Doctor Who!!~


Higher Further Faster

Why, Chris, why?! :rage:

@spoiler clips from next episode: I think I'm going to try to be good and not watch anything from any of the remainder of this season. Maybe. If I can muster the strength to resist...

But it's hard because I do like Clara...

@If Tennant stayed a final year: it sounds kind of like what Moffat did without him there anyway, but still, it could have been cool. :)


Harbinger O Great Justice
But it's hard because I do like Clara...

I liked these clips, because they're NOTHING about the plot, and just about the two of them being goddamn adorable. Additionally, it reminds be a lot of the Goblin Market from Hellboy 2.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
I never saw Hellboy 2. :(


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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Well, that episode was just gorgeous. It was kind of weird though, but overall I liked it. The soundtrack was great too.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
I have yet to watch any Classic Who but I loved the shoutout to Susan.

Also the scene where the Doctor does his monologue/feeds all his memories to the parasite god made my heart hurt ;_; thought Matt Smith did a fabulous job with that part.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
He did. That entire scene was really well executed, with good acting from everyone involved.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Clare = Susan.

But I am getting sick of series long conspiracies involving the Doctor's companions.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I also really liked the Doctor's speech in this episode. The mention of Susan & the Blade Runner reference really made me happy. Also- I thought that the Ultramanta was awesome looking.

Overall, I like the idea that the Doctor really likes Clara, but at the same time, he's INCREDIBLY suspicious of her. I also like that she refused to be a stand in for someone, and that she is normal by all appearances, but she has this strange, unexplained past. The chemistry between the two of them is adorable, and I really just like her.

X :neo:

The Doctor

The Definitive Article
Clara = Cal from the library

decent ep. the second half fell apart when they got on space scooters. tr00f.


Higher Further Faster
Just watched this Rings of Akhaten. I thought it was fun. Again, I'm not 100% sure if it completely WOWED me in terms of plot, but I liked it. I like Clara. I like Eleven with Clara. I think they are a great pair.

The episode was full of a lot of nice sentiments, though. It was kind of a feel-good type of ending.
I kind of d'awwed at Clara's parents, and the leaf being the most important leaf in all of humanity, and the infinite amount of possibilities surrounding it and how infinity was too much for the parasite. It was cute. :3

And he mentioned his granddaughter. Very nice shout out. :)

I really do feel, however, that there is one thing about this episode that did wow me, and that one thing was Matt Smith himself. Is it just me or did he turn it up a notch in this episode? We saw him
speaking a strange alien language, something that I felt only Tennant would be able to pull off.

Not only that, but that SPEECH that he made about his memories was beautiful. So much passion in that speech. Until now I've always thought that Matt was a likable Doctor, yes, but nothing more than that. This episode has me thinking he has so much more to give than we have seen of him yet. I only hope he continues to grow.

Two nit picks, however
How come Clara couldn't understand what the alien woman with the scooter thing was saying? Does the TARDIS not translate for her? But she could understand the people in the robes and the little girl. I have a hard time believing they are really speaking English. :/

Second, if the parasite eating all of the memories and things from the little girl would have killed her and made her a sacrifice, then how come it didn't kill The Doctor when the parasite was eating his memories?

I also really liked the Doctor's speech in this episode. The mention of Susan & the Blade Runner reference really made me happy. Also- I thought that the Ultramanta was awesome looking.

Overall, I like the idea that the Doctor really likes Clara, but at the same time, he's INCREDIBLY suspicious of her. I also like that she refused to be a stand in for someone, and that she is normal by all appearances, but she has this strange, unexplained past. The chemistry between the two of them is adorable, and I really just like her.

X :neo:

I came into this thread earlier to post something, then high-tailed it out when I saw SPOILERS NOT TAGGED. :O


Harbinger O Great Justice
Sorry, Tenny. Forgot we still tagged them after the BBC America airing. -_-;

Additionally, did anyone else catch that the episode was basically an entire piece on religion? I extra loved it because of that. Case in point:


X :neo:


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
All the good stuff about the episode's been said. :)
How come Clara couldn't understand what the alien woman with the scooter thing was saying? Does the TARDIS not translate for her? But she could understand the people in the robes and the little girl. I have a hard time believing they are really speaking English. :/
Can't remember the exact line, but when the TARDIS locks her out, Clara says she gets the feeling it doesn't like her. So either:

1) the TARDIS just decided not to translate that one person's dialect to make it awkward for Clara.

2) the woman's language was perfectly fine by the standards of the world: the TARDIS trolled Clara by translating both what she said - and what the Doctor said to her - as dog noises.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Aaron asked so :smashedmonster:

I liked both new episodes a lot :smashedmonster:

I was kind of sad once Bells was over though for some reason it felt shorter than it should have been, might have been because there hadn't been new Who for ages though and I needed a big hole filled :monster:

Bells - I agree the Wi-Fi thing wasn't really realistic but then I speaking to someone a while ago who said people were doing that research into that sort of thing and that we might be able to upload our minds to the internet in fifty years or thereabouts so you never know :smashedmonster: Also I agree with X and peeps, the Ms Kizlet thing was really creepy, disturbing and scary. Also
after Clara got uploaded the second time I was kind of confused at first as to how the Doctor knew where the tower was but I guess he managed to hack into it's location after all either that or Clara had left that data open on the laptop I forget

Thoughts on Rings later.


Harbinger O Great Justice
How come Clara couldn't understand what the alien woman with the scooter thing was saying? Does the TARDIS not translate for her? But she could understand the people in the robes and the little girl. I have a hard time believing they are really speaking English. :/
Can't remember the exact line, but when the TARDIS locks her out, Clara says she gets the feeling it doesn't like her. So either:

1) the TARDIS just decided not to translate that one person's dialect to make it awkward for Clara.

2) the woman's language was perfectly fine by the standards of the world: the TARDIS trolled Clara by translating both what she said - and what the Doctor said to her - as dog noises.

that it might have taken a little bit to set in, but then it seemed more like it was something strictly from the audience point of view, since she and the Doctor both seem to communicate back with her by barking, and she understands them both perfectly (which I assume wouldn't happen if they were just making barking sounds).

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
Sorry, Tenny. Forgot we still tagged them after the BBC America airing. -_-;

No need to be quite that serious. :monster:

after Clara got uploaded the second time I was kind of confused at first as to how the Doctor knew where the tower was but I guess he managed to hack into it's location after all either that or Clara had left that data open on the laptop I forget

He hacked the robotic copy of himself that was uploading people to the internet in the first place. I'm assuming even if he couldn't get that information from the laptop he would have been able to get it from the robot. :monster:

Either that or he somehow overheard Clara shout that it was the Shard while he was still inside.

But my money is on the robot. :monster:

that it might have taken a little bit to set in, but then it seemed more like it was something strictly from the audience point of view, since she and the Doctor both seem to communicate back with her by barking, and she understands them both perfectly (which I assume wouldn't happen if they were just making barking sounds).

X :neo:

Or, mayhaps the alien woman speaks Celtic. :awesomonster:
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Harbinger O Great Justice
So, has anyone else here seen the little extras from Series 6? I'd totally missed them. I'm making guesses about where they'd fit in for reasons that I'll detail below. (After The Girl Who Waited) (cont'd) (After The Wedding of River Song) (cont'd) (before Closing Time)

So, I've got ALL of Doctor Who on a harddrive, and I've been slowly recategorizing and organizing it all. Most recently, I've been looking at finding these little minisodes and such, so that I can rop them as MP4's, and add them in where they ought to be. So, if any of you know of any that I might overlook, please drop in with them. I should have all the Series 6 & 7 web prequels, but now I've got to add these in tonight.

Additionally, if anyone knows which Classic Who episodes have been remastered, I probably ought to look into that, so that I can put in better quality episodes where necessary.

Also, this was my favorite creature from Rings of Akhaten: The Ultramanta.


Also preview images of next week's episode. Kinda a bit spoilery:

X :neo:


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
That's a great theory and I'll be gobsmacked if it's actually true. They obviously put a lot of thought and time into it.


Higher Further Faster
It has one flaw, though.
The Dalek Emperor was in the Time War, wasn't he? How did Clara get into the Time War?


Harbinger O Great Justice
Yup. ALLLL of it. Organized by Doctor, then Season/Series, then Serial/Episode. I've been meaning to make a torrent to share with some of you folks, but I haven't managed to yet (Aaron can tell you all about it). xD It IS >200 GB though. ;)

I do really like that theory because no incest, and it directly addresses Clara & Rose's connection. More thoughts:

50th anniversary spoiler filming pics:

X :neo:
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