E3 2019 Full Trailer with TIFA!


Old Man in the Room
I was never one to feel all that much about Tifa's endowments. Maybe it was the polygonal character models, but it just did nothing for me. I always loved her earnestness and heart, though. I love her bit in the new trailer about feeling trapped. If that voice actress can keep getting that nuance across, I will love her all over again. Thigh-high socks be damned.

Girl Named Captain

Lv. 25 Adventurer
Says the person with an FLCL avatar.

wow you are correct, there is no substance to FLCL beyond being creepy and weird, and enjoying this beloved anime does in fact put me on the exact same level as people who passionately debates the merits of a final fantasy character's tit size, damn you got me

Random Nobody

local roach
Also in regards of how 'big' they should look, to me her ac incantation was a perfect mix between her old animu design from the original game and a new modern look. So yeah, AC Tifa all the way
i don't think it's all that important to begin with, but she's wearing what looks to be a compression sports bra. it's fine.

not gonna lie though. the stockings in conjunction with the pleats is giving me schoolgirl uniform vibes, which immediately activates my fight response but also of more importance both her and aeristh's face cause me extreme uncanny valley monkey brain fear

so i mean. i may be watching the trailer obsessively. but i also feel like i gotta say the shahada every time.


Pro Adventurer
wow you are correct, there is no substance to FLCL beyond being creepy and weird, and enjoying this beloved anime does in fact put me on the exact same level as people who passionately debates the merits of a final fantasy character's tit size, damn you got me

Didn't mean to poop on FLCL, the show's awesome. I'd like to think there is nothing weird about analyzing a character both inside and out, whether you agree to disagree about character presentation. Judging on one's likes about the original and wanted translated in today's graphics, but it wasn't; of course not everyone will be on board, and not everyone will have the exact same reasons for liking/disliking something.


Pro Adventurer
Has there been any footage of roaming with the party? It seems to be super zoomed in on Cloud when he’s running through the town/Shinra building. If they aren’t, wouldn’t that make the battles instanced?


Pro Adventurer
Has there been any footage of roaming with the party? It seems to be super zoomed in on Cloud when he’s running through the town/Shinra building. If they aren’t, wouldn’t that make the battles instanced?
I've seen someone mention that in the demo, when you explore as Cloud Barret kinda wanders off, looking for stuff and such. He's still in your range but doesn't directly follow all the time. (It was in some YT comment)


Save your valediction (she/her)
I just like th
Has there been any footage of roaming with the party? It seems to be super zoomed in on Cloud when he’s running through the town/Shinra building. If they aren’t, wouldn’t that make the battles instanced?

Apparently, they’re there, but not up your ass like in FFXV, they give you some room. Battles seem to flow directly from exploration/scenes and back again without transitions. For a boss, like the Scorpion Sentinel, the scene leading to the battle moved the characters into their starting positions.

trash panda

Some things...


1. Top left is the t.v. I originally played FFVII on
2. Below the t.v. is Aerith's flower
3. Bottom right...looks like they sell Pizza too?
4. Marlene's doodle on the fridge and a picture of someone...Dyne?


Pro Adventurer
Nice catch with the flower!
They sell not only pizza - menu has Dinner and Desserts.
The drawing shows girl with brown hair and either bun or ponytail, weating pink dress with a heart. And she doesn't look happy. (Maybe that's Marlene herself, unhappy she has to bartender while her jobless daddy is "fighting for the planet").
There's picture with Route 66.
2nd, absent from the original game machine is chocobo-racing themed and is called "Gold Rush"-something.
Above the doors to the right is a picture of original 7th heaven.


Pro Adventurer
Why aren’t his eyes glowing though?! It’s commented on so many times in the compilation and they’re the colour of canal water.
Since AC the "glow" is the green on the inside.

Also another thing about 7th heaven:
The picture under EGGS&chips shows 7th heaven from AC. Well, a wall of 7th heaven, at least.
The one left to TV also shows the AC bar.

@Vyzzuvazzadth if it ends up in your video, I want shout out xD
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Pro Adventurer
When they can make Materia glow so well against the buster sword I think they can make his eyes stand out a little more. I know real people who’s eyes are far more striking than his.


Conqueror of Sugar
Mochi Lover
When they can make Materia glow so well against the buster sword I think they can make his eyes stand out a little more. I know real people who’s eyes are far more striking than his.
He has blue eyes, but from his core\pupil, green is flowing out, it has a much more striking look than simply green eyes. It's unique.
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Pro Adventurer
Pointlessname, Pointer

Is Studio White an actual thing?

I wonder if there is any significance to the date on the theater poster (6/25 at 6:00 p.m.}. Sorry, the 6 got cut off but you can see the date on the E3 trailer at 13 seconds...
Not really, the poster has always said that.


Pro Adventurer
I wonder if they will change clothes as the situation dictates. Cold weather clothes, warm weather clothes.....

Imagine, a glorified beach episode in Costa Del Sol.......
Please, no glorified beach episodes. No anime shenanigans, no swimsuits, and definitely no slow pans of characters in said swimsuits. Snowsuits would be cool though.

That said, I'd be down for some ridiculous outfits--even if they're DLC. Like Gold Saucer mascot costumes where everyone dresses up as classic FF creatures.
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