Higher Further Faster
Best comments/article on "Doctor Who" I have ever read:
11 Things "Doctor Who" is Getting Wrong with the Eleventh Doctor (and How to Fix Them)
There are reasons I'm going to tell my wife to stop watching the show on Netflix when we get to the end of Tennant's run. Hopefully, she will listen.
But then Martha Jones was my favorite companion ever, and the only one I disliked more than Rose Tyler was Adam Mitchell -- so what do I know, right? =P
But, yeah, The Doctor should have been tapping that fine ass.
I agree with part of that article, but not all of it.
First of all, I really feel like his hatred of Matt is rather unjustified. Is he my personal favorite Doctor? No, but I do find him to be likable. I am also hopeful that things will get better now with Clara. The plots of the first three episodes weren't really anything special, but the interaction between Eleven and Clara is fun. But I feel this article puts a lot of the cons of the "Moffat era" on Matt's shoulders, and that's not where they should be at all.
I do have to agree with point number 2 (second to last), though, talking about how the huge blockbuster special effects make the show seem hollow at times. Or rather, not so much the effects as it is the dependence upon them, or scenes that require them. I've felt this way quite a bit. And the article hits it on the head when it mentions "the dinners with Rose’s Mom Jackie, or the quiet evening chat on the couch with Craig and his primate-loving love interest." These are the parts that I love. Heartfelt "humany" moments like this to juxtapose the timey-wimey and epic plots and scary monsters. Moffat started going in the right direction by introducing Rory's dad, and The Power of Three had a lot of potential in this department, but it was all kind of too little too late. :/
Bells of Saint John was nice in that regard, when The Doctor and Clara are having their little chat outside the house in front of the TARDIS. It was a short moment, but a cute one.
I also agree with what the article says about River. She started out great, yes, but fell apart for all the reasons mentioned in season six. I don't agree on rebooting her timeline, though. That would just be sloppy. But it's probably time to send her to The Library, which NEEDS to be addressed regardless of how one feels about River, and then just end her story.
I do have to vehemently disagree with one of the final suggestions made in the article, however: I do NOT want a female Doctor. No no no. I do not know if I have faith that it would ever be done well. I also don't know why we have to wait until we get a female Doctor for the main companion to be a male (or more over, why a single-companion Doctor would need to be a female Doctor in order for that single-companion to be male), or why a female Doctor would even have to have a male companion instead of a female companion in the first place. The fact that no one seems to ever ask these questions is reason enough to never have a female Doctor.
But all in all, there are a lot of good criticisms in that article, and not just for the Moffat era, but for the RTD era as well. It should have, however, been proofread before it was published. Oh my word...
I do have to agree with point number 2 (second to last), though, talking about how the huge blockbuster special effects make the show seem hollow at times. Or rather, not so much the effects as it is the dependence upon them, or scenes that require them. I've felt this way quite a bit. And the article hits it on the head when it mentions "the dinners with Rose’s Mom Jackie, or the quiet evening chat on the couch with Craig and his primate-loving love interest." These are the parts that I love. Heartfelt "humany" moments like this to juxtapose the timey-wimey and epic plots and scary monsters. Moffat started going in the right direction by introducing Rory's dad, and The Power of Three had a lot of potential in this department, but it was all kind of too little too late. :/
Bells of Saint John was nice in that regard, when The Doctor and Clara are having their little chat outside the house in front of the TARDIS. It was a short moment, but a cute one.
I also agree with what the article says about River. She started out great, yes, but fell apart for all the reasons mentioned in season six. I don't agree on rebooting her timeline, though. That would just be sloppy. But it's probably time to send her to The Library, which NEEDS to be addressed regardless of how one feels about River, and then just end her story.
I do have to vehemently disagree with one of the final suggestions made in the article, however: I do NOT want a female Doctor. No no no. I do not know if I have faith that it would ever be done well. I also don't know why we have to wait until we get a female Doctor for the main companion to be a male (or more over, why a single-companion Doctor would need to be a female Doctor in order for that single-companion to be male), or why a female Doctor would even have to have a male companion instead of a female companion in the first place. The fact that no one seems to ever ask these questions is reason enough to never have a female Doctor.
But all in all, there are a lot of good criticisms in that article, and not just for the Moffat era, but for the RTD era as well. It should have, however, been proofread before it was published. Oh my word...
As for you, Tres:
- IMHO Adam doesn't count.
- If The Doctor had gotten with Martha it would have ruined her development. The unrequited love was a tad irksome at first, but it was very empowering seeing her choose to leave The Doctor of her own volition. I would not change that moment for the world.
- While I have my fair share of criticisms of what the show became under Moffat's rule, telling your wife to not bother watching is a bit extreme. Why if she actually likes it? lol