Doctor Who!!~


Higher Further Faster



"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
I blew up more Daleks than you! :lol:


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.


That is an extremely strong and well thought out theory, but its let down mainly by the fact that
the Emperor Dalek is most definitely male and has already had his history fleshed out.

The Rose connection is a great observation though - all those scenes alluding to her name. The idea of her helping him indirectly seems to hold a lot of weight. I doubt the Dalek thing is the thread that binds the whole plot together though.

It has to be something more, and I'm betting it goes much further back in Who history than this.

Also, Moffat really, really loves his red herrings.


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Excellent appearances from Liam Cunningham and David Warner in tonight's episode!
Not too sure about the helmetless Ice Warrior, though...

Oh, and
the Bad Wolf/"Rose is involved somehow" theory/theories got a bit of a boost. What song gets named and sung by Clara and David Warner's scientist? Hungry like the Wolf by Duran Duran.


Yeah, the
inclusion of "Hungry like the Wolf" was pretty damn overt as far as clues go. I think it's pretty much intentionally right now, unlike the far more subtle clues of previous episodes.

I don't think the Tardis likes Clara. The Doctor mentioned that he recently activated its failsafe system, which is what people have been theorising was the who reason she was locked out of the Tardis in The Rings of Akathen.

Sorry, big Who nerd here, if you can't tell! :D


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V


Higher Further Faster
Just watched Cold War. I thought it was fun. I'm not sure if the plot was particularly moving, but it was fun. I've kind of felt that way about the past vew episodes. Enjoyable, but I'm not exactly wowed yet.

But I do enjoy Clara. I think Jenna and Matt have good chemistry so far. :)

Oh, and
the Bad Wolf/"Rose is involved somehow" theory/theories got a bit of a boost. What song gets named and sung by Clara and David Warner's scientist? Hungry like the Wolf by Duran Duran.

Oh man


How did I miss this????

Blogging about this on tumblr right now.


Higher Further Faster

BuzzFeed's comments on Rings of Akhaten. Click!

I do feel like it does make some very valid points,
however I didn't think the monster was THAT horrible looking
. But all in all, I do have to agree with a fair bit of it.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Best comments/article on "Doctor Who" I have ever read:

11 Things "Doctor Who" is Getting Wrong with the Eleventh Doctor (and How to Fix Them)

There are reasons I'm going to tell my wife to stop watching the show on Netflix when we get to the end of Tennant's run. Hopefully, she will listen.

But then Martha Jones was my favorite companion ever, and the only one I disliked more than Rose Tyler was Adam Mitchell -- so what do I know, right? =P

But, yeah, The Doctor should have been tapping that fine ass.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I barely agree with any of that piece, to be honest.

Ditto. Pretty sure it all comes down to personal preferences, and a lot of it's apparent that this was written pre-any-of-the-current-series-7-part-2-episodes. I like 11 far and away more than any of the previous seasons. I think that the show succeeds because it is always slightly catering to different folks, and changing up what some people like.

I enjoyed 9, I liked 10, but I love 11, and I know a good number of other people who feel the same way, and others who feel the opposite. I personally loathed basically everything with Donna aside from a couple of episodes and loved Martha, but I know others who feel exactly the opposite about those two.

All it comes down to is the set of character traits that define certain characters, and some plot points. TBH, I prefer Moffat's overly complicated and twisty plotlines to RTD's somewhat more predicatably succinct ones. The show as it is now is WAY more of a show I enjoy than it was during Eccleston or Tennant's run with it.

Also: #'s 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, & 2 aren't issues with the Doctor.

11: The Doctor shouts: Lots of his shouting is also used as a way for him to buy time. Like the article states, it's a chemical reset while he's coming up with something else. He's not personally deeply invested in his combat against a lot of the enemies, but they do make him mad enough to yell, too. It makes the moments where he IS quiet a lot more meaningful. Example: AGMGTW, his "Colonel Runaway" speech. The way he delivers it is SO very different than his normal shouty self that it makes his seething anger much more poignant. Also, you have to consider the background of his regeneration. Eccleston was at some point during the Time War (?), Tennant was in a battle on Earth. Smith was outside the house of a little girl. He's got childlike qualities where the others have battlescars. He still feels that pain, but mostly when he's also feeling like a thousand-year-old man, and not like a six-year-old. (Huh... That might have a lot to do with why I identify with his Doctor more...).

10: He gets all the punchlines: And for every one that he gets, he also misses a lot of them by continually trying them. I wouldn't say that he gets them all either - River, Vastra, Jenny, Strax, and ESPECIALLY not since Clara's showed up. With Amy & Rory it was more like your one friend who makes all the puns, and it was part of their dynamic.

9: The Doctor is tortured by guilt again: The Doctor revels in righting the world and saving the universe, but it's threat of his companions that he takes personally (case in point AGMGTW). That explains almost everything addressed there. For the rest, go watch the unfilmed sceene P.S. and it'll explain everything else. Additionally, this is basically just the Christmas episode dealing with the loss of his longest running companions in the 2005 series, so...

8: Reboot Seasons 1-4 never happened: Pretty much none of this is a valid complaint anymore what with the 50th anniversary news. Also, the gap between 10 & 11 is responsible for a lot of this moreso than anything else.

7: River Song: I think that River's timeline is all pretty well laid out, although some of it's in bonus content, like First Night & Last Night, and none of it's really carefully spelled out, but I don't seem to have nearly as much of an issue as most everyone else with her storyline. I hate people using the term "plot holes" for "this was implied but not explicitly spelled out for the audience in crayon" which is how I feel about this as well. Then again, I am the person who could tell you how all of the time-travel continuity shifts and twists work in all four Terminator Films & The Sarah Connor Chronicles, as well as in the movie Looper, so spending extra time piecing together time-travelling oddities is something I really enjoy (and another reason why I like this run better than the others).

6: Continuity: See my previous post.

5: People wanting to bang the Doctor: I have no problem with people swooning over the Doctor. I rather like Clara's, "I kinda like you and I might kiss you, but really we're sort of friends who just whatever" attitude. Amy's relationship was heavily tied into the idea of the Doctor dangerously changing everything that he's involved with. Also, this post is really just about how much the author loves Donna, and I really don't, so...

4: Small Universe: ...nope. This is pretty much how the series deals with closing a story / actually defeating a villain.

3: Bowties Are Cool: The Doctor has a punchline. *shrugs* I... am not really sure what else to say about this?

2: Blockbuster SFX: Basically this is crying style > story, but I rather strongly disagree. They're cherry picking examples (like a lot of this article does), and ignoring all the damn excellent ones.

1: Eleven hasn't regenerated yet: Any complaints about him being stale are pretty much shut down by everything that's been done in Series 7 part 2 right now.

(Also, can everyone who wants to write a long article not do the "multi-page, we want a lot of pageviews from you" thing? It's super obnoxious).


I rather enjoyed this episode. It felt like a mix between a WWII film, Alien, & Predator.
you never saw the unsuited Ice Warrior in its entirety. I also like that Clara has a very human reaction to being really excited about saving the world with The Doctor, but also that she has a REALLY tough time seeing the eviscerated and torn apart crewmen. I also really love that their second trip was meant to be a jaunt to Vegas.

Also- Hints about why the TARDIS may not like Clara, plus some other minor spoilery preview teases an interview.

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
(Also, can everyone who wants to write a long article not do the "multi-page, we want a lot of pageviews from you" thing? It's super obnoxious).

Now, that I agree with.

Which is ironic, since I'm going to have to do that very thing when I finish this monstrosity of an article I'm writing for the front page here. But that's because WordPress needs to suck a dick.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Now, that I agree with.

Which is ironic, since I'm going to have to do that very thing when I finish this monstrosity of an article I'm writing for the front page here. But that's because WordPress needs to suck a dick.


See, multiple pages when they're necessitated isn't a problem. I have absolutely zero issues with multiple pages in general (one of my big articles used them). But this thing could EASILY have been 2 damn pages long with no issues, 3 at the MOST (like pretty much 100% of every article is on Cracked)... but it was 11 pages - and that was awful.

X :neo:
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