
There are a few legitimate complaints in this thread.

Ninja theory has never made a good action game before, I don't expect them to now.

Then the one about all the other Devil May Cry plot lines.

And the gun cooling.

The rest is a lot of whining. It's a reboot, so it's supposed to be different. Nine years is a pretty long time in the gaming world. There is a new generation of gamers. I don't like that the current fanbase is told to go fuck themselves, but the standard Devil May Cry formula has gotten a little stale. A kick in the pants could be a good thing.

As to why the developers don't put it under a new title, it won't make as much money. Come on, guys, we know this by now.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
The rest is a lot of whining.

Fuck off with that bullshit. Legitmate complaints about a fantastic franchise getting a pointless reboot from a terrible director is not "whining" and it's immature idiocy to call it such. I'm so sick of that shit. Every time something people love gets shat all over for the sake of bringing in new people, someone comes and goes HURR DURR UR ALL WHINING. Fuck sake.

Dante didn't need a redesign, he's already had 3, the DMC games are still crazy fun.

Over those nine years DMC's core gameplay has only gotten better. It's not like the games have been stagnating or that they've been terrible. There is no benefit in doing this at this point.

There is a new generation of gamers.

And a new generation of games to go with them. Shitting all over an existing franchise for no apparent reason(NOT TO MENTION THEY'RE NOT EVEN DOING ANYTHING NEW HERE), is not going to bring in new fans. That way of thinking has never really worked for any game series, or comics. You make a new franchise to appeal to a new audience, you don't fuck up what isn't broken.
I don't like that the current fanbase is told to go fuck themselves, but the standard Devil May Cry formula has gotten a little stale

No it hasn't. DMC4 was one of the best selling DMC titles and while the second half faltered a little due to retreading bosses and levels, it was still damn good fun, playing as nero and dante was awesome, and the bloody palace was damn good fun. The combat system was the best its ever been imo.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
As to why the developers don't put it under a new title, it won't make as much money. Come on, guys, we know this by now.

Oh really? That's nothing but supposition.

When Naughty dog wanted to make a new action adventure cover based shooter, did they take one of their loved franchises and shit all over it? No, they made a brand new series and characters, and now the Uncharted series is one of the most successful franchises on the playstation.

Fact of the matter is, if it's a really good game, it will sell. Word of mouth makes up an assload of sales in the games industry, and an amazing game will sell itself because of that.


We have come to terms
Looking solely at the part that's going to matter the most to me (the gameplay), I'm somewhat more willing to give this a fair chance. Granted, I'm a DMC fan through and through and will absolutely buy this day one because it's one of my absolute favorite franchises, but I'm still a bit disappointed in what I'm seeing of this faux Dante or whatever.

That said, the actual "gameplay" bits of him aerial raving the shit out of things is something that I will absolutely drool over, since DMC has only had one character that could ever pull enemies to him (Nero), and I'm all about the cool combos and stuff anyway. Gun cooldown is fucking retarded, but what can you do? (not that I use the guns that much anyway)

I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised...but in a realistic way.

(as in, I know I probably won't be)

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I'm not against revitalizing the gameplay, and trying to do something new, but this just looks BAD man.

I mean, how do you think people would feel if Mario got turned into some realistic looking dudebro soldier with a cigar sticking out of his mouth and gunbelts hanging all over his arse. They'd hate it because THATS NOT MARIO.

I'd be all for a Resident Evil style revision like 4 did for that series, but this, this is just wrong.


Pro Adventurer
Hell yes, DMC! This game is going to be GREAT!

Not only are the graphics even further updated from DMC4, but the mechanics are a lot smoother, judging from what I've seen. I'm a big fan of surfing, and I think this game will have a lot of surfing in it. The combos go together flawlessly, and they are really eye-pooping!

Now, let's talk about the art direction in this god-damn, pile of fuck-kick awesome! The art direction is amazing. I totally love the re-envisioned Dante. Dante has always been punk-rock type of gay, and I totally think this new look suits him. I know a lot of people are talking about his hair, and while I agree that black, swoopy hair is hardcore, I think people are ignoring his "look," you know? His face just screams of a wild guy that wants to have fun: a trait that any DMC guy knows Dante has. He's got that cocky, tough-boy snarl going, and I think it really works.

I simply cannot wait for this game!

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Hell yes, DMC! This game is going to be GREAT!

Not only are the graphics even further updated from DMC4, but the mechanics are a lot smoother, judging from what I've seen. I'm a big fan of surfing, and I think this game will have a lot of surfing in it. The combos go together flawlessly, and they are really eye-pooping!

Now, let's talk about the art direction in this god-damn, pile of fuck-kick awesome! The art direction is amazing. I totally love the re-envisioned Dante. Dante has always been punk-rock type of gay, and I totally think this new look suits him. I know a lot of people are talking about his hair, and while I agree that black, swoopy hair is hardcore, I think people are ignoring his "look," you know? His face just screams of a wild guy that wants to have fun: a trait that any DMC guy knows Dante has. He's got that cocky, tough-boy snarl going, and I think it really works.

I simply cannot wait for this game!

Oh you!

Celes Chere

The rest is a lot of whining.

I will whine all I want because I love DMC and they just took a big shit all over it.

It's a reboot, so it's supposed to be different.

Different, sure... but absolutely fucked up? NO. This isn't different, actually they're trying to make Dante more 'normal' so that teens can relate to him. WTF lmao. So really they're not trying to be different, they're trying to be just like everyone else. The character design is awful, and like someone pointed out the graphics don't look as good. Every complaint in this thread has been legit imo.

There is a new generation of gamers.

Gross. They can gtfo, if they don't like the original game and how it is then they can fuck off.

the standard Devil May Cry formula has gotten a little stale.



Double Growth
Granted, I'm a DMC fan through and through and will absolutely buy this day one because it's one of my absolute favorite franchises

Funny, that's exactly why I'm almost positive I won't buy it. In fact, I only rented DMC4 (beat it though) and all of this makes me want to go buy it.

Note: I'm not calling into question your fandom, I know you're a bigger DMC-head than I. I'm just saying the giant "fuck you" to the fans on this is of far greater caliber than on most reboots I've seen.

And it's really puzzling, because not only was the DMC formula NOT getting stale, IT WAS STILL SELLING. Going where the money is is exactly what we're always ripping on the big video game publishers for doing, and Capcom is ignoring something that was both good AND was making money.

Also, Kale, if you think the DMC formula was getting stale, I don't see how this game will reinvigorate it for you. If that trailer is anything to go by the gameplay looks almost identical to the old Devil May Cry. Except the guns require a cool down.

And the main character looks like shit.


You're complaining about something over again because it isn't what you expected without having played it. Call it whatever you want.

By extension, every time a company tries something new, people whine.

A reboot isn't shitting all over fans, either, it's respecting what already exists without trying to make a tunnel out of sand to connect it to current canon. It's a Devil May Cry world with a different Dante. I don't see any anal leakage. In fact, the biggest mistake the developers are making is trying to defend their choice in context instead of admitting that it's just a reboot.

I guess we're going to have to disagree on Devil May Cry 4's gameplay. I was bored a couple hours in. Sure, there's more freedom to switch between weapons and styles, but that's the most obvious improvement that can be made. It was like they weren't even trying. There were a lot of factors affecting its sales besides pure game quality too. For example, it was one of the earliest games available for the PS3.

Starting from scratch is a sign that someone cares that the franchise has gotten lazy. I like that, even if I'm not the biggest fan of the connotations surrounding the direction.

EDIT for Vash's post:

The new trailer has almost nothing gameplay-wise. I'm trying to remain hopeful that the character redesign is an indication of something better.
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Double Growth
KaleMarsh said:
A reboot isn't shitting all over fans, either, it's respecting what already exists



And if you were bored by DMC4's gameplay, what about that trailer excited you? The gameplay doesn't really look any different.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
You're complaining about something over again because it isn't what you expected without playing it. Call it whatever you want.

Yeah because there isn't anything legitimately upsetting that's been presented here. Give me a break man.
A reboot isn't shitting all over fans, either, it's respecting what already exists without trying to make a tunnel out of sand to connect it to current canon.

Taking an iconic character, destroying his design, handing the gameplay over to a painfully mediocre developer, and crapping on an already established story and character is respecting what already exists? What the fuck.
It's a Devil May Cry world with a different Dante. I don't see any anal leakage. In fact, the biggest mistake the developers are making is trying to defend their choice in context instead of admitting that it's just a reboot.

Hah, no. The biggest mistake was pawning off the franchise in order to westernize it to try and get more sales. DMC has always been distinctly japanese, which added to the flavor and appeal of the game. Now we have twilight Dante in brown and bloom land.

I guess we're going to have to disagree on Devil May Cry 4's gameplay. I was bored a couple hours in. Sure, there's more freedom to switch between weapons and styles, but that's the most obvious improvement that can be made. It was like they weren't even trying.

I guess every Devil May Cry game bored you. Because almost all of them have a slow start building into more and more awesome . The devil arm, the new weapons, the style switching, and the boss fights all were awesome.
There were a lot of factors affecting its sales besides pure game quality too. For example, it was one of the earliest games available for the PS3.

....No it wasn't. DMC4 was released on PS3 and 360 in 2008, the ps3 was released in 2006. So that would hardly be a factor.
Starting from scratch is a sign that someone cares that the franchise has gotten lazy.

Hahahahahah no it isn't. It's a sign that people are making a mad grab for new fans from an audience that isn't even interested in their games for the sake of sales. If you want to revitilize a franchise, you don't fuck it up for existing fans, and ruin what you have. You take it, look at the past and come up with new and innovative ways to create new and interesting game systems for fun gameplay. Like Resident Evil 4 did.

This is just trying to slap a new coat of paint on the game for the sake of bringing in a new audience. They are literally doing nothing new with the game other than fucking up the design, making it a "cinematic story", and trying to change Dante's already existing backstory. The gameplay is exactly the same kind of shit we've seen before, except it's gonna be 30fps(lol right all of ninja theory's games have been sub 30) instead of the genre target of 60.

I like that

Good for you chief, don't insult us for being sour on this shit.


Yeah because there isn't anything legitimately upsetting that's been presented here.

Aside from the Westerners want scrawny guys with black hair stereotype? No. Whining is a legitimate activity, and I engage in it frequently where games are concerned. I admit it.

crapping on an already established story and character is respecting what already exists?

I still don't see the crapping. I gave up on the developers ever trying to resolve any of the storyline when they introduced a new
descendent of Sparda
for no plot-sensitive reason. It's a shame, but if they ever did resolve it, there wouldn't be anymore DMC and no more cash. As for the character, even if it isn't a reboot and completely new Dante, everyone goes through phases. Don't give up on him if he's a spoiled show off at twelve or whatever age that chain smoker is supposed to be.

trying to get more sales

What's the problem?

I guess every Devil May Cry game bored you.

No. I really enjoyed the formula for the first few games, but by the time the fourth one came around, I wanted something different. I thought I would get it. The style system innovation in DMC3 was great.

....No it wasn't. DMC4 was released on PS3 and 360 in 2008, the ps3 was released in 2006. So that would hardly be a factor.

My bad. Years get compressed in my memory. Though when I looked up sales, I was surprised that the sales increase between 3 and 4 wasn't nearly as high as it was between 1 and 2 and then between 2 and 3. Not that that's particularly relevant, but it might explain the panic shift to Ninja Theory.

Hahahahahah no it isn't. It's a sign that people are making a mad grab for new fans from an audience that isn't even interested in their games for the sake of sales.

Tomato, tomahto.

you don't fuck it up for existing fans, and ruin what you have

I'm not seeing the ruin. The following is why.

They are literally doing nothing new

If that's true and not an exaggeration, I don't see a leg to stand on for hope in the game play, but I do like some of the new weapons. A lot of the gameplay for DMC is down to how they handle the micromanaging, which they probably won't show in a trailer. 4 had extra micromanaging.

My biggest issue is that I don't understand all the hatred for the new Dante. Either he grows up to become old Dante or he's a reboot with nothing to do with the old Dante. Trying to capture another market isn't the end of the world. It works sometimes. At least they have a definitive target audience, as opposed to some of the vague "expand the demographic" meandering that has gone elsewhere.

So why are you so sour? The best reason in this thread is "he seems like he's trying too hard." There's got to be something better than escaping the Twilight mob that probably won't want the game anyway.

Plus, if it's a flop, chances are it'll show, and the developers will do some recon to get the old Dante back for you.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Aside from the Westerners want scrawny guys with black hair stereotype? No.

What? This sentence makes no sense as a response to my post.

Whining is a legitimate activity, and I engage in it frequently where games are concerned. I admit it.

Calling complaints whining has inherently negative connotations and you should know this.

I still don't see the crapping. I gave up on the developers ever trying to resolve any of the storyline when they introduced a new
descendent of Sparda
for no plot-sensitive reason. It's a shame, but if they ever did resolve it, there wouldn't be anymore DMC and no more cash. As for the character, even if it isn't a reboot and completely new Dante, everyone goes through phases. Don't give up on him if he's a spoiled show off at twelve or whatever age that chain smoker is supposed to be.

The fuck can you respect something but at the same time completely warp what it is? It makes no sense.

What's the problem?

Really? Oh, nothing other than the fact that alienating your current fans almost ensures that you WON'T get more sales.
No. I really enjoyed the formula for the first few games, but by the time the fourth one came around, I wanted something different. I thought I would get it. The style system innovation in DMC3 was great.

DMC4 took the style evolution in DMC3 and added new features and abilities, including Nero's own unique playstyle. I don't see HOW you could feel that way but whatever.

but it might explain the panic shift to Ninja Theory.

It doesn't. Capcom just wants more money by not doing any of the work at the same time.

I'm not seeing the ruin. The following is why.

Again, WHAT. That makes no sense.

My biggest issue is that I don't understand all the hatred for the new Dante. Either he grows up to become old Dante or he's a reboot with nothing to do with the old Dante.

You can't see how this redesign completely changes the style, and aesthetic of DMC, one of the most innate parts of the series and part of how it drew so many fans in, to begin with? Seriously? What makes DMC, DMC is the art design and style.

I point you to my comment about how and why people would react to a redesign of mario as a dudebro shooter. It's the same thing. THATS NOT MARIO and this is not Devil May Cry. In art design, and developer.

Trying to capture another market isn't the end of the world

No shit. None of this is the end of the world, it never is. That's such a moronic stance that people never fail to take. Jesus. HERP DERP IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD SO IT'S OK IF PEOPLE FUCK UP YOUR BELOVED FRANCHISE.

So why are you so sour? The best reason in this thread is "he seems like he's trying too hard." There's got to be something better than escaping the Twilight mob that probably won't want the game anyway.

Are you seriously glossing over all of the arguments and commentary in this thread just so you can keep saying the same shit over and over? You want to know why people are sour, read. It's all there.

Plus, if it's a flop, chances are it'll show, and the developers will do some recon to get the old Dante back for you.

Or they'll use it as an excuse to can the entire series. Either way, they are wasting time, money, and resources making a reboot no one wants, which is bound to fail.
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Double Growth
KaleMarsh said:
Plus, if it's a flop, chances are it'll show, and the developers will do some recon to get the old Dante back for you.

This would make me so unbelievably happy. If they got burned for this phenomenally stupid move and knew exactly why. Unfortunately, this

John Marston said:
Or they'll use it as an excuse to can the entire series.

Is far more likely. Even so, I still really hope it sells less than DMC4.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
If it's the end of DMC... then it'll be along with Viewtiful Joe... Please don't let DMC end up like Viewtiful Joe... climax of 2 left me sad that there will not be a resolution. A proper one too... ; . ;


You're right; we're having the same argument over and over again, so this'll be my last post on it. I'll try to be clear and leave it alone.

I won't use "whining" anymore either. I'll even apologize for it, since it really wasn't my intention to piss people off. I'm being genuine.

I don't think no one wants it. Some US writers are saying things like "sticklers for canon in a series about fighting demons in the most over-the-top form fashionable are kind of doing it wrong to begin with." By the way, I don't agree with this; it bunches fans of DMC into a single, uncharitable category. Plus, one of Sam Winchester's posts claims that people on her DMC message board are looking forward to the game. Why is this so terrible?

I always thought the point of DMC was gameplay. It makes things easy and versatile without bogging down the complexity. From what I can tell from the trailers, Ninja Theory has tried to stay true to that spirit. They're making a new game, and some of the vocal, hardcore fans who really like Dante the way he is in the earlier titles won't buy it, but people who just want to have the same action game feel will. Plus, it might attract more western gamers. I didn't like Silent Hill Homecoming because it was more of a western horror game, but the response and sales in the Americas were generally positive.

You're right that it isn't Dante. That's why it's a reboot. Calling it that instead of a pure prequel inspires a certain amount of goodwill in my mind (pre-emptive "good for you"). If the mechanics stay similar, it's still DMC. To be honest, I don't think the devs predicted the huge fan outcry. I didn't either, but I/they probably should have.

And guys, Capcom still has money, last I checked. They're more likely to keep hopping developers and drive the franchise into the ground than put some nails in a coffin. If it flops, they'll try something else or go back. It depends on the mood and whether or not they're paying attention to the particular complaints, which they seem to be doing at least.

As to the "don't fix what isn't broken" sentiment, playing it safe is kind of boring. Hate on the new experimentation if you want, but don't thrash potential fans for shits and giggles.

I'll leave you to it.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
As to the "don't fix what isn't broken" sentiment, playing it safe is kind of boring. Hate on the new experimentation if you want, but don't thrash potential fans for shits and giggles.

There's so many things wrong with this statement I don't even know where to begin.

It's like you paid no attention to any of our arguments. Also, I will most definitely thrash potential fans if they're draw to this series by the assrape this "reboot" has brought on the franchise.


Double Growth
If the mechanics stay similar, it's still DMC.

But you were bored by these mechanics by 4, right? So why is this a good thing for you?

For me, I'm not sure what would compel me to buy it really. (And I was even someone that kinda liked Heavenly Sword.) If the combat sucks, I of course wouldn't buy it. If it (as it appears) plays just like Devil May Cry. I might as well just play the old ones that aren't repulsive to look at. If the combat is different - even if its good - I really don't understand why they'd bother calling it Devil May Cry.
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