Doctor Who!!~


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yes, although I've never ridden without a saddle.
But I might not have been talking about riding a horse :wackymonster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Steven Moffat on John Hurt's Doctor said:
Why not a mayfly Doctor, who exists for one show only? I’d often thought about that. Would it be weird in the run of the series to have the 45th Doctor turn up and be played by Johnny Depp or someone? Would that be a cool thing to do? There was also the idea that if you could bring one classic Doctor back, you’d actually, impossibly, want it to be William Hartnell. You wouldn’t want any of the others. You’d want him to come and say ‘What in the name of God have I turned into?’ That’s the confrontation that you most want to see, to celebrate 50 years. Going round and round in circles on it I just thought ‘What about a Doctor that he never talks about?’ And what if it is a Doctor who’s done something terrible, who’s much deadlier and more serious, who represents that thing that is the undertow in both David and Matt. You know there’s a terrible old man inside them. Well, here he is, facing the children he becomes, as it were.


Someone pointed out that John Hurt's costume looks like Paul McGann's with Eccleston's Jacket over the top, and I have to very strongly agree.

X :neo:

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Also, on regenerations, he says, "I think you should go back to your DVDs and count correctly this time; there's something you've missed". The commenters think that he's referring to
River giving him her remaining regenerations
in "Let's Kill Hitler".

sadjfioafe if it does turn out to be the thing with river, or ten's aborted regen, or something else BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS i'm gonna be so fucking irritated with this quote

thanks moffat we're not blind holy shit

actually clearly i'm already irritated


why couldn't you have just brought back paul mcgann instead of retconning some doctor who's not really the doctor into the show

/we could have had it allllllllllllll


ten's sad hair makes me laugh every time

did he run out of alien gel or something


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
To be fair to Moffat, a lot of people have been saying "omg the doctor only has one regeneration left the show is almost over" incessantly so it apparently isn't obvious to people who don't follow the show obsessively like we do.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
To be fair to Moffat, a lot of people have been saying "omg the doctor only has one regeneration left the show is almost over" incessantly so it apparently isn't obvious to people who don't follow the show obsessively like we do.

I feel like most people are saying "he only has one regeneration left so I wonder how they're gonna handwave the limit." Because I think most fans - maybe not casuals, but everyone else, is fully aware the BBC is not going to cut off a hit show just because of some throwaway line said decades ago.

Idk, I mean I've only seen Moffat-era Who once and the River thing was still a blatantly obvious solution. Ofc there's no saying it's the River bit at all - maybe it's some obscure scene from a Classic serial.Who knows. The quote just seemed really...arrogant - like "no one except me will have possibly thought of this scenario!" "You should go back and count correctly" look dude I can count to thirteen thanks in fact if I use ALL my toes I can count to twenty! and agh it just rubs me the wrong way

also I would just like to point out that Eleven himself calls himself the "eleventh" sooooo

But like I said, my John-Hurt-rage-tinted goggles are probably making me more irritated than it really warrants. Plus I'm not Moff's biggest fan to begin with. :monster:


Higher Further Faster
To be honest, I wasn't sure how I felt about the whole "forsaken regeneration," thing, but the more I ponder it, the more I like the idea of it.

Granted, I do kind of feel like the role gets in the way of what could have been more Paul McGann, but even still, it is interesting.

I still hope McGann has a cameo. Show him turning into Hurt, or something. Please please please.


Chloe Frazer
So I finished series one of the revival series, I really enjoyed Eccleston's run as the Doctor more than I thought I would, from his sacrfice to his regeneration he was indeed fantastic! That kid in "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances" was so creepy and it was really obvious that
that Nancy was his mom and not his sister as she claimed from the start.
I absolutely loved "Bad Wolf", from Jack pulling that gun out of his ass, the Doctor's face when
Rose's 'died'
was perfect and his response to the Daleks threat was awesome. Robot Anne Robinson might be new favorite character of the show, her jab at Rose about being unemployed and then with Daleks closing in on it saying "Exterminate!" its responding with "You are the weakest link. Goodbye." and 3 Daleks go boom, that was the best. Now on to Tennant.

Also I keep saying Fantastic once an hour, I think I need help. :closedmonster:
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"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Also, on regenerations, he says, "I think you should go back to your DVDs and count correctly this time; there's something you've missed". The commenters think that he's referring to
River giving him her remaining regenerations
in "Let's Kill Hitler".
Of course, it could also be a reference to the questions about a scene in Brain of Morbius.
This episode contains a sequence in which the three previous incarnations of the Doctor are shown, and eight additional faces beyond that. The scene is so trippy, though, that those could just as easily have been Morbius' old faces or just some random moustachio'd gentlemen. Morbius asks "How far back Doctor, how long have you lived?" — even by Time Lord standards, it seems The Doctor has been around for a while.

But this is Moffat, so who knows?


Higher Further Faster
Better quality images of the 50th Anniversary pics


Not only is he facing us, he's also flaunting his ass in the standard female superhero pose.

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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
They're still not going to give us an actual trailer anytime soon are they? :sadpanda: Those images are great though.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V

I'd seen this referred to in various comment sections but it's nice to have a visual on it.


Chloe Frazer
So I started watching Tennant's run as the Doctor and my god he has been brilliant so far, I almost died laughing while watching "New Earth" when he has hamming it up as Cassandra. My favorite episodes so far have easily been "School Reunion" and "The Girl in the Fireplace". Sophia Myles was fantastic as Madame de Pompadour and that ending was so sad and beautiful though I found the explanation for why the TARDIS couldn't travel back there rather lacking. As for "School Reunion", I've never even seen anything of the old Doctor Who series and I still got all teary eyed when the Doctor said " Goodbye - my Sarah Jane.", that moment was so beautiful.

Captain Jack Harkness

not a out-of-bounds guy
4nn4-chan, Loras Tyrell, Loki
yap, Tennant is fantastic. sadly i'm watching the seirei in italian and a lot i s lost (i only dare to imagine Tennant voincin Cassandra XD)


Higher Further Faster
brb dying.



The Doctor can't keep his gingers straight? :monster:

yap, Tennant is fantastic. sadly i'm watching the seirei in italian and a lot i s lost (i only dare to imagine Tennant voincin Cassandra XD)

Only seen that episode in Italian, huh?


You can tell that Billie Piper is on the verge of busting out laughing. It's hilarious. They must have had to do a million takes of this scene, and at the end of the day were just like, "Fuck it,that's good enough."


Higher Further Faster
Is that the trailer the rumors were talking about? Very, very cool to see. :)

I was hoping for clips from the episode, but perhaps this is better. No spoilers! :P
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