard.

I thought he looked like he was on meth myself :monster:


Pro Adventurer
ITT Dacons being retarded Alex is right, like usual.
DMC has always been targeted at young douche bags who dont know what style is, i even recall reading DMC previews where in the team was quoted saying they wanted a create a game that both pushed the bad assery and was also hip. I mean come on look at the fucking characters.

Trench coats.
Stupid hair style.
Stupid hair color.
Cliche blond cum dumpster.
Then in game you cant forget the japonickleback muzac. ick.

All that aside the game at its core was never about Dante, it was about the fucking great controls and battle mechanics, decent difficulty level and two hand guns that are a shit ton of fun to spam bullets with.
DMC 2 Dante imo looked fucking great, but the game failed not because of his looks but because it was just a shitty game.
DMC 3, Dante looked stupid but it went back to DMC1 game play so it was passable.

If the re-imagining goes back to DMC1 and 3 game play mechanics i wont even care if Dante has shitting dick nipples.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Stupid hair style.
Stupid hair color.

Er... I don't see how Dante's hairstyle can be considered "stupid" (especially compared to the new one), but it really depends on which taste you have.

For the "Stupid hair color", there's a reason behind creating some characters with white or silver hair. In japanese culture, white hair was associated with death, demons and the supernatural. It's just logical that Dante, being a half-demon, had white hair.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
ITT Dacons being retarded Alex is right, like usual.
DMC has always been targeted at young douche bags who dont know what style is, i even recall reading DMC previews where in the team was quoted saying they wanted a create a game that both pushed the bad assery and was also hip. I mean come on look at the fucking characters.

Trench coats.
Stupid hair style.
Stupid hair color.
Cliche blond cum dumpster.
Then in game you cant forget the japonickleback muzac. ick.

All that aside the game at its core was never about Dante, it was about the fucking great controls and battle mechanics, decent difficulty level and two hand guns that are a shit ton of fun to spam bullets with.
DMC 2 Dante imo looked fucking great, but the game failed not because of his looks but because it was just a shitty game.
DMC 3, Dante looked stupid but it went back to DMC1 game play so it was passable.

If the re-imagining goes back to DMC1 and 3 game play mechanics i wont even care if Dante has shitting dick nipples.

ITT You are completely wrong and fail to present an argument any better than alex's, and top it off with a childish insult.

If you want to present an argument properly, you don't do it by going HURRR URR WRONG.


Pro Adventurer
ITT You are completely wrong and fail to present an argument any better than alex's, and top it off with a childish insult.

If you want to present an argument properly, you don't do it by going HURRR URR WRONG.

Oh sorry dacon i was trying to post like you.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
@Alexq, @Inkosaurus: I understand that you never liked the old Dante but, as things are, it's not very likely that he ever comes back (if the big wigs at Capcom are as I think they are). So, instead of coming here to grumble about how stupid he was and how stupid were the ones who liked him, and knowing that he's no more, can't you just be happy about it and let it go?


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
@Alexq, @Inkosaurus: I understand that you never liked the old Dante but, as things are, it's not very likely that he ever comes back (if the big wigs at Capcom are as I think they are). So, instead of coming here to grumble about how stupid he was and how stupid were the ones who liked him, and knowing that he's no more, can't you just be happy about it and let it go?

My complaint isn't about the way he looked then, or the way he looks now. I'm grumbling about how dumb it is for people to act like it's the end of the franchise just because Dante has been redesigned to be more 'cool and trendy' or 'like that Edward Cullen all the girls like', because the franchise has always tried its hardest to make him appealing to the trend-hopping teenyboppers who thought white hair and trenchcoats were cool then in the same way that people think Twilight and scene-goth-punk attire is cool now.


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
My complaint isn't about the way he looked then, or the way he looks now. I'm grumbling about how dumb it is for people to act like it's the end of the franchise just because Dante has been redesigned to be more 'cool and trendy' or 'like that Edward Cullen all the girls like', because the franchise has always tried its hardest to make him appealing to the trend-hopping teenyboppers who thought white hair and trenchcoats were cool then in the same way that people think Twilight and scene-goth-punk attire is cool now.

The point we all tried to make in our protests is that you can't take a character from a well stablished franchise and change his/her appearance so (s)he looks the total opposite (it's like making a new version of the Lord of the Rings and picture Frodo as a 6-feet, bearded, fur-covered, double-axe-wielding, barbarian chieftain), and expect that fans suck it up because they are the company bosses.

The guys at Capcom made the most difficult thing, desingning a new character, with a new environment and a new story, but didn't do the easiest thing of all: Create new names, both for said character and the game.

Also, I don't know if the design of the first Dante was what teen gamers from 2001 asked for, but as sure as hell that "this" Dante would appeal more to those who have never touched a videogame, and prefer instead to read or watch badly writen romance novels about vampire wannabes.


Pro Adventurer
Errm i DO like DMC any who
I dont think you quite understand what a re-imaging is.
Not to mention the changes are superficial, they most likely wont impact whats important, the game play.

Any what gives you the idea that just because dante looks even more like a jackass now, the target audience arent gamers?
I didnt realize ones particular interest in "style" (in this case lack there of) had any sort of impact on ones gaming enthusiasm.

Thats like saying chicks got vaginas so obviously they dont like video games.
Niggers have stupid hair, they dont like video games.
Spics are to poor to buy video game, they cant like what they cant afford X)
Jews love there jew gold, so obviously they dont have time to play games/

I agree with you guys that dante looks like a major jack ass this time around, and capcom is obviously aiming there currency cannons at a very young, impressionable and naive crowd, but they have always done that so whats so different now?

Like i said earlier, if the game play is good then i wont care what dante looks like and i most definitely wont care who capcom is aiming to please because if the game is still hardcore then obviously they still thought about the gamers.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I agree with you guys that dante looks like a major jack ass this time around, and capcom is obviously aiming there currency cannons at a very young, impressionable and naive crowd, but they have always done that so whats so different now?

because the franchise has always tried its hardest to make him appealing to the trend-hopping teenyboppers who thought white hair and trenchcoats were cool then in the same way that people think Twilight and scene-goth-punk attire is cool now.
Because that isn't what they've always done. DMC wasn't originally aimed at teenagers, it was aimed at survival horror fans, which back in 2001 when it was released was mostly 18-25 year olds.

DMC eventually evolved past what it originally was, they took what people thought was cool about Dante and turned up to the nine thousands, and the games became popular with younger fans. DMC was always about taking what made Dante cool in the first game and capitalizing on it. Oh, and to top it off, it was NEVER about appealing to western tastes, always catering to the japanese fans. Ninja Theory said this themselves in a recent interview, and that they're looking to western trends now to have wider appeal, unlike the original series. Hell, a majority of the fans of the original game and the more recent ones are adults.

Anyway, as I've said before, obviously people can't read, or just glossed over my posts, going beyond the appearance issue(WHICH IS AN ISSUE) the game is being made by Ninja theory, a studio that has NEVER made a good action game, or even a triple AAA title.

Any what gives you the idea that just because dante looks even more like a jackass now, the target audience arent gamers?
I didnt realize ones particular interest in "style" (in this case lack there of) had any sort of impact on ones gaming enthusiasm.
She said that game has more appeal to people that aren't gamers, not that they were the sole target audience hurr. Ninja Theory and Capcom said this themselves.

Style most definitely has an influence on people purchasing games. Especially in Japan, and among certain crowds in the US.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Quit the insults and shit, Doc. This is getting ridiculous. Discuss this maturely or refrain from posting. There's too much insulting going on here.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Don't forget Silent Hill. Homecoming isn't worth a bucket of cowshit. Even the Japanese wanted nothing to do with that 5 gigs of fail.

And that's saying something.


Pro Adventurer
Oh, and to top it off, it was NEVER about appealing to western tastes, always catering to the japanese fans

Homeland of the retarded fashionistas, with "hair stylists" who snip randomly at ones head till your hair is a random assortment of jack assery, hideousness, and over all just plain out stupid looking. These kids+Naruto are the reason emo kids in america look like idiots, before all that they just acted like idiots with Beatles bowl hair cuts and called them selves indie :P

Style most definitely has an influence on people purchasing games. Especially in Japan, and among certain crowds in the US.
Most definetly, but i still think its alittle naive to assume that when DMC1 was made they were only aiming it at the hardcore gamer demographic and were trying to capitalize on the taste of a younger generation in order to get them (or there parents) to buy the game.
Heck i think i was like 14 when DMC1 came out and i thought it was cool as shit before i even looked at the back of the box :P

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Guys, just chipping in here. I have no real opinion on the matter besides for my previous one (that Dante looks like a faggot)


New Dante seems to be based off the lead designer of Ninja Theory.

Ego May Cry 5: Full Of Myself

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Most definetly, but i still think its alittle naive to assume that when DMC1 was made they were only aiming it at the hardcore gamer demographic and were trying to capitalize on the taste of a younger generation in order to get them (or there parents) to buy the game.
Heck i think i was like 14 when DMC1 came out and i thought it was cool as shit before i even looked at the back of the box :P

DMC was going to be Resident Evil 4, but they decided to make it an action horror game, aimed specifically at hardcore gamers, if it had appeal to other kinds of gamers, more the better.

MOG I saw that on GAF, and I dunno how I feel about it.
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