Doctor Who!!~


Higher Further Faster
That is the most beautiful argument against a female Doctor I have ever read. Thank you so much for sharing.


The Crawling Chaos
Abortedj, The Offender, Abortedjesus, Testicules,
Sad to see that Matt Smith is leaving. He played the role well, and I don't think he gets nearly the credit he deserves. Heard some fan would like to see David Tennant come back, honestly don't understand this line of thought. Of the three "new" Doctors I think David Tennant is the weakest of the them. Christopher Eccleston made the character dark. Matt Smith made the character feel his supposed age. David Tennant made his seem a boyish power nerd, which is fine but not great.

Really wish some channel would play some classic Dr Who, haven't seen any in a good long time.


Higher Further Faster
So this fan made trailer is awesome:

I never knew that YouTube could do 3D. :monster:

But where does one even BUY red/cyan 3D glasses? D:


Higher Further Faster
So I just watched "The City of Death." I actually quite enjoyed that serial quite a bit. I think I might like Romana II better than Romana I, but they're both good. It's kind of neat to have The Doctor traveling with another Time Lord. Wish we could have more of that in NuWho. I would love it if one day he suddenly finds a group of Time Lords who found a way to survive the Time War that have just been hiding all this time. Or something.

I do admit that when the villains master plan was revealed I wasn't quite sure how it was evil, though.
But then it was explained that yes, his ship blowing up is what caused life on Earth to begin. I suppose that's all good and fine, but I thought the dilemma was presented as being too black and white. "Oh no, his actions will cause Humanity to not exists, HE'S SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON!" Scaroth was only trying to save his people from extinction. I wouldn't call that evil. But then maybe I shouldn't be judging something from 1979 in such a way. :P

Other than that, though, I did like this story. And Muggan. I felt kind of bad for him at the end. I actually really wanted him to join The Doctor and Romana on the TARDIS. They were a fun trio. :)


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
If I could afford it, I would definitely go to London for that. Sadly, I can't. :sadpanda:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
This is another reason River Song is awesome:


And this is another reason Catherine Tate is awesome:


Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
So hit the Doctor Who Experience yesterday, and it was awesome. You're not allowed to photograph the interactive ride bit - a custom Eleventh Doctor adventure where you have to
save the Doctor from Pandorica 2.0 and there's Daleks and Angels and all sorts of cool shit - will give more details if people are interested
, but I did take a bunch of the exhibit.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Listened to that last night on BBC Radio 3, it was an awesome concert.


Higher Further Faster
SDCC 50th Anniversary special goodness



Looks like Time War shenanigans to me.



Higher Further Faster
They've been saying, "Oh, it'll be posted in an hour or two" since it was first shown at Comic-Con. Fuck that shit.

I'll content myself with scouring for more Classic episodes to watch. Finished with everything that Netflix has now, and I just discovered that Amazon Prime has a few more (although my Prime account expires in like two days and I'm not renewing, oops).

And might I say, "Caves of Androzoni" and "Curse of Fenric" were quite magnificent. In fact, I really think I need to find me some more Sylvester McCoy...


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Here. This is something.

It's not the trailer they showed at Comic-Con though; there are lines described in the io9 article that definitely aren't in this trailer. Maybe this is just an abbreviated version of same.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Moffat: "I've lied my arse off" about 50th anniversary.

Of course, you should have expected this already. Rule One: Moffat lies.

In line with that, the Radio Times is reporting that one of the classic Doctors will be appearing in the 50th.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I just realised that video I posted is almost a month old.

So probably fake then.

Hurry up, BBC. I would've expected the real thing to have surfaced by now.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Steven Moffat warned that if [the trailer] leaked online, then there'd be no more Doctor Who or Sherlock exclusives at Comic-Con in the future.


I find this rather infuriating, tbh. I'm perfectly okay with having an exclusive trailer that is then released after the Con is over, but from the sound of things they're never going to release it at all. Which just serves to completely fuck over and anger 99.99999% of the fanbase. Considering there's been no ban on blow-by-blow recaps, I do not understand the logic at all at holding back the trailer itself. Except to be a dick.

C'mon, Moffat. Not cool man.


Higher Further Faster
Well, Kat, maybe what Moffat REALLY means is that, we'll still get stuff, but it'll just be put up on the internet faster? I mean, he did say no more Comic-Con EXCLUSIVES, not that they would stop showing stuff there.

Sorry, I'm probably being delusional. :P

Why do I suddenly feel a sense of deja-vu, as if we were bitching about video game companies who share trailers in closed theaters at gaming conventions? :huh:

Here. This is something.

It's not the trailer they showed at Comic-Con though; there are lines described in the io9 article that definitely aren't in this trailer. Maybe this is just an abbreviated version of same.

I just realised that video I posted is almost a month old.

So probably fake then.

Hurry up, BBC. I would've expected the real thing to have surfaced by now.

Yeah, you may want to refer to this post and this post. :monster:


It's out there somewhere…

X :neo:

*creams jeans*
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