Doctor Who!!~


Harbinger O Great Justice
Ratings for the 50th special plus updated running times.

And it mentions the length of the trailer. :awesomonster:

But the theatrical version is longer????

Yes. There's extra theater-specific content:

Open Limited 11/25/13
Runtime 90 min
MPAA Rating PG

Synopsis: NCM Fathom Events and BBC AMERICA are thrilled to celebrate 50 years of the world’s longest-running Sci-Fi series, Doctor Who, with an explosive RealD 3D presentation of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special: The Day of the Doctor. This extraordinary one-night event will take place on Monday, November 25 at 7:30pm (local time) in cinemas nationwide and includes bonus content exclusive to movie theaters!

Distributor National CineMedia, LLC

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster

Is this bonus content going to be on both Saturday AND Monday?

Is it going to be included on the DVD/Blu-Ray?



Chloe Frazer
"The Runaway Bride" is one of my favorites. I adore Donna. <33

I fucking loved it and I knew I would, it absolutely lived up to my expectations. Her interactions with the Doctor are just so hilarious and awesome. I cannot wait to watch Donna's run as a companion in series 4,
I fully expect that I'm gonna cry like a baby when the Doctor wipes her memory. :(

So I started watching series 3, I've quite liked Martha so far, I don't really agree with the hate she gets from some people in the fandom. As for the episodes, so CPR can apparently fix massive blood loss, who knew. The episode "Gridlock" mind boggles me, how can people stay in a traffic jam willingly for that long? If I'm in a traffic jam for more than 30 minutes I'm not a happy camper.
When The Face of Boe finally dies is really a sad scene but very well done. I's really interesting seeing how the Doctor doesn't want The Face of Boe to die, in my opinion is because he is the closest thing the Doctor to someone of his own kin. I also really liked that last scene when Doctor finally opens up about time war to Martha, it's really to see his face when he talks about Gallifrey.

Well on to the two parter "Daleks in Manhattan" and "Evolution of the Daleks".

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Those are some great episodes.

As for Martha, she's my absolute favorite companion. I don't know why she gets so much vitriol. I guess 'cause Black and "that bitch tries to steal the Doctor from Rose."


Higher Further Faster
I never got the impression of "that bitch tries to steal the Doctor from Rose," but racism has crossed my mind. It's more than a bit odd that the least popular companion of NuWho is the one who happens to be black.

I, for one, loved Martha. I thought she was cute. Yes, the fact that she was so head over heals in love with the Doctor from the very start was kind of annoying, however, she shined beyond that. Her exit still, in my opinion, is the best companion exit. I want to see more companions decide to leave The Doctor, rather than all this, "Oh Doctor I will travel with you foreverz..." *cue tragic ending*

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
got my ticket to see it in theatres on the 23rd


still really worried i'm not gonna like it but no way in hell am i passing up an opportunity to see DW on the big screen


Higher Further Faster
Oh yeah I just placed my pre-order for BOTH the season 1-7 blue-ray set (with sonic screwdriver remote) AND the 50th Anniversary blue-ray/DVD combo.

Only because I qualified for six month financing from Amazon. :monster:




Chloe Frazer
II, for one, loved Martha. I thought she was cute. Yes, the fact that she was so head over heals in love with the Doctor from the very start was kind of annoying, however, she shined beyond that. Her exit still, in my opinion, is the best companion exit. I want to see more companions decide to leave The Doctor, rather than all this, "Oh Doctor I will travel with you foreverz..." *cue tragic ending*

It made sense to me why she fell head over heels for the Doctor so quickly considering the way they met. But yeah she has shined beyond that, she's a smart, well adjusted young woman that has been able to handle herself quite well in the crazy situations that one is bound to be in when traveling with the Doctor. Also the Expelliarmus thing just killed me, that was awesome.


Chloe Frazer
So I saw "Daleks in Manhattan", "Evolution of the Daleks" and "The Lazarus Experiment". I loved all three episodes. "Evolution of the Daleks" was another example of how the Doctor has really become a death seeker with him basically demanding the Daleks kill him after they killed Solomon. Oh guys Frank will be fine he has experience with monsters in the sewer and this is not going to be the last time he deals with monsters in NY. :monster: As for "The Lazarus Experiment" boy the Doctor can deal with monsters, aliens, Cybermen, Daleks etc but his one true weakness is companions mothers though tbf Martha's mother is scary. They're conversations were hilarious:

The Doctor: We don&#8217;t have much time to chat, you know, been busy&#8230;
Francine: [eyebrows climbing] Busy? Doing what, exactly?
The Doctor: [awkwardly] Oh&#8230; y&#8217;know&#8230; stuff.

Doctor would you like a shovel to dig yourself deeper?

And then this:

The Doctor: "Ah, Mrs. Jones! We never finished our chat."
Francine Jones: *slaps him* "Keep away from my daughter!"
Martha Jones: "Mum, what are you doing?"
The Doctor: *rubs his jaw* "Always the mothers! Every time!"

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Most precious thing I've ever seen, Tenny. I want one.

By the way, aybody know why Fandango shows "Day of the Doctor" as being on the 25th? I won't be able to go see it if it's on a Monday. I thought it was the 23rd.


Harbinger O Great Justice
There are VERY limited simulcast screenings in like 10 cities in the US. Most of the events are on the 25th.

X :neo:


Chloe Frazer
So I've watched "42", "Human Nature" and "The Family of Blood" and "Blink". Loved them, might be a little afraid of angel statues now though and:

*Martha carrying a quiver of arrows and the Doctor carrying a bow*
Doctor: "Things happening. Well... four things. Well... four things, and a lizard."

So many questions.

Spent a good 5 minutes trying to remember where I knew the dude that got possessed by son of mine from and then when he gave that evil smirk I realized it was Viserys from GoT and the psychic kid is Jojen who's also psychic, I giggled when he said fire and ice. The creepy, obviously evil people in "42" trying to trace Martha's call, yeah good luck with that.

On to the finale with Jack back and The Master, very exciting. I'm getting ever so close to Donna's run as a companion, can't wait.


Chloe Frazer
So I went to bed really late last night watching the finale and oh shit that was dark. From
The Master becoming Prime Minister and then killing one tenth of the population. That whole year passing with The Master being in power and everything being absolute shit, the Doctor being tortured and aged to what looks like a CGI goblin, Jack being tortured and killed over and over, Martha's family being kept as slaves and especially the final fate of the Toclafane, this shit was dark. I absolutely loved The Master, he made black comedy into an art form, that scene where The Master gases the cabinet after telling them how much they suck was darkly hilarious and awesome.

As terrible as The Master was the scene where he dies was very sad, mostly because of the Doctor who's so desperate not to be the last of his kind again that he's begging The Master to regenerate and him just refusing as a fuck you to the Doctor. Then the Doctor just sobbing as the Master dies because he's alone again. Brilliant scene. Also Jack is gonna be The Face of Boe......what???
I gotta say I unexpectedly ended up liking Martha more as a companion than I did Rose, not that I don't love Rose because I do and her relationship with the Doctor is still my favorite but as a character I liked Martha more. Especially in the finale, particularly her departure that she had enough sense to leave on her own terms.

But now I just can't contain my excitement because I'm on to Donna and she's already my favorite companion, I just love everything about her.

Btw guys let's do a DW theme this month, let's do it for great justice. I got dibs on Donna. :monster:
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
A DW theme, eh? I might be willing to change screennames for that.

Cool thing about this would be more than one person could be The Doctor. =P


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I already participated in a DW theme once, but I'd probably do it again :monster:


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Dibs on Rose or Clara, por favor?
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