Doctor Who!!~


~The Other Side of Fear~
My fiance and I are totally pumped. Seeing the Doctor in some eerie woods while saying "I'm the Doctor. And I'm afraid" instantly got my attention.

And what's this about the Tardis? They'd better not fuck it up! I love that thing. :P


Harbinger O Great Justice
@Dawn: I loved that line, too.

I have a feeling that there'll be some additional foreshadowing during "Journey To The Center of the TARDIS" more than in the other episodes (aside from possibly the one with the Cybermen).

I tumblr'd some additional speculation about the finale given the image and the title.

Overall though, I'm quite excited to see what Saturday has in store.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
This may sound blasphemous to Who circles, but it's going to be huge let down if they don't reveal his name. This is coming from someone who watched every episode too.


Harbinger O Great Justice
This may sound blasphemous to Who circles, but it's going to be huge let down if they don't reveal his name. This is coming from someone who watched every episode too.

Why do you say that? Personally, I feel that it's about the implications and meaning behind it, rather than the idea of the name itself. It's just like how we learned that River's name was Melody Pond. We don't call her Melody afterwards or even think of her that way, but it's important because of the connections that it makes into The Doctor, Amy, & Rory.

X :neo:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Well, shit. I'm definitely going to order... wait, what was it I wanted to do again?


Higher Further Faster
How was it not-Rose-like? I haven't seen it, so a description would be nice.


Seems kind of apocalyptic/dystopian. And I've never seen Rose with her hair like that before.

Now this is just all rumor. I have no way to verify with 100% accuracy that this is legit, but word on the street is that this is what Billie Piper will be wearing for the 50th. I guess time well tell if it's true or not

The Doctor appears to be staring out the shattered window on the TARDIS? It also looks like you can see one of the monitors from the TARDIS' central console behind him.

I didn't until you pointed it out. :monster:

Very cool, though. :)

The Doctor takes a motorcycle into the Shard during The Bells of Saint John, because "I never take the TARDIS into battle. It's the most powerful ship in the universe, and I don't want it falling into the wrong hands!", and the TARDIS blocks Clara out during the Rings of Akhaten, and he's even gone so far as to attempt to reactivate the H.A.D.S. system during Cold War. That's some pretty heavy foreshadowing...

All good points.

This may sound blasphemous to Who circles, but it's going to be huge let down if they don't reveal his name. This is coming from someone who watched every episode too.

To be honest, I don't know how I feel about the whole situation. A part of me does want to know, but a part of me does not. I'm curious, but I'm afraid that it would change the show in such a way that it would never be able to turn back from.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah, that is a bit not what I was expecting her costume to look like. I can see why she's Billie Piper's stunt double, though; the resemblance is fairly strong. :monster:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer


Harbinger O Great Justice
Utterly. terrifying.

I think that this episode did more to instil the "hide behind the couch" feeling than anything else in Doctor Who thus far. I was a little disappointed with the "everything's ok and a misunderstanding - it just wants love" ending, but now that I've had a few minutes to recover, I'm secretly a little glad because I don't have as many thoughts of it hiding in the darkness.

The bit with Clara and The Doctor and the whole lifetime of the Earth was chilling because of the perspective it gives of how The Doctor deals with things. I also much enjoyed her and the TARDIS arguing. It was fantastic to see the TARDIS as a character of sorts, which makes the preview of the next episode of scavangers tearing her apart all the more horrifying.

I'm just gonna go watch something cheery for a little bit, and keep speculating on little points of this episode after I've had a little time to relax.

X :neo:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Utterly fantastic episode. I agree with most of what X said, and wouldn't be surprised if this ends up making "Scariest Episodes of NuWho" lists along the likes of "Midnight" and "Blink".


Higher Further Faster
Okay you guys...


I loved this episode soooooooooooo much. To the point where I just want to bounce around and gush to people about how much I adored it. But I don't really have anyone to bounce to. D:

I just feel like whatever it was that I felt had been missing from this show as of late all magically returned in this episode. It was funny, it was endearing, it had a lot of heart, and it was just flat out fun. Not to mention, Eleven and Clara are simply a fabulous pair.

I also tried to be very vigilant this time around about keeping an eye out for hints and hidden meanings. It was kind of hard to do because I am dead tired from not getting much sleep lately (and I was feeling ill from having a Five-Hour Energy earlier that didn't really help me much). But I DID catch a few clever things that I want to mention. Let me know what you all think of these.

First, I noticed something interesting when Prof. Alec Palmer and Emma Grayling (thank you Aaron for reminding me of their names :awesome:) were looking for the Ghost in the beginning. Fast forward, he mentions to The Doctor that the ghost is always accompanied by a loud knocking that sounds like the devil himself trying to get in. Now rewind to before the credits. We see the ghost, hear a loud knocking, and who is it? The Doctor and Clara. Commentary on either of or both of them? Foreshadowing?

Obvious mention of the Eye of Harmony is obvious. Next episode is "Journey to the Center of the TARDIS." Not sure if this is setting up for something big in the plot down the line or just a direct set up for the next episode. Either way, I thought it was a perfect time to mention it for people who don't know what it is. I have a feeling it will be important later.

It was interesting that Emma told Clara to not trust The Doctor, because he had a "sliver of ice" in his heart. My roommate took this to mean that he's just broken, but I'm not so sure if it is that simple. Remember the knocking on the door after the ghost? dun dun dun

And now I'm blanking. I feel like there was something else I wanted to talk about before I go into my last bit, but I can't remember what it was. I should seriously start taking notes during episodes. :P

Either way, is it just me, or did I feel like there was a direct-yet-cleverly-disguised nod to Rose in this episode? I know there have been Rose hints here and there, but I feel like this was a big one, and there was no symbolism, or flowers, or singing Duran Duran. When The Doctor was explaining the monsters being in love and trapped in different universes to Clara, I felt like it was a rather close summary of what happened to Rose. Or rather, her being trapped in Pete's world between "Doomsday" and when her and The Doctor meet again at the end of "The Stolen Earth."

So those are my subtle clue observations. Now for just general cutsey cute and story reactions:
Alec and Emma were totally adorable. Oh yes from the moment Emma first hinted at liking him I was all


and I'm glad the episode seemed to feel the same way. :monster:

And I want to echo what X said above: I liked the TARDIS in this quite a bit. I love it when the writers give her (I always prefer to refer to the TARDIS by gender) a personality and make her feel more like an actual character rather than just The Doctor's mode of transport. TARDIS vs Clara is a very amusing struggle indeed. :lol:

And yes, I did wonder at first about the turn of events when I realized where the episode was going at the very end. But at the same time, it was absolutely hilarious, especially when there was this sudden creepy as fuck monster in his face and The Doctor was all, "Well there you are, you Romeo." Oh my roommate and I nearly died.

As far as being scary goes, it was creepy, yes, but I don't know how scared I really was. But then I'm probably not one to comment on that. Most of the episodes and monsters that people seem to freak out over in Doctor Who didn't really scare me at all. They were good for a jump upon the first viewing of the episode, but I didn't have trouble sleeping that night.

tl;dr I love love loved this episode and can't wait for next week!!!!
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I want to come up with a long post gushing about how awesome that episode was but I can't come up with much right now. One thing I will say, though, is that I loved the allusion to the "companion vs. assistant" terminology debate in fandom.

Also in case anyone honestly thinks they're going to reveal the Doctor's real name here's an actual quote from Moffat a few years ago:
We must never know the Doctor’s name, what happened to his wife and family, and the real reason he left Gallifrey. These are secrets too tremendous for the mortal mind. And he’s only allowed to tell hot French chicks.
So unless he's changed his mind on that, we're not actually going to hear what it is. :monster: (Though I suspect the part about hot French chicks was a joke, but still :monster:)
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
So unless he's changed his mind on that, we're not actually going to hear what it is. :monster:
Rule 1: the Moffat lies.

What everyone else has said. Also, another old nickname for the Doctor showing up, a repeat of Professor from last week.


Higher Further Faster

X :neo:

Oh oh oh!!! This is it, I think! The thing I wanted to mention but couldn't remember!!!

Blah, thanks for pointing it out!

How did I even blank on something like that?

HUGE EDIT!!!!!!!!!

Major spoiler/theory about the 50th:
Apparently a UK newspaper called the British Star is reporting that the 50th is going to use a trick once used in an episode of Star Trek DS9.

You guys all know the one. :monster:

I'll just let that sink in.

I hope it's true!
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
There isn't a paper called the British Star, AFAIK. Could be your source meant the Daily Star, which, unfortunately, has never been noted for accurate journalism.

Never saw a solid season of any Star Trek, except maybe TNG and Enterprise. But if the DS9 thing is what I think it is... will be interesting to see if it's true.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Very mildly spoilery teaser hinty hints about this week's episode: Quotes and Things

The thing ones are always interesting to me, because sometimes I catch things that I wouldn't've while seeing the episode.

X :neo:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I'm ashamed to admit it's been so long since I watched DS9 that I'm not sure which trick they're referring to.


Higher Further Faster
It's been a long time since I've seen DS9 as well, but that's not an episode that's easy to forget. :monster:

Probably the only episode that I do remember. :P

There isn't a paper called the British Star, AFAIK. Could be your source meant the Daily Star, which, unfortunately, has never been noted for accurate journalism.

Never saw a solid season of any Star Trek, except maybe TNG and Enterprise. But if the DS9 thing is what I think it is... will be interesting to see if it's true.

Well shoot. Maybe it's not true, then. :(


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Very mildly spoilery teaser hinty hints about this week's episode: Quotes and Things

The thing ones are always interesting to me, because sometimes I catch things that I wouldn't've while seeing the episode.

X :neo:
Something mentioned in Hide makes an appearance? Well, yes, we'd already guessed about the Eye of Harmony, thanks cultbox. :P


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I'm sure there was a reason for all these tally marks but I can't remember what it was.


I forgot to put tally marks on my arms for Impossible Astronaut Day. Must have been the Silence's fault. :(
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