Doctor Who!!~

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Double-poast, because AHHHH X LINKED ME THE MINISODES AND I HAD ONLY SEEN ONE OF THEM BEFORE DELICIOUS NEW WHO CONTENT. See, if that scene re the singing towers had been in the main series I would have been ecstatic. I don't need them to spell it out, just to MENTION it.

Also, watching them in order, I went from





(good luck, yeah you too NOOOOOOO)


Harbinger O Great Justice
In my ultra-top-secret stash of Doctor Who, I have all of the prequels and minisodes placed throughout the series episodes in as close to chronological order as I can manage, so I sometimes forget how good the content in them is. Friggin' Doctor Who's ability to jump from laughing to tearing out your heart is one of my favorite things about the show. (And why I always watch the new episodes alone, because of feelings).

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
Upon discovering that I had actual quality internet while in Venice I caved and downloaded the three eps I missed. The plan was to save them for a rainy day. Naturally I had watched all of them by the end of the next day. XD

As per usual, I will now vomit out my tl;dr thoughts:

- Any episode with Vastra, Jenny, and Strax immediately gains about 12381 brownie points. I would adore a spinoff with those three.
- Felt Clara was rather underused in this, which is a shame, because Clara is great.
- The parasitic leech reminded me of the mutant leader in Total Recall.

- Didn't at all care for the new Cybermen - they seemed overpowered and as someone mentioned earlier in the thread they had a tendency to use an 'upgrade' once and then never use it ever again. Also - and this is entirely subjective - I simply prefer the clunkier design of the old models, felt much more robotic. Plus what happened to the sass? DALEKS HAVE NO NEED OF ELEGANCE. THAT IS OBVIOUS.
- MATT FUCKING SMITH FUCKING ROCKED THIS FUCKING EPISODE I just found he was leaving a day or two before I watched it and it gives me all the sads because he's really grown as an actor since he started and in S7 I think he's really found his groove. Also his chemistry with Clara is so adorb aoiwdjaiowdjaiwd cuties <3
- Speaking of Clara, she kicked ass in this one, which was especially nice given her very small presence in Crimson Horror.
- I thought that it was the Doctor who blew up the star system, and then I thought it was the midget, but then he turned out to be the Emperor and it was never revealed exactly who pressed the button and WELL DONE FOR NOT DOING THE OBVIOUS.
- Also abandoned themeparks ftw.
- Echoing others in that I really hope Neil Gaiman continues to write for the show.

- Where the fuck was the Singing Towers scene, seriously. Someone said it was mentioned in a minisode (which I haven't seen? If someone could send me a link I'd be much obliged) but no you don't leave out something as critical as that scene from the main show. That's just bad storytelling, and hurts the man.
- That said I loved the goodbye scene and am genuinely grateful they ended it the way they did (trapped for eternity in a virtual reality is, imo, a fate worse than death, so I'm glad River got to die properly even though I really liked her character. Plus, you know, the general character/plot closure it provides). Also Matt Smith crying on the couch made me almost cry on the couch. ;_;
- I adore how they CGId Clara into all the old clips. I also adored her story, it actually made more sense and was more straightforward than I expected (I am with Tenny's in regards to my opinion on Moffat's ability to handle season-long arcs).
- I love love LOVE the idea of the TARDIS getting bigger on the outside when it dies/is horribly damaged. Canon fucking accepted.
- Super excited to see who John Hurt turns out to be. Personally am hoping for the Valeyard.

Other random shit:
- that clip of matt and david aowijaoijdaoiwd
- casting a non-white/female doctor purely for the purpose of casting a non-white/female doctor is fucking stupid. i'd much prefer the doctor remain male (regardless of race) just because his character is firmly entrenched in my mind as a heterosexual man which is sOOooOOooO TERRIBLE WHERE'S THE EQUALITY matt smith why don't you just sign on for another year and solve all our problems yes good

See, if that scene re the singing towers had been in the main series I would have been ecstatic. I don't need them to spell it out, just to MENTION it.

These posts were quality. All my same sentiments exactly.



I can't think of anything substantial to say at 2am. I need to go to bed. :P

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
so at a book exchange i picked up this fairly entertaining account about a british chap's adventures across america via train

naturally i was delighted when at one point DW was brought up






for shame sir for shame

(and that's followed immediately by 'warhammer 5000' waht)


Higher Further Faster
I never realized before that people actually misspell Eccleston.



I came here to post something else but I almost don't want to change the topic

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I have no problem with a female doctor other than the timing of the suggestion for this one. I still say that performing any drastic change in the doctor's demographic stats before he becomes the fucking Valeyard is going to end up reflecting poorly on whatever new demographic stats were introduced and undermine whatever positive, progressive intentions are behind the suggestion in the first place.
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Harbinger O Great Justice
The question is, though, is this when he becomes the Valeyard? Is he really going to make that kind of a change with his 13th incarnation? Or would the show put it off (because we all know that they will come up with some way to give him more regenerations, that much is a given)?

Unrelated, Carole Ann Ford says Doctor Who ruined her career. :sadpanda:

Mark Hamill could've said the same thing of Star Wars, but Voice Acting saved him, and Daniel Radcliffe went through the same thing but eventually came out the other side of it. Essentially it's just another story of popular show/film + young actors = typecasting = makes getting non-typecast work difficult (the same reason that Matt Smith is attempting to branch out now rather than later).

X :neo:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
The question is, though, is this when he becomes the Valeyard? Is he really going to make that kind of a change with his 13th incarnation? Or would the show put it off (because we all know that they will come up with some way to give him more regenerations, that much is a given)?

I doubt they'll put it off given that the Valeyard has already been acknowledged during Moffat's tenure. Also because Who fans would be pissed if they did.

The only real question to me is whether they will recognize the events of "Matrix," a Past Doctor Adventures novel in which the Valeyard is destroyed. "A Good Man Goes to War" already seems to have ignored it, what with offering a different end -- and presumably a different identity -- for Jack the Ripper.

Actually, another question worth asking is where the John Hurt Doctor falls in the lineup. If Matt Smith's Doctor is really the 12th incarnation, then we may be looking at the arrival of the Valeyard this Christmas.
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Higher Further Faster
That could fit. That could so fit...

Perhaps John Hurt's Doctor brings out something bad in him, or re-awakens whatever it was caused Hurt's Doctor to be so horrible that The Doctor himself tried to completely forget him...


The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Could also go some lengths toward explaining why the Valeyard wished to wipe out his own predecessors/the post-Six incarnations. Maybe the 12th's (i.e. Smith's Doctor) reincarnation into the Valeyard is preceded by a desire to change what Hurt's Doctor did. Of course, because the Valeyard is the darkness of The Doctor, this noble intent gets corrupted.


Higher Further Faster
I foresee some Time Lord Victorious shenanigans.

The Doctor knows he shouldn't be playing with the timeline, but fuck it he's going to do it anyway.




"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Just to throw out into the Valeyard speculation... I don't recall hearing the 13 regen limit mentioned during the new series. Plus, the Doctor jokingly saying in the SJA that he could regenerate 507 times...

Either it was enforced by the Time Lords, or the Doctor found some way of circumventing it during the Time War (we already know from the Master - multiple times - and the Valeyard that the regenerational "limit" is not the final word in the matter).

The only real question to me is whether they will recognize the events of "Matrix," a Past Doctor Adventures novel in which the Valeyard is destroyed. "A Good Man Goes to War" already seems to have ignored it, what with offering a different end -- and presumably a different identity -- for Jack the Ripper.
I love you for referencing this. :awesome:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Just finished watching The Ribos Operation, the first part of the Key to Time. Just wanted to make note of something.

Offworlders on Ribos pretend to be from the North. Lots of planets have a north, eh? :monster:


Joe, Arcana
In response to all the calls for a female doctor coming from the fans and the general feminist community. Here's the exact reason why it shouldn't be something to push for in the slightest.

In the strange and brilliant world of Dr Who viewers expect their preconceptions to be challenged. Perhaps that’s why I find myself in the bizarre position of agreeing with both the Daily Mail and Louise Mensch. This is not something that makes me feel comfortable, but the idea of The Doctor becoming a woman isn’t appealing to this feminist.

I have been watching the programme for about 6 years now – completely by accident. I’d seen it as a youngster of course - I knitted a Tom Baker scarf and hid behind the sofa like the rest of my flare-wearing long-haired pals. But I hadn’t taken any notice for years. Then one day, with my 18 month old daughter in her highchair playing with toys and the TV on, I left the room. When I returned from making the tea I found her, toys discarded, mesmerised by the screen. What was she watching? I asked her. “Be quiet Mummy.” A few seconds later I saw the blue box and was surprised to feel myself immediately transported through time with a familiar chill running down my spine. “You can’t watch this!!” I went to turn it off. “No Mummy! I’m watching!” I felt guilty. Guilty that I was about to upset my daughter by switching off the TV, guilty for leaving the TV on in the first place and guilty because I went to Catholic school (that’s not relevant).
My conversation then became as surreal as the programme: “You can’t watch it because it will give you don’t know what nightmares are...but it means you can’t watch are supposed to watch it behind the sofa...I think Social Services would be called if anyone knew I’d let you watch this....” Each odd statement was greeted with a “shhuuuu” or “Be quiet Mummy!” and I must admit I started to become fascinated by her face, she was there.
I decided, against my better judgement, to sit down on the sofa next to the highchair and whisper a kind of nightmare prevention commentary into her ear as she watched. “That’s a man dressed up” (very helpful) “That’s made using a computer” and so on...
But as I watched the programme and became reacquainted with this clever, gentle, funny chap, I started to enjoy it as much as my tiny girl. And I instantly saw a potential role model.
Six years on and The Doctor has never let me down. He’s helped to reinforce the values that I hold dear and we have genuinely enjoyed the “appointment TV” family viewing time the programme has provided.
David Tennant and Matt Smith have become familiar faces in our house – on books, puzzles, action figures, you name it – but so have Alex Kingston, Freema Agyeman and Karen Gillan.
I’ve heard some funny comments this week, Dr Who being racist, sexist and not dealing with real issues being three of them. Having watched hours of the programme and its spin off series The Sarah Jane Adventures, I’ve heard all of those issues being dealt with beautifully. And episodes like Richard Curtis’ 'Vincent and the Doctor', which tackled the taboo of mental illness, have given me some great material to work with as a mother. Not to mention the introduction of many other historical figures – bringing them to life and making them interesting – as well as the parts of our story written into the Doctor’s adventures, including slavery and the stealing of natural resources.
But by far the most valuable contribution to the younger generation has to be the fact that the Doctor is the only non-violent “superhero” male role model. He solves problems through talking and he’s proud to be a science-loving, socially awkward geek. He’s the hero of boys and girls. But most of all he shows boys that violence and aggression won’t get them what they want. Being clever, not conforming, being kind, talking – these are the ways to be a hero.
My daughter will love the Doctor whether he’s a boy or a girl – River Song and Amy Pond are her heroes too - and I hope she still feels the same long after One Direction fade into another dimension, but being a feminist and calling for him to become a woman is missing a massive point.
As feminists we are always asking men to change, to become less aggressive, and to value equality. The idea of feminists arguing that we should take away the only male role model that appears to use his brain rather than weapons or fists seems rather alien to me.



Harbinger O Great Justice
In response to all the calls for a female doctor coming from the fans and the general feminist community. Here's the exact reason why it shouldn't be something to push for in the slightest.

...As feminists we are always asking men to change, to become less aggressive, and to value equality. The idea of feminists arguing that we should take away the only male role model that appears to use his brain rather than weapons or fists seems rather alien to me.



X :neo:
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